Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 06 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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v ICES Letters to theeditor 0 INSIDE Lesser of two evils? FEATURES INTERVIEW Dirt Tracker Ronnie Jones ROAD RACE Russellon top at Loudon National . .. 6 Doohan dashes to Austrian GP win 14 Team Mad Dogattacks Brainerd Endurance 30 Team Suzuki Endurance wins Portland Endurance 34 SUPERCROSS Dubach scores surprise win at San Jose 12 RIDING IMPRESSION Yamaha WR200 24 MOTOCROSS Evens blasts Belgian 125 GP 26 McAlister masters CMC Pac-West Series opener 32 Vintageriders storm Steve McQueen Memorial race .. . . :33 DEPARTM ENTS LOCAL RACiNG Green smokes Baja 500 18 Summers charges to Rhode Island Hare Scrambles win 28 36 CALENDAR 44 WANTADS OFF ROAD Te~m 20 50 RESULTS 62 Governor Pete Wil son, th e man Cycle N ews spoke so highly of before the election, has signed the helmet bill in California . Wi lson's appointee to fill hi s pos ition in the U.S. Senate, J ohn Seymour, is working with Alan Cranston to shut down the California desert . Why would Cycle News encourage peopl e to vo te for a man who is responsibl e for laws be ing passed aga inst motorcyclists? Perhaps they felt he was better than Diane Feinstein. Unfortunately you completely overlooked Den n is T h ompson o f th e Liberta ria n Party. Thompson attended a motorcycle rally and he spoke out aga inst the helm et law and defended the p ublic's righ t to use public land. In fut ure electio ns, instead of suppo rti ng the lesser of two evils, check o ut the Liber tarian candida te. Art O livier Bellflower, CA ON THE FRONT PAGE: Gr eg Ziuerkopf rode the first leg of the SCO RE Baja 500 for the winning Sweetlarid/Krause/ZillerkopflRoeseler team. For race coverage, see page 18. Photo by Trackside P ho tos. America's weekly m o torcycl e newspaper Volume XXVIII Micha el Klinger, Publisher Ca ro line Ge ndry, Execu tive Secretary to th e Publisher Editorial J ack Man gu s, Associate Publ isher! Editor Kit Pa lm er, Associate Edi tor Paul Carruthers . Associate Editor Na te Rauba, Associate Editor Ken Faught, Assistant Edi tor Do nn Maeda . Assistant Editor Edwina Man g us, Calendar Edi tor Graphics and P roduction Ree J ohnson , Production Superv isor Mandy Loo. Produ ct ion 1\1anager Dennis G reene, L ab. T ech. Stacey Gu est, Graphic Art ist Amy Harris, G raph ic Artist Carolyn Branham , T ypesetter Circulation Rheba Smith, Manager Sarah Taylor. Billing Coo rdinator Alma Anguia no. Processing Coordinator Gabrielle G illiam. Processing Assistant Debbie Weller , Dealer Coordinator Want Ads Linda Von de Veld , Want Ad Sal es Advertising T err y P ra tt. Nation al Accounts M a nag~ Mark T ho me . Western Sa les Manager Ron Davi dson . H' estern Sales Manager T ho mas R. Go mer , Western Sales Manager Mark Mitch ell. Eastern A ccounts Manager Greg Mitchell, Eastern Sales Manager J oan Bell . Western Ad Coordinator Carla Borden Allen, Eastern Ad Coordinator Dealer Sales Allen Denniso n , Dealer R epresentative Ma rketing &: Promo tio n Mark Thome, Manager Acco u n ting/ Data Pr ocessin g Do n na Bryan -Diamond, A ! R Coordinator Ge neva Repa ss, Assistant Herl ane Lewis. Credit Service and Suppon Chris Aitchesori, H eadq uarters R eceptionist Leo nard Herr in g, Servi ce and Support National Headquaners Eastern Office 220 1 Ch erry Ave.. Long Beach. CA 90806. P.O. Box 498. Long Beach. CA 9080 1·0498 4 190 First Ave.• Tucker. GA, 30084; mailing address P.O. Box 805, Tucker. GA 30085-0805. (213) 427-7433; 213/636-8844. FAX (213) 427·6685 (404) 934·7850. FAX (404) 934·3 112 Cycle News (USPS 141 -340) is pu blished weekly except the last two weeks of the calendar year for $50.00 per year by Cycle News, Inc., 2201 Cherry Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90806. Second class postage paid at Long Beach, CA. Canada Post Interna tional Publi cations Mail #546615. POSTMASTER:Send addresschanges to Cycle News, P.O. 801498, Long Beach, CA 90801·0498 . . T o determin e th e expiration date or you r su bscri p tion, check th e fo ur n u mbers on th e rint line or your add ress label. The fint two di gilll in dicate the last issue number you'll receive an d th e last two characters indicate the year or th e last issue. Subscription ra tes: Rate s for th e United States and its possessions for on e year, (50 issues), $50.00; two years (100 issues), $95.00; six months, (25 issues ). $26.00; trial su b (15 issu es), $19.00. Ca nada a nd Foreign, on e year (50 issues). $90.00; two year s (100 issues) , $ 175.00; six months (25 issues), $45.00; trial sub (15 issue s), $38.00. . Cycl e News welc omes un so licited edi toria l ma terial including sto ries, ca rtoon s, photos, etc. Su ch ma terial , if published, becomes th e exclusive properly of Cycle News. Such accep ted material is su bject to revision as is necessary in th e sole d iscretion o f Cycl e News . U nso lici ted material wh ich is not used wi ll be returned if accompanied by a self addressed stamped en velope . All u nsolici ted material wi ll be hand led wi th reasonable care , however, Cycl e News assumes no responsibility for the safe ty, loss or damage to such ma terial. Reprin ting in whole or pan o n ly by permission of th e publisher. Advertising rates a nd circu latio n inf orm ation will be sent upon request. See S.R.D .S. W/BDA V r~ 4 AUDITED CIRCULATION Copyrighlfl Cycle News, Inc. 1991.Trademark Cycle Newsregistrnd U.s. Palau om",. All rights reserved. On J une 8, Sen. Seymour accepted an invitation from th e California Desert Coalition and rode a H onda Pilot in the Imperia l Sand Dunes R ecreation A rea. According to th e Motorcycle Industry Council, Seymour said the exp erience gave h im an idea of th e im portance of OH V recreatio n. We trust Seymour w ill join US in opposing Crans/on 's Califo rnia Desert Prot ection Act . . . Edi tor. Freedom of choice I am writing rega rdi ng the possibil ity of banning tobacco advertis ing in raci ng. I'm for racing, and allowing such a ban would greatly hurt all forms of rac in g. The tobacco companies already have limi tati on s on the forms of advertising th ey can use and deserve no more san ction s. T he worst situa tio n from this type of ba n is a viola tio n of rights. Laws are passed fo r the protection of others. I alway s wear a helmet when riding or . racing, bu t there should be no mandatory helmet laws. I do n 't smoke, but that doesn't mean that others can 't. I wear a seat belt, but it shou ldn't be mandatory. The governmen t is pass ing laws that are infringing on the rights of the individual and that's not right. I believe in pub lic awareness but still allowing freedom of cho ice. I hope other-people feel this way too an d let their feelings be known. After all, there could be a law that says motocross raci ng is too dangerous, and I would like to be able to make the choice to race or no t. Dio n Collet T ulsa, OK Iron lady About a month ago, a yo ung lady, Becky Lewi s of St. Louis, Missouri, bought a new Yamaha RT I80 playbike. On Sunday, J une 9, she entered . her first race , a two -hour Missouri Hare Scra m bles Championship Series race. She rode the entire course (there was no beginner loop). She fell a lot and she bent her shifter agains t the cases and had use of first gear only for a wh ile. There was a lo ng section of really rough and rocky dry creek bed, bu t she did not go around it. Fin all y, an hour after the race was officiall y over, Becky fin ished her first hare scrambles. Many better riders had quit, using sni veling excuses like " It' s too du sty," or " T he course is too fast. " T hose riders sho uld be inspired by Becky's perseverance and pers istence. I will never whi ne or quit a race again af ter seeing her determinatio n to fin ish even wh en th e sweep crew tried to get her to take the easy way back. . Congra tu la tio ns, Becky, from your friend and coach. Dennis W. Eaton Im perial, MO Letters to the editor should be sent to: Voices, Cycle News, P.O. Box 498, Lo ng Beach, CA 90801-0498. Published letters do not necessaril y reflect the positi on or Cycle News, In c. Letters should not exceed 200 word s and all letters are su bj ect to edi tin g. IN THE WIND ByPap_a _eal.. J. -ey W Continued from page 3 Camel Supercross season -fi nale Los Ang eles, Ca li fornia. In Niall Ma ckenzie has left the Silkolen e H onda tea m .a n d the World Ch am p ionship Superb ike Seri es to p urs ue a Grand Prix ride. The decision was mad e "by mutual agreement" af ter he returned home from the U. S. ro u nd at Bra in erd wh ere he was un happy with the level of eq ui p ment bei ng su p p lied to h im . The Sco t is being lin ked w ith the Kenn y Rob erts " B" team , at least for a ride in the Br itish GP , althou gh th e TUmors persist of a permanent ride alongside Doug Cha ndler wi th Budweiser backing. Also in the works is a Suzuki 8-Hour ride with Australian Peter Goddard o n a facto ry Yama ha YZF750. " I' ve spoken to Pau l Bu tler (of the Rob ert s tea m) and he sa id there was some possibi lity of some mo re GP rides th is year and th at he wa s ta lki ng to some sponsors," Mackenzie said. " H e's a lso mentione d th e possibili ty of a ride next year ." Mackenz ie said he was relieved in some ways to have made the decision to quit the Silkolene H o nd a tea m, but was quick to say, "B u t it m ight be the worst decision I've ever mad e. I had a two- _ year deal and it was easy. But I'd ra ther make a clean break. " About th e Superbike Ser ie s: "I think it 's a brilliant cham p ion sh ip ; th e people are gr eat and th e raci ng is good, but yo u need a co m pe titive team and bike." At the June 29 L ima H alf Mil e National , T eam H arley-Davidson 's Scott Parker will be shoo ting for hi s 41st career National win , which will earn h im so le possessio n of firs t o n the a ll-rim e win li st. Pa r ker currentl y shares that honor with di r t track legen d Jay Springsteen; as both riders boast 40 win s each . Thin gs look good fo r Parker , as he not only scored the win a t last year 's Lima Half Mil e, bu t also holds th e trac k records for the fastest single lap, and the fastes t 20-lap race. RESIG NED: Dan Van Epps, as marketing manager for Cag iva North America, to accept th e position of director of sa les fo r the Skip Barb er Racing School, effective June 24. MOVED : Kosman Sp ecialties, to 55 Oak St., Sa n Francisco, CA 94102. Phone: 415/861-4262; FAX 415/861 2788.

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