Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eLOCAL EVENTS e Jeff Russell (85) leads the Open Expert class at the Clubgrounds IT in Boise. O PEN JR: 1. Anthony Freema n (RlX); 2. Alla n McClellan (Han): ' . Adam En ticknap (Yam). VET NOV IJR: 1. Lawrence Gr eene (R lX); 2. Mark Ledbe tter ( Ka w ); 3. Ch ri s Bailey (Yam ); 4. Da n Wall er (Ha n); 5. Dan iel Do wdin g (Yam). PR O ·AM: 1. Dan iel McDonnell (H· O); 2. T ory Bostrom (R tx); 3. Paullwan aga (Hon); 4. Alla n McBee (R tx): 5. Perr y Lanl;"(Hon ). VET EX: I. Mark Sm ith (H. D); 2. Dave Bostrom (RlX); 3. Tim Hl ebo (H. D). O PEN EX: I. Ben Bostrom (Rtx ); 2. Allon McBtt (RlX); 3. Dan iel McDonnell (H . D); 4. Paul Iwan aga (H a n ); 5. Mark Smi th (H · D). Gilliland, Letellier top Team HS By Phil Ellsworth CARBONDALE, KS, JUNE30 Terry Gilliland and Leigh Letelli er scored the overall win in the T eam Hare Scrambles class at Santa Fe Trail Cycle Par k. H igh temperatures a n d stro n g wi nd s increased the cha llenge of the three-ho ur, twoman, two-bike team even t. Answer/ KTM / Letko Cycl es/ Scott-support ed Let ellier assumed th e lead early on th e firs t lap, followed th rough the barr els by john Isaacs, Dave Smith and Calvin Bass. Bass go t by Smith on the second lap, setti ng the top three positions for the race. Gilliland and Lete llier soon worked up a two minute lead on the Isaacs and Bru ce Korbelik team that lasted into the second hour. Letellier noticed a fiat rear tire as he was comi ng out of the scoring barrels and had to mak e an un scheduled stop. T he Gillila nd and Letellier team ended up wit h a 40-second margin of victory after 10 laps on the 5.7 mile course. Steve Grun passed Phil Ellsworth in the woods section on the ninth lap , to take fou rth overall for his team. Ellsworth and Paul DiPasg,uale followed, second in the Plu s 60 class. SIxth overall went to Dave Haworth and Mike Pa tterso n. Solo racers got thei r mo ney 's worth of riding toda y, led by Bu tch T aylor and Daryl Davis in eighth and nin th overa ll, respectively. :Results EX: I. T en)' Gill ila nd/Leigh Letel lier (KTM) : 2. Randy Bayless (Yam )/ Steve Grun (KTM); ~ . David Ha worth/Mike Patterson (KT M). 100: 1. Chad Cooper (Kaw)/Eli G ieger (Hon); 2. Dustin Rh odes (Kaw)/ Jason Sm ith (Ho n ). OPEN: I. Jo hn Isaa cs (KTM)lBrua Korbelt k (AT K); 2Kevin Base/ Ken Ca mpbell (Hon). PLUS 60: 1. Calvin Bass (Raw )/ Roger LeRette (Yam ); 2Pa ul DiPasq ua lelPhil Ellsworth (ATK ): 5. Dave Sm ith (H on)lLonme Smit h (Yam ): 1. Jdf Boring (KaW)/Slew Shearer (KTM l; 5. Dennis Patt erso n/Bruce Zim merman (KTM). SOLO: I. Butch Taylor (Raw); 2. Daryl Davis (ATK); 5. Steve Peine (KTM) . BEG: 1. Darren ReevnlDevian Renu (Raw) : 2. Curtis Hrabe (Yam )/ R ick Patterson (H on ): ~ . Brott HowardlRob Talky (H on) ; 1. Pat Easum/ Cliff Lo max (KTM); 5. Tony Deltal (Suz). Henson handles Boise TT By Derryl Anderson 30 B OISE, !D, JUNE 22 Atkinson Glass/ Shoei/ Works Shocks / Honda of Caldwell/ Brick H ou se Pizza-backed Ricky H enson took his H on da to the main even t win a t the Club grounds track in Boise. In the heat race, Jeff Ru ssell stole the initial lead , over Rod Reynolds, H enson, R yan Anderson , Je ff Walters, Scott McPherson an d Pat Massie. Within one lap , He nso n flew by Reynolds and Ru ssell for the lead . Massie dropped ou t with mechan ical problems , and Anderson passed Ru ssell and wen t gu nning for Reynolds. On lap five, Anderson tried Reynolds on the outs ide of tum one , but slid ou t. Behind th e leaders, McPherson and Massie were battling back a nd forth, until McPh erson took the adva ntage and went after Reyn olds. At th e checkered flag , it was He nso n, R ussell, Reynolds, McPherson close behi nd , then Massie an d Anderson. The mai n event star t was a carbon copy o f the h eat ra ce, with Russell leadin g Reynolds, Henso n , Anderson and the others in to turn one. However, H enson wasted no time in laking over the lead, with Ru ssell in tow. Anderson battled sid e-by-side with Reynolds for two laps , befor e pulling ahead on the stra igh taway. McPherson was the next on e to challenge Reynolds, as the two riders wen t back and forth to the m ote's end. Meanwhile, H enson had Russ ell a ll over hi m, with Anderson back abou t 30 yards. Anderson was slow ly closi ng the gap, until Hen son and .Ru ssell'started to find a better lin e through the sweeper. With a lap and a half to go, Ru ssell lost his rear brakes coming into tur n one and he had to lay it do wn. He nson rode flaw less to th e finish , with Anderso n in secon d . Reyn o ld s, Mc Pherso n . Wa lt er s, Massie and R ussell followed. In the Sportsman class heat race, Kip Yerton went wire-to-wire, while everyone eJse J·ockeyed back and fort h. Gary Bonney an Pat Massie took turns passing each other, someti mes several tim es per lap. Behind that duel was G len n Young, T odd Gillespie and J eff Magall anes. All three riders could be covered wit h a bla nket, but no passes too k p lace until two laps from the finish , You ng and G illespi e star ted exchang ing positions two to thr ee times per lap. At the checkered flag it was Yerto n, Massie, Bonney, Gill espi e, Young and Magalla nes. ' In the mai n event , Bonn ey led for two laps befor e Massie and Yerton went by. Yerton led laps four and five, then Massie too k over when it coun ted. Yert on got within a wheel of Massie severa l times, but Massie pulled abo ut a 15-yard lead at the finis h. Yerton , Gillespie, Bonney , Young and Magallanes ro u nded out the to p five. Results SPTSMN: 1. Pa t Massi~ (Raw ); 2. Kip Yer ton ( Ra w); , . Todd Gme&pi~ (Yam ); 4. Gary Bonney (Hon ); 5. Gl enn Youn g (Ho n ). KNO BBY B: I. Todd Gi llespie (Yam ): 2. Jeff Creek (Hon ); ~ . Ken ny Ouver (H on ); 4. Kirby Van Leaven (A us); 5. Sin e Arndt (Raw). KNOB BY EX: I. Todd Pu gh (ATK) ; 2. J im my Lyngar (Raw ); ~ . Herb Nachtigall (He n): 4. Ron Wehr (KTM); 5. Jay Roberta (Yam). . OPEN EX: I. Ricky Hen son (Hon): 2. Ryan Anderson (W· R ): 5. Rod Reyno lds (Hon): 4. Seen McP henon (Hon); S. Jeff WaIten (R tx). Haydens clean up at Peoria By Dave Hoenig PEORIA, u, JUNE 21 T he Hayden family dom inated the Pep sisponsored ; Tote G ra y Ra cing-p romo ted , Friday nig ht sho rt track races, held at Peoria Raceway. Wit h Mar lin and Recil Hart turnin g the wrenches, the Kim & Neil Keen/Hart Racing/ Kiw i/Stu m p I ns .lGraybay Kaw/ Bobby Lewis/Moto-Libert y-sponsored team swep t six classes. Roger Lee Hayde n h eld off th e hard challenge of j on Ch amp lin to win the po pu lar 50cc main. In the 65cc class, Roger Lee Hayden won the hea t, and J ustin Filson topped the semi. Hayden jumped into the lead of the ma in , but his sister, J enny Hayden an d Filson, bot h scooted by quickly. Filso n tried an insi de move on Jen ny in turn on e, bu t his front end washed out , p ut ting him ou t for the nig ht. Jenny wen t on to cla im her win over Roger Lee and Ran dy Smith. The BOcc class was a no ther barn -bu rner, as Nicky Hayden led Jen ny Hayd en a nd Brya n Bigelow. Bigelow aggres sively got by Jenny a nd closed on Nicky, but couldn 't gam the win. The 125 and 200cc classes were combined, but scored separately. T ommy and Nicky Hay den a nd BIgelow pushed their 125s to the Win ner Elmer Trett and T on y Lang take th e green at New England Dragway. fron t. T ommy led the way to the checkered over Nicky, with Bigelow a solid third. The 250cc main fea tured a seven rider pa ck, with Mike Hoh leadin g J ohn La m brick, Tommy Ha yden and Doni H oleman. Lap three found Hayden in second, and by the halfway mark , the first two had p ulled a way fro m the field. Steve Ha ll moved up to third on lap six, closing on the lead pack. H ayden too k over the point on lap eigh t, leaving Hoh to fen d off Ha ll. La mbr ick held on for four th , as Scott Shin n moved by Holeman on the last la p for fifth. T h e Open cl ass bel onged to Tommy H ayden , as he quickly moved to a safe lead . Ch ip Perry held down second over Dan Carter. By the ha lfway po in t, Perry and Carter were joined by Derek Broo ks, Chris Li nks an d R yan Brown. Engine problems sidelined Perry , as Lin ks moved up to challenge for second . A last lap bobble left Links in th ird over Brooks . 7.286/185.75 coup led wit h a great .417 ligh t put him into the final. La ng ga ve Trett a good race in the final , as his .549 ligh t kep t him with Trett un til Elm er' s superior horsepower came into p lay a t ha lf track. At the finish lin e, Treu was two b ike len gt h s a h ea d ta king th e Can-Am Nat ionals victory wit h a ru n at New England Dragway a' 201.88, which Lang's consisten t 7.293/ 185.83 gave him ru n ner-up mo ney for the second tim e th is year. Bill Furr made dra g raci ng history at New Eng land Dragway runni ng three consecu tive 180 mp h blasts on hi s way to his second straigh t Rivera/ Pri mo Top Fuel Harley Clash Championship. Fu rr , who setrhe speed recor d a t 180.68 at the Gard en State Nationa l o ne mon th ago, upped that record to an asto unding 183.33 in his fina l roun d meeti ng wit h Bob Sp ina. Resul ts Balas hot at Amherst Motocross 50: 1. ROKer Hayden (Ya m ); 2. Jon Champ lin (Yam ): ~. Jo~h Toungeu (Ya m); 4, G rt'KOry Noelk f'n (Ya m ). 60: I. j enn v H ayden (Kaw); 2. Ro~r H ayden (Ka w); , . Ra ndy Smith (Hon ): 4. Sha nnon Wfl Rht (Ka w); 5. j usu n Filso n (Kaw ). 80: I. N icky Hayden (Yam ): 2. Bryan BiK('low (Kaw): 3. Jenny H ayden (Yam) ; 4. Sh an e O a rr iso n (Ya m ); 5. Da n Bt-II (ka w ), SR: l. Lee Eslinger (Ya m); 2. Rex T assa rt (Ho n ); , . Klaus . Brunner (Yam ); 4. Kenn y Clary (Hon ). 125: 1. T o mm y Ha yden (Yam ); 2. Nicky Ha yden (Ya m ); , . Bryan Bigdow (Ya m ): 4. William M ilJ~r J r. ( Ra w ): 5. Kurt Marmor (Yam). 200: I. John Lambnck (Kaw); 2. Michad Co pela nd (Ho n) : 3. Butch Stoc kto n (Ya m). 250: 1. Tom my Hayden (Yam ): 2. Mike Hoh (H on ); , . Steve H all (H a n); 4. Joh n La mbr ick (Yam ): 5. Scott Sh inn (Bon). 400: 1. T roy F ischer (Hon ); 2. Da vid G ill (Bul); 3. Terry Adam s (H on): i..SteV G ill (CA). en O P EN: I. lSiimy H ayden (ROt); 2. Dan Carter (H· D); ,. Chri s Links (Ha n ); 4. Derek Brooks (Hon); 5. Ryan Brow n (Rtx). J RlEX: 1. Dave Carotin (H -D): 2. La rry Davis (H -D); s, Scott H uff (Ka w) . PRO -AM: I. Cha d Bart h (H- D); 2. We& Beckman (H on): , . Phi l Lash (H a n); 4. Ch ris Sch mu lbach (R ex); 5. Brya n Gra ybeal (W-R). Tretton topat New England Dragway Drag Race By Tony Williams EPPING, NH,JUN E30 Near ly 300 competitors made the trek to beau tiful New En gland Dra gway for ro und four on the Prostar Na tional even t tour. T he dragway has alw ays been known as one of the best bitin g tracks on the East Coa st but du e to the heat an d humidity, the trac k didn 't come around until Sunday when the tem perature dropped fro m the '90s in to the comfortable 70 degree ran ge. Elme r T rett on his Mou n tain Magic was the class of the field in th e EBC Brakes T op Fue l C lassic. Trett q ua lified h is AP E/ T su baki / Autolite / Trett Spe ed & Cu stom blown Kawasaki on the po le wit h a tra ck record of 6.937 seconds, and used conserva tive run s to win hi s second Top Fuel Eli mi nator title of the year. T rett hit an easy 7.009/1 98.58 mph on a first round bye, while Larry McBride smo ked the tire on a 7.63/1 88.20 victory over Ed Bogeda in , who fouled on an 8.324/ 174.99 to stop Duk e McDonald's Suzu ki a t a 7.6511 173.84. T ony La ng ended the rou nd with a 7.311181. 78 performance on hi s Pin gl espo nsored Suzuki to put a way a broken Buck ' McPhatter. Ro und two had the current EBC Bra kes Top Fuel Classic poi nts leader McBride facin g nu mb er two T ren in a pivota l race for th e World Championship. The Spi derman cu t th e better lig ht, .549-.603, but h is 7.455/1 86.02 on the APE/ ART/Cycle Specia list Suzuki was nOlenoug h 10 hold off T rett's tremendou s .483 reaction time whi ch cost him the race, as lang' s By Peggy Adamic AMHERST, OH, JUNE 1 6 J aso n Balas scored 1-1 rnoto fin ishes in the combined 125 and 250cc Expert class, a t Amherst Meadow lar ks MX Pa rk. Marcus Sella rds led the field into turn one with Balas on his rear whee l. Sellards' lead was sho rt-lived , as Balas stole the lead on th e first lap. Mike Howell and Dave Fletterick chased the du o as J ay Hershey pic ked his way through the gro up of riders to take thi rd by lap th ree. Allen Beech foll owed Hershey pa st Fletterick and H owell, to gra b fourth. Bala s po unded his way around the track building up a n l l-second lead. Sellar ds bega n to tire , allowing Hershey and .Beech to mo tor pas t. Keith Perry mo ved into fifth and went to work on Beech, when Sella rds dro pped out of the race. Balas took the win , 15-seconds ahea d of Hershey: Perry took thi rd ahead of Beech, wh ile Bill Koleno held fifth. Mota two was a start- to-fin ish win for Balas. Sella rds, Beech , Perry and Howell chased Bal a s through tu rn one, with Flett er ick moving ahead of Howell on the first lap. Perry mo tored into second on lap four . Balasnever go t more than an eight -second lead, and th e top five riders held their posi tions for the rema inder of the 12-lap mot o. Carl Hand took top hon ors in the Senior One class, as he rode to two start -to-finish mot o victor ies. Wayn e Mintzl aff, second 10 Hand in the CRA year ly po in ts race, was the runner-up scori ng 2-2 moto finishes. Henry H auen stein fin ished thi rd, ahead of Carl Davis and Kevin Outland. R.esults 50: I. Bren t Mim on e (MM ): 2. Troy Covemry ( Suz): ~. T ro y Gould (Yam ): 4. D. Espenschied (Yam ). JR MIN I: I. Levi H enni n ger (Suz); 2. Bret Marinko (Vam ); ~ . Troy Govmtry (Kaw); 4:. Mall Volpe (Hon ); 5. Larry Thomas Jr . (Suz). SR MINI : 1. Brock Sellards (H on): 2. Karl Sco tt (Suz); ~ . Jake Davis (Raw); 1. John Da vis (Kaw); 5. Lev i H ennin~r (Suz). SC HBY: 1. Vince: Kam ow (Suz); 2. Rick Ray (Yam): ! . Bill Ro berts (Hon ); 1. J~ Baxter (KT M). 125 A: I. Keith Perry (Hoo); 2. Mike Ho well (Hon). 125 B: I. vi nce Kamow (Suz); 2. Ch uck Fra nc isco (Suz): 3. Da ve Jones (Suz); 4. Eric Nepodal (Suz); 5. Tim Puetel ak (Suz). 125 C: I. Bruce Uh l (Suz); 2. Ron Flick (Suz): 3. Danek Smi th (Suz); 4. Marc Bauma nn (Kaw); 5. Sean Kern (H on ). 250 A: I. Jason Balas (H on ): 2. Alan Beech (Yam) : ! . Dave Flen erick (H a n); 4. Bill Kolm o (H on); 5. Mar cus Sellards (Ho n). 2500 B: I. Eric Klein (Suz); 2. Kevin Deyliog (Ya m ); ,. T im Pustd a k (Suz); 4. Ra y v agarascto (H on ); 5. Gary Co y (Suzl. 25Q C: I. T y Myers (Kaw); 2. c .j. Klein (Raw ); 3. Kevin Ou tla nd (Kaw); 4. George Jordan (Hon ); 5. Shane .Ge ringer (Sw). PLUS 25: 1. Ra y Vag-oIrasolO (H a n); 2. Steve Wil m ington (Raw ): , . H~nry Ha ue nst~i n (H on); 4. Ja mes w on (H on ): 5. Tom Rickbrodt (Ho n ). SR 1: I. Car l Hand (H on ); 2. Wayne Min u la U (Ho n ); ~ . Henry Ha uenlilein (H on ); 4. Carl Davis (Kaw ); 5. , Kevin Ou tla nd (Kaw). SR 2: I. C..eor~ Sing ler (Hon) ; 2. Tom Rickbrodt (H on); 3. Jor Ouo (Hon); 4. Larry Co y (KT M); 5. Ron Reisinger (Kaw).

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