Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 31

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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On th e final lap, Real was abl e to put a block pa ss o n Reed 10 take second. Kesterson. aga in, blew into th e lead at th e star t o f mota two. His lead however. was shortlived . as he went down in th e roc kers. This moved Reed into first and Jerry Harvey, wh owas mounted o n a mi ni. Into second. Reed used every bit o f power his 125 co u ld muster to ho ld Harvey back. T he constan t pressure soon paid off, as Reed went down approach. ing the doubles and H arv ey took the Win. Reed was able to remou nt for second, while Sean Sweeney took thi rd a short distance behind . Resu lts P/W : 1. Eri c N y~ (Ya m ); 2. Dan Fowler (Yam ): 3. Ktvin Shimilu (Ya m ). 60 .NO\': 1. Steven Shimizu (Ka w ); 2. OIl'U McA voy (Ra w ); S. Eric Ibg= (Hon~ 60 jR: 1. Evan uughri~ ( Ka w); 2. Nikk i Harm (Hon ). MINI NOV; I. N.utun reln'JOn (L1w); 2. Kdiq Maason ( ; 3. Rya n Ko p p inK (Ka w); .. .. J im Ho wart h (Ya m I. Ml l\'1 J R : I. Jt=rry H a ~ (Sw); 2. Ju slin Bro wn (Yam) . 125 NOV: I. Steve Reed (Ho nl: 2. T"'1' lkal (Ka w); 5. J..,., ,......" (5 ",). 125 J R: 1. Durin Pier ce (Ya m): 2. MichMl Rich (Sw). 250 NOV: 1. Rick BmIOl1 (Ra w); 2. John Mar chi ni ( Ka w ); 3. Vic Hagen (H o nl . 250 tR: I. ~ron Rogn. (H o n): 2. )ttTY Do uglas (Y am) . 1sT": I. Ja son Ri te~ (Yam ): 2. Mlkc= Crull (Yam ): 3. Jim Fn guao n (H on). PR O : I. Lowell Mou ral J r. (Hon). Meagher mows 'em down at .Bounty Hunter Motocross By Tom P ritch ard OlOWOlILU. CA JULY U . Trevor Meagher sco red th e win in co nvi nci ng fashion in th e Bounty Hunter race, held a t the Chowchill a Fairgrounds. Meagher assu med th e lead o n lap two, after starting in 10th place in the inve rted-single file start. O nce In fro nt, Meag her took o ff. a nd was never serious ly challenged. The win moved Meagher into second p lace for the most victo ries th is seaso n. led o nly by Pat Bennett in th e points standings . After the qualifying mo tos had been run. Pat Bennett was the top qualifier. Jeff Pesta na . was second fastest, followed b y Meagher, Dan ny Paladino and J ohn Nicolaus. When the starter threw the gree n flag for the start. 12 rid ers fu n neled into the firs t tum, with Ray McLaughlin coming out on top. Entering the tum. Bennett and Paladino SOl very close together with nei th er rider giving an Inch. Somehow. they both managed to stay up, but the traffi c jam left the door open for Pestana to get by. As the rider s were about to comp lete th e Iir st lap, Pestana, who had flown up 10 seco nd , took the lead from McLaughlin. O ne turn lat er. in a slick righthand turn. Pestana lost the trent end and sli d OUL Before he co uld remount, the entire pack had go tten by. Reen teri ng the race in last place. Pestana rode slow ly for a la p and then packed it in for 'he night. The lead went back to McLaugh lin , b ut o nce again he was under p ressu re. T his time it was fro m Meagher. wh o had been £lying arou nd the course passing everyo ne. O n lap two. Meagh er wen t around McLaughli n for th e lead . McLaughlin, seeing Pal ad in o and Benneu in purs uit of the leader, waved th em by o n the sa me lap. For two la ps, th e th ree riders ci rcled th e 'tigh t Supercross co u rse in tigh t format ion, wi th Nicolau s and McLaughlin filling o u t th e top five. On lap four, Bennett and Paladino collided one more ti me , and bo th hit th e ~und Bennett was u p first. and under way In third, as Nicolaus had ma naged 10 get around th e two downed riders. By this tim e, Meag her was no where to be seen, and the last few laps saw the top five spread out around th e co urse. When the checkered £lag ca me OUl , the order was Meagher in fir st. Ben nell and Paladino managed to move up to second and thi rd, a nd Nicholaus finished fifth. R..ul ts BOUNTY H U NTER RACE: I. T rnor Mf:agOO (SUL); 2. Pa t Hm nnt (SUL 3. D.m nJ Paladino (Yam) ; i . J ohn ); Nichoi aUi (u w); 5. T im Wjt.hard (Hon ); 6. Rily Mcl.,.,iughlin (H on); 7. Glmn !bnilOn (u w); 8. J nry Wohlgnnuth (H on ); 9. J.nry Ca ton (H on); 10. a UD u w;n;aki (; 11. Turd t' Wikoff (Sw); 12. J d f P"toIna (Sw). P/\\': 1. Trnur Alv;;arn ( 60 BEG : I. Robn't BI;;akt' (u w); 2. An thony &Ibou. (Kaw); 3. OIrit.lop hn T ruglio (K.1w): i. M i~1 Hnn.anc:k.l (Kaw): ~. Randy Normiln ( K...J w ). 60 NOV ; I. J~ IU-tehum ( ). 80 BEG : I. Bobb y C.arcia ( ); 2. Qlad Sallc=r (Suz); 3. Robert BIOlkt' (lUw ); i . Sophia HnTftn Kin g (; 2. Matt Sl yl" (; 3. Sro lt Moplt' (Ho n ); i . 8m Vital t' (Y.a m): 5. Dam-II Euu (K.a w). 125 BEG 0.2: 1. OIril Plalt'To (SU.l ; 2. ChoN:! Blakt (SU.l ); ) 3. Eri k Edrn:.ark (K.a i . 8 mn Dut"Ck (S U.l); 5. J aMlfl GUnT a w); (Yam ), 125 NOV : I. Ra y McLaughlin (Ho n): 2. John Cu lwtll (Kaw); .s.JaiOo Oli'um (Suz); 4. Dan Rarnttl (Ho n); 5. J a!lOn Hatcher (Sw). , I~ lNT: 1. Chris Kawa uki (Kaw); 2. Tim Wishard (Ho n); 3. T un lt' Wikoff (Sw). 12S PR O : . . Pat Brnntlt (SU.l); 2. TR"VOr Mt a ltht'T (Sw): 1 !. D-.m Paladi no (Yam) . 250 BEG: I. D.B. Soarn (Kaw); 2. J ohn Pauull o (Han): 3. Fra nk Dou ght'ny (Han); 1. SI('V(' Har kov (Kaw); 5. Alon so Enriquez (Han). 250 NOV ; I. Kn th May" (Kaw); 2. Gr~ Nor ma n (H a n ); 1. Hcnry Annmdariz (Sw); 4. Rid. Mallm. (SUL); 5. Olud. Bralhhaw (Ho n). !SO l NT : I. Don Knapp (SU.l); 2. OIria LiwaSOIki (K.a .l. 2SO PR O : I. Pa l lknrwtl (SU.l : 2. Jdf Pt'Stana (Suz); ! . ) Jon Nirol;;lUs(KoIw); 4. G lmo Ha m so n (; 5. Brya n Not' (Kaw). 2>-29 BEG : l. Jo hn Law son (H e n): 2. Jam n Wri sl"W'r (Yam ); 3. Fran k OUtman (Ha n); i . Bill Wyma n (lio n). 25-29 NO V: I. Eric Hcn1t'Y(; 2. T o m J nhDlo n (Kaw ); 3. Robt:rt R lWClI (Hoo). 25-29 INT : I. Don Oark (Ya m) : 2. D;;I "'t' M.alhnon (Hon). 500 BEG : 1. j~f Andrus.a ( H ~); 2. Doug \\"01 (Hon); 5. McLa ug hlin (H o n); i . Mldud Toeoeian (Ho n): 5. Philip Pal tt'ngale l Ka w). VET NO V: I. Robm Fidds (Hon ); 2. Shane Wright IY;;Iml : 3. ShoI wn Lee (Hoo ): i . Tim fhgbers (H on ); 5. Robnl Ran ulon {Hon ). VE. (NT : l. Jury Wohl gt'muth (Hon ); 2. Richa rd T Krtch u m (Hon);!. D.aW' lD llo (SULI. \o"ET PR O: l. J nry ulan (Ho n ). a.o;... Chamberlain best at Perris night Motocross By Tony Alessi PERRIS, CA. JULY6 Mik e Cha mberlain used q uic k reflexes to score th e o vera ll 250cc Pro class victory a ' G FI Ra ci ng 's Win a Truck N igh t MX Series at Perris Racewa y. Ryan Carlisle gated perfectly in the first co mbined Pro rnot o and led the wa y throug h th e first 'urn. Mike Chamberlain quick ly moved into the second position follo wed by Craig Ca noy . It wasn 't long befor e both Carlis le and Chamberl ain pulled away from Ca noy and began a mo te -long duel for th e lead . On th e final la p C ham berlain made his move , slip p ing past Carlisle for the lead. With less than half a lap rem aining Chamberlain sot jammed behind lapped riders , while Carlisle mo ved in. Chamberlai n and Carlisle both ap proach ed the large jump on the fro n t straight wi th a cl us ter o f back markers in th e wa y. One o f th e lapped riders ju mped into Cha mberl a in in midair, but Chamberlai n reacted by grabbi ng the rider wi th his left ha nd andshoving him o ut o f his path. The incredible mov e saved th e mote for Chamberlain but spelled d isaster for the lap ped rider and second-place Carlisle, wh o wound up landing o n th e lap ped rider causing both ' 0 DNF. Chamberlain hol eshot th e seco nd rnoto and had dear sailing with a wire- to-wire victory o ver Gordon Ward an d Duane Benner. Eric Wright continued to show strength in the 125cc In termed iate class aft er scoring an u ncontested first mota victory over J erem y Albrecht and Grant Gaspar. Wright rode strong in the seco nd moto, but Gaspar rode stro nger by scoring the second mota win . Ty Kady ret urned to action after a three month layoff and scored the win in the 125cc Novi ce class. Kad y rode with a special wri st brace th at protected th e wrist he inj u red in earl y Ma y. Kady poured it o n both rnot os, scoring two undisputed victories over Mike Batt ista and Wa yne Hunter. Ra n dy Skinner lopp ed the Vet Intermedia te class at Pe rris Night MX. Tony Graves (66) led Grayson Hart (610) in the Pro class at the Hillsboro SX. Resu lts FIRST TIMER: l. R.ay PrTn. (Ya m); 2. T yson Talkingt on (Ya m): ! . Ry;;ln Beat (Suz); i . Nic bo le Tanner (Ya m); 5. Nicholas Lopez (Y;;am ). 50 n ·l : J. Ro u Ga rcia (Ya m); 2. jueun Mace (Ya m ); , . Van er' Freeman (Yam ); 1. Dyla n Lo rd (Yam ); 5. Heather Mau h t'wl (Vam ). 50 MOD : I. Rou G;;aroOi (Ya m ); 2. Sco u Nd50n (Yam); , . Dylan Lord ; 4. Van«' Free man ( ); 5. Jus tin Mxt' (Ya m ). w); 2. F.ddi(' Frechene 60 0-8: l. Rol a nd Rcdriq uee (K.a ( Ka w); , . Eric Wood (K.a.w): 4. Ry;;an Tanner ( Ka w): 5. Seen Nd50n (, 609·11: I. J onathon Schmid t (Kaw); 2. Chria P.ant'k (Kaw ); ! . Mark J oh nson (Kaw). . XR tlOADULT: I. Tim H ool t' (H on ); 2. Jo hn Dean (YZR ); ! . Pt'U" Brazu (Hon). 80 BEG 0 ·1 : 1. Richa rd Difft't' (SOl); 2. Rt'ginald Mitch dl (Sw); S. be Hybbrnc (Kaw); i . Kyk Finnrla (Sw); 5. John Bujdooo ( lU w~ 80 BEG 0.2: l. TYlOn T aylor ( H on): 2. AndJn Wt'bb (SUI): 5. Bri;;ln H bncrom bt' (Yam) ; ... Nick Norton (Sw); 5. Pt'tt' Roln (Sw ). 80 NOV : l. J~ Alnn;;an (Sw); 2. Dt'an V;;Inriptt (K.a w); 3. David Hugbn (Ka w) ; i . CDry SinTft, (SU.I): 5. Kn-in Joluwon< ( lU w~ I ~ ~EG 0.1: 0uU Rrpp (Ka w ): ~ Eric Ca rtn" ( u w); ! . Danl('1 Banndl (Hon); i . [};;t ~ Hlch (Xa w ): 5. C .,t"fW' (Y;;am ). 125 BEG 0.2: I. KtnOt'th Morril. (Suz); 2. H olly Galla~htT (; 3. j;;ack Phion (Kaw); i . Robnt Lill y (Kaw); 5. Ikan Gibson (Kaw). 125 NO\': I. T y K.ady ( Ka w) ; to Mikt' Bauis ta (Sw); 3. Waynt' Huntn (SUL i . Raymond 8oWft'I. (lta w); 5. La Wft'TKT ): Lrwi., (Yam ). I ~ t"" : I. Eric Wri gh t (Sw); 2. Gr an t Galopar (SU.l : 3. 7 ) l n nny Albr«hl (Ya m ); i . David Ci nCOIta (Suz); 5. Bill y Mn-cin (H o n). . 125PRO: I. Raym ond H tml~ (Suz); 2. Cn i~ Canoy (H oo); 3. Tr.avu HodKn (Ho n). 2!AJ BEG D·l : 1. J rif HnMknon (Sw); 2. M;;aU H Olmpton (Vam ); 3. Robfort Go nuln (SUL); i . Andn:w Kyln (H on ); 5. Donny Lourmco (Hon). 250 BEG 0.2: l. Robm McCay (Suz); 2. Gary Ha rada (Suz): 3. Bm Mila n (lUw); i . Mikt' McG ui rT (H o n ); S. W..yl1(' Edmoruon (Ho n). 250 NO V: I. T ony Alnsi (Yam); 2. Eric Brin~ (YOlm) : 3. Robn"t Fixl.;u (Hoo); 4. C.T . Falk (Yam) ; 5. Jef f Eary (H a n ). 2SO tNT: I. Will y Hanq- (H o n). 250 PRO: I. Mikt' a.;;ambt'rlain (Yam ): 2. Go rda n War d . (Va m ); 3. Duan t' Hmnt'T(Y;;Im); i . Ed Vn~lsl (K.:Iw); 5. Tony Full a (Yam) . 500 BEG : l. Jdf Ht'nd n liOo(Hon ); 2. Brua Do...' (Ho n): t 3. Oanit'l T annt'r (Kaw); 4. G ~g Vttdugo (Ho n ); 5. Donald Cumin&(Hon). 500 NOV : 1. Bill H ..ndal (; 2. Mark Str oup (Ho n); 3. J ohn Iknnt'u (AT K); 1. Thomils Ci nd Oll.a (Ho n). ~ INT: I . Kn-in Fringn (H o n). 25-29 REG D-I : I. Jdf H t'ndason (Suz); 2. Dir k Flt';lrt (Yam ); 3. jack Phinn (; 4. Tom Co lin (Kaw); 5. Emil:' Ga rcia (Suz), ~.29 BEG 0.2: I. Ma ti Ndl.l.lD (Sw); 2. U nknown; ! . Van Snu th (H on ); 4. GnJ rgt' Moort' (Ho o); 5. Gary H ar ada (Suz). 25-29 NO V: I. Todd Gould (Hon ); 2. L C. SolO (Kaw ); 3. Ca l Myttl (K.a ". ldf Eary (H on ); 5. Fr;;lnk Vill.a (Suz,. w); ~·29INT: I . Quia LtIlC't' (H a n); 2. Kt'Vin Fringt"r ( H on ); , . Jd f Blackm~ (Ya m): 4. Randy Ski nJl(1'(SUL). VET ~O\' n·t: I. Matt Nt'lwm (Suz); 2. \ ';;an Smilh (Ho n): 5. T om SoIlau r (SUI ); 4 T ommy Br..ckml. (K..I w); ~ . Marll. Sirnup (H no). VET NO\' 0.2: l. Tim Henderson (K.a 2. Jim Willi .aml.; w); 3. Grt"g Pagan (Hon); 4. Jdf Moms (H on); 5. Douglas T ruhn (5wO. VET 1ST: I. Randy SkinnM" (Suz); 2. Pal Womac.k (H on); S. Wi lly Hant')' ( Hon); ~ . Larry Na nnmga (Yam ). VET P RO : I. Brml Walli n~ord (Kaw); 2. Rob Ru tten (Ho n); 3. SIl:Vt' Wisanan (Hon ); i . Ed Vn-hdst (u w); 5. David Sanan (Ho n). iG-t OT: l. Bob Mit nn (Hon); 2. Robert Bujdoso (Yam); S. c;. 1< Wrl>b; • . C,.. Itog

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