Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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a nd the fina l rider was determ ined by th e
th ird-pl ace fin isher 01 the fastest semi.
McBride en tered the fin al event tra ili ng
po in t leader, and six-lime Ca nadian Nation a l
Champ ion L en Di llon by o n l y fou r
From the o utside pole position, McBride
~o t a ra ther slo w sta rt and en tered turn o ne
m th e thi rd spot behi nd lead er Paul G rad well
an d Dillon. H olding th e th rottle full open
thr ou g h turns o ne and two , McBride took a
h igh line a nd wen t side by side wi th Dill on
to gai n the seco nd spot dow n th e back s,ra il\ht.
Go ing to the pipe, McBride d rove har d mt o
turn th ree a nd a lo ngside 01G radwell. McBride
emerged the leader by o n ly a ha ll a bi ke length
out 01 ' urn lour with Dill o n loll owing th e
same line to mo ve in to seco nd and in pursu it
of McBride.
With eac h successive lap however. McBrid e
ga ined anot he r bike length lead over Dill o n
and a t the co mp letion of lap five too k the
checkered nag a nd beca me the first ever no nCa na d ia n to win the Ca nadian Nat io nal
Speedway Motorcycle Cham p ion ship.
CA NADIA N NAT iO NAL: 1. Lenny McBridfo (Gdn ); 2. l.r n
Dillon (Gdn); 3. Tom Bra ith wait (Gd n ); 4. Pau l G radwroll
(ja w); 5. Joh n Kehoe (Cd n ).
Carroll claims triple win at
Suffolk Meadows Supercross
By By J im a n d Carolyn Simpson
Brian Carroll pulled off triple class win s at the Suffolk Meadow s Supercross.
The event drew dose to 10.000 spectators
lor the two -da y event. On Sa turdar' Trophyo nly classes ran o n a sma ller hi l just west
01 Sunday's Championship hill. The $9000
p urse dr ew riders lrom eig h t states and Canada
to cl im b this 36O
·loo t hill , wi th an 80 degree
ledge which separated th e pilo ts lrom th e
riders. Those who didn 't ma ke i t over th e top
were usuall y nab bed by the experienced crew
01 hill workers, wh o were armed wi th hooks
lor stray bikes. These wo rkers wore hard ha ts
as they dangled by ro pes and converged o n
riders who didn't mak e the top. saving
co un tless roll s to th e bo ttom of th e hill by
both men and mach ines.
Wit h the lour main classes a lrea dy run, th e
Advanced class wo uld deter m ine the Sta te
Champion. The 12 tra ns fer spots Irom the O
600 and O pen classes lormed the adva nced
class and if a rider placed within th e to p six
of bo th classes, he would have fo ur attempts
at th e title , two o n each bike. Nea l Payne.
Dave j ohnston and Whitl ock took adva ntage
of the format, getti ng two runs o n each of
their bik es. They were joined by Mel an d
Ken ny Kimball, R od Whitlo ck , j imm y
Wal ker, Sha nno n Chamberlain and Doug
She rburn . Hard charging riders from a ll 01
th ese riders kept th e titl e race tight, but in
th e end Wh itl ock 's fina l run on his Yamaha
Fj 1200 clipped leader Payne's tim e and took
th e champ ions hi p back to Utah, where it 's
been for lo ur years straight. Wh itl ock, a 21year-o ld rider from Prov o , Utah , is sponso red
by Arai Helm ets, Fo x USA, T subaki Ch ain,
U ni Filter, Pro Circuit Ra cin g, Ceet, Acerbi s
and Wh itl ock Ra cing.
th rou gh o u t the res t of the event. KT M·
mounted Keen seemed unfazed by rain, d us t,
wh oops or heat as he po wered his way to the
overa ll victory, lea ving most co mpetitors at
least o ne la p behind .
"The trac k prepa ra tio n was sweet an d th e
rain hel ped a lo t. I kno w most 01 the best
O hi o riders weren 't here beca use of a schedu ling conflic t wit h a National , but it was
still good to win ," said Keen.
The three-h our len gth of the race made the
team classes the most popular of th e da y.
Jeffrey Hunt a nd Ch uck Austin too k th eir
Kaw asaki to fir st pl ace in th e Lightweig ht
Team category . Fred Boling and Dan iel Reed
rod e a Honda to victo ry in the Heavyweight
Team class, main tain ing a slim lead over the
du o of Kevin Peterson and Will ard Carroll.
ja~e:: t»Ed~~;~~=~~::l:)~KaW).
70 1·UP U/L: l. Tr.wia Wh itloc k: 2. St"1:' Stit h; 5. Kenny
Kimball ; 4. Dus ty Ikfi; .s. Mel Ki mball.
ADV; I. T ra vis Whitlock: 2. Nl" Payne; 5. T ravis
Whitlock ; 4. Md Kimba ll.
SR: I. Jerry Ri chta .
FASTTIMI.: 1. Da ve J ()hn~IOIl.
FlRST OVE R HI LL: I. J im my Walk " .
l .IW TEAM: 1. Jdfrey Hunt/Cluck Austin (Kaw); 2.
Aaron Hun t/Roger Stnnu (Kaw); 3. Gary Wam n /Rick
Wdl, (SUl): 4. Paul Spa rk r./Kml Unkle (SUl ); 5. David Ri C!'
Jr.lMark G ubaJa (Ho n).
H /W T EAM: l. Thinitl R~Frnt Boling (Ho n ); 2. Krvin
P~l erson /W iHa rd Carroll ( Hon) ; 3. Don Gord on /Jim
Almroth (Hon ); 4. Larri~ Si~ried/Todd Ra nson (Kaw); 5.
SIn'e n Apari cio/M ark Mac k1ily (lion ).
Keen captures Delta US win
By Mark Montgomery
Eld on Keen topped th e 201-25Oc B class at
the G lass City M.e -prom oted hare scra mbles.
The challe ngi ng six-mi le co urse in cor po ra,ed
tight O hio woods, high speed field cross ings,
dee p sandy sections fu ll 01 wh oo ps, and
sections of a mot ocr oss course. Scores' or riders
responded to th e cha llenge by bravin g not
o nly three hours of raci ng, but a lso 95 degree
tempera tures and energy sapping h umid ity.
T he first raee 01 th e day leatured · youth
cla sses on 80cc mach in ery an d saw Ah mad
Owe ns score the o verall ho nors. O wen s won
his class undrr hOl and su n ny skies. But as
the checkered nag lell, the skies tu rned dark
a nd threatening.
The ad ult classes too k their parade lap with
ligh tn ing nashing everyw here. The heavy
clo uds opened u p and the race StaTted under
a steady rain lall . Man y riders welco med the
water , as it hel ped co nuol some dusty sections
of the co urse. Fifleen minutes in to the race,
the rai n stopped, leavin g excellen t uaclion
YTH 7· 1I: I. D. Jdffl")'Vnnon (H on ); 2. OtrisGallt (Kaw );
3. Tony Bm tley (H a n); 4. Sam lLydift (Yam ).
YTH 12-15: I. Ahmad OWeril (H on ); 2. CLi nl Sum ner .
(Kaw); 3. Na tha n MilltT (Kaw): 4. Eric Dudr k (Ya m ): 5. Robert
Roo t (I~aw ).
12 YRS+ (80-200): J. Bu ry Sin. (Kilw); 2. Sydney Gra lll
(; 3. Kevin Davis (SUI); 4. Rimd y Dt:"bnt")' (Kaw); 5.
01lis.toph~ JOI1O (Kaw).
12 YRS+ (200-0 PEN): 1. ~ Ih Sc: nndn (Hon); 2. Gnard
Kabzin",ki (Yam ); 3. GITKK Scou (Kaw); 4. Jeff AnKt' l~ui
86-125: 1. j ay McLeod (Kawl; 2. Rodn ey Brown (Hon);
3. Ge ne Hall (Ho n ).
126-200 C: 1. Eri k FettmnRham (Kilw); 2. RO~f1 Su mbera
(y ",m); 3. R ogn- Griner (Kaw).
. 201-250 B: I. Eldon Keen (KT M); 2. Rick Kent (SUI); 3.
David Hammel (H a n ); 1. Jam o Sm ith (ATK) ; 5. Eric Buroll
(Ya m ).
OPEN A: J. Todd CUpryl (H u.); 2. G~nto H untoo n (Kaw);
3. Brian Livi ng1to n (H on ): 1. Da wo T()(~ood (ATK).
30-39: 1. Thomas Baden (Kaw); 2. Harry McAJ1iMer(KTM):
3. Da nid Payn~ ( S uI ): 4. SCt'Vt'fl Cariro(Yam ): 5. Mi ch~1 Wall
(Ya m ).
40-49: J. Jerry H uver (SUl): 2. Robm Nonhnn (Kaw); 3.
~ ~:~I~~bB~a~HM~ri (Ya m): 2. Dale Had~ (Hon);
3. Micha el Ril t:")' (H us).
McBride captures crown
at WeIland Speedway
By Larry McBride
For the first lim~ since its ince ption . in 1979,
th e Ca nadian Nati on al Speedway Cha m pio nshi p has left the co untry in the hands of an
American. For that malter , the titl e has never
been captured by an y non-Canadian rider as
Canad ia n ru les prev ~n ted that recogni tio n
un til this year.
Binghamton , New Yo rk . racer Len n y
McBride chanl:ed all that in a sudden-deat h
main event V
ictOry a t Weil and Mo torcycle
Speedway by ou tdistancing the liel d of four
Canad ia ns .
T hroug h a series of heats, McBrid e scored
one win , two seconds a nd a third before
walking away wit h lhe seco nd semi thai
assured him of a transfer to th e ma in even t.
Two riders from eac h semi went to the ma in,
New j ersey n der Brian Ca rro ll d aimed tri p le
wins a t th e Lo ng Isla nd Sports Commi ttee's
two-day su pe rcross even t at Suffolk Meadows.
J ason Rivas set the stage for ba ttle on
Satu rday by ta ki ng the ho leshot and the
q ua lifi er win in th e l 25cc Pro class, Carroll ,
spo nso red by Gear Racewear , Mill vill e Cycle ,
Sco u , Tul, RRP, Action Photos. Boyesen ,
Ren th al . FMF, CR P and EBC, took charge
wit h a holeshot at th e beg in ning of the ma in.
As they approached the sta ircase , Carroll was
o n the gas with Ri vas in seco nd , j erry Sei p
i n third and Mike Bill ard ell o in fourth place.
Carroll p ulled away from Riv a s a n d
maintained a fast pa t e to build a comfortable
lead. Rivas then cra nked i t u p to try a nd stay
wit h Carroll a nd th e two riders started to p ull
away fro m Seip a nd the rest 01 th e pa ck.
Carroll mo to red on to th e wi n wh ile R ivas
scored seco nd and Seip took third.
In Sunday 's actio n. Carroll cla imed another
125cc Pro rirle, bu t th e race of th e day was
th e 250cc Pro main event. Carroll tried all
the moves to pass lead er Seip. La p after la p
Carroll ho un ded Seip by puttin g a wh eel
inside and tryi ng different lin es, but Seip
ma in tain ed co ntrol of th e race. Corner after
com er th e two were inse parable until th e
whi te nag lap. As th ey dr opped down into
Sunday's ne w section of th e track, Seipcrashed
and h anded th e w in to CarrolL Seip
remo unted to finis h seco nd
G len Cooper cha rged into the lead of th e
Senior Expert class after a maj or pi leup in
the third tu rn o n th e first lap, of th e main
event. Emergi ng in seco nd was Doug Wh oley
with Ri ch ard Nitto and Bud Fee remountin g
beg in the chase. Nitt o p ulled o ut a ll th e
sto ps and pressure d Wh ol ey until Nitto took
'o ver in second. Coope r went o n to win wh ile
Ni tto claimed second pl ace.
S/S R: J. Jo hn Sanu th (H on ); 2. Jo hn Ferrentino (Mon):
3. Ted Sq uir ea (Yam ).
MINI 1· 1I: I. David DiP ietr o (Kaw ); 2. JaliOn W~lx-r (Ya m ).
MI NI 12-13: I . Slt'V'erISIt'f'bo n (Kaw); 2. Kf'fmy PlaM(Kaw);
3. GiilryMnT ill (H on ).
SR MINI: 1. Ed Dondero (Kaw): 2. Eric Fla RR (Ho n): 3.
Chri", Ne IItJ50(Kaw).
125NOV A: 1. Ant hony Friwne (Kaw); 2. Sleyro Lo mbard Oli
(Suz); 3. Dmn il!. Rob in son (Han ).
250 AM: 1. Tom La nKSdorf (Kaw); 2. Joh n Ri KO (Hon ):
!S. Joe Mnill (H on ).
OPEN AM: l. J oseph Zo rn (Kaw); 2. Jeff Mitchell (Hem );
3. Paul Wert heimer (H on ).
125 EX: I. Bria n CatTolI (SUI ): 2. Jason Rival!. (SUl) ; !S.
Jerry Seip (SUl).
250 EX: 1. J~rry Seip (S uz); 2. John Bacho r (Yiilm); 3. 8ff'u
Marascia (SUI ).
SR AM: J. Don!>..\m (Hon ): 2. Yur i Alpert (Kaw );
3. Bryan Ki!oh (H a n ).
SR EX: J. Glen Coo pn (Sw); 2. Richar d Nitta (SUl); 3.
DoUK Whol t:")' (SUI).
SCHBY : 1. Simo n Cot ler (Ho n ): 2. Danny Go ldm (Kaw):
3. Thom a. Homik (Kaw ).
+25: J. Mik~ Billa rdeJlo (SUl) ; 2. J ttry Seip (SUl) ; !S . j ~lf
St~6~0~!·I. Gr aiKSullivan (SUI); 2. Qui!!. Read (H on) ;
3. Damian Ercole (Kaw).
125 NOV B: I. Eddil' H olo1OO (Kaw); 2. Bob Smeland (SUl):
3. Ron Sim onin (Kaw).
125 NOV B: 1. Tom Ha m ill. (Kaw); 2. Bria n Bt-rry (Ha n);
3. Ste\len DnPIn (H on ).
250 NOV A: I. Denni !o Robinson (H on ); 2. Piltrick Cloo ne
(Kaw): 3. $ron Bff'nna n (H on).
250 NOV B: J. Jason Ma y (H on ); 2. Denni ", H o ufthlOn
(Kaw); 3. J~h Wd:n (Kaw).
125 AM: 1. C u i O lno (SUI ); 2. Mar k Shr rida n (Ho n); 3.
Gra h",m Wa r",n (Kaw).
S/ SR: 1. J ulIO Sanuch (Hon ); 2. Rich Gold~n (Kaw): 3.
C..ary Di PiMro (Ya m ).
MINI7·1 1: I. ja"oOn W~be l (Raw}: 2. David DiPi etro (Kaw );
3. Michat'1 Rau l'oCh (H a n).
MI NI 12· 13: I. K~nn y Piau (Kaw ): 2. Ga ry M ~rrilJ (lion ):
3. Mich ael Carri n i (Kawl.
MINI 11-15: 1. Eric Fl a~R (H on ); 2. Ed Dond~ro (Kaw );
3. Chrili Mtollu