Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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a great win . Ca m lin, Fisher a nd Da vis fought th eir ow n war over the third place spot. finishin g in that or der o n the last lap. The 500cc Pro-Ams competed in th ree very fast hea ts that set th e stages for th e rest of the day. Kurt Boeh lke fought off Audie H uff Jr. and Dan Zitur for th e first het wi n. Then came th e three ma n bat tle in the second heat, with Bob Yberna comi ng fro m a slow start to ove rtake Ken ton Longcor a nd Todd Doughty for the win . The last hea t sa w Steve Kasten blast into th e lead early on, and hold off th e h igh lin e stylings of Brian Kromro y and Brian Gr aybeal. T wo semi-fina ls fill ed out th e 12-man fin al, ta king th ree from each. Dan Zitur fended off j eff Picha and T od d Doughty for th e top spot in the first semi. Chad Barth nipped Brian Graybeal and T erry Vestal to cla im th e seco nd semi win. By th e time th e Pro-Am fin al lined u p, th e track was very deep , loo se an d ro ugh. Kromroy jumped to th e front at th e flas h of the light, and went immedia tel y up h igh. After three lap s, Kromro y had a good lead o n the ba ttle for seco nd. Huff, Longcor, Boehlke and Zitur finished in th a t order. Results 50: I. Nick Zum (hj ); 2. Josh Toungttt (Yam): 3. Co~ Stau (Yam). 65: I. Sha nnon Wrigh t ( ); 2. Ju atin Filson (; 3. Eric Zorn (Xa w ). 85: I. Rid Bra) (Yam) ; 2. TI1ICY Honeck (Yam); 3. Sh an non Wri gh t (Raw). 125: I. Todd W in~u (Ha n); 2. Pa ul Lynch (Ha n); .5. ] .R. Schnabel (Ka w) . 200: I. John La mbrick (K..w ); 2. Marvin Long (Han); !. MaUl Col lier (Suzl. ~: 1. Ken Coolber h (Ha n); 2. Steve Gard ner (Ha n); 3. Slno(' Han (Hon). 400: 1. 1..« Joh nson (Ha n ); 2. D"vid C ill (eA): 3. Troy johnson (Han). 500: 1. Ch ris Li nks (Ha n ): 2. Steve HaU « H .D); .5 Dan . eann (H . D) . _ 600; I. Marshall Pa trick (H · D): 2. Ken Coo lbeth (Rtx ). SR: 1. Don Camlin (H .D); 2. Steve Goardnfi (Hon); ! . Ken Cary (Ha n). 500 PRO : I. Bria n KlOmroy (H ·D ); 2. Audit' Hu UJr. (Rut ); 5. Krnlon 1...QnKror (Hon ). 600 PR O: I. Rich King (H -D); 2. Bm Rt'yfi (H -D); !. Dave Camlin (H · D). 750 PRO : r. Rn Filhn (H -D); 2. Bob Bullington (H . D); 5. Devon Pritchard (H -D). Harper tops Cycleland MX By Michael Rich OIIGO, CA,jULY5 _ Dean Harper o verca me so me m ech an ical difficulties to sco re th e o verall win in the combined 250cc Novice and J unior class at the first race of th e Sini salo Sum mer Series, held ar Cycleland Speedway. At the start of th e first mo to, Byron Parsons led the field around th e first turn, with Harper and Scott Averill following closely behind. Harper's bike began to miss terri bly, and he fell to the back of the pack. As th e rest of the riders disappeared, Harper remembered to tum off his ch oke and quickl y ga ve chase. Up front, jerry Douglas put a classic block pass on Averill, and took second over th e tabletop. Meanwhile, Parsons was motoring away to an easy win. Harper finished third in the junior division; about midpack. The second moto was a wild affair. Parsons again took the po int at th e star t, only to be passed by Harper in the rockers. Parsons th en put the move o n Harper to retake the lead. Once in front, however, Parsons hit a hay ba le and went down. This allowed Douglas to sli p under Harper for th e lead. The next th ree laps saw Douglas and Harper excha nge the lead six times. Harper would pass Douglas in th e rockers, and Douglas would clock pa st in th e tum before the tabletop. With two laps to ~o, Douglas stalled h is engine in a hairpin, allowing both Harper and Aver ill to pa ss. By this time, Parsons had moved back up to - ird th place among th e juniors. This, how ever, was not good enough for th e o vera ll , as Harper took the win 10 the seco nd moto and th e overall. Douglas regr ouped for third in th e moto - first Novice. The Mini Junior race turn ed into a shootout between Justin Brown and th e Crawford brothers. In the first moto, Dylon and Cody Crawford led th e pa ck. Brown doubled past them on the first lap, and went o n for an easy win. Cod y took seco nd, as Dylon wenl down and finished well back in th e pack. Brown cam e back in th e seco nd moto ready to win again. Brown roo sted aw ay at the start and looked confident, but hooked a hay bal e and went down. Cody Crawford and Nathan Peterson motor ed p ast. Alth o u g h h e remounted, Brown did not ha ve sufficie nt time to run down the leaders. Cra wford took the win and th e overall. . Results P/W : l. Eric Nyr (Yam); 2. Sha nna Sompi (Yam); 5. Brandon Boyd (Yam). 60 NOV: l. Qui. M cAv oy (Kaw); 2. Eric Hagen (Ha n). 60 JR: I. Evan La ug hri dgt' (ltaw); 2. Nikki Harris (Ha n). MINI NOV: I. Nadlan Pn rnon (Xaw); 2. Ca~ Weelu (; 5. Krl~ Maason (Lw). MINI JIt.: 1. Cody era .lord (Sw); 2. JUl tin Brown (Yam ). I~ NOV : I. Stt'Vt' Krstrnon (Yam ); 2. Danny Ruthrrfoni ( y..,~ l ~ JR: 1. Darrin Piner (Yam); 2. Jd f Elder (Hon ). 250 NOV: 1. Jerry Douglas (Yam); 2. David Bttk (Sw): S. Y;c Hagen (Han). 250 JR: l. Dean Harpt'l' (Kaw); 2. Scott Awrill (Sw). INT: I. T yltt Edwards (Hon ); 2. J im Fttguson (Hon). ~RO: l. lDwrll M oural Jr. (Hon) ; 2. T om Odrkir k (Yam) . Pegram pounds Barbara Fritchie Classic Half Mile By Len Breech FREDERICK, MD, JULY 4 Larry Pegram scored th e Expert class a t th e 69th Annual Frederick Lions Club-sponsored Barba ra Fritchie Classi c, this tim e as part o l the Reg io nal Championship Ser ies. The Ea ke n -Spons e lle r Ra cing / Ara ilKK /Tsubaki/Yoko/Mj USA-sponsored rider ba ttled with Rodney Farri s the entire way taking the lead as they co m pleted the sixth lap. Last year 's Pro-A m wi n ner , Geo rgie Price, moved u p to th e junior ranks and smo ked the fin al, cha rging up th rough the field to take the lead from Ken Mohler on th e six th lap. The Pro Am class was do m inated by Rod ney Mashue o n a vin tage H on da , wi nning by almost a straight. Pegram had .virt ually a perfect afternoo n o n th e narr ow ha lf mi le, as he set fast time and wo n hi s heat. T he only thing Pegram did n' t win, was th e Smi tty's Challenge, a five lap Dash For Cas h paying $1000 to win. T he Cha llenge was on ly open to the six fastest H arley-D av id son m ounted riders. George Roeder scored the win , and the cash. O th er Expert heat wi n ners were Roed er and Craig Estell e. Roed er grabbed the lead ahead of Pegram, Farris and Estelle a t the start of the fina l. Farris slip ped into secon d as they came off the fourth turn on lap three, an d both he and Pegram got by Roeder as they head ed off th e tum fou r on the next lap . Roed er's ignitio n sta rted to malfun ction, and he slipped back to sevent h. While th e two front-runners ba ttled ove r first , Estelle was runnin g a lonel y third, well in fron t of Rob Mal'eski and Darrin Erichsen, who ba ttl ed over o urth. As they came off th e fourth tur n on lap six, Peg ra m sli p ped under Farris for the lead, and held off several cha llenges to SCOIl." the wi n. Pro blems p lagued th e two fastest qua lifiers in th e Ju nior ranks. as Pri ce's motor blew u p after he too k the lead in his heat , and jess Roeder put h is rear tire a little too close to the edge of the track wh ile run ning away with his heat. Harold Hillard and T o m Danielle scor ed the heat wi ns .. In the final, Ken Moh ler held th e lead, followed by Eric j ohncox, Lew Woods, and Mike Klopp. Price went in to third o n th e back stra ig h t o n the second lap, and too k seco nd o n the next lap, while Roeder worked his way into fifth , befo re layin g it do wn in th e same spot. Price and Mohler put some di stan ce on the field. Pri ce put hi s D8cS Cycles/Dors ey Builders/Bell- sponsor ed Wood-R otax into the lead as th ey came off the second tum o n .la p six , and started to pull away . Mohler hel d o n to second. T he Pro-Am fi nal saw Mashue put hi s Br yan M ollou sso-bu ilt , se lf-s pon so re d H onda in front and run a race by himself. Mashue m issed a good battle for seco nd, as Edgar Sto rm, Kevi n Varn es, j esus Cr aw ford , Chuck Buchanan a nd Scott sJlIlo battled in th e first half, befor e Sto rm took co ntrol of the battle. Plenty of action was supplied by Bart Bast (left) and Jim Sisemore at Auburn S~way_ Larry Pegram (72) won the Expert class at the Barbara Fritchie Classic Half Mile. Results SHORT TRACK 50: 1. Robby Shinn (Yam): 2. David Barn hill (hj); 3. Step hen Beall (Yam); 1. M a l~ Williams (Yam); 5. Amy w hee ler (Yam). 60: I. A.J. EsHd. (~w) ; 2. Robby Shinn (K..a. w). 80: 1. 1alO0 Tya (lion ); 2. Ca&f"Y Smethers (Yam); 5. Alla Shin n (Sw); 4. James Thompso n (Ho n). 125, 1. B,lIy ltcn n

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