Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 31

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eLOCAL EVENTS e Aaron Wasn ea (196) grabbed the holeshot ahead of Brock Suter (87) and Joe Degano (177) in the 125cc.Novice class at LACR. . by. Wi th j ohnson o u t in front, Kar tier 's lead o n Amar adi o sh ru n k rapidly a nd o n the filth la p th e pa ir began a bat tle for th e lead, with neither rider gi ving a n inc h. until Kar tier went wide and Arnaradio powered by and in to th e lead. Kar tier dropped o ff the pace afte r Amaradio gOI by and cam e u nder im mediate attack from Wood. who had been wat ch in g th e lead pair a nd studying th eir lines. The action rema ined in tense un ti l the two began to lap slower riders . Kartier used a lapper to pur so me breat h in g roo m between him self a nd Wood and o n the next lap, followed Amaradio across the finish line for second. Wood sett led for third and Woodard fou rt h . The elder Amaradio, Tony, ha d his ha nds fu ll in th e Pro ra nk s, as he contested both the 125 and 250cc class es. fn the 250cc ra nks Amaradio came away with a double moto win, while th e 125s proved to be more of a challenge , as Todd Campbell proved to be the spoiler today , Ama radio pu t up a good fig h t, as he and Campbe ll swapped the lead back a nd forth numerous times in the first mo to. No soo ner wou ld Amaradio sli p by, Campbell wou ld co me back for the repass. They went bac k and forth for ei~ht o f th e IO-Iaps mot o befor e Campbell finall y took the lead a nd the checkered flag . Moto two saw a Ca m pbe ll holeshot wit h Amaradio close beh ind, as the two riders picked u p wher e th ey left o rr in mo to one. Ama rad io stayed in th e Kawasa ki pil o t's shado w wail ing for an erro r, bu t it seemed as if Ca mp bell were o n a uto ~ pi lQ( . O n th e final !l0-around lap per s forced bo,h ride rs o f( their Imes a nd Amarad io wou nd up wit h a clea r shot at ,h e lead, wh ile Ca m pbe ll was sUlck in I ra £fie. This o nly fruslra ted the Kawasa ki pil o, a nd o nce traffic was o u ' of hi s wa y he qu ickl y ca ug h t Amaradi o. With a ha lf a lap left Campbell dove u nder Am arad io a t th e end o f a shon straightaway a nd wi th less tha n a bike's len gth th e race came do wn to a dr ag to th e checkered. Camp bell go t there first , but Ama rad io ~ot the award for the most ai r-time over th e fims h li ne ta bletop, as he soa red up and o ver Campbell for runner -up hon o rs. In the Open P ro ra n ks ATK's Will ie Musgrave too k the win in fash ion with a pair o f wins . Kaw asaki-m ounted Gary Sa ilors scored seco nd overa ll honors with Gregg Young roundin g o ut the top three slots. Results 28 PI\\'; 1. Ryan T .mnn (Yam). PIW MOD : 1. J GruI~ Sharp (YiIID). 60 0-8: 1. Johnathan Sharp (Kaw); 2. R y~n T~n nn (JY: ). w 60 9-11: I. Montt MOI'l.ilgut' (JY:w); 2. Dusti n Ryky (La w). w); 80 BEC ; 1. Brya n Canil1s. (K.a 2. Todd Banlrtl (Ka w): .s. Jon alh an Schu lU; 1. Mikt RtlLa ford (SUI); 5. T ywn T aylor (}fo n). SONO V: I. JOllOhu a Amara dio (Hon): 2. Sha un K.anit"r (SOl); .s. la$O Wood (SUI); 1. Dann y Wooda rd (Ka w). n BO t NT: I. Srou Jo hn5Ofl (SUl). ADULT MtSt: r. Soon Murphy (Xaw). 125 BEG: 1. Ervin Marvin ( ~w); 2. alUck Parkn (Yam ); ,. Sm iuy (Xaw); 4. Jawn Fit"! (Yam); 5. Sn-gio Avan lo ds (Kaw). 125 NOV : I. Richard SlqJ hms (Hon): 2. T y Kady (ka w): .s. Mi u Li n le; 4. SIt"W' Mri n (Kaw); 5. Krilh (Suz). 125 INT: 1. Shigm Nish imura ('Yam); 2. Ln Mal an (SUI); ". Tracy Ashtr, 4. SIrYC' Moo rt' (SIJZ); 5. Scou Mur phy (Han). 125 PR O: I. Todd Cam~1I (Raw); 2. T ony Amaradio (Yam). 250 BEC : 1. Cy Pr.tdo(Kaw): 2. Rick Davis: .s. Ra nd y H uff ('Y ilm); 1. Mikt Odo m (Kaw); 5. Cary Holl on (Han). 250 NOV: 1. Mikt" Linle; 2. Dani t"!Smith (Hon) ; 3. Billy Pilul (SUI ); 1. Ugo Bnoui (Kaw); 5. Kf"V in Gilvrtlt (Hon). 250 INT: I.Tracy Ashn'. 250 PRO: 1. Tony Amilradi o (Yam); 2. Kt"n Nt"iud. 500 BEC : 1. Dan Til nnt"r (lUw) . o 500 PR O : 1. Will y Mwgraw (AT K); 2. Cary 5.ilil n (Kaw); 1. Cr t S Young (Hon). JR VET NOV: 1. Louis Pt"U J r. (Kaw); 2. John Go ma (Ha n ): 1. R ick Davu (Ho n); 1. Cra ig Willlis (Hon ). JR VET INT: I. Jack Kell (Hon): 2. J ohn Pack (Yam); .s.R onald Ma lo~ (Hon). . VET BEG : 1. David Procida (Sw ); 2. Donnit" Quanstrom (Ha n ); 3. Chri ·, Day (SUl ); 1. Kirk l. u Kroflu (Hon): 5. Crai g AnsrRil.n (K.iw ). VET NOV: I. Ron Sharp (Yam): 2. T on y MdMlI1 (Yam); 3. Krn Gray (Kaw); 4. Greg Pa K3n (Hon ); 5. Ken l ..l"Tbo urnr (Hon ). VET INT : I. Mark Olse n (Ha n ): 2. j t"le M.non (Yam); :S. Frank Stnnn (Kaw); 4. y A.ndc-n on (Yam): 5. Ourlif' Str unK (Ho n). VET EX; I. Cr tg Keirn (Yam). SR BEG: i , Dan FitlW (Yam). SR NOV : I. Jerry Woodard (Yam). Suter sizzles at LACR Night MX 250 NOV: I. Bob Phill iJ» (Ha n ); 2. j oe Ha men (Ho n); 3. Billy Paul (SUl ); 1. Eric Mafli n (lin n ); 5. John Rolrlo l (Yam ). 250 tf",," : I. Eddie D.n'i, (Yilm); 2. Bill Solum (Hon ): 5. O wm Oiltw n ( Ka w); 4. RY Vonloubn"K (Suz): 5. Miil.r iln Blair (Yilm). 250 PRO : I. And y Elli, (SUl); 2. Randy Mnndy (B on). 500 REG : I. Robm 5I.hank (Hon ). jR VET BEG : I. John Stohl (Hon); 2. Mikt"SIM'if' (SUl): ~. K.O. Halfhill (Kaw); 1: Olris Buur ('Yil ). . m J R VET SO\'; I. HOIr\'t"Y Bohman Jr . (Hon ); 2. Jttry MarOnt" (Stu): 3. Eric Harrison (Ya m); -t. non Kn km d. (Sw ). 1 J R VET EX: I. Eric Oa.... (Suz). \ \' ET BEG: I. R.and y Jamn (Ha n ); 2. Jon Man ha ll (Hon); 3. Mikf' Xt"'1ll

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