Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CYCLE ACTION THEATER presents The Greatest Motorcycle Video Cassettes Watch them over and over! Nnil lllIiIb Sd...a .nil un 11 sub: hiltIle. d-. Idian wdtI XocinIki. Roch " DapOoVodoo. ( _ ) U .. . . . Foam DapOov.doo (- > I _ _ rr _ DapOo_ btaIn 2SOa: -.r;. _ (IIM) Kong .... __ . _ .... ,,_U. H - (_ ) 1_ _ • _ DapOov.doo ' (m7)I_ s.. _ ( fIl) . _ _ an 1bI'MlI'Id from G aidorf, .WnI Gonnonr·_- . _ u._ ill 1hiI . . . BD (ING) 1_ _ DapOov.doo --_a_._ (l 1S3) -(11151) if,'S ..... rCoo _ if,'S _ "'990 _ Gml_~_ mDIAII1Q lJII P.... CIIf _ IhI rat ""'",990.. Itld DapOo ) 1_ _ T."'" U. 60 miMn m MouMdeo. (lI55 III tn.Io ) . c...- _do. . (#7IA)I _ _ '" A milw of the '89 AM GP Road Racing llaon Uwoon ~ ads ...... _ . . . . . . , Ind SchMntz to lWIep 13 US Mns in 15 rounds. from MlItOWMo. (1I154 . ..... , u,,':.-.- - TT ~ .. ...... .. .,..n JoII _ W ' nl ...... _ " (#1It) . . . . . . . _ - - c w . The IIICUltIiI lib I'ICI in . . 'MItIlI . . . . ucn yw • M.mmaIh Mruain SIli Aru in 1bo_1f9l looI S,... .-.a: DlMlM. s. - _1~ '_ _ b y P _ " " " ' ......... '1t1MlC~ lloo. video by Mort . Evetylting you Mr wanmd to 1lnow IIbout: moton:yde dnQ ,..., ... """"""'" by Pm Stod< ....... _ O M ScOoJa. 80 """" """' _ nl ~. Tht thin! in 1hI __ from Mocowidea, fubmg 30 _ .. """" ""'" _ ~ nl (.121). _- " .... "'" ....f.,,"" Soria. '990 s.o-aoa .......... (#325) - l:.'U,~':."'_ . - _ (.Al'tn.Io""'3 ._ mo._ (#124) . This documtntary captlns 1hI nsencI of profasional Hn,.Davidaon drag llcing1fwtJugh 1hlI AMRA Series. See !hi people who live & rxinIl. and the machines that takI them to thI IIdge. eo minutes (m&) .... _ ~ _ " '" Ilnly M_ .. _ " .. b " " " , 55 _ 0w0ti0n _ " 'OM Tharpo. W..... Griw, .... _ Eddie Uwoon _ mora. A vane1y 01 crashn frum fOld riel GP'. MXGr . 0..,.. _ _ ~~~_.- - lM. '8 Iubmg 8ollo. _ JoII cnt. Amaas . . . . lUI*tnJII 018 - anby..---_..... _ .... (#2t) _ _ 1961 We 01 Men n IICI ....... Mite HaittMIod on the 250 Honda a'ld ill MIra. NortorI. and IgIIIl il ... 1983 Sriw ~ TT StOIII . spgt PRJlPWSIId in;aa 1WD .,.... 52 by twm.. 60..... 01. . ..,.., ~ . whit:goa up on.. coma daMl Fnn MocrMdIG. nda #43) T1 n Mibdicing wiIb GiIcomo Aptn • ...... .............. llIIltlll~ IDes of cr--. • ,au IIiIdinIQ. InlI .. tliqda. (.1361C. , .... miahapa Mt Mt 1 the music on vicbMI::aAtta. G 0 IIiI Milt the "Ridm of the Sand" who bringbibs.A s. TV entll1ainment lor. n ages! FItlIIl Motovidto. 3Sminuta. Jeeps, buggies and-go lor it 8l GiImiaI 20 minutes produml by perfect 1m. . InJm Motavideo. (.1115) 51 n.tIo, s,IIo ... ~ '90 You·v. le,n the comm,rci,l, . now buy the I Iidto . . , GII emll1ainment 11 parties. 30 minutes I1 1hI h i...,., II-motort::qdI Fnm .......... ..1IT. . _ea-y 1 _ tn.Io . . . . . . '1he Music Videor AD newMX crash & tun footage ftanmu thI IItnt, lI'IOII 0UDgB0uuI QIItl'.1hHdge """'- (tn5IlI_.....-.._ _ <'*) _ 01 the IlUDgIllUI dwHIngI 01 the ~ classic. Thia is AmericI·. T«9IaI R.-1hI ."., it was mell'll to be lIenl (.125) _ _ e=,..........(11111)1 riel aI II. eo mruta. From Mo1DYideo. (#110) 1_ _ 100 Mutowidto has now produced 60 II'Iinu!IS on • a ...".... Thooriginl "_30_ Fn._ 1 - ......, l.m. a.tic held on .... 15-1l 1961. 48 man InJm (ns) .... f« 21 Up and 241 bica.. en IIld 1nd:s IIICId .n d Itruggl. d to compl.t. the formidabl. b...... ttiI.ibII ~rIid"'. S. .. the ~ from till ."....lnl .. _ ....... ..... _ if,'S_'" (lIlSZ) - _ . - 111155I ..... - tlWltba:i in ~ " 1tlI41• III2S, 60....... from MouMcleo. (m O)I _ ' _ II (_ .......ttw~ of"'StanN dI1InnirlId 1tlI . ...... . . . nlSlooiuMXI;P', Foam-. _ (MIl u._ if,'S 60_)_ fn:Im McIaMdIo. ~ _DapOov.doo "-Ca', .., ...-xn. _ . l1I13Z) 1111 1..- 80 nlinJtn !rom MouMdeo. (114I3) 1_ _ -....- ' • • _DapOov.doo u. CoOndo·..-. MIg ruam! fIUIIlJiggw HoInI V1deo _ ~ ... _ nl buuly" DoIIr ....., in b III c:*s _ tIIl'I1h 13Q. .. .......... rut ....... 1tnugh u. but II 1hI ...ngm I1aIId10CJIIIII' 121 six1irMJ SIft. . . Ma&nam. Ftam JIguw HIlmI VIdllo InUld ilI1IIlWilIII37 mill caane.60 minIIes.. FRIlft .1 (113I) 1_ _ 1'11) _ (113I) 1_ (-> , (122)- _.._ . il yGlI' (.1.) ill tar'tQll60 ....... " - •• 500 . . . . . _ MY (1111) " . a.-;. IIIl the 1981 till 01 MIn n - Oasic rDlg • its bat. 69 ...... from MaetMdIa. IlrJohoIndloy - ._r - . .. a_ ... _ '1lod Boy." _ Cpding E...nI in . . WcrIcH T Up .. rA Iuain fie ... II . . fIIUous Da,uloI Bndl. FL Loos lloo. S. U. bila. JKa, penanaibes ... mucI't IIICII'I. 1ht (#1141 ~ _ _ - . .... '9B4T_ _ bu' Mmtl Raasfuun .. biggui dIc:sion rA smNItional MX DIImp taka fUI .. bit ..,.. road ,... b's' AoDens, I..-Ion. MImoU. . trxIcsandIhowI you_ . . . . tIw~ 50 lnnJteS. - . Cooley, Roinoy. _ -.. Ilr-' - . . G. (m)._E.- Tho_..........,_ _ CIaO<_ A..... of IhI 1988 FW World fIoId RIr:inQ 5OOa: (11117) . . . . . 1_ _ _ . . , ... JOll Dl _ l 50 ..... & 38 lG'09' (1lIl) ..... _ _ I'ltIlI_ COLIIOia. lhis iI 1hI '"OfficiII V. .f 01 the Rally _ _ _ Sou GlorI "" W ... lrIgOdy, .... _ ClMrI it ... 75 minda prodIad by PoeMBfIo MetU . IhI fInlastic . . . . in ICtion.. From MotoW:Ieo. _ """_lloo. (lit) ll$. _I'ltIlI_ - (1110 ) 51 ' _ " . . . . IMII RulGrinIl) HaIf·MiI. @ 28.95 #53 Toug.... _ #55 MX CmII &!Un SpoctacuI... @ 24.95 . 120 Rid. AmericA PICbge@ 49.90 1165 '89 MX 1Ju Nations. GIl1llally @ 29.95 #121 Rid. America: Ifojlway 1 @ 29.95 #201 '90 San J"' 1$pring) MiI. @ 28.95 1166 MX CmII & 80Jm 8 @ 29.95 . 122 Rid. Am.: "The Minion Dollar Hw( @29.95 . 202'90 Sc>rinvfieId ISpring) Mile @ 28.95 1166A CmII &Ibn W@. 29.95 *123'90 CA St Speedwly C'sIIill' @ 29.95 .203 '90 lJ>uimII. H .n-Mil. @ 28.9 5 #78 AmericIn EJqIress '88 RR Rev. @ 39.95 m4 The A wesome F,,"" @ 22.95 #204'90 DulltJoin Mile @ 28.95 #78A'89 Bib GP Compilotion @ 39.95 m5 Bib Hmx:@ 39.95 .205 '90 Peon. TT @ 28.95 .D 49l1.lono80och. CA 908O' -ll<98(Allow 4 - 8 - ' - " " '1 .... #788 '90 GP Review @ 43.95 .8ll8 '9' J _... RR G P@33.95 #81 '89 U G U;unI Sea @ 39.95 .s. P #126llr1g Bib ExImo;anza@3 9.95 . 128 Best 01 WlClowmabr @39.95 . 129 0"'.... CoIhretion @49.95 . 2D6 'SO SpringfieldMil. @ 28.95 . 2D7'90 San Jos' IF. H Mil. @ 28.95 I . 208 'SO Ascot IF. 1I1HIlf·MiI. @ 28.95 n of _ VHS _Iable I... 01 ohiP~ .nd hondllng chorgoo. lro.m CYCLE NEWS PRODUC S . 81A '90 USGP~. Sea@ ' 33.95 1194 '89 lsi. 01 Man @ 39.95 . ' 3 0~ •• T riumph @ 49.95 #131 Thre. in E lJllJp' '69@ 49.95 .2 09 'SO Sacram .nto Mil. @ 28.95 . 210 'SO: Y.a, in R rnow@ 28.95 .94A '90 lsi. 01 Man @ 39.95 1195 '89 P.ri. ·Ookar @4 9.95 .,32 ·6' 1JIconi. Clasit @ 49.95 #133 British FllShbadt@49.95 . 325 TltrotII. F.. til. Gold @ 39.95 11401 '90 W S/8 U KSp.;n @ 34.95 orld / 0..I ani # O O rder ate _ ignature - --"'7'"- -- - Exp. Oate - - ,.,0' CYCU lEW! PRODUCTS. So"" thod< .. M om , ..... ..., Pricea IUb;ect to ta_... dwnge • pie..- ute CUfNftt ord ... bllinlr; Meil to: CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS P,O, Box 498. Long Beech. CA 90801 .0498 or cell (213) 427·7433 during bu.ine•• hours ........-.....r'-' #100 M01ovllionby Rick Johnson @ 39.95 .134 '91 8. H I1rid< M.m, IaI ilIIce @ ' 29.95 11402 '90 World SIB Hun./ G . @ 34.95 " .102A Sjldwy lao World C'sIIip, '91 @ 129.95 #135 S.... Sm. ... @ '34 .95 11403 'SO Wond SIB USA/CanAda @ 34.95 119 U.s. RII GlInd Pria '88 @ 33.95 .105 SX Thrill. Spills.& Chins'90@ 29.95 . 136 G F Hat G1ami. @ 129.95 o or It404 'SO W SIB Austri /Jap.. @ 34.95 orld a .11 Rick Johnson PtoIi~ @ 39.95 . 106 Oaylona 'SO "Ride Wild Si e"@22.95 d . 151 ·so SacramentoMX Nat'b @ 34.95 11405 'SO World SIB FflIl1CI /Ha~ @ 34.95 11406 ·so World SIB MaI.1NZ1Aus. @ 39.9 5 Oesaiption Amoum #12AWorld'. G,...... SX @ 29.95 *107 Racin; am.ricA Y . 1 @ 22.95 ol ., 52 '90 Axton MX Nat'b @ 34.95 .13 MX 6_ StyI. @ 29.95 .IOS ATwist 01 lito Wris' @ 49.95 . , 53 'SO MI. M onisMX N.n , @ 34.95 #148 1991 N. ami" StJdwy FmaI @ 129.95 .2D _ _ @ 44.95 . 109Kamilwol World MTB C'ships@34.95 . 110 _ o r 100 @ 39.95 .'90 *154 '90 Budtanan MX Nl(b @ 34.95 #155'90 Soutltwidt MX Nl(b @ 34.95 .11 1 MmzanactIrm No I:hician @ 34.95 .1 56 'SO T MX Nat'b @ 34.95 "" ~'~~~~~~________ Itl ~~ ~ ~!.. ~ ~:... 1141 Bib £,pori_ @3 9.95 __~~~~~.~ -... Califunoiolletillelll ... &% SeIos Ta (LA e-ty 1% SeIosTa) ::;:..:.!.~~~_~ :J 5

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