Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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IN THE WIND ByPa aWealey GCRESplNEL m Am erican Mike H e al e y (KT M) scored' hi s first-ever 250cc MX Grand Prix overa ll victo ry with 1-2 moto fini shes a t round six of the World Championship 250cc MX Series in Baldasserona, San Marino, June 16. Holl and 's Dave Strijbos (SUl) fin ished second overa II and American T r a m p a s Parker (Ho n) was third. American Bader Manneh (Yam ) finished fifth overall behind defending 250cc World Ch am p ion Al e s sandro Puzar (Suz), wh ile two-time 125cc Champi on Mi cky Nation al D ymond fini shed sevent h in the first rn oto but failed to fini sh in the top 15 in moto two. Pu zar leads Park er in th e po int sta ndings , 146-144, wi th Strij bos th ird at 132 points. li you've been to the United States Grand Prix or the American round of the World Superbike Series in the past three years, you probably Q') already know about J a m es Crespinel. ..-4 His commissioned work includes portraits of ~ Mikhail Gorbachev , Mart ina Navra tilova , <.0 Michael Jordan, Bri a n Bosworth and Steve C'-f Largent, in addition to im ages of James Dean, Q.) Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe. C . He is quickly becoming one of the most sought ;:j after com pe t it ion artists in the United States. ~ Many world class riders themselves own origi n a l oil paintings by Crespinel and now lithographs of his works are a vailable for both the collec to r and enthusiast alike, through Cycl e News Products. 0:; EDDIE LAWSON Some call him the grea test rider who ever lived. Fast approaching legend s tat us, nobody wo n mor e 500cc Grands Prix in th e 1980s th an Eddie Lawson. In seve n years of World Cham pionship co mpetition, Eddie has won thirty 500cc Grands Prix . Only th e legendary Giacomo Agostini and Mike Hailwood have won more and Ha ll wood 's record of th irt y-seven victories is within reach. Crespinel's image of Eddie Lawson was created over a th ree-day period at the U.S. Gra nd Prix at Laguna Seca in April of 1990. MARCO LUCCHINELLI For mer 500cc Grand Prix World Ch a mpio n Marco Lucchinelli now head s the Duca ti factory effort in the World Supe rbike series. He has been the impetus behind the current race effort from Ducati and has built th e team to be the strongest, most effective, dominating force on the World Superbike circ uit. The flamboya nt Italian occasionally suits up to show off his riding ta lents at various events. (please all ow 4 to 6 w eeks for delivery ) . -- - ------ -- -------~-- - --- - ---- -- - -- - ~ ~/( ' H E H P' :\E I~ · ORDER FORM _ .....;. City State Zip _ _ _ _ __ _ ____ Order Date Pho ne ( The Human Race Team (Bim) comp leted 122 laps 10 win the th reehour endurance road race, round three of th e AMAICC U.S. Endurance Championship Series, at l ew Hampsh ire Int ern ation al Speedway on J une 15. Dutchman Racing (S Ul) fin ished o n th e same la p fo r seco nd a nd Dutchman Racing II .(Sul ) fini shed third, one lap dow n. Team Ob solete's Dave Roper had an up and down day at the June 13 AH RMA Vintage National Road Race Series round at Loudon 's New Hampshire Int ern ational Speedway. Roper (AJ S) edged Pet e Johnson (Hon) 10 wi n the 500cc Premier class after scori ng a runaway win in the 350cc Grand Prix class. But later in the day, in a non- po in ts-payin g race, Roper (ell and broke a leg. Pat Moroney (H D) scored a narrow win in the 750cc G ran d Pr ix class whe n Yvo n DuHamel (BSA) miscued in the las t corner. DuHam el recovered to finish second. T he Syracuse Mile rou nd of the Ca mel Pro Series wh ich was schedu led to ru n on Ju ly 20 has been canceled by the event promoter, JM Production s of Ham bur g, New York. JM Prod uction s President Jay Milli gan ci ted a shortage of time 10 assemb le a thorough sponsorship package for the Fill out completely a nd pri nt clearly Name Address Scott S um mers ( H o n ) wa s th e overa ll wi nner of the 17th Annual Black wa ter 100, ro und seven of the AMA /W iseco /Y am ah a / Yok oh ani a Grand Nati on al Cross Country Series J une 15-16 in Davi s, West Virgini a. Duane Conner (Kaw ) fi ni sh ed seco n d ov erall a n d Mark Hyde (KT M) was third. _ event, which was a late addition to the AMA 's 1991 sch ed u le. The AMA indicated that there are no plans in the works 10 replace the event on its 1991 ca lendar and th at the Camel Pro Series will now include 16 events. The AMA did ·not preclude the possibility of a return to the one-mile oval of the New York Stat e Fairgrounds in the future. Mill igan said, " We look forward to the reschedul in g of thi s event on July 18, 1992, where adeq ua te tim e will permit the success of this lon g-standing Al\1A race. " T he New York Stat e Fairgrounds has been th e site of 10 AMA Grand Nati onal Championship event s da ting back to th e 1930s. In recent years the Syracuse Mile was promoted by Brymer Enterprises, but two consecu tive rai n-o uts saw th at firm pull out of the event, openi ng the door [or JM Promotion s, a long-stan ding motorspons pro m o tio n gro u p th at a lso promotes the. an nual Hamburg Half Mile. T he Hamburg event is now a 600 Nationa l, bu t it has been run a Grand Nat ion al event in the past, The 1991 Hamburg 600 Na tion al Half Mile will run on th e Erie Coun t} Fairgrounds oval on Satu rday nigh t, August 17. Former National Enduro Cha mpio Kevin Hines says he feel s 100~ recovered fro m a fracture d pelvis socket he su ffered at the March 24 Nati ona Enduro in Louisia na. " I rode for th first tim e (since th e accident) at a loca enduro in Co nnecticu t (J un e 2) an fini shed second overall," said Hines i a rece n t tel eph on e co n versa tio n " Everything has healed up reall y wei and I'll be read y to compete at the nex National enduro in Mississippi (Ju l, 12). I'm not sure when I'm going t compete in the next (National) eros cou ntry, though. My n umber on priority is the National enduros.' H in es has second- and sixt h- plac overa ll finishes and has used up hi a llo tted two th row-aways in this year' nin e round series. After a one-year absence, Yamaha wi l retu rn to the Nationa l Championshi 500cc MX Series with Damon Brad shaw and Doug Dubach contestin th e six-ro u nd series on a ir-eco le WR500s. T he two rid ers will als compe te in th e August 25 U.S. 500c MX G P at Gl en H elen OHV Park i San Bernardin o, California. The Mickey Thompson Entertain men t Grou p (MT EG ) is pl annin g special tribute 10 honor two-tim (No P.O. Bo x. AP O/FPO or Foreign Sh ipment5) Ql:A.' 'TITlES Eddie Man:o Law.... DESCJlImOS Unframed Deluxe European Collector's Edition Framed LimitedCo or's Edition llect .' Unframed LimitedCollector's Edi ion t Framed Bantam Edi tion . Unframed Bantam Edi ion t l:SITPRICE Rainey inches closer with SRanish win D A.1I0l:NT s $ 259 $ 149 $ 105 $32 $ 19 S S $ s TOTAL PRICES I N CLUDE CA Residents Add 6% Sales Tax UPS I NSURED S H I P PING & H A NDLING LA County Add 7% Sales Tax PLEASE ALLOW 4 TO 6 WEEKS Shipping & Handlin g for DELIVERY ORDER TOTAL (FREE) Payment Method: 0 Check or Money Order Enclosed (Sorr y, no COD's ) Charge my 0 VISA 0 Mast erca rd Card No -'. Exp. Dat e _ Signa ture _ (Eill ~ 2 L • Send Orde rs to; Products . P _O. Box 498 . Long Be a ch, CA 90801-0498 ..,. ~~~~ ~~~~~ 2~~~~~E~~~~_== J efending World Champion Wayne Ra in ey (righ t) pulled closer to Australian Micliael Doohan in the 500cc World Championsh ip point sta ndings wi th a victory over his ri val at the Gra nd Prix of Europe in J arama , Spain , on June 16. The event rep laced the Yugoslavian GP, which was cance led due to po litical unrest in that country. Marl boro Yam ah a -mounted Ra in ey top ped the Roth mans Honda of Doohan by 7.047 seconds on the tigh t and twisty circuit in northern Spain. Third place went to Rothman s H onda 's Wayne Gardner, in his best finish of the season. L ucky Stri ke Suzu ki' s Kevin Schwan tz was fourth, with Mar lboro Yam aha's J ohn Koci nski fifth . California n Dou g Ch andler fini shed ninth on the Roberts Yama ha. Doohan now lead s Rainey by 12 points, 143-131, wit h 103 po ints. T he 250cc GP in Jarama was won by championshi p lead er Luca Cadalora 0 the Rot h man s Honda. Cadalora topped H B Honda 's Helmut Bradl an d Repso Honda 's Car los Cardus. The 125cc GP. meanwhile, was won by defending Worl Champion Loris Ca pirossi over his AGV H onda teammate Fausto Gresini. Pete Oetll fin ished third on a Rotax.