Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 08 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Bast had to seule for second, then found himself tied with Curry [or the lead. Ochoa's win tied h im with Sisemore for thi rd, and the runoffs ens ued. Ochoa was still pumped, and took the lead from the po le La beat Sisemore in the ' first ru no ff. Curry pulled the pol e a nd took the lead early over Bast in the ru n for th e cham pio nsh ip . After two laps, Curry was still leading. As the white flag ca me out, Bast put the in sid e move on and pulled into the lead for the last lap and the Napa Cup Championship . Results CHA MP; I. Bart R:l. I (Wei) 13 p I5.; 2. Ro bert C u rry (Wn) S 15; 3. j ess Ochoa (J aw ) 12; 4. J im Sisemo re (w es) 12; 5. Paul Orlandi (GM ) 9. SU PPO RT: l. Derek Cole (Wn ); 2. Craig Elstins (Wes): 3. G len n Munr e (Jaw ); 1. Ha rlan Basi Sr. (Od n). Ellington doubles up at Hunt Moto Park Motocross By Mike Harasmisz HUNT, NY, JULY28 Joe Elling to n on his Wilkins H onda/D-P ToolIScOIl USA /A ns wer Products /FMFsponsored Ho nda s took home the lio n 's share of the Expe rt purse, by winning the 125 and 250cc Expe rt classes a t Hunt Moto Park . Two h undred and for ty riders turned out for the day's races that were run un der su nny skies. Don Schmidt gra bhed the early lead in the first I25cc Ex pert moto and never loo ked back as he led wire-to-wi re for the win . Ell ing ton fini shed second with Ben Dressner movin g up to third. Dressner pulled the holeshot in moto two with Ell in gton a nd Schmidt clo se beh ind . Ellington took the lead with an inside pass on Dressner two cor ners in to the race a nd sligh tly pulled away to take the win. Schmidt moved past Dressner to finish second. The first 250cc Expert moto saw Ellington take the lead with Pete Phill ip s an d Mike Franklin close beh ind. Elli ngton led every lap to take the win over Phillips, who was second. Dressner moved up to third. Phillips led th e secon d mo to with Dressner and Ellin gton on his rear fender. Ellington passed Dressne r in the same comer as he had 10 the 125cc moto, whi le Philli ps kept the lead for two laps. Ellington then too k over the lead a nd p u lled away to take the win by 15seconds over second pl ace Schmidt. Phillips was third which was good for second overa ll. In the first Sen ior A moto, Brian Broad well and Mike Harasmi sz led off the sta rt but bu mped in the second corne r, allo wing Dou g Meyers to mo ve into the lead . Meyers' lead lasted less than hall a lap as he slid out in a corner. Ban Lucas moved into first with Harasmisz in second. Lucas led the rest of the way to take the win wit h Harasmisz a close second. Meyers recovered for th ird. Meyers p u lled the holes ho t in the second mota with H arasrniszclose beh ind. H arasm isz look a n ou tside lin e two corne rs in to the race to go aro u nd Meyers and int o the lea d. Har asmisz opened up a q uick lead and went on to win while Meyers a nd Lucas bat tled over second. Lucas go t around Meyers to finish second. Meyers finish ed third. Harasmise's 2· } mo te score was good for the overall win. Results PIW : I. Sha ne Bat tho lf (Yam) ; 2.jamie Rubi nson (YClm); 3. Aaro n Shep hard (h j). 60: I. Shaw n M urr~ (Kaw); 2. j os. w. Kinll:(Kaw) ;3 . J am i~ h Robi1lflOn (Kaw ). MINI J R : I. Pa u l Carpenter (Kaw ); 2. H eath Wad hams (SUl); 3. Daniel Kinll:(Kaw) ; 4. Shawn Murr~y (Kaw ); 5. Adam Boum~ (Han). MINI SR: l. Do ull:las Reu~rC'T (Kaw) ; 2. Ca5ey HiltKins (Kaw); 3. Patrick Mills (Kaw); 4. Aaro n Weir (SUl ); 5. j oel BI~ncoue (Kaw). MINI COM B: I. Doug las Reu('Ter (Kilw); 2. CaK)' Hill:gins (Kaw); 3. Briggs (Kaw); 4. Jason Ble ncow ~ (Ya m) ; 5. Aaron Weir (SUl ). 125 SCHBY: I. Randy Abhqr (Suz); 2. Shawn Ernst (Kaw); 3. Jake Ellswonh (SUl) . _ 17·24 COMB : I. Mik~ Frankli n (Han); 2. Darrell Ston~ (Kaw); 3, Cary Michael (Kaw): 4. Tod Kinll: (H a n ). 125 BEG: I. Rick j ackson (Yam ): 2. Bob Sawd~y (Ho n ); 3. Mark Williams (Kaw); 4. Ch ris Va mhynin,; (SUl); 5. J im Eaves (H a n) , 125 NOV : L Fred HuH (SUI): 2. Mark Van No rma n (Kaw); 3. Mark Mu llen (Ho n ); 4. Baird Ha J{t'm (Ho n ); 5. Kt'nny an Kraman (Hon ). 125 AM: I. Jason Lu ce (Kaw); 2. Ja m i~ Slercer (Suz); 3: David Rich ards (SUl); 4. ScOtl Camp (Kaw); 5. Stt'V Farr is e (Han ). 201 ·0P EN BE G : t. SCOIl Bro w n ( KT M); 2. C h ri s Va nhyhning (SUl ): 3. Rob Sa wd~ (H o n ); 4. G I ~nn Tay lo r (Hon ); 5. Jo h n Rockwd l (H a n). 201· 0 PEN NOV ; 1. Fred Huff (SUl); 2. Jot' Co llins (Kaw); 3. Mik~ Maslioa rCi (Sul );.4 . G rt'g Andt"rwn (Kaw); 5, Cra iR Wht"l m e (Kaw). s WI ·OPEN AM : I. J am i~ St« ur (SUI); 2. La na' Ca m p (Kaw); 3. Dave Krisloff (Ka w); 4. David R icha rd~ . ( S ul) ; 5. M ik~ La lont' (Han). • VINT/WnS: I. Bob RobinMJn(H a n ); 2. Rria n CrCl n~( 5u7 ) . PL US '2 5 AM: I. Scott Rhinehart (Kaw): 2. Jdf Frt"JI:ot' (H on); 3. Fred Lu cas (Kaw); 4. Kt"nt M;lC rlanl'" (Kaw ); 5, Fa Craig Whetstine! (Kaw). PL US 25 EX: l. Bart Lu cas (Hon): 2. Mikr Har a smi u: (SUl). SR C: 1. Ra ymond Rink (H o n ); 2. Ma rk Slok()t' (Ho n ); 3. Rodney Wac:irutm~ (Kaw); 4. Ala n Ada mowich (SUl); 5. Frank G rosso (Kaw ). SR B; 1. P~rry Bra ndo n (H on ); 2. Slepht'n Bird (Ya m ): 3. Fred Luca s.(Kaw); 4. Gffi rgt' Martin (Hon). SR A: l. Mik~ Harasm ul (SUl); 2. Ran Lu cas (H o n); 3. Douglas M~ers (H a n ); 4. Scott Rh inehart (Kaw ). . 125 EX: I. J Oe' Ellington (Han); 2. Oon Schm id t (Ho n): 3. Ben DrC'Mner (SUI); 4. Ga ry Michad (Kaw): 5. T ad Kin,; (Han). 20I-OPEN EX: 1. J ~ Ell ington (Han); 2. P~te Phillips (Ha n); 3, Brn Drt'ssner (SUI); 4. Chris Prrora (SUl ); 5. Mih Ha rasm isz (SUl) . Brant aces Lake Perris Speedway By Sco tt Daloisio LAKE PERRIS, CA, JULY 25 Russe ll Racing's Scott Brant led every in ch of the wa y to score an impressive win in the Scra tch ma in event at Brian Ch urch 's Lak e Perris Speedway. Brant s main combatan t in the four lap ma in looked to be British League racer Ronnie Correy. Correy won both his heat and h is sem i fro m ga te four an d he drew the sam e starting spot for the mai n. However, as he released his clu tch his cha in brok e and he never left the line. While Correy pushed his motorcycle to th e infield, Brant jumped into the lead ahead of Charlie Venegas and Chris Manchester. Brant bu ilt a small lead o n the firs t circuit leaving Mancheste r and Venegas to ba ttle for second. By the end of lap two. Brant, on the Ru ssell Racin g/ Pri me Ticket/Event Technica l Services Ja wa, had a ha lf straight lead. Wh ile exiting tum four on lap two , Manchester wheehed and broke. That left on ly Bra nt and . Venegas on the track and Brant had a huge lead. He main tain ed that lead the last two laps a nd easily scored the win. Fifty-three year-o ld Bill y Gray had the crowd on its feet and screaming when he led th e first six laps of th e H andicap mai n. Weslake rider Gray took the lead from the short yardage on the sta rt over Colorado na tive Rob Ball. Ball stayed in the place position until the end of the second lap whe n Jessee Finc h wen t by. Gra y was getti ng trem endous dr ive and was keep ing Finch at bay th rough the first four laps. Behind them , Manchester, Gary H icks and Nati on al Champion Mike Faria all went past Ball on lap four. Faria worked hi. way past Man chester and Hi cks and pulled up to Finch, They began to reel in Gray. Fari a, on th e dirt line, passed Finch as th e seventh circuit sta r ted. Coming off tum two on th at lap, he kep t the Russell Racing/ ShoeilO il zall /Scott / Coast Grain Weslake wi de and sh ot by Gray for first. In th e next tum, Finch went inside Gra y an d took over th e seco nd spot, While Far ia and Finch moved away on the las t lap, Gray fell heading into turn one and ended up with last spot. On the fina l lap. Finch could not catch Faria. The veteran star collected hi s 17th win of th e 1991 ca m pai gn. Manchester pla ced third wi th H icks fourth. Robbie Hackman ou tdistanced Rick Webb , Kevin Rubio and Carlos Cardona to win the Second Division main. In Third Division, J erry Moreh ead won over T om Collier, Ben Mears and Ron Cochard. Ducati riding Dean Steele and Dwayne King won the Sidecar main. The team of Joe Petraglovic and Alan Bil ger placed second. Stephen Downing won the First. Division Junior main with Am ber Kossuth winning in Second Division. Results SCRATCH : 1. Scott Brant (Ja w); 2. Olarlie Vm cogas (Gdn); 3. Chri s Manchester (Jaw): 4. R onnie Coney (Wei) . HDCP: 1. Mike Faria (Wes); 2. j eeee Finch (Wes):.s. Chris Manchester (Ja w); 4. Gary H icks (Wo). ' 1).. : 1. Robbi~ Hackman (Wa); 2. Rick Webb (Wcs) : 3. 2 Knin Ru bio (G M); 4. Cr ashwall Cardona (w es/_ 0 -5: 1. J erry Morehead (WC'S): 2. Tom Co l Ier (Ja w); 3. Ben Meara Uaw ); 4. Ron Codwd U aw ). JR D-l : 1. Stephen Dowi nlr.2. H eath Ha mmonds: 5. Dan ny Bandfidd. JR 0 -2; 1. Amber Kouuth ; 2. Ryan Fisher. 3. An~la H ale . SoaR: I. Dean Stee l/ Dway ne Kin g fDuc); 2. J oe Petta glovid Alan Bilger (Ka w); 3. Peter Ltw15/Ja mi~ Macy (Kaw) ; -t ~t Benander / Cary Poll ard (Kaw). . Hooten, Roth hot at Marysville MX By Nuklear Neukam MARYSVILLE, CA. JULY 28 Shaun Woo ten was outstandi ng as he won the 250cc Pro class a t Riverfro n t Park's CMC Nig ht Motocro.s and Team Green Kawasakibacked Bria n Roth was eq ua lly impressive in hi s do mination of the 125cc Pro class. Ins tinct Racing H u sky-spo nsored Wooten sho t into the lead of the [ir.t moto a nd never loo ked back as he mo tored to the win wh ile Ron Allen had his work cu t out as he started in dead last but worked his Suzuki up to second at the checkered flag . Mike Wenzel had pulled the hol esho t but dropped to th ird by the mota's end. Wenzel shot in to the lead at the start of mow two bu t Woot en wasted no time scooting in to the lead , where he stayed to the finish. Wenzel and Jon Nicola us tangled on a high-speed · jump and went down, with Wenzel coming out on th e losing end of the deal. He was able to walk back to the pits with a little assistance but was a littl e dazed. Allen took con trol of second but he had Low ell Moural on hi. tail. By mid-moto Moural was past Allen but Woot en was long gone. Allen stayed in thi rd to the checkered flag a nd claimed second overall while MouraI's second in mota twO was good for third overa ll. A pa ir of fifth s put Shan e Berg in at fourth overall while Randy Chapman rou nded out the top five. Roth led [rom start to fin ish in bot h 125cc Kent Howerton flew to a second-place finish in the Plus 25 class at Ocala. Pat Johnson crests the top of the hill at the Billings Hillclimb. Pro motos while GP Racin g's Greg T irh eimer combined a pair of seconds for second overa ll. Moural had a 4-3 ta lly for th ird overa ll with Tony McG rath stayi ng in the h u nt with a 3-4 score for fourth overall . pass him on the first lap. Foley's pass, however, forced Friszoff the track, which gave Dale Keene seco n d. Wh ile Fol ey pulled a way, Frisz regrouped and sli pped back into seco nd, passing Keene. When the checkered flag came out, Foley was out in front with a comforta ble lead. Howerton crossed the lin e in second after pa ssing Frisz, who shortly thereafter, crashed and surrendered third to Collins. Frisz landed fifth. J ustin Jackson stole the show in Saturday's 250/ 5OOcc Expert battle. J ackson won both motos ha nds down. Gary Pa ul was Jackson 's nearest compe titor with 2-2 moto finishes for second overall. Results 250 PR O ; I. Sha un Wooten (H us); 2. Ro n AUnt (SUl) ; 3. Lowel l Moura l (Hon); 3. Shane Berh (Yam) ; 5. Ra ndy Chapman (Suz). . 125 PR O : 1. Brian Roth (Law); 2. G~g Tirheimer (Han) ; 3. Lowell Moural (H a n); 4. T ony McG ra th (H a n). 125 tNT: 1. Mich ael Bran des (Kaw); 2. CaK)' j o h nson (Kaw); .5. Da n ny Nelson (Kaw) ; 4. Michal"'1 Sta nton (Suz); 5. Jef frey Bro wnl ee (SUI). 500 PRO : I. Ro n Allen (H a n). 500 j R : 1. Micha~1 Ren ner (Xaw). 500 BEG : 1. Pete H am pel (Hon ): 2. Dan ny Rutherfo rd (H o n); .5. Jos h ~fnro (H us); 4. Chris Dixon (Han). VET PRO: I. Ran d y Chapman (Sw); 2. Alex j orgensen (SUl): 3. Bradlt')' Harrison (Suz); 4. J o h n Volk (Suz). VET l NT : l. J en Wa lker (Yam); 2. john McCa ~s (Kaw); 3. T ony M i ln~r (Ya m) ; 4. St~W' Ma tloc k (Ya m ); 5. Perry Sherman (KTM) . VET jR: l. Eric Harvey (Hon); 2. Steve Ga ry (H a n ): 3. Doug Percev (Kaw) ; 4. Mik~ Gorda (Kaw); 5. Mark O lm stead (H o n ). OT MSTR: 1. Steve FC"IToni (Kaw); 2. Larry Hartnett (Suz); 3. J ack Baken (KTM); 4. An McDade (Ha n): 5. Rich Schi lli ng (H on ). OT INT: I. Ron Mazzafnro (Hus); 2. Thorn Yui ll (SUl); 3. Tim Co lvert (Ho n). aT jR: I. DC'bbie Wau (Hon): 2. Ru ss Paden (SUl ); 3. Ron Corbit (Ha n). 80 EX: l.john LC'ddy(SUI ). 80 INT: I. Jeff Bald wi n (Kaw). 80 jR: I. Cody Craw ford (Suz); 2. Br-m t Steigtt (H o n ); 3. 8ush hog H en derson (Suz); 4, Eric Willia ml\. (SUl) . 80 BEG : I. Sean Rea th (Sw ); 2. Ryan Lester (Kaw); 3. joel G<.Igrum (Kaw ); 4, Travis VetC'T'an( Yam) ; 5. Danny Ha m" (SUI). 60: I. J C'SSC' Keacha m (Kaw) ; 2. Mike Patterso n ( Ka w) ; 3. Sc-an Becker(Kaw); 4. Jaco b GI'qtg (Kaw). t25 BEG : 1. Mikl'" Lopee (Hon); 2. Bruet lksimas (H a n); 3. Mike Lopea (H o n); 4-.Neal Pe ters (Yam); 5. M ik~ j o bnscn (Kaw). 1225 J R: I. j ake Gi lbert (Suz); 2. Bren Klinger (Kaw); 3. Ian Radich (Suz); 4. CaSC'y Jo nes (Suz); 5. Jason Garcia (Han ). 250 BEG : 1. DClVl'" Todd (Yam ); 2. Ru ss Bran des (Kaw); 5. Dan Rttd (H a n ); 4. Todd Clapman (Hon); 5. Lwyn Da hl (Ho n). 250 1R: I. Mo nt y War~ (Yam) ; 2. lkT~k Wadkim (H o n); 5. Cr,lIg Bun yard (Kaw): 4. Grq Win ters (Ya m); 5. PClul Armanda (Han). Foley hooks up at Ocala MX Results SATIJRDAY P/W: 1. Mitchdl Holslon ( Y~); 2. Justin Ho lstein (Yam ); 3. Soon William. (Yam ): 4. Bart Crow (Yam ). 60: 1. Donal d LC'ddy(Kaw); 2. Jrrnny Shuttleworth (Kaw); 2. Jason Thomas (Kaw); of DC'n-k Jacbon (Kaw); 5. Dusti n , Thompoon. . 80 7-11: I. Dona ld Leddy (Kaw); 2. J emny Sh uttleworth (Ka w); 5. Danid Uddy (Suz); 4. j ason Thomas (Kaw); 5. Ol.ri. Bud:. (Kilw). . 80 12· 15: I. Adam Rake (Kaw); 2. Shane Ha nna (Suz); 3. Mark Olurch (Kaw); 4. Mike Tabor (Kaw); 5. Bill y Wood. (Ka w). 125 NOV : I. Anthony P oco robba (Ho n ); 2. Mike Lampe (Hon); .5. J Clson P~ (Kaw); 4. Dan Fo rtin (Stu); 5. -Mi~k Santana (Hon). . 125 INT: l. Lo n ny BUchof( (Ha n); 2. Kyl~ Myers (law). 125 EX: I. Travis Blackb urn (Kaw); 2. 1krd. Youngblood (Hon). . . . 250 NOV: I. Glen Dwdley (Hon); 2. Randy Rkkel (Yam ); 3. Bob Wood (Ra w); 4:. T om Cio ne (Xaw); 5. Richard E~ (Ka w). 250 l NT : l. Tim (Yam ). 250 EX: 1. JWiun Jacbon (Kaw); 2. Gary Pau l (Han); 5. lkrdt YOWlgb lood (Ho n); 4. J oh n Vangi lder (Ha n); 5. JrH t..agh~HorSbv : I. Mitchell H o lst ein (H o n ); 2. Da vid McWilliams (Hon). OPEN INT: 1. J"" Tom:grooa (Hon). WMN: 1. Kimm, Bo.rik (Kaw): 2. Calb, Priot (Ka w): 3. Jacki~ Kelly (Kaw); 4. j ady Adams (Hon); 5. Robm Miner (Kaw). +25 NOV: l. Mitehdl H olstein (Ho n); 2. Tim Lozaw (Yam ): 3. Randy Ricl«l (Yam): • . Ri <:hanl E..... (Hon) : 5. Bob Wood (Kaw ). +25 INT: 1. W,nddl x.m(Hon). +30 NO V: I. Rob in Pttslon (Ho n ); 2. S~ Cron (Kaw) ; 3. CharIC'S Lenning (H a n );4, Mark MiI1tt (Kaw); 5. Krn Nordan (H a n). +30 tNT: 1. Annando Qunsquillo (Hon ): 2. P~tt Harrison By Kyle Myers Photo by Jim Johnson (Kaw ). OCALA, FL JULY27-28 , The opening round of the ProSpo rts USA's Un ited States Masters of Motocross $25,000 Eastern Warm-Up Series got u nderway at the Florida Motosports Complex. with Kevin Foley stealing the show . T he feature r.ace Sunday was the Plu s 25 class, as evident by a nearly full gate. When the pa ck fou nded the first turn, Jeff Frisz led the way with Foley, Alan Andrew , Wyndell Kern and former Nat io nal MX Champion Kent Howerton in hot pursuit. Foley wasted little time in passing Fri sz. while Howerton worked on Kern. Frisz soon felt more pr essure from behi nd by Andrew, who even tuall y pa ssed Fri s, [or second. Meanwhile, Howerton's persistance paid off when he pa ssed Kern, but John Collins, who had worked his way up after a so-so start, began chall enging the former champ. Collins eventually pa ssed Howerton, making the final finishing order Foley, Andrew, Frisz, Collins and Howerton , respectively. . Frisz, again, blasted in to the early lead in the second moto, only to have Foley (agai n) SUNDAY +40 NOV : 1. ~er Harrison (Kaw); 2. Jo hn O 'Neill (Kaw). +40 INT: 1. Olarlo Lffii ng (Ha n); 2. Dal~ Buck (SUI); 5. H'llrison (Kaw). Pet~ +25: I. Kt'Vin Fo1~ (Ka w); 2. Alan An~u (Hon); 3. Kent Ho werton (Ho n); 4. John Co llins (Yam); 5. J eff Frisz (Ha n ). +:i0: I. Alan Andreu (Hon); 2. Kent H owerlon (Han); 3. Dale Keme(Hon);4. Phillip Ra~ (KTM) ; 5. Woody Strick land (SUl ). +40: I. Wood y Stri ckla nd (Suz); 2. T om Bragg (Ho nl; 3. Dale Buck (Suz); 4. Otarlt'S lrhing (H o n); 5. Peter Hamson (Kaw). . WMN EX: I. Kimm y Bazik (Kaw) ; 2. G ina Perry (Ha n); 3. Ca rny Pri est (Kaw); 4. Jacki~ K~lIey (Kaw): 5. jan~t SlrinJtfieid (Ha n). OPEN: 1. Anm on y Pocorobba (Ha n ); 2. Mik~ Bragg (H a n); 3. O1ri " Buck (Kaw); 4. Scot l G rimm (Kaw). Whitlock claims title at Billings Hillclimb By Jeff Fisher B ILLINGS, MT, JULY27-28 The fourth round of the North American Hillcl imb Association Series moved to Billing. , for the 73rd Annual Gr eat American Hillclimb Ch ampionshi{'s, and for the third tim e in four years, Utah nder Travis Whitlock was cro wned Montana State Champion . 41

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