Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 09 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eLOCAL EVENTS e Hall dominates in Memphis RR By Brent Plummer Tim Hazen (16) wheelies awa y from 1-96 Speedway's Senior class start alongside Ted Van der Sys (84V), Don Bannerman (88B), Dan Crawford (52) and Jim Bauerle. 5. Gt'nrK~ Fuent es (H a n); 5. Todd AideD (Kaw); 5. Mark Meyen (Ya m ). 250 NOV : 1. Joe H ama n (I-Ion); 2. Karl Lindstro m (H on): 5. Soo n Mumrord (Yam); 4. Bill y Pau l (Sw); 5. G len Cohl"~ (Kaw). ~ I,NT: I. Eddie Davis (Ya m ): 2. T racy A3htT (SUI): 5. En e Li ndstrom (Han ); 1. O wen Dickson ( Raw) : 5. Ryan Vonloubrrg (SUll. 250 PR O : 1. And y Ell is (5 u1.); 2. Bryan Nelson (Ho n ): 5. Ken Neitzel [ Kaw]. • 500 BEG : I. Timotec w elch (Han); 2. J o hn Albini (Yam) : ,. Robert Scha nk (Han); 4. John T ookey ( . 500 NOV ; I. Sro u Gi lly (Ka w); 2. Myron Lapka ( Ka w) . 500 tNT : I. Will Dickson (H a n ). 5OOPRQ: I. Tim Tl"llord (Ka w );2. Craig H ofmeister (Hon ). VET BEG : I. Dan T an ner (Ha n): 2. Da vid Mull en (Han); 5. Dan Bernardino (SUl); 4. SI;lCY Skag~ (Ha n ); 5. Norm Schwam (Han). J R VET BEG : 1. J o hn J ackson ( Ka w); 2. G reg Ho rn ing (He n): 3. Lim verner (H a n); 4. Todd Ailo (H o n ). J R VET NO V: I. Kf'nny Sarrord (Kaw); 2. Ric k Chainard (H a n); ! . O..vid WiIli am l (Sul); 4. Ceo rge Penmngeon (Kaw). JR VET tNT: 1. Ja ck Kl:' 1 (H o n); 2. Kevm Kno x (Suz): 1 , . Sf('\'I:' Femaedee (H o n); 4. J ack Kel lsh (Ya m). JR VET EX: 1. Jon lahn . VET NOV : I. Ro b Ro be rtso n (Ho n ); 2. Tony Mason (Yam): ! . Bob Shim p (SUl ): 4. Dal(' T iul ('mi('r (Kaw): 5. Bob Wagn n (Ha n ). VET P RO : I. Bob Klin t' (Ha n); 2. Jim St" ndd bac h (Yam ): ! . Richard Bun ch (Kaw): 4. Alan Andf'u o n (Ya m). VET EX: I. Miu Wro b (SUI). VET tNT: l. k nn l:'fh x (I-Ion). SR B ~G : I. Bill Wdtma n (Ha n ); 2. Larry KirKh (Ho n). 1-96 Speedway win to Randolph By Grace DiBenedetto LAKE ODESSA, MI, AUG. 24 Jeff Rando lph scored th e win in the 85cc class at 1·96 Speedway. Ah er break ing down in th e first heat, it was questi onabl e wh eth er Rando lph would make it to th e line for th e fin al , but th e 12-yearo ld wasn 't abo ut to let a mechanical malfu nclion lOp him. Randolph, Bigelo w, Scott Sargent and BJ Leach all blasted o ff th e lin e in a cavalry charge for tum one. By the time the four settled into position on th e back stretch i t was Bigelow o ut in front and Randolph taking up the chase. Randolph tried severa l takeover b.ds from the inside, but didn 't succeed until the last comer. Randolph repeated his victory in th e 250cc final in a three way. wire-to-wire battle with Pat T owler and Kirk Wirick. No one gave up any ground as they raced three·abreast down the front stretch to the finish line. Randolph held th e slight advantage and scored his second win of the nighL Doug O'Boyle out-manuevered Mark Wyskiel in the second Open Pro·Am heaL O 'Boyl e took over on lap three and held Wysk iel off to th e nag. O'Boyle went aft er Pat Buchanan full throttle in the main. Buchanan won the first heat by a wid e margin, but didn 't have O 'Bo yle to Contend with at th e time. Buchanan 's victory in the final wasn't as easy. Buchan an found himself fighting to regain th e lead ah er O 'Boyl e drafted by him on lap two . Buchanan too k the lead back th e next tim e arou nd, but O 'Bo yle wouldn't let him go. The two riders opened 10 bike len gths on. th e lield by th e linish . J ack Mayer fin ished thIrd with Bob Knapp figh tin g o lf Mark Wyskiel in a run fo r lh e finish lin e. Results 50: 1. K.C. Knod el (M·M ); 2. Juslin H um phries (Ya m ); 3. Trf' vOf H oll owa y (Yam); 4. Roc ky Hi tchcock (Yam): 5. Ol:'nni l Co rnd l (Ho n). 65: 1. Mikl:' Fo n o (Kaw): 2. Tlnor Ho llowa y (Kaw); ! . Frankil:'Hi tchcoc k (Kaw): 4. Bill y Hum phrin (Kaw); 5. K.C. Knodd ( Ka w ). 85: I. J rff Ra ndol ph (Kaw); 2. Bryan Bigt"lo w (Kaw); 3. Sco tt Sarl{rnt (Kaw); 4. B.j. uach (Ka w); 5. Fra nk il:' Hi tchcock (Kaw). .' TW: I. Dayt Koll:' da (H · D); 2. Kirk Wirick (Yam); '!. Tim n Ha U'n (H · D): 1. M('r1yn Wertz (Tri ); 5. J oh n Koll:'nda (H · D). ~:. l. Bryan Bigl:' ow (Yam); 2. J a500n Smt('!1 (Ka;'); 3. l Ja n mla Ikdcl:'f (Kaw): 4. Kun M,nmor (Ya m ); S: Don k ud l'd gl:'(Kaw). ~O : I. Jdr Ra nd?lph (Yam): 2. Pa t Towll:'r(Ya m ): 3. Kirk Wind (Kaw); 4. Kirby ~yml:'nt (Kaw ); 5. Bill Phar(' (Ho n). 250 D~ : I. Rabat G ignac (H o n ); 2. nanny Crou (Ya m ); ~~t(~a~I;.chcock (SUl): 4. Mlkl:' Ra ndo lph (Ya m); 5, T im · 28 OPEN : I. Ra ndy Fria n (Han); 2. Rick G unby (H · O); 3. ~~~D~illiaml (H . 0 ): 4. Dan Crawfont'( Rtx): 5. Dan Knap p 400: I. Paul Wa ckl:'rle (KTM ); 2. Dan Oim n (Bul ); ! . Ndson Peanon (Ya m ); 4. J o hn Love (Sw ); 5. Mikl:'Pumu m (Yam) . SOO B: 1. Brian Bo rgm an (Yam }; 2. Mike w arner (H -D); ! . Ma tt Schoono ver (H . D): 4. Tra vis Molesworth (W-R); 5. Robert LiB (Han ). 500 A: I. Sieve G lasgo w (W-R ): 2. Mikl:'Dickerson (Ho n): 3. Gene O'ucvle (H a n ); 4. SII:'V wellman (Han). I:' ~ DTX: 1. Km Spr ingst t'('n (Ya m ); 2. Sian Prapom ik (Kaw); !. T on y Van Wert (Ya m). SR 40+: I. Rick G unby (H .D): 2. Gene O 'Soyl1:' (H a n): ! . Don Bann erm an (Ma l): 4. Rocky Watso n (Ho n ); S. Dan Craw ford (R 1X). VET ! O·!9: 1. Dave Kolenda (1- ·0 ); 2. Ra nd y Friars (H o n ); 1 3. David Knapp (H -D); 4. Ken Ml£onndl (Ho n ); 5. Mike Babka (Ya m). VI l\'T: I. J rrry Su lek (T ri ): 2. David Va liket (BSA): ! . Nf'IMl Pearson (Ya m); 4. Kl:'r Klute (BSA): 5. David H all:' n ry (Tn) . PR O·AM OP EN: I. Pat Bucha nan (H· D): 2. Do UKO'Boylt(H · D): 3. J ack Mayrr Jr .: 4. Mar k Wysk il:'l (Ho n ): 5. Robert Knap p (H -D). PRO·AM 500 : I. Ro n For stner (Ho n ): 2. Rod nry Mashu t" l:'r (H a n ): !. Jad Ma Y (H · D): 4. Bren t Armbru ~l('r (H- D): S. Strw Glasgow (W. R }. CO MBO : I. Oavr Koll:' ndoa (H- D): 2. Pat Buch an a n (H· D): !'. Doug O 'Boyle (H·O); 4. Jack May" (H -O): 5. Ma rk WYltkld (Ho n). SOCAR: I. David Scofid d / Mark. Fry" (Yam ); 2. Do n R uth.·d ~/Don BurKl:'SS (l\.;I w); ! . Robe rt Ga rb u lv B.any Ma r!!.hall (Kaw): 4. Bob Fr~r/J amo Hu rsl (lion ): S. I'lou j;t Fou st/Dennis Fou!!.1 (Yam ). ~ OPEN SD('.AR: l. Don Rutled. I:'/ Carl Cornd l (Ho n); 2. . K T odd Cun ninlo;ha m / Pa m Cunnin gha m: 3. Dt-an Ho ward! Do ug Fo ust (Yam) ; 4. Mark Fryer/James Gou rla n (Yam ): .S. JO(' Mano rlTim Fai rla nd (Ya m ). Larsen lands IMS Speedway win By M . Sober SAN BERNARDINO, CA, AUG. 28 J osh Lars en sho wed th e .Speed way veterans th e last way around the eighth· mi le Inl and Motor Speedway ova l, winning th e Scratch main event in handy lash io n. In th e H andicap main, Wall Farnum ca ptured hi s first main even l win o f m seaso n. e At tne start of the H andi cap main , Farnum pulled into the lront po siuon as th e field entered lhe fir sl lurn. Reinert and Aden lollowed Farnum, settling into seco nd and th ird. Driving up behind th e leaders was the lon e 40 yard rider in this even t, Sco tt Brant. Dir ectly behind Brant was Mike Faria and J osh Larsen . While Bein ert and Aden blocked Faria and Brant, Farnum established a decent lead. As Farnum increased hi s advantage, Brant, Faria and Larsen were ane m pti ng to use the outside to move up. Farnum tired near the end of the evenl, lIaveling wid e in the last turn, but he had en ough 01 a lead to hold on to th e victo ry. Rein ert ma in tained his seco nd place pos.tion, just ahead 01 Brant, who moved under Aden in lhe lasllap loclaim third place, Fourth, lilth and six th went to Ad en . Faria and Larsen in that order. Unlortu na tely lor Farnum, hi s race didn't end at the checkered lIag , as he and Edd ie Castro ; 4. Parkr Y oIvl:'r Ernsl Kueng. / Wr- M IlliNGTON, TN,SEPT. I Once aga in , Kurt H all walked away with a ll th e cash. The situa tion was th e same as so man y ot her tracks aro u nd th e cou n try. H all arrived with a pair 01 Suzu ki GS XRs , o ne a black a nd purple 750, a nd o ne a lamiliar blu e an d white co lor ed 1100. Both ar e set up lo r Su persrock raci ng . and kept immaculately clea n. Co me Sunday, H all sparks them up, gets o n, a nd rides o ne race o n each. Then he leaves SlOoo richer, hi s pockets lull with Su zuk i co n tingency mo ney. In the B Superstock even t an expec ted close race between H all , Mich ael Ma rti n , Bru ce Ba ld us, and T ra y Bat ey did not materia lize. H a ll left every one beh ind lrom the very begi n n ing, leavin g hi s H ammer teammate Martin to wall ow in seco nd a ll al on e. H all 'N Still team mates Baldus a nd Bat ey followed Marlin home in th ird and fourth, respectivel y. The A Supers tock event was mar ginall y differen t. ThIS tim e Hall led off the line and th e first two laps, but th en Martin drafted pas t dow n th e lront straigh t, outbrak ing Hall in to tu rn o ne. Hall returned th e favor o n th e filth lap, and put th e same drah in g move on Martin, rega inin g th e lead in to tum o ne. Fro m th ere H all held on, pas sin g th e lin ish line in the fir st spo t, and co llecting anothe r S500 lor his efforts. Baldus agai n o u tlasted Bat ey, thoug h the two were swa p p ing back and lorth throughou t the race. Marl in went o n to total ly domin ate A S uperbike, and Bat ey success fu lly de iended hi s B Production number o ne pl at e. Brad Sa wyer made th e jo urney up lrom T exas to race h is ultra trick Car bo n-Ca rbo n Adv an ced T echnol ogies/RADD· sponored Yamah a T Z250, and race he d id. Sa wyer decimated th e Formula 2 field, winning with ease , a nd o u tlas ted th e Formula One held to win, uncontested at the end . Results F·2 Two EX: I. Brad Saw y('r: 2. ! . Pal Ch an dl er . f-~ NOV : I. Pere & ymlllr r; 2. Max Au try : 3. Jro Davis: 4. MUI'h l ..dkt': : S. Donnie Li nn . y B S/ BK EX: L Franklin Knight ; 2. Pl:'l Mart im: 3. Dilvid r . McG ra th ; 4. Ja ck Dup rt"C"; 5. Ja m" Whit l:' 8 S/ BK NO V: I. Ch ris j l:' 1sen : 2. Brrtt J oh nMln: ~ . Chril> n Lum pkin : 1. WaHl:'n Grt't"n lt"C": 5. Edw ardo Munol . o SI BK E X : I. Jrif Covingto n; 2. Trod Wa ldo rf; ! . Paul Black: 4. J o hn Sommt'r; 5. Grq:: Alt. o S/ BK NO V: I. Max Au try; 2. J o hn Oibi aSol:'; ! . Mil(-h La kf')': 4. Ru ss T o wnsr nd; 5. In;I Davis. A S/ BK EX : I. Michal'! Ma rtin : 2. ()~vid McG ra th; !. Pr'tr Mart ins ; 4. J d f WOlx!; 5. Kit'th Badg('r. A SI S I'. NaY: I. Chri5 J l"' 2. Bn-It john!>lun : ~ . Chris Lum pkin: 4. Jim Nipl)('r; 5. Jim Fri ,,~. C S/ BR EX: l. .Franklin K ni ~ht : 2. Rill y Ei!or'u"chl:' ; ! . r Ja ck Dupr ee: 4. Mlkl:'Rt"C"d; 5. J d> BridR"na n. C S/ BR NO V: 1. SIA Vanhoy: 2. Stl"\'(' MO!tr'T: ! . Scott CY Pru itt ; 4. Drew Li nco ln; 5. Kri" n..l d ~t':r . CLBMN EX: I. Eri c Fait; 2. Pa ul Wrigh t: ! . Oan id G ilk sp i('; 4. Ed Bru nr r. CL BMN NO V: I. Jo hn Crerl: 2. Jack Maca ll ister; 3. J aso n Sa ndrn; 4. Qlarl('S l LWis; 5. lose': Black. A S/STK EX: J. KUrl Ha ft 2.':1 Martin; ! . Bruet' t Ba ld us; 4. Tray B.u l:")': 5. Pl:' l:'Man in.l. F~ R MU LA O P EN: I. Brad Sawyrr : 2. Jdf Wood ; ! . St('\'1:' Oa vl ~m : 4. Greg Air; 5. David Ca nlfe ll. . : B P ROD EX: I. Tray Batl:')' 2. J('b Bridgem an ; ! . Eric fa it; 4. Rabat BalM: S. Doug Simmons. B PR OD NOV : J. Jim Nippeor: 2. Edward o Mun oL; ! Wanm G r« n ll:'C'; 4. St('Yf' MOSC'T; 5. Stacy Vanhoy . . B S/STK EX: l. Kurt Hall ; 2. Micha d Marun : ! . Bruet' Baldu l ; 4. Tray Batr y; S. D-dvid McGrath. . o PR OD EX:-I. J I:'f( Cov ingto n; 2. J on Som mr-r; ~ . David TownKnd • o PROD ~ QV: I . Ma x Autry ; 2. Jrd Oavi, ; ! . Robf'rt Manh: 4. J oh n Dibl 3.K: 5. Kl:'l y Wonh. k F·! EX: I. K("(in Mum y: 2. Ralph Farm n ; ! . Eric Fait ; 4. Ed Brun er ; 5. David Wl:'atherhead. F·! NOV : 1 Ja 500n Sa ndt-rs: 2. F('r Appl:'l: ! . Ken Thomas. : A PR On EX: 1. Tray BatI:'Y 2. J('b BridFman : ! . Chris Sd lrr: 4. Robm. &1('5. ~ PROD NO V: l. Jim Nip pa; 2. Edwardo Mu nOl ; 3. Ji m Fn ~: 1. Wamon G~ I l:'C'; S. Paul Ol:'ia . l C PR OD EX: 1. Jl:'b Brid~an ; 2. Eric: Fait: ! . Robm Batt'S; 4. Dou g Simmon l ; 5. Chris Sr-lltr. C PR OD NOV : l. Stl:'Ye Mosc=r; 2. Sco tt Pruin: 3. Brian Jom' s; 4. Jim Frisbl:'C'; 5. Stl:'vl:'n Wit'g3nd. C S/ sTK.: I. Mikl:' Real; 2. BlIIy Eilm3cher; 3. Palr ick . Har ri s; 4. a lUck Hon rycuu; 5. Km Pruitt Verboom victorious at Cydeland Motocross By Michael Rich CHICO, CA, AUG. 30 Chris Verboom charged lO a two-m olO sweep of th~ co mbined 250cc Novi ce/Junior cla ss a t the Imal round 01 th e Sinisalo Slim mer Series at Cyclela nd Speed way . Wh en the ga.e dropped lor the first moto , Bryo n Par sons powered into the lead with Tom Gonzales close behind. As th e rid ers came to th e fro~l stra ighl for th e fir st tim e. J erry Dou gl as Ju mped past Gonza les lor second . Within ha ll a lap, Verb oo m was a lso able to mak e th e pass a nd secure third. By lap lour, Parson s had bu ilt wh at looked to be an in surmountable lead, but lell , going in to the back stra igh t, allowing both Do ugl as a nd Verboom by. On the next lap ; Verboom made his move lor the lead o ver a ta bletop j u mp. H e pulled even wit h Do uglas a nd was able to stuff him in lhe upcom ing LUrn . Dou gl as, however, refu sed lo gIve up the posit io n. The lWO riders bauled s ide~ by -s ide lO the fin ish wit h Verboom getting the nod by hall a whee l. Rick Benson lin ished third. . As the pack ro und ed th e lirst turn in th e second mOlO, it was Verboom charging to th e fro nl wit h Parso ns an d Ty Spoone r close behind. Dou g las go t tan gled in th e ga te and st a r ted in la st pla ce. Verboom qui ckl y separated himself from hi s pursuers and PUl it on cru ise-con tro l to the finish. Mean while. Douglas was wor ki ng his way th ro ugh a cro wded field in a ttemp t to catch the lead ers. Hi s race ca me to an end, how ever, wh en he tangled bar s with G on zales in a di sp ute o ver fourth ' pl ace. Both rid ers wen t do wn with Dou gl as req uiri ng medi cal assistance, He was lat er able lo ma ke it o ff the track under his o wn power. At th e line, Verboo m took hi s seco nd win wh ile Parson s finis hed second. In th e Min i class race. Justin Brown ga ve a riding clinic as he moved aw ay fro m the rest o f the pack in eac h mo ta to win by a wide .ma rg in , Nat han Peter son hil it luc ky as hi s ma m compe titio n for second overall and first in th e No vice class , crashed in th e se~o nd ~oto whil e lead in g. Josh Fisher came ho me th ir d. Results P/ W : J. Eric NyI:' (Ya m ); 2. Ama nda uhr (Ya m ): 3. Dan Fow ler (Ya m ); 4. Bra ndo n Boyd (Ya m ). ! . ~i~?~~~ fi!I~~ )~cAvoy (Kaw): 2. SIl"\'' Shimizu (Ka w ): t f.o J R: 1. N ikki H arris (H nn): 2. ha n La u,ii:h ridKt' (Raw). MIN I N~V: I . ~at ha n P('tm,on (Kaw); 2. J o~h Fishn (SUl): ad ! . j err Fisher (Ka w) ; 4. Andy Kupp'in K(Kaw). MIN I JR: I. JUMin Brown (SUl ). 125 NOV : 1. In!o Pimenh-l (SUl); 2. J U$tin Bro wn (Yam ); 3. Ha rold ~ck (Ya m): 4. Dar ryl Wahl (Ho n). 125 JR : I. Michar l Rich (Suz): 2. Darrin Pil:'r (V.. m ). cr 250 NOV : I. Rick Benson (H o n]: 2. Tom G(JOl.alrs (SUI)' 3. Vic Hagen (Ha n). • 250 JR: I. Chri!> verboom (H o n); 2. Bryon Panom (Ho n). OPEN NOV : I. Mik(' SaKf' tH on). O PE N J R: I. Bria n Snow (H en ). INT : I. Ca se': y J ohnson (Kaw). Bower, Gurga ace Royal _ Mountain Motocross By Carla Nelson CAROGALAKE, NY, AUG. 25 Chris Bower and John G ur ga won both mores in their respective classes at Royal Mountain's Gen esse Cu p Troph y Day. EXlIa trophies were awarded in a ll th e Ama teur classes, and o ver 270 rid ers a ttac ked the rough , hill y, trac k whic h is localed a l a ski area. Ed Downing led the sta rt o f th e lirst.seni or Expe rt malo wilh Gurga . Kim Martin a nd Mike Mu rray ru n n ing lh ree abreas l behind hi m . Martin lUcked underneath both G u rga a nd Do wn in g at the botto m 01 the lirst do wnh ill 10 ta ke th e leau . G urga al so mad e h is wa y past Dow n in g befor e lhe grou p head ed for the big uphill sectio n. When the ride rs came back into view, G urga had lhe lead , Mart in was in second with Do wn ing a close third. O n lap two, Murray PUl o n a cha rge whi ch moved him pa st Martin a nd Downing and into seco nd, By lh is lime G urga wa s well ahead wit h a five-second lead . Murray cou ld n 't close th e gap and sett led lor second. H allway through lh e moto, Martin laded to filth behind Downing a nd Jerry Newb y, wh o was just a bik e len gth away lrom passin g Downin g al lh e finish lin e. Newby and Downin g each led brieny in moto lWO, but Murray attacked earlier lhis race and took th e lead belore half of a lap was completed . G urga was m ired in tralhc and had to work his way lorward. After a lap he was in seco nd and quickly closing on Murray, th en he was in the lead belore the lap was comp lele. Gurga won lhe molO aga in wllh a five seco nd lead . Murray finished second, live seconds a head 01 Newby, Martin and Downing. Robert Brown and Chris Bower were the dominanl riders in lhe 125cc Amaleur class. Brown led race one with Bower right behind him as Chris Duda was a lew seconds back in third, com lortably ahead 01 the pack. By lap t~ree, Brown was leading by seven seconds, but m th e next lap Bower had cut that gap lo only four seconds. Brown went down in a tum on the uphill, giving th e lead and win lo Bower. Brown remounted in time lo finish seco n d. Duda was third, ahead 01 hard· chargi ng Ri ch Da ly, wh o had started midpack and moved up lo fm ish founh. In moto two, Brown aga in grabbed the lead, with Bower dose behind. Brown had a twosecond lead at the m idpoint 01 the molO, but Bow er closed th e ga r' kn owing he needed th e win for lh e o vera l , Bower quickl y passed Brown o nce he ca ug h l him and scored lhe wi n. Brown look anolhe r second, well ahead of Daly . D.J . Dal rym pl e, Dan Ballard and Duda ro u nd ed out the top live linishers. Res ults so: I. Ju stin Murny: 2. Lo nn y Thunton Jr .: 3. Co rbin Do uglas; 1. Anth ony Rl:' da. n J R MINI : I. P.aul Bradl l:")': 2. Jd ~Cln Fox: 3. Mike ()o u ghmy J r.: 4. Bradl l:'f Fischer. . SR MI N~ NOV : 1. J a 500n Cm.'I('y; 2. Da vid Cla rk; 3. Den nis Clark; 4. Vin et' (' wII:'Y;S. J am " Cram rr Jr . SR MINI: I. Jr ff McMa ho n ; 2. Michad Blsse':11 J r.: 3. Rob('rt G«gg: 4. Ro brr t Yo ung ; 5. Ja son Ricci. S~ H B Y: I. Eri.- Rri lly: 2. ~obrrt Br~wn J r.; ! . An thon y P"vla; i . G r~g Fru tehl:'Y 5. Mlchotd Fn .sch. ; .+25 AM: I. Jot" Sl u rp.mski; 2. SIq>hrn Bra nd: 3. J oh n NIIM; 4. Gary ChaM'; 5. JOl:' Popp. r ; +25 EX: I. G rl:'gNrI.son ; 2. Tim La rh·il:' l:' ! . Bria n Slickl": 4. Doug Flemin g; 5. Ed Dow n in g. vin Amo; 4. ~~rd~l~~:S~~~~I:'~~ ~:~~h~ J ot' Po pp : 3. Kl:' SR EX: l. J o hn G urga : 2. Mikr Murray ; 3. J a~1t Nt"Wby: -I. Ed Dow.nin j;t; 4. Kim Mart in.

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