Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 07 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Zalinski zooms to Meadow Muffin Grand Prix win By David A. Procida SAN BERNARDINO, CA, JUNE 50 Paul Zelinsky put his Kawasaki KX250 in to the winner 's ci rcle in th e Junior Vet Novi ce: class at th e California Racing Oub's Mead ow Muffin Grand Prix a t Gl en Hel en . On 'he opening lap of th e v ce Frank ra Betcher led the en ure class ar ound th e co u rse and co n tin ued to show everyo ne his rear fend er for o ver two laps befo re Zelin sky go' a chance to ma ke: his presence kn own to the leader. On ce: Belch er realized he was bein g challen~ he p icked up ' he pace: bu t was '0 no avail, as Zalinsky was de termined to ass u me th e lead. As th e rid ers reappeared fro m the back secti on o f the track th e lead belo nged to the Kaw asaki rider . Zal in sk y wa s taking n o ch a nc es o n losing his lead and immediately began 10 pull awa y from th e rest of th e Jumor Vets buildin!,: up a co m forta b le lead th at he would co n u n ue to in crease a ll th e wa y to t he chec kered Ilag . Takinll second in 'he class wa s Carnell Canter with Ro na ld Harrison, Tim McAdams and Lewis Greer rounding out the top five Ju nio r Vet Novice po sitions. Zalinsky wasn't th e o nly o ne taki ng a convincing wi n today, as Ty Kady pu t his Kawasaki KX l 25 into the wi nner's circle after passing David Nichols, who led th e l25 cc Novices through turn one. Kady '0010 o ver on the motocross section of th e track and led th e overa ll race:ahead of th e 250 and 500cc Novi ces and 45-minues later, Kady '0010 a well deserved win with Nichols pushing all th e way 10 the checkered for second. Donnie Q UaDS !rom overcame a fifth place start 10 work his way up '0 the Vel Beginner win . Q uanslro m look 'he lead in the early laps o f the race with Mark Dewberry, Ma rk Broad head, Blake Orgill and Eric Seymour nose-to-tail at the finish line. J eff Youn~ finished in 10lb overall 10 take the Vet NOVIce: win, with ~ Thompson ihe bridesmaid. Thompson finished in 13,h overa ll ahead of john Bosanko and Chuck Duran. Ro n Hupfeld rode hard and was rewarded with the final top five finishing slot. Raults 60 BEG 0-8 ; I. J ORoillhan Shi m p; 2. Blak l: Vkm: 5. j ason Shuu; 4.. Braydnl l a,lor . 60 BEC 9-11: I. Duuio R, lqo: 2. Robb y Couse: 5. JaiOn Larkin, · 80 BEC 9-11: l. Shpd Vims; 2. Mau T lu lnnier; 5. R.J. ~B~i.'la~,i~n-:;~~f Cook: 5. Tommy H'lfri~n; 1. Richard Diffcor; 5. S~wn DoIm.a~. 80 NOV: l. Rick Elrod. 80 BIC WH L.: I. hul Meumgel': 2. Ray Pickell: 3. j im 0..... VINT EX: I. Eric; 2. Norm Bi~ktw; 3. Thont.;llo Eogc llw'dL VINT 1 ~'T: l. Mike Holehkl": 2. j ohn Lu ndgren ; 3. Kt-n G~ne; 1. Gary Egloff: S. Mark Neal. VINT NOV: I. Stn'e Ha mann ; 2. Ronald Han i!OOn; 3. Jim Jdfrio; 1. Myron Lapka: S. Scott T Remb lay. J R VET [NT: I. Frank Bnchn. J R VET NOV: l. Paul Zt-linsky; 2. Coml'1I Canler; !. is Ronald Harrison: 1. Tim McAda ms: 5. Gren-. J R VET BEG : I. O1ri , HanM"l; 2. T om Dunham; 5. Ron Gar cia. VET EX.: I. Bob SlepMnson; 2. Tracy Hr.teh :1. RobPwin; 4. C.1L Bnm>on. VET 1NT: l. O1.arlie Suong; 2. Ron Malone; S. Joh n Pack; 4. N01 Summcn. VET NOV: I. jdJ Youna: 2. Larry TIlompeon: S. John BounJo; 1. Cluck Duran; S. Ron Hupldd. VET BEG : I. Donnie Quarulrom; 2. Mark Dc-wbeny ; S. Mark Broadhad: 1. Blakl' Orgi ll; S. Eric ~mour. SIt EX: I. Will ia m Saltzman; 2. John H~I . SIt LVI': I. Robm Linvilll'. SR NOV, I. Ed0". SR BEC: I. Iick Early ; 2. Dan Finch; 1. Ger.t1d c.noll. SUO PR O : I. Johnny YmpbdL Z!JO PR O : I. km NaUtI: T.oq- Un<. I2S P RO: I. ToddCam~1 SOO L'IIT: 1. Frank Betcher, 2. Tim H.uriJ.. 250 INT: I. Tun Alnandrr. I%S INT, I. Ln %!to NOV: l. AWl Hill Jr.: 2. Bill hul; S. Maroi Camo. I%S NOV: I. T, ""'" 2. 0.00 Nkho'" 5. Sen" P........: 4. Jim Bulin. SOO BEC : I. Bm. Bonham.: 2. Wilson l...rwi~ S. Sl'an Sikorili. 250BEC: I. Fc:rnandcz;2. Slew- Jacbon; 5. Pau l KilLen ; 1. John Lowel : $. Mark. AvalOL 12S BEG : l. Caad Cook; 2. anad. Parker; 3. Richard l.l joe s.a;.~~~MOi=~~lIiamSoIluman; ! . John Whirr. 4. IknI1 Johanuon; ~. Ron Way. OT MX EX.: J. Da~ Wetherl ord; 2. Mike Broob; 3. Jack Alkn: 4. ~ Spearing: ~. Hal Crady. OT MX AM: l. Cun Horst: 2. Mike O 'Lrary ; 5. bndy Wesael&; 4.. BuD Moeller: 5. Richard 8ea kT. OT MX NOV 0-1 : I. Frn:I Kalmickk : 2. CMy Brick; 5. John Fbndm.: 1. Brott ~ U; 5. Rick Olivn. OT MX NOV 0- 2: I. Wmdall Pa rk. TEAM NOV/INT: l. Rilo Aguilarrrim Sharp; 2. Ron Wilson/Bill b mleJ. . TIAM VINT VET/B EG: 1. Stnm JrnW'nlBrel Jeflt'TS; 2. aud Parkl'l'/ Pal Reiley; 3. Tim Shook /Gary Cole; 1. Mark NeallOuU Nriuel. IR MN: I. Bria n Rad in : 2. Ikando n. VIT IR M N : I. David Will iam . ; 2. Terry Sumption. Burkholder conquers Concord Half Mile By Willie Patrick CONCORD, NC, JULY l Preparati on mel opportun ity at Co ncord MOlor Speedway for SIeVeBurkhol der , H e was in lbird pla ce: when lb e two leaden fell out of lb e main evmt, lb en won p ulling away '0 claim his first Mo torcycle Asphal t Ra cin g Series (MARS ) wi n of ' he season. Burkholder kept his Harley-Davidson in sigh' of leaders Will Da vis and T erry Poov ey wh en o n the eigh th lap of th e 16-la p feature, Davis felt his Harley's motor shudder its last, juSl seco nds and a half-lap lat er , Poo vey's H arl ey did 'he sa me com ing up the fro nt ' stretch of th e half-m ile asp ha lt tri-oval and Burkholder took co mmand at the start/fi nish line a nd went o n to win. Fin ishing behi nd Burkholder were R usty Rogers and SIeve Morehead, who just IWO nigh ts before had been racing in Spain . j erem y Luey fini shed a close fourth. Bu rkh older go t into the main event by smo king th rough th e first lo-la p heal race , du ring wh ich he made"an inside pass around Davis, claiming the lead o n lap five. Three hea t races. two semis and a last cha nce qualifying race: moved two rid ers each to the ma in event, Non -q ual ifiers co mpeted in a B main. Burkho lder said that o nce: he go t th e lead, he didn' t loo k bac k. "I don't kno w wh at happened there with T erry (Poovey) ," Burkho lder said. " Lthin k he blew hi s mo tor . I wa s lookin g forw ard to th e fin al laps. It wou ld have been a ~ ra ce, Ra ce officials shorte ned th e main even t to 16 laps from 20 alter chec king 'ire wear on the recently resurfaced track. It Resul ts I. SIn-e Burkholder (H · D); 2. Rust y RogtT$(H· O); 5. Steve Morehead (11·0): t. Jeremy Lucy (H· D); S. Jam " Han (W. R); 6. Rob lLwia (H · D); 7. Kris KiseT (Rt x): 8. Brian T illwn (11·0 ); 9. Otan tt Darlin K (H .O); 10. Duan e- Vt"rdt-r (1-1· 0) ; II . Tt'n)' P()()W"( (H· O); 12. Will DaviqH·D). Kresge cashes in at BroomeTioga Sports Center By Carla Nelson USU,NY,jULYl Chad Kresge topped th e Senior Min i class at th e Du nl o p / G P Raci ng july 4lb Championship a t Broome-Tioga Sports Center. Dunlop - rcsp rantta tive Frank Stacy was o n hand to help riders with proper tire setup and technical advice, while winners in most classes received a Dunlop tire and contingen cies from GP Ra cing. Action Kawa sakil Answer /Bo yesen / Ros· sini Ra cing/Pro Circuit/S-IOO/Sidewinder'ba cked Kresg e' s w i n didn't co me ea sil y. Ronnie Faisst a nd Kresge were bar -to-b ar throu/Shou' moto o ne. Kreslle had th e lead until Just over o ne lap remained, Faisst and Kresge jumped th e uphill quads side by side.. Faisst had lite in side in the next tu m and sn uc k undernetah Kresge. Fai sst co uld n 't sha ke Kresge , a nd on th e last lap Kresge pulled al ongside lb e lead er on lb e sta rt uphill. In lbe fo llowing tum, while trying 10 pa ss, K.res~e slid o ut just enough to secure Falsst's win In the mo to. Faisst got o u t in front in mo to two as Kresge tried ma ny times to get ahead, but Faiss t hel d lb e hOI lin es contin ua lly. Sud den ly lbe race: for 'he lead was over whe n FaisSl got a flat rear lire which slowed his patt. Kresge cruised to the motoand th~ overall win . Fais st finished an even,ual seventh. Gerald Lashway took advantage of lb e si'uation a nd rode '0second place: after keep in!,:Soou Rock well and Casey Higgins behind hIm. Ma tt Delor~nzo is o n a roll in the Open Amateur class as his mo to win slreak stretched to 15 win s this seaso n. Cramer Co n!racting/ Ed Do wning Cycle -backed Delorenw wo n lbe firs' moto by 15 seconds over George Wo lter. Randy Sta uff didn', make it so easy on Wolter as he never was more than two seconds behind Woher the entire race:. In molO 'wo, Stauff Slarled ahead of Woher. O n lar two Stauff crashed, p u,tinl5 himself out 0 the race . Delorenzo was In front, followed by Wo hgger and George Austin. Austin also went down, ending his chance of a 'op finish. This moved Soou Chamberlin up '0 ' hird at the finis h an d lbird overall. Results 50: I. Lo n ny Thunlon; 2. Derl'k Burl ew: 3. Chr jlo R ~II . JR MINI : I. P~ul Bradley: ~.Ja5On F~; S. Paul Ca pmln. SR MI~1 NO\! : 1. Robert Noss; 2. Rna n Slorch; 5. T omm, u ke; 4. OIru. Fohyn; S. O ris Findl ry. 8r~~n~~~~nl~i~~~~ R~~~lrlohway; ! . lqin PL US ~ AM: I. Rand y Stau£(; 2. Ga ry ~: 1. Frank R.eJta 1. ScuU GaniloOf1: S. Walter Procan yn. 1; PL US 25 EX: I. Grrs NriloOn: 2. Doug FlnninK: 3. Ti m 4. Rich .ud Crooker; 5. Bob AUiuin. SR AM: I. DilW' Diehl : 2. Frank Cr ouo; 1. Andrew Ci.uchi : 4. Stn e Haskell ; 5. ~'Vin Amo. S/S R: I. Jim Smith: 2. Erv Braun: 1. john Gr-Idy;1 . Geor Kl' o llenke; S. Ed FahrenholL SR EX: l. Mike Murra y: 2. Bart Lucalo: S. Ge m' NiKlnnan : 4 . Richard Croo k Jr .; 5, Richard R OAM'I",. SCH BY: I. Wayne Scou ; 2. Krilh Trocrol i; S. fri c Reill y; 4. l am es Knapp ; 5. Rich Daly . WMN: I . c.rla Ndwn; 2. Julie Lnnon . 200 NO V: l. ~a n Wall er; 2. tnrryl Smi th ; 3. D.]. Dalrym ple; 1. Rich Cinelli; 5. Chad Birch l" . 125 AM: 1. Damim Pious; 2. J ouon Stn ner: 3. Eric Rf'iIIy: 1. Cartl'r Gurney: S. Keith T rocro li. . 125 EX: I. Chr is Co lema n; 2. Rob Nn5o('l; 3. 8m OTnsnn; 4. Bruce Su an on ; S. Ty Wallace . 2500 AM: I . Damien Pious; 2. Mike Vrabt'l ; 3. Ji m Maill uu x; 1. Puddrr a.rber: 5. George W..htt. 250 EX: I. Olris Cokman; 2. Bn.att Stran on; S. T nt : 1. Cuis Pecon. ; S. Jm h Hamman . OPE.N NOV ; I. Richard EJittw Morri ~: S. Wah Procan yn. OPEN EX: J. John Youn K: 2. DoUR Fleming: 5. Mike Murra y: 4. J amn S agy; 5. Ray McLau ghl in. VINT : 1. Tracy Updyke; 2. Ken Tn us. Diem wins at Frederick Amateur Half Mile By Len Breech FREDERICK. MD, JULY l Speedway ace: Warren Diem made an infrequent nat track appearance: a' the pair of Amaleur classes run as part of th e 69th Barbara Fritchie Classic Half Mi le. Diem look the Open clas s in a close race-long battle with Clarence Bull . The o ther class , Senior, was taken by Bob Babcock. Both classes were run a' th e end of th e Pro di visions, with Babcock taking heat wins in both cla sses. Al the start o f th e Senior final Babcock ju m ped in fron t of Bill Blackwood. J oe H eberling and Greg Boutwell. On the thi rd lap, both H eberling and Boutwell go ' past Blackw ood. Coming off tum four o n the next lap, Boutwell put his Triumph into th e runner-up spot and started to close th e gap o n Babcock. Boutwell would catch Babcock in th e turns sligh tly, but Babcock would pull away in th e straigh ts. In the end, horsepower won ou t, with Babcoc k emerging on top. A, lb e Slart o f lb e main, DiemJ'ut hi s Honda in front o f Babeek, Bull an Rick H awk. Coming off lbe fourlb turn o n lbe opening lap , Bull got u nder a tiri ng Babcock for second . Diem and Bull starled to pull a way fro m 'he fiel d, as lhey ballied for th e lead wil h Diem usi ng lhe hghler weigh t a nd h is ex~rience: 10 keep in fro nt of Bull's Yamaha 'Win . In lhe la,e stages, Diem started smoking From an earlier u nsuccessful attempt to fix ' he oil line. H e hel d on to the win , bu t did no' take a viClOry lap as lbe righ' side of his rea r tire was coated with oil and some on the left side also. Resul ts SR: 1. Bobby Babcock (H . D); 2. Greg BOlli well (Tn); 5. jo: Heber ling (Yam): 4. Bill B lad. ~ood (Tn); S. Jim Suuer . (Yam). OPEN EX: 1. Wanm Dinn (Ha n ): 2. OarnKt Bull (Yam); S. R ic~ Jbwk (Yam); 1. Bobby &bax:k IH. D); S. JOt' . Hebnhnl (Yam). Hook snags Montgomery ST win By Jack Hanson MOl'ITGOMERY, M:-I, JULY 7 Peter Hook domina'ed bolb his hea' and main event to sw~p th e 600cc Pr~Am class in the 1991 season opener a llbe fif,h · mile Montgomery Speedway dirt o val. In lb e six-lap heat race:, professionals Hook a nd Randy Tripleu were handicapped by staning midway between turns three and four, while lb e a ma ' eu rs were flagged off from 'he normal start/finish line on th e front Slrai~hL Nevertheless, lb e two pros wasled liule Ume lbe front with H oo k taking th e in moving lead on lap 'hree. Triplell battled a very determ ined Eric Brouchard for 'hree laps' before slipping ahead o f th e Har ley-Rotax moun ted amateur for second on th e fina l lap. In the 10 la p main, i' became Hook's !aSk to do baule wilh 'he stubborn Bro uchard when Triplett 's R O laX broke on the second lap. Hook was fourlb on lbe lh ird lap , moved to third o n lap four and to second o n lap six. The fina l four laps were a Pr~Am classic with Brouchard parrying every thrusl by Hook until ' he fi nal turn wh en H ook finall y prevailed. . In the co mb ined 250cc Novi ce/Senior/DTX heat, novice joe Blackwe ll grabbed a hu!':e handful of lbrollie on his big Yamaha tWin a nd wheelied out of con!rol down lbe front '0 stra igh t to th e delight o f th e crowd. Old timer Charlie Langland cruised 10 a cla ss and heat .win o n his vintage Ducari followed closely by T im Gregory and DTX rid ers Ro n Bystr om and Kevin Larson. In 'he combined main, Blackwell again erred a t th e sta rt. Wa ry of his tra ction on the dirt, he applied 100 little gas and killed his en gine as the rest of the field 'ore int o 'urn o ne. Bystrom rod e to a clas s and overall win after a sp irited battle with Gregory . R.esul ts zs,o/ DTX/SRINOV: I. T im Gregory (Ho n); 2. Ron Bymom (Ha n); S. Olarlie LanKland (Due ); 1. Joe Bbckwe-II (Yam ); S. k'Vin Lanon (Sw). 600 PRO-AM : t. Peter Hook (Ha n ): 2. Eric Broutun:l. (H· 0 ); 3. Ron Byu rom (Han ); 4. Tim Gregory (Ha n ); S. Randy Tripll'll (Rrx). Davis tops Fremont Regional ST By Dave Hoenig FREMOl'IT, OH, JUNE 'll Will Davi s tip-toed hi s wa y 10 th e Expert class in th e regional championsh ip short track at Fremont Speedway. - he Ed AdkinslDennis T Town/Mother Fletcher 's/N.C. H -D/Circle BeIlIZ GallerieslZoom/KKICalif. V Twins/ Bell/Mary Be Mac McCanas/ Autolite/Barnett/ Larry Gordon/Winchester H -D/Storz Perfsponsored Harley rider topped 3 1 other ExpertS a nd rough, slick tra ck co ndi tio ns o n lb e o,\e-third mile oval. The roul:h track condi'ions almost forced a cancellauon of the event, and to take so me strain o ff lbe track, all riders were pl aced in,o heats with out tim e trials. In lb e firs l hea ' , Davis mo ved around La rry Pegram o n lhe last lap for the win . Ru Sly Ro gers held off Aaron H ill for lbe last !ransfer. Gordon Schopieray used a grea' holesho' to wi n heat two. Kri s Kiser applied ear ly p ressure, but sellied into second over G reg Sims. Steve Morehead finished sixlb behind Garth Bro wn and Don Es,ep. The lbird hea' wen ' to Mi ke Hale in a 'ight race: over Du ane Veeder. George R.oeder hel d down lbird. • The last hea' was anolber close race:, as Sooll Stum p edged Rex Fisher. Craig Eslelle passed Mark H artley for lbird. Pegram rocketed into lbe lead of lbe main only to have Mike Hale bail off in turn one '0bring o u, lbe red flag. Davis took lbe poin' ahead of Veeder and Pegram on lbe restarL By lap three Davis ha d a good lead but almost threw it away. " I juSl got in over my head," said Davis. ' 'The !rack was gelting slick and I kep , wanting to go faster and faster. I lost the front end in so me loose Sluff and thouKhl I was going clip lb e hay bales. The slip opened the door for Veeder, bu ' within two laps Davis was back in (ro nL The top three of Davis, Veeder and Pegram were set, bu, Stump, Ha le and Fisher were waginK an all-ou' war over fourlb. On lb e sevenlb lap S'ump momentarily los' his front end, shpped hIgh and bo 'h Fisher and Hale dove into th e opening. Stump reCovered on ly to hook Hale and fall exiting 'urn ' woo The red flag came out and a fter a few minules everyone ma de lbe restart for a 'hree-lap dash to finis h. Davis, Veeder a nd Pegra m he ld lheir positions from restart to the finis h. Fis her, Rogers an d ESlelle completed lh e top ha lf of ' 01 lhe finishing order. '0 Results PRO·AM: I. Kevin Varno (H· D): 2. Krn Yodl'I' (H· D); 5. Ty Howard (Hon ); 1. SCOIl Snoop IRl x); 5. Robl'I't Cetrr (Rt . ). J R, I. ~Pri",JV (H ·O ), 2.J ""","",, (R ..);5. J=m, Lucy (H. D): 4. Pauick Bucha na n (H · D); S. Mikl' Vamo (H· D~ EX: 1. Will Davia (H . D); 2. Dua ne Vttdtr (H· D); S. I...aJTy Pegf'IIm (Hon); 4. Rn. Fimer (W· R); 5. Ru sty Ragen (H· D ).

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