Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 10 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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BLOCAL EVENTS e VET PRO: I. Dave Co upe (H on): 2. Jeff Wa lS (Hon): 3. Ra y Spo re (Ya m). VET INT D-l : I. J oe Mar tin (H e n ): 2. Dav id Borruso (H a n) ; 3. Mike Cha u ncey (Han); 4. Phil Rose (Han ): 5. Ken Schroeder (Han). VET INT D·2: I. Ken Beebe (Him): 2. Ken Sch roeder (Han) ; 3. David Borruso (Hon ); 4. Joe Martin (Hon); 5. Mik e Cha u ncey (Hen]. VET JR: l. Dan Cas tro (Ho n ); 2. Pa ul J oh nson (Hon ); 3. Brian Odell (Kaw); 4. Alex Chel lew (Yam); 5. Davi d D OLwn (H en) . OT MSTR: I. Dean Brown (Ho n) : 2. J erry Ca to n (H e n): 3. Cra ig Schultz (Kaw). . OT INT: I. Ernie Cabral (Sur) ; 2. T im Colvert (Ho n): 3. Je ri McClinton (Kaw). OT J R: I. R uss Pad en (Sur); 2. J ames Willi s (H on ); 3. Ron DOlSOn (KT M). . UT H INT: l. T avin Wei n rick (SUI ); 2. T om Berr y (Hon); 3. T od d Luksa (Ho n): 4. Ken -Beebe (Hon); 5. Steve Dom bo (S Ul) . UT H .fR: I. Edwi n Ens ig-n (Kaw): 2. R on H ampshire (Han); 3. Stace y Ro we (SUI ); 4. J im T ip ton (Ho n); 5. Rob ert G ram m (Su r). P/W MOD: I. Rob ert H ar old (Ya m); 2. Vincen t Blair (Ya m). P/W STK : I. Na th a n Mi tchell (Yam ); 2. Bradley H arv ey (Ya m);.3. Robert La wre nce (Yam); 4. David Mo wery (Yam) ; 5. David Galindo (Yam). 60: 1. J esse Ketcha m (Kaw); 2. Daniel Bla ir (Kaw); 3. Donovan Mitchell ( Ka w); 4. Mike Patt erson (Kaw); 5. J ustin Scullen (Kaw). 80 BEG D· t : I. Mik e Go nsa les (Sur ); 2. Ja son Stu rdevan (Kaw ); 3. Bobbi e Garcia (Kaw); 4. Kevin Gon salves (Kaw); 5' loh o Sch windt {Kaw). 80 BEG D-2: I. Jef Northrop (Sur ); 2. Chad Ra ger (Sur); 3. Ch ad Salter (Sur ): 4. Scott Davis (Sur); 5. Nick Northrop (S UI) . SO JR: I. Pat FOSler(Sur); 2. Charles T racy (Sur); 3. Chad ~urelson (H a n); 4. Den ni s Springs (Kaw); 5. J ohn Zinda (Kaw). 80 EX: I. Casey J oh nso n ( Ka w) : 2. John Leddy (Sur). 125 BEG D-I : I. Phillip Atondo (Sur ); 2. Mike Kira r (Kaw); 3. Dan Co rdie (H a n); 4. Chad Blake (Suz): 5. Da niel Hodges (Sur). 125 BEG D-2: I. J erem y lipto n (H o n ); 2. Gr eg Ohlson (Kaw); 3. J ason Peterson (Han); 4. Bob Tornberg (Kaw ); 5. Shane Medford (SUI ). . 125 JR n-t. 1. Kevin Wi se (SUI) ; 2. Jimmy Pie rce (Kaw); 3. Aaron Ca n tre lle (H on ): 4. J imm y Sco tt (Sur); 5. J ohnn y Cipolli na (Hon ). 125JR D-2: I. J ake Windham (Sur); 2. Jake G ilbert (Suz); 3. Robert Gr am m (Kaw); 4. Jason Garcia (H on ): 5. Nick Scarmazzo (Yam ). 250 BEG: I. Mark Terran (Hon); 2. Blain e 5a llaui (H on ): 3. T aryl Weinrick (Sur); 4. Mar k Weld y (Kaw); 5. Ri chard Qu inan es (Han). 250 JR: I. (TIE) Kevin Felkins (Yam)/R ick Alves (Ho n ); 3. Edw in Ensign (Kaw); 4. Mik e See n (Yam ); 5. Jr . Maso n (Hen ). 500 BEG : 1. Pete Pear son (Ka w); 2. David Dot son (KT M); 3. R ub en G ui tierrez (Ho n); 4. Dana Hansen . (H a n); 5. La nce Sasser (Hen ). 500 JR: 1. Kevin Felk in s (Yam ); 2. Howard Mintz (Ho n ): 3. Jim Tipton (Han); 4. Steven Storie (Yam) ; 5. T im ':aldor (Hon ). .... Q,) ..0 o .... u o Chris Carr (20) and Mickey Fay (13) ran awa y from the rest of the Experts at the Castle 'R ock TT. Carr topples Castle Rock TTRegional By Derryl Anderson CASTIE ROCK, W SEPT. 20 A, acto r y H arley-D a vidso n ri de r Chris Carr topped a talent- lad en field at the Darell Davis Regional T T , h eld at the Cas tle Ro ck Fairgrou nd s. .;. Carr served notice that the evening was his by turn in g the n ight's fastest q ualifying tim e of 22.38 seconds. Nex t fastest was Ri ck H ocking a t 22.45, j ust ahead of Mickey Fay's 22.55. Kirk Strong, R ick H ockin g and Mickey Fay scored the wins in the three heat races, wh ile the sem is were topped by Speedy Kell and Aaron H il l. Carr earn ed a direct transfer to the ma in in th e first heat , where he was forced to sett le for second, beh ind Strong. Carr sped off the lin e fastest at th e start of the ma in even t, with Fay, H ockin g, Stro ng an d Dan McDon nell. On lap two, Fay turned up the wick and blasted pa st Carr, mu ch to the delight of th e crowd. Once in th e poi nt pos ition, Fay o pened up a three bik elength lead that he wo u ld hold until lap five. On the fifth lap, Carr pulled out the sto ps and reeled Fay in . After trying to pass in every corner, Carr decided to try a different approa ch . Carr hit the j ump at an angle, and shot pas t Fay as they negot iated the follo wing right- ha nder. Although Fay tried to regain th e lead , i t was not to be. Carr and Fay pu lled away from the rest of the field to gree t th e checkered flag more than.a straightaway ahead of the rest of the pack: H ill won the ba ttle for th ird, ahead of H ocking, Kopp and McDonnell. Scoring hea t race wi ns in the J unior class we re Dav id An derso n, J eff Ek lu nd , J eff Ann e n a n d Mar k Smi th . In th e Junior main , Wink Freit as assu med the early lead ahea d of T roy Rose, Ann en , Smith, And erson and Steve Mayfield. On lap three, An nen passed Freitas going over the jump and pulled ou t to a comfortable lead . Lap four saw Sm ith get by Freitas, as did Rose and Jamie Agu ilar a lap later. The positions were set, and at the finish it was Annen , Smith, Rose , Aguilar and Freitas. F T he Pro-Am heat race win ners were , Scott McPherson, Gary Strode, Brett Landes and Sh ane But chart. Kerr y Kiser won the first of two semis with Russ Yamamoto taking the other. A huge cras h in turn one brought ou t red flag sand a restart in th e Pr oAm main even t. Sn agging th e early lead was Bu tch art foll ow ed ve ry closely by Landes, Stro de, J ohn Hl ebo III and Bryon Low e. Lan des tried Butch art for several laps befor e finally ge tt i ng by for good. Meanwh ile, McPherson was comi ng on ' strong after a bad start . By lap four, McPherson was int o fourt h rig h t beh ind Strode . Yamam oto followed McP her son by Hl ebo and final positions were set. Landes held a 40-ya rd lead, while th e next four ra n clos e. At th e fin ish i t wa s Landes, Bu tch a rt , S tro de, CN McPherson 'an d Yam am oto . Results PRO -AM: I. Brett La ndes (WoR); 2. Sha ne Butchart (Ho n ); 3. Gary Strode (H oD): 4. SCOll McPh erson (H a n); 5. Ru ss Yama moto (H a n ); 6. Jo hn Hl ebo III (Hen): 7. Kurt Edwards (Rtx); B. Bryon Lo we (Ho n ): 9. Willie H alb ert (RlX); 10. Kerry Kiser (Hon ); II. Edd ie Gerrish (HoD); 12. Ru ss Lynch (H oD). JR: I. Jeff Ann en (H oD): 2. Mark Smi th (H · D); 3. Troy Rose (Yam ); 4. J am ie Agu ilar (W· R);5 . Wink Freita s (W· R); 6. David Anderso n (Rtx); 7. Steve Ma yfield (Rtx); B. Steve Hyson (Yam ): 9. J .P . Si mo nsen (H on ); 10. Don Pau l (WoR); 11. J eff Russell (R tx); 12. J eff Eklund (H oD). . EX: I. Ch ris Carr (H oD): 2. Mickey Fay (H oD):' 3. Aaron H ill (H oD); 4. Rick Hocking (H · D): 5. J oe Kopp (H e n): 6. Dan McDonn ell (H·D); 7. Speed y Kell (H · D); 8. And y Tresser (R tx); 9. Ron Yam am ot o (Rtx); 10. Rex Fisher (W· R); I I. Kirk Stron g (H D): 12. Delbe rt Schn itzer (Rtx). CMC Trans·CaI Series North: Round 4 Roth, Nelson score at Argyll Motocross By Nuklear Neukam DIXON, CA, SEPT. 22 rian Roth and J on Nelson scored the lion's sha re of the Pro p urses , by top ping the 125 an d 250cc Pro classes, respectively, at round four of the CMC Tran s-Cal Series North, held at Argyll Cycle Par k. Num erous delays in the day's program caused the races to run far behind sched ule, and only one moto was run in each cla ss. Kawasaki T eam Green-b acked Roth stormed out of the gate in the 125cc Pro mota, and engaged in a heated dice with Danny Nelson. The two riders swapped po sitions repeatedly, while B Nelson and Spud Walt ers argued over third. J on Nelson go t th e upper hand on Walters, and carri ed his momentum past Dan ny Nelson. Walters also found h is way p ast Danny Nelson, who dro pped off the pace, and set his sigh ts on J on Nelson . Walters edged J on Nelson in the last turn to score second p lace, be hi n d Ro th . J on Nel son crossed the fin ish lin e th ird, ahead of Scott Myers and J effrey Pestana, wh o wor ked into fifth after a poor start. Pestana and J on Nelson argued over the point po sit ion at th e sta rt of the 250cc Pro mota, and on th e second lap , Nelson too k control of th e lead . Dave Co upe started sixth, bu t raged throu gh the pack and began to close on Pestana. Co upe dove low in a bowl turn and ma naged to over take Pestan a,but as he did so, he clipped a trackside tire. The tire flew into Pestan a 's path , and sent th e Suzuki pi lo t reeling towards the ground. " I cou ldn ' t avoid it ," said a sha ken Pestan a. " What a hazard. " Myers was also on the mo ve, and bega n to pressu re Coupe for second. Myers forced hi s way past, and began to pressure Nelson for the lead . Myers cras hed and was trapped under his machine, allo wi ng Coupe to snea k back into secon d. Nelson scored a commandi ng win, ahead of Coupe, a recovered Myers, T revor Meagh er and Pat Bennett. Myers took control of the 500cc Pro race, an d never looked back. Ri cky Lu tz scoo ted into second, and held hi s pos ition until the mota 's end, wh ile Ron Allen gree ted the checkers in third. J eff Watts pulled the holeshot in the Vet Pro race, but Coupe wasted little time before blasting into th e lead. Co upe then cruised to the mota wi n, whi le Watts stayed in second, ahea d CN of Ray Spore. - DeVane dusts Gatorback Motocross ~ By Kyle Myers GAINESVILLE, FL, SEPT. 22 Vince DeVane nail ed the Pro class overall win at the opening ro u nd o f th e AMAIWorld Sports Fl orida Gold Cup Series held a t Ga tor bac k Cycle Park. When th e ga te dr opped fo r the first rnot o, DeVane nail ed the ho leshot wi th Kevin Fol ey, Gary Paul, Justi n J ackson an d Ala n Andreu following him. DeVan e, o n hi s AXO / Oa kley backed H on da , began to open up a lead over the field, Paul an d J ackson ba ttled for third. until a rock brok e Paul 's engine cases, for cin g him to retire for the day . Movin g up to fift h was Wh isp erin' Smi th wi th Ch ri s Brown on hi s ta il. Brown mad e the pass on th e last la p to ta ke th e fifth position. DeVan e too k an easy win over Fol ey, Ja ckson , Andreu, Brown and Smith . Mota two saw DeVan e lead the pack aro und tu rn on e with Jackso n , Foley, Smith and Bro wn followin g. Brown a nd An dreu quickly passed Sm ith , who was o n a sma ller 125cc mac h ine, while DeVan e pulled away, Brown passed Fo ley for third in a slick turn. Andreu also got by Smith to take over fou rth a lap lat er. At the flag it was DeVa ne with the win over J ackson , Brown , Andreu an d Fo ley. Brown later wo n a ll four rno tos in the 125 a nd 250cc A classes . I Results P/W : I. Jo hn Pereyo (Yam ): 2. Josh Faus tin o (Yam ); 3. J am es Stewart (Ya m); 4. Chris No rt hey (Yam ): 5. Ja ck Verrill ( Yam ). 60: 1. August Lausberg ( Ka w ); 2. Jd f Garr en ( Ka w ); 3. Jason T hom as (Ka w ): 4. Ja son Von f'rick~n (Ka w ); 5. Tim Kno wles ( Ka w) . . 80 7-11: I. Ricky Carm icha l (Ka w); 2. J ~ff Garrett (Kaw); 3. Ja son Thom as (Kaw): 4. Ch ris Bailey ( Ka w); 5. Rod Felton (Kaw ). Resul ts 500 PRO : I. See n Myers (Kaw); 2. Ricky Lu tz (KT M): 3. Ron Allen (He n). 500 INT : I. Brett H ami lton (Hon ); 2. Todd Luksa (H o n): 3. Bo Riddle (H on ); 4. Ph il Rose (Hon ): 5. Dennis Redd ing (Ha n). • 250 PRO: I. J on Nelson (Sur); 2. Dave Co upe (Ho n): 3. Scott Myers (Han ); 4. Trevo r Meagher (S UI ); 5. Pat Benn ett (Han). 250 INT: I. Je ff Bro wnl ee (Sur); 2. Breu H am ilt on (Ho n); 3. Sco tt Cow ley (Kaw): 4. Eddie l inda (Kaw): 5. David Panni (SUI). 125 PRO: 1. Brian Roth (Raw); 2. Sp ud Walt ers (Kaw); 3. J on Nelso n (S UI ); 4. Scott Myers (H a n ); 5. J eff Pestan a (Sur ). 125 INT: I. J osh Boykin (Hon ); 2. J eff Brow nl ee (Sur): 3. Stan Finney (Kaw): 4. Greg Allen (Kaw); 5. Mark Klauser (Ka w ). 80 12 ~1 3: 1. j arreu Tipping (Suz); 2. Adam Ra ke (Kaw); t~(Ka~).El hauan (Ha n ); 4. James Martin (Yam ); 5. Billy 8014-1 5: I. Paul C urr i ( Ka w) ; 2. Brian Crey ( Kaw ): 3. Dan Tipton (Ka w) ; 4. Wi lli am Batson (Sw); 5. Garrett Pyle. (Kaw). S/ MINI: 1. R icky Carmi chae l (Kaw ): 2. Jarr ett Ti pping (Suz); ~ . Adam Rake (Ka w) ; 4. Scan Barnes (H a n); 5. Darren McElhatt a n (Han). -, 125-250 BEG : l. Ja cob x ochs (Suz); 2. Alla n G ray (H a n )' 3. Richa rd Eggers (Kaw); 4. Erik Steele (Han ); 5. C.]. FU~llert'; (Suz). 125 YTH: I. An mony Pocorob ba (H a n); 2. j ason Sybert (Hon);. ~ . Andrew DeSpa in (Han); 4. Ray Milchel1 (Hon); 5. Ch rIS Brown (Kaw). 125 C 0 -1: 1. Mi k~ Lam~ (Ha n); 2. Chris Brown (Ka w) ; ~S ~)~an Kundr ol (Suz); 4. reg Gai tanis (Kaw); 5. Dia l j o rge 125 C 0 -2: I. Brad Simpson (Ka w): 2. J acob Ki~lty (Suz); J e~my Fogg ( Ka w); 4. Mike McNam a (S uz); 5. Jason (Suz). 125 B: 1. K~nn y Yoh o (Suz); 2. Anlhon y Pocorobba (H a n): EJadd(~~t:t (Ha n): 4. Andrew ~Spain (Han); 5. Kevin 3. M~u

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