Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eSUPERCROS S AMA C Supercross Series: Round 14 . amel finish , and he was less th a n enthusiasti c about hi s performan ce. " T h is is my worst year ever ," said Mati asevich, " Nothing is goi ng righ t this yea r. Tonight 1 really was n' t feeling very well ; 1 was sic k a ll week. Bu t th is is all a part of raci ng. You . have to tak e th e bad with th e good." Fin ishin g se ve nt h, a few bik e len gths behind Matiasevich , was hi s tea mma te Kiedrowski, wh o go t off to a n eig h th- p lace start. KTM 's Fish er was eig hth, just ahead o f Dubach , while early front-runner T iche nor dropped to 10th. " I go t a go od start and tri ed th e best 1 cou ld ," said Tichenor. " Bu t my arm s p u m ped up and 1 didn 't want to th row it away, so 1 backed o ff." Unfortuna tely, Tich enor d id "throw it awa y." On the la s t lap , w hi le ru n n ing seventh, th e Suzu ki rid er cartwheeled o ff th e trac k. " I was tryi ng to get aro u nd Kiedrow ski a nd Matiasevich but my footpegs go t stu ck in a ru t a nd 1 en doed,' Tich enor said . ~ J ean- Michel Bayle chased Denny Steph enso n in a hea t race. In the main, Bayle worked up to fourth after a slow stan , and Step henson crashed while ru nning with the leaders, Ward (3) leads Ronnie Tichenor (12), Stanton (I), Bradshaw (Il) and Denny Stephenson (23) during the first lap of the main. Brake problems dropped Ward to 12th. 125 Main T he 15-lap 125cc main event was a yawner in co m pa riso n to the 250cc feature, as first heat race winner Swink blas ted int o th e ea rly lead a nd roo sted away fro m everyone, fin ishing just o ver 10 seconds ahead of runner-up Brown. Swin k' s main concern going in to th e race was second hea t race wi n ner and teammate jei-omy Bu ehl. Bu t Swink's worries lasted o nly half a lap , as Bue hl cra shed into jason Lang ford while trying to pass for second. The crash kn ocked Langford out of th e race, while Buehl remounted a lmost a lap down. . "Langford made a mis cue over the dou bl e and fell right in front of me," Bueh l said. "The re was no place for me to go . 1 hit h is bike and brok e my front bra ke. 1 guess yo u can call it bad lu ck." Brow n inherited seco nd p lace when Langford a nd Buehl cra shed a nd held o n to that posi tio n for th e res t of the race. Cliff Palmer was running third in th e ea rly stages [or a while, until Doug He nry moved in and passed him. H en ry tried to reel in Bro wn , bu t Brown would have no pan of it a nd kep t hi s dista nce. Henry settled for third, while Chris Co lema n fi nis hed a distant fo urth . Barry Ca rsten rounded out the top five, whi le Palmer faded back to sixth. ex Resul ts 'ca use it' s kind of a waste of time. So 1 thought 1 would sit back a nd push him. " 8 " T h ere wer e a lot of times we cou ld've taken each o the r o u t," Bradshaw said. " We g a ve that up to con tin ue th e race. H e was stronger through th e wh oops than 1 was. That was the on ly place that 1 was not abl e to go as fast as he cou ld. 1 felt like he was ta ki ng so me chances, though . 1 didn't wa nt to run in to him if he went down; a co uple of times it got kind o f crazy." " I had a co uple of faster sectio ns ," sai d Stanton. " We were bo th haul in ' bu tt , Damon rode a good race." After running third for almost the entire race , La Rocco cros sed the finish line in th e same position. " I got a decen t stan , but 1 had to pass a few guys to get up to th ird. By that time, though, Stanton and Bradsh aw had gotten away from me. 1 tried to ca tch up but they were running real good, so once 1got into third, 1 decided to sta y the re." Near th e end of th e race, Ba yle, wh o h ad a midpa ck s ta n, go t wi thi n pr essu rin g d istan ce o f La Rocco. " I saw him comin g so 1 adjusted to that and got aw ay fro m him," said LaRocco. Bayle's ch ances of cli nc h ing the title a t the Meadowlands had ended as soon as th e starting gat e dropped. " I j ust got a bad start, tha t's all th ere was to it ; 1 cou ld n' t find any trac tio n," sai d Bayle of hi s midpack stan. " After th a t 1 passed a lo t of people until 1 go t to fourth and was by myself. Wh en peo ple are around me 1 ride faster, whe n nobody's th ere . . ." Cooper was content with his fifthplace rid e. " I got a bad stan but 1 came back and rode well, " sai d Cooper , who is sti ll seeki rig th e first Camel Supercross victory o f h is career. " Bu t I'm happy because 1 gav e it 100% and th at 's wh at counts. " After di cing with Cooper, Kied rows ki and Tichenor for most o f th e race, Ma tiasevich ended up six th at the 125 H EAT t : I. Brian Swin k (Ho n ): 2. Barry Carsten (S Ul); 3. Jason La ng ford (Yam): 4. Chris Co lema n (Yam); 5. Tom w elch (Hon ): 6. Mark Pi llion (H a n); 7. Mich ael Treadwe ll (Suz); 8. Sha ne Laws on (Ho n ): 9. Jim McIl vain e (Ho n ): 10. D uck Reed (Kaw); II. T all on Voh land (Su, ); 12. Shane Tem p leto n (Suz); 13. Gaylon Dickso n (Su,); 14. Chris T aylor (Yam ); IS. Ca rl Weiss (Suz): 16. Chri s Gavlak (Kaw); 17. D'Arcy Walt her (Hon); 18. Hank Moree (H on) ; 19. Eric McLea r (Yam ). Time: S:34.90 125 HEAT 2: I. Jerom r Bueh l '(H on ); 2. Dou g He nry (Ya m ); 3. Cliff Pa mer (Su,); 4. Jefl Gla ss (Hon); S. Chris Neal (Suz); 6. James Eickel (Yam ); Id 7. Mik e Brown (Han); 8. DaV Beckin gton (SUI); 9. Ty Wall ace (Kaw); 10. J ell Yenuer (Kaw); I I. Coby Rob b (Suz); 12. J alil Lynch (Ho n ); 13. J ason Rivas (SUI ); 14. Sco u Carter (Suz ); 15. Crai~ Mason (Suz ); 16. Brian Austin (S uz ); 17. Mich ael Btlard ell o (SUI); 16. Denn isTompkins (Ya m); 19. Todd Dip pel {Suz): 20. T ony Lo russo (Ya m). T im e: S:34.90 125 LC Q: I. H . Moree: 2. C. Reed: 3. 1- Rivas; 4. C. Ro bb; 5. B. Austin; 6. D. T ompkins; 7. S. Caner; 8. J. Yem een 9. S. T empleton ; 10. G . Dickson ; J I. C. Taylor ; 12. C. w eiss: 13. J . Lynch ; 14. M. Bilard ello; IS. J . ~lIington ; 16. C. Mason ; 17. C. Gav la k; 18. T . Dip pel: 19. D. Wahher; 20. T . Voh lan d; 21. E. McLear; 22. T . Lo ru sso. Time: 3;SS.07 . 125 MAIN: L Brian Swin k (H a n); 2. Mike Brown (Hon) ; :i. Do u g Henry (Yam); 4. Chris Col eman (Yam); S. Barry Carsten (Sur): 6. Clilf Pa lmer (Suz); 7. Chris Neal (Suz): 8. Jell G lass (Ho n ); 9. David Beckington (Suz); 10. T y Walla ce (Kaw); I I. Mich ael Treadwell (Suz): 12. J eromy Bueh l (Ho n ): 13. Hank M ore (Hon); 14. J am es Eickel (Yam); 15. Sha ne e La wson (Hon ); 16. Duck Reed (Kaw); 17. Mark P illi on (Hon ); 18. T om Welch (H o n); 19. J im Mcilv aine (Hon); 20. Coby Robb (Suz); 2 1. Jason Rivas (Suz): 22. Jason Langford (Yam). Time: 14:02.98 EASTERN R EGIO NAL 125 SU P ERC ROSS SER IES POINT STA NDINGS: I. Brian Swink (2IS)0; 2. J ero my Buehl (186); 3. Dou g Henr y (163); 4. T all on Voh land (ISS); S. Mike Brown (137); 6. Barry Carte n (136); 7. Ryan Hugh es (114); B. Cliff . Pa lmer (82): 9. Gray son Goodman (81); 10. Eric Mel .ear (69); 11. Ja son Langfo rd (S7); 12. Hank Moree (S4); 13. David Beckingtcn (54); 14. Jell G lass (SI); IS. Chris Neal (49); 16. Butch Sm ith (46); 17. Steven Chi ld ress (44); lB. Kenn y Kizzar (39); 19. J am es Eickel (36); 20. An tho ny Paggi o (28); 21. Ch ris Co lema n (28); 22. Michael Treadw ell (27); 23. Sha ne La wson (22); 24. (T IE) Ch uck R

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