Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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The a e Isn' Over Until You've Read t I • • • America's Weekly Motorcycle Newspaper . STAR T . YOUR SUBSCR IPTION TO CYCLE NEWS TODAY! Get the lat est news, facts and details about motorcycle road racing mont hs faster than t he monthly magazines. Cycle News is your "VIP Ticket" to upcoming events with the constantly updated . Calendar Section. And, our classified advertising is your weekly guide to hard-to-f ind vintage and collectors used bikes, parts and accessories. If you can't wait f or y o ur Cycle News, subscribe to day! o YES ! Start my subscription ~ llJ]:TJ Subscription Order Form immediately to Cycle News. 1 year/50 issues for S35 .00. That's over - ,- -.0S50.00 off the regular newsstand price! (Please fill out completely and pr int clearly) Name This is a 0 New Subscription . 0 Renewal 0 Please bill me 1 payment of S35.00 Address City State Phone Order Date _ o Check or Money Order Payment Enclosed o Charge my credit card O ! VISAJ Card No. Send Order To : ~ llJ]:TJ P.O . Box 498 Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 LeN Phone Orders (213)427-7433 ' 4 H FAX 0 d L' (2 13 ) 4 27-6 6 8 5 ~ 2 our r er me Q . 0 Bill me .3 payments of S11 .6 7 each' Zip _ Signature _ Exp . Date _ One year (50 issues). 2n d class Canad a or M exico and all ot her fo re ign countries S75,OO '(US Funds). 1st class and airmail rates avail able upon request. -- - 9

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