Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 09 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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LOCAL EVENTS Kevin Varnes (6) stayed out in fron t of th e Open A pack on the P ine Grove TT cou rse to score th e victo ry. a nack ran ge o f the Iroru-runn ers. Barton 's even tua l fifth place showi ng was, how ever. good enough [or th e overall victory. In 125cc Pr o action, Barton co n tro lled th e ac tio n wh ere he finished seco nd in mot o o ne behind Henry and led [rom sta rt to finis h in rnot o two . R es ults 250 PR O : I. Pat Barton (Suz): 2. Doug Hm ry (Yam ): 3. Ton, I....oruuo (Yam); 4. I' un McMill~n (Hon); S. MikrTreadwell (Sw). 125 PR O: l. Pal &non (Suz ); 2. Dou g Hmry ( Ya m); 3. Wil li.. m Dli d ak (H o n ): 4. Scot l Can" (SUI ); 5. Jot' Waddingt on (S w). Wasnea walks off with LACR Motocross win By Tony Alessi PALMDALE. CA. AUG. 1 6 Aaro n Wasnea p ut together 3·1 m o ro finis hes to sco re th e o vera ll vict ory in the I25cc No vice class duri ng th e Ca lifornia Racing Club's ni ght m ot ocro ss at Los Ang eles County Ra ceway. Steve Co rteville was quick 10 put his H o nda to the front o f th e pack at th e sta rt o f the first mote. Marc Li p pert mo ved 1O seco n d tra iled by Mik e Lillie and Garey Ca rlso n. Ca rlso n wa s Flying and shredded to the lead by th e th ird lap. and stayed th ere despite a few out-of -contro l mom en ts to secure the win . Cortevil le rode smoothly in second to the fin ish, wh ile Wasnea charged [rom seven th to third. Mark Allen fini shed fourth as Li lli e laded back 10 six th at th e finis h beh ind Lippert . Corteville sho t ou t front agai n to start mo to two with Lillie an d Wa snea tradi ng seco nd a co up le o f tim es befor e \\o'asnea took co n tro l o f th e position. As Wa sn ea worked o n Corteville for the lead. Carlson bega n to p ut th e pr essu re on Allen fo r fourth. Wasn ea wasted Iiule ti me pa ssin g Corteville on the th ird lap, th en pulled away 10 the moto wi n. Liule and Corteville battled bar -to-bar for the remain der o f th e race with Co rtevil le secu ri ng seco nd after a contact pa ss nea r the end of the mot o, Carlson pa ssed Allen in a es o f do uble j u m ps but seized his Kawasa ki late in the moto, handing fo ur th to Allen . Wayn e Zahrt battled th rough out bo th 125cc Begin ner clas s motos with Randy L ippie, Lippie con trolled th e s ta rts while Zahrt had a' handle o n the finis h es, srorin~ both moto vict ories "o ver second-place Lippie, Steve Smith and Wayne Par ks m ixed it up for third with Smith gelling th e nod . Wayne's brother John smo ked Sco tt Steam and th e rest of the 25·29 Expert class riders with a pa ir o f undisputed mot a victo ries, while J im H olly rod e a special [ou r-stro ke Suzuki DR350 to a pair o f mota victories in the Vet Pro class, topping Bob Klin e and Ri ch ard Bunch. sen " And you'll get more for your money inthe big 32 oz. GP-7 bottle with the measuring strip. One bottletreats two5gallon jugs ofracing gas. Askyour dealer forGP-7today." REX STATEN W 8national titles, 2 world on championships1 556 career victories and is stillWlnnin~g itn GP-7. ~ ~c>~Q o~ TORCOINTERNATIONALCORP. 32 9916 Pioneer B Santa Fe Springs, CA90670 lvd., P hone: (213) 942-8480• F (213) 949-4211 AX R..ul lS P/ W A: I. Swu Ho we (Ya m ); 2. Da ryl Ecklund (Yam); 5. Jam es Thomp~n (Ya m). P/ W B: I. J oh n Sima novich (Yam ); 2. Ch ris EPPM'(Yam); 5. Timolhy Aunli n (Ya m); 4. Slevo Cisa r (Ya m); 5. Ch.n lt"i Ol(dm (Yam) . . PI\\' MOD: I. J ohner f a ulkner (DMe); 2. Sa ndy They, (Ya m ). P/ W B·2: I. Oonnit Du rker (Vam ): 2. Adam H"py (Yam); 3. Bud Fu llmtr (Ya m); 4. Chri 'loplwr Non (Vam); 5. .Yan Co llier (SUI). 60 ()..8: I. Cale Nobe l (; 2. J oh ner Fau llmer (DMe); 5. ScnIt Ho we (Ita w). 60 9-11: 1. Ja !On Larkin (Itaw); 2. Tanya f'au lkn" (OMe). 80 BEG : I. S I~ CoTIDl'r ( Raw): 2: John Sla by (Yam); t 5. Kris fulmort' (Suz); 4. Michat'l Co lh" J r. ( Ka w); 5. ~ u l . (Kaw). n 80 9·1 1: 1. Matt T iu ltmi" (Ka w); 2. J;l'\on L.n kinllo ( ~ w ); 3. M=hall Lipp' (Kawl. SONOV : l. Sholun Fortier (SUl ); 2. ja\On FnlUt'Ci (Ho n ); S. Bobby KiJlia.n (KTM ); of. A.lron BomKOlrdM r (KX). ' SO11\ T: l. Ja y Th~, (Suz). BIG WHL: J. Paul Rex ( Ka w ). 125 BEG : t. w ayne za h n (Ha n ); 2. ROind y Lip pi e (SUI); S. Sieve Smi th (I{.a;w); 4. Wa yne P;; ks (Yam ). u 125 NO V: I. Aaro n w asnea lx...w); 2. S I~ Conev ille (H a n); 3. Mark Allen (K.:.I w); 4. Mike Linl e ( T~) ; 5. Garry Car lson (Ita w). 125 tNT: 1. j ason Mdlon (K.a w). 125 PR O : I. Jdf Barbacovi (Ya m); 2. Olri. (rre); S. Tro,- Welt y (Suz). 2!JO BEG D-I : 1. Steven SnauAM" (Yam): 2. Mikr Kia U"a (Suz); 5. J oh n V1IIIko (Hon ): 1. Bria n Fuhrmann (H o n); 5. Mike Knud \On (Ho n). 250 BEC 0 ·2: l. Todd Aldffi l Kaw); 2. &-.0 Medei ro,<, • (Ya m }; 5. Sic Ro5iuni (Hon); 4. Brian AlJObroo k (Ya m ); S. OJri!. Ra y (H a n ). 250 NOV : I. JOt' HarD,1.n l Hon ): 2. Mike Linle (Tn-): S. Bin y P;;IIul (Sux); of. Mall Knuchon (H on ): 5. Bob Wood (Hon). 2!JlO 11\ -: l. Ryan VonlO"berg (Suz); 2. T racy AYler (Suz); ' 5. Erik Lin dstrom (lI o n). 250 P RO : I. And y Ellu (Sw ). 500 BEG : I. Jdf Mllchd l (Han ); 2. T roy Thurman (Ha n); 5. Chru S ou (Han). 500 SOV: 1. Corn' Mitehc=lI ( Hon). JR VET BEG : l. "rodd Ailes (H a n ); 2. Randy Rhinrllardt (VOIm) : 5. Greg Tonry (S UI ): 4. John J.KkfoOll C Xaw); S. Grq Horning (Hon). JR VET NOV : I. Er ic H arrison IVOIm ). J R VET ll\": 1. John DOIvies (H o n ); 2. J:.K Kroll (Hun ). k JR VET EX: I. Jon Zahrt (Suz): 2. Scot l Starn, (l i on ). VET BEG : I. Dan Bttnardinc- (Suz): 2. Norm Schw .loCIl (Han ). 85 A: 1. R i(k y WinloMl (Sul) ; 2. J o hn W i n ~ t (S UI). 85 B: I. Mikt' I\tcK~ (Kaw) ; 2. T om Skr1hw.a.y (H o n); S. DOna ld n.fiIltr (Vam): 4. Sha nt Harr i, (Yam ): 5. Abc- Wa:.h;'11 (Yam). 200 8 : J. T odd WinM'tt (Ho n); 2. Pa ul Lync h (H a n ); 3. [uRen Mdathn::k (Yam ); iI. N ick Arment (SUI I. 2SO B: I. Kn- in Mill" (SUI ); 2. Ri('h Eisi nK" (H o n): S. Paul Lync h (Hun); 1. Act Ph ill ipi'> (l\hi ). _ 2.'iO A: 1. Eric Sa!lo.ouman (Ya m) ; 2. Jnt· B rom l ~ (SUI ); 3. Kevin Vanll'~ (Yam); 1. Ro bfonMillrrO' Ol m); 5. Kt'n Hack man (Yam). SR 30+: I. J oe Hdx-flin ll:(Ya m); 2. Luk e Ztthma n (Ya m ): b 3. Ha rold Bro uman (Hun ): i . MOirk Cro(\ y (Ho n); 5. Brurt' Zimmerman fHon). OPEN B: l. Rick lI a wk (Yam ); 2. Rich Ei~i n ~ (Han); t~(t~~i.m p~l' (HOln ); 4. Jdr Sd~..... man (Ya m ); 5. Rmd l('y .t'£hman (Yam l: 2. Ilfon ni ~ :'wfi ller (Ya m ): SR 40+: I. Luk t 7 5. WaYI~ FJOInkiin (Hun); 4. Ronald Mc-Ginni!lo (Yam); 5. G lt n Mlll rr (YR). OPEN A: l. Kmn VOIrnt:lo (lion); 2. Phil Libhart (y.. m l: 5. Eric Sa'\.<;;;Iman (YOI m ); 4. JOC' Bromky (Suz); 5. Ir.r.1f!' lnnia.k ' Rlx).

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