Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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250 BEG : 1. Sioo n CooJXT(H a n); 2. Ri chard Worley (Yam) ; 5. Eric Martin (Ha n ). 60 9-11: 1. Jimmy Varis (Ra w); 2. Bob Hernandez (Ya m). 60 0-8: 1. Chris McN att (Ka w) ; 2. Bob by Bonds (Ra w); , . Chri s Pan ek ( 125 INT: 1. Aaro n Westrup (SUl); 2. Brian T et'u (Kaw ); S. David Casada (Suz). 125 PR O: 1. Cra ig Davis (Han); 2. Ryan Hu ghes (Ka w ); 3. Terry Fow ler (Sw): 4. Eri c H u lto n (Ya m). • 125 JR: 1. Jdf T ilton (SUl ); 2 Duane DeArman ( ); .5 Chris Finley (Suz). . '" VET J R: 1. David Zhart (Han); 2. Lou Se re (Kaw); 3. J im Harris (Han). VET PRO : 1. Rex Staten (Han): 2. T im L und e (H on ); 3. Ken n y Zarht (H a n). • VET MST R: 1. Tim Marsh (Han); 2. Rob Ti ppit (Han) . VE'r INT: 1. David Lyn ch (Han); 2. Dave Sim mons (Ya m ); ' . 1.5. Hansen (Han). . 125 BEG : 1. Aaro n Gi nn (Ha n); 2. Josh Brewer (Sw); 3. Bren Heinselman (Kaw). 80 EX: l. Sieve H en gweld ( Kaw) . 80 t NT: 1. Jeff Willoh (Raw ); 2. Ty ler King (Kawl. 80 O PE N:l. Ji mm y Varis (Suz); 2. Dan iel Norm an (Suz). 500 PR O: I. Ch ris Yo ung (Ha n ); 2. Rex Slaten (H on) ; 3. Cra ig Ibvis (Han ). 500 INT : L J. J. Perch el (Ho n); 2. Srott McKey (AT K). P/W MO D: I. Robby Bonds (Ya m); 2. J o hn Hopkin s (Yam) . 80 BEG : I. Doug Parsnn~ (SUI_ 2. Cnr)' Sievers (Suz): 3. ); Danie l No rman (SUl) . • 500 J R: I. Mike Ho hon (Ho n ); 2. SU Tollison (Han ). 'W' Head in sync at Cinco de Mayo Trial By Don Williams Photo by Kelly Callan LUCERNE VALUY, CA, M AY5 Three-time North Ame ri ca n T rials Co u ncil Na tiona l Ch am pio n Scott H ead , ri d ing in his third even t since his retiremen t from Na tiona l competitio n in 1986, held o n for the Cham p io nship cla ss win at the Orange Co unty Cycle Cinco De Mayo Trial at Lu cer ne Valley, H ead , who i nt ends to compete o n his Beta T R34C on ly on the local level ra ther than returning to the NAT C Championship Series, ·b uilt a three-p oin t lead o ver fo u r-ti m e d efen d i ng Amer i can T ri a ls Asso ci ation C hampion T o m H aman n after H amann sco red o nes on four of the first seven sections. Riding a Beta Zero for the first time in co m pe titio n. Hamann took single da bs in four sections on th e second loo p wh ile Head had a clean loop go ing until he three'd th e fin al section. Sectio n 10 p rov ided the most tro u ble for H ead. wh o sa id, " I t' s exci ti ng comin g back . It 's like startin g o ver trying to learn the new tech ni ques.' : Five of H ead 's n in e-poin t total came o n the tricky sectio n that sent th e top-class riders u p a rock slab, the n down th rough so me rubble in to a flat staging area . From th is staging area the y had to shoot over a square-edged rock in a narrow cre vic e be tw een t wo hug e boulders, sto p quickly, make a trick move to th e left in cra mped q ua rte rs before hopping over another sq uare-edged rock guarding the ex i t chute. Going into the final three traps, H ead was hold ing a 5-11 lead over H am ann. H ead touc hed down four tim es in tho se secti ons as Hamann took h is o n ly dab of th e last loop o n Sec tio n 9. H ea d' s lead he ld up a nd H amann took th e runner's up position, a co mfo rta ble 38 poin ts ahea d of th ird- p lace Paul Webster. H ead 's fiancee J oann Benner acco mpanied him down from Sa nta Barbara and scored an easy win in th e Beginner class o n her Yamaha T Y350. Her one-point, nine-clean fina l loo p score tied Senior (30+) divisio n riders Ray Butler and Bill Burrows fo r th e best Beginner · loop o f the day . Butler beat ou t Burrows by a SIng le po int for th e Senior Beginner win after taking a five-point lea d afte r the o pe n in g loop . . Cl eans had to be ta llied b y sco rekeepers to decide the Su per Senior (40+) Novice w in ner. Mark Alpen and T om Blake were never m ore than a cou ple o f po ints apart all da y a nd finished with identica l totals of 16 points. Alpen's three, eigh t-clean loops easily beat th e 19 cleans accumulated b y Blake. J ohn Co ll ins finished third, only two dabs back . Results C' SH IP: I. Sco tt Head ( Bet) : 2. T om Ham a nn (lkt); 3. Paul Wc:bl ~r (Fan): 4. Jad y Rich ison (Fan). SPTSMN: I. Robert Mad den (Bet) : 2. Thomas Engdhard l (lkt): 3. Gr eg Bush (Yam ): 4. J aU'd Ma lmq uisl (Bd): 5. Dav id Igt (Fa n). sa (.50+) SP RTSMN : I. Duane Fela nd (Mer)i 2. Gary Co nrad (Bet ): 3. Randy Mint er (Be t); 4. Da vid Rc:cr.o r (Bet ). S/ SR (40+) SPTSMN : 1. Pa t Fox (Yam ). tNT: 1. J im Co lli ns (Bet); 2. _ i Rogtn (Be t); 3. Cra ig Tm McClellan (Yam ); 4. J. O . Mill er (Yam) ; 5. Mik e Cushionbury (Il 3. lach Ru tled ge (Kaw); 4. Ma n Downing (Ka w) . JR MIN I: 1. Mikcy Tay lor (SUl ): 2. J immy Reeves (Kaw); 3. Sa m Taylor (SUl ). • SR MI NI: l. Da n ny Ha vn es [ Kaw ]: 2. SCUll P in so n (Suz): 3. Bill y Hl eba k (SUl); 1. Matt Ma u hew s (Kaw ): 5. Chad Murphy (SUl). BEG : I. j am ey La nd rum (Ho n ); 2. Chad Mat hews (H on ]; 3. T ommy Payne (Hon ); 4. Mike Raker (Yam) : 5. Dcwa vne KilKQ (Hun ). re ·125 C: I. AI MnrRall (; 2. Marl y Mur ph y (Suz); 3. Wayne Deva n ( Kaw); 'I. Ryan Balla rd (Hu n); 5. D;um y Ha vnes (Kaw). . 250 C: I. A. Srnh h (Kaw): 2. G .T . (SUl); 3. J im m y Seone (Hu n ): 4. Sia n Hi ll;luo wer (Kaw,; 5. Ran d y H yde (Ya m ). 250 B: I. Mil-hild Henderson (Hon); 2. Lt-VUIi P(,T1 dM Kt"a ~ (Sut) ; 3. Allen Co n n (Ya m ): 'I. Sa m Penna (Kaw); 5. Hill Wi lliam ll(KTM ). SR MEN: I. Mil·hat>1 Hen dl;"rll n (Hun ): 2. Stan Hi /i: lnwt" u h 1 (K.!w); 3. & nn y Du rrouKh s (KT M); 4. Bobby Hi!l.hop (Kaw); 5. Robert Hend erson (Hem ). EN DR : I. Cbn s Wi lli am s (·Yam): 2. Dav id McCo rd ( Hen): 3. Bubby Wh itman (Kaw): 1. Mar k Wuod (KT M): 5. J im m y Wih;un ( Ka w ). 125 A: I. j ohnny Ilt--.. (SUl); 2. Bryan SlUko (Ho n ); ~ . .n . Da vid Smith (Ya m ). 3. Mike Parsons (left ) blasted past Jim Sisemore (righ t) at Gold Country Speedway. SR AM; I. Mar k Kawryga (1-1011); 2. Steve Ha~kel1 (SUl): :'1. Kevin Amo (Ki:tw). • SR EX: 2. Mike Munay (KT M); 2. Richa rd Bissen (H e n): ~ . Ge ne Nighman (Ka w}, . S/ SR: I. Leon Whalt'y (KT M): 2. Sar ge Littl e (Raw); 3. Mike Hubler [ Hon ). 50; I. j ueu n Murray (M· M); 2. Lo n n y Thurston (Ya m}; 3. Sh aw n O stra nder (Ya m ). JR MIN I 60-80; I. Amber Hu gh es (SUl ): 2. Paul Bradl ey (SUl ): 3. Travis Pastrana (Kaw ). SR MINI NOV : I. Mike BisM."1I (Yam ): 2. j asu n Ri<:ci (S ux ); 3. DaW' Thoma s (Kaw). SR MIN I: 1. j eff McMah un (Kaw): 2. Ricky Small (Hen]. SCH BY: J. J ohn Bla ke (Kaw); 2. Antho n y Pa via (SUt ); 3. Dan Go t! (Hun ). 200 NOV : 1. Bill y Toomey (Ya m ); 2. Chris Smi th (Kaw ); 3. Brian Wag ecik (Ho n ). 125 AM: 1. Ra ben Ma n n {Suz): 2. j oh n Bla ke (Kaw); 3. Ch ris Duda (Suz). . 125 EX: 1. Chris Coleman (Ya m): 2. Bru ce Stroman (Yam ); 3. Mike Dries (Yam ). 250 AM; 1. Bria n Cro h (Kaw); 2. j eff Fru tch ey (Yam ); ~ . jeff Ma kela (Ya m ). . .250 EX: I. Chris Co lem an (Ya m); 2. Bru ce Strat to n (Ya m); 5. TC1T)' Ku h n (Ya m ). O PEN NO V: 1. Wrigh t Bagwell (Ho n); 2. Cha d Moon" (H a n); 3. Andr ew Peebles [Kaw ]. O PEN AM : l. Georg e Austin (Kaw): 2. Steve Morga n ( H o n ). O PEN EX: I. Ethan Goodrich (KT M); 2. joh n Ynu nK [ Kaw ): 5. Rid Bisson (Han ). Results Parsons putsawayCold Country Speedway O /A : I. Chri s Ca pli nger (AT K); 2. Rust)' Reyna ud (Yam ): 3. Tim Newel l (Han): 4. G~ Surdv ke (H bg); 5. Leigh Le tellier (KTM ). EX: I. Ru slY Reyn a ud (Ya m ); 2. T im Newell (Ho n); 5. G rq Surd yke (H bg); 4. Leigh u t~ lI in- (KTM); 5. j eff Sledge (Yam). INT : I. Rick Hereon (Yam); 2. vt nce Tbrcckmoncn jj-lon): 3. Rob Ca p lio ger (AT K): 4. J ay Will iam s (Kaw); 5. Keith Kibo rt (Kaw). O PEN: l. Mike Bur khart (Han); 2. j oh n Isaacs (KT M); 3. Rick Leo nard (Ha n ): 4. Rob bie Reed (Han); 5. Ma rk G ulkk (KTM ). 250: l. Dwig ht Ma ggs rd (Yam ); 2. T o m Summ ers (Yam); a 3. Kevin H a rmo n (Yam ); 4. Ma ti Faletti (Kaw): 5. Dav id Sparrow (H a n). 200: 1. Dave Dill in g ham (Kaw); 2. Mo m s Wa rin o (Kaw); 3. Dav id Meyer (Kaw): 4. Dona ld Bemi s (Ka w): 5. Ra nd y Wil son (Kaw). 125: I. Ma ti j emi esc n (KT M); 2. Shawn T a ylor (H a n ): 3. Darr el T ownsend (H a n ): 4. Rich ie Cav ineu ( : 5. D-... e v Rya n (H a n). 4·STRK: 1. Steve Underwood (H bg); 2. Geo ff Monahan (Hbg); 3. Ra nd y J on es (Hon); 4. Com~1I Po rter (Hon ); 5. Da le Smith (Hon). · . SR: 1. Dave Altman (Yam) ; 2. Rick Ca rpenter (Suz); 5. Mich ad Sherida n (Hus); 4. J ohn Garren (KTM); 5. Gerald Fren ichs (H ue). S/S R: 1. Pau l Taylo r (Han); 2. Car l Donelson (ATK) ; 3. J im Letellier (KTM); 4. Bin ney Adams (Kaw). J R: I. Dave WiUo ng (H a n ); 2. Sh awn Merrl t (Hon): 3. Rya n Pi rtle (Han). VlNT: 1. Al J o hnso n (Yam) . BEG ; I. Lo n nie R ucker (Kaw); 2. J am es Hunot (Kaw); 3. Da nie l Sch war u (Ya m ): 4. J o h n Law son (Suz l; 5. M ik~ SeJ1e nschue tttt ( Ka w). Bagwell wins Frozen Ocean MX Caplinger cruises to Pro Dirt Hare Scramble win By Arlene Hejlek GRASSEY MO, MAY5 , Chris Caplinger was the overa ll wi n ner in th e fourth ro u nd o f th e Missour i Hare Scrambles Ser ies hosted by th e Pro Dirt M.C. a t G ras sey. A boggle at the sta rt put Ca plinger a t th e back of th e pack , alo ng with Greg Surdy ke, while Rusty Reynaud and Tim Ne well ran u p front. Ca plin"er a nd Surdyke wen t fro m las t to fifth and Stxth in o ne turn when th ey went around a melee at a mudhol e midway through th e fir st hip. ATKlSp roc ket Special ist s/Ka l-Gard /Mister Motorcycle/M om & Dad- sponsored Ca plin ger was on th e gas and in th e lead by th e end o f the second lap, while Surdyke claimed fourth position behind Rey naud and New ell . At th e end o f six la ps on the seven -m ile co urse, Caplinger cr u ised in to take th e overa ll win by a four -mi nute margin. Re ynaud was a warded first in the Expert class, followed by New ell who suffered from a silver dollar-sized blister on th e palm o f h is PLUS 25 EX; I. G rt'g Nd:OOCJIl (SUl): 2. Bill Denma n (SUI.): ha nd . Su rdy ke got arou nd New ell o n the fifth lap, but fell back into the third Expert slot wh en he cras hed on the six th lap . R ickey Horton got the holeshot in the Interm ed ia te class and Vince Throckm o rto n dogged hi s heels .for the firs t three la ps . Throc kmorton 's p la n to tak e the lead wh en H ona n p itted C gas went down the drain or whe n he wen t d ow n in a rav ine and los t a co u ple mi n u tes ge tti ng out. H e had to settle for second. Third in the In termediat e class wen t to Bo b Ca p lin ger over J ay Williams. At o ne po int they took sep arat e lines gains into a corner and Williams T-boned Caplinger, Will iam s went down a nd Ca p linger p ulled away . Dw ight Maggard took th e holesho t in th e 250cc class and held th e lead for the whole two h ours to fin ish in th e to p 10 overa ll . Steve U nderwood go t the hol eshot in th e Four-Stroke class, but fell on a log near the start, allowing everyo ne to pass. H e q uick ly llo t go ing , however, a nd had th e lead ba ck 10 hand by the end of the fir st la p. H e went home with the cla ss wi n. By Carla Nelson AUBURN, NY, APR. 28 Wright Bagwell won th e Open Novice class at Fro zen Ocean Mo tocro ss. Chad Moo re led Bag well early in moto one. As they pulled awa y from the rest o f the pack, Bagw ell pressu red Moo re. On lap th ree, Bagw ell fell beh i n d a nd g a ve Mo ore a com forta ble lead. J ason O rr was in th ird , closely p ur sued by Andrew Peebles. In mo to two, Bagwell led Moore by over five seco nds. Orr was close beh in d Moore in the ope ni n g laps bu t Peeb les cha rged up a nd passed Orr. Bagwell won the moto and the overall . while Moo re's seco nd in th e final moto cost h im the o vera ll . In th e 50cc class, J usti n Mu rra y won bot h mot os. A fall in mot o o ne allowed Lo n ny T h urs to n to close in , bu t Mu rr ay held h is positi on . Shawn O str ander rod e cons isten tly lo third in both motos. .i. Mike Corning ( Kaw ). : By R .C. Jones AUBURN, CA, MAY3 Fast Fridays ope ned th eir seco nd speedway season at th e Go ld Country Fairgrounds wi th most o f the h igh bankin g fro m last seaso n leveled down to a mor e ma nageabl e height. With the track a lot faster. Mike Parso ns thrilled a packed ho use with a co nvinci ng wi n in t he Scra tch mai n. As the lap wen t u p. Sisemore wa s fir st to the tum wit h Par son s a nd Bart Bast trying to keep even . Parsons kept pa ce a nd from th e far o u tside he was able to fi nd the traction first, hooked u p and shot past a surprised Sisemore and Bast to lead down th e back ch ute. After th e fir st lap Parson s was lead ing with Bast a nd Sisemore wheel to wheel. Sisemore's fro nt tire wen t in to the rut by th e pole. With Sisemore do ing th e w obbl es, Bast q uickly took o ver second and went a fter Par son s, who now had a two bike length lead. Parsons stayed smooth and too k the checkered flag first fo r the opening n ight wi n:" R ich Marcucci took ho me the H andica p main after holdin g off Bast o n th e last lap. Befor e they lined u p , Marcu cci sai d he was · worried about Dar rell Busb y, who was co ming o ff the 30-yard line ca tchi ng h im too early. When Busby jumped the sta rt twice a nd was excl uded , Marcu cci quick ly too k advan tag e o f th e 30-yard lead over Pau l Orla nd i. After the first two laps, Marcu cci was settled in at th e lead and on cruise co n tro l. Orland i a nd Bast p rov ided all of the ac tio n as &hey went a t it side by side. la p after lap. Just as the white flag ca me o ut Bast, p u lled away fro m O r land i and tri ed to put so me rressu re o n Marcu cci . As Marcu cci shot o ut 0 the last tu rn heading for th e checkered flag Bast tri ed to slip inside bu t co uld n 't get a n y closer th an the rear wheel of wi n ner Mar cu cci. In th e Division T wo main , Will Wh i teside mad e it look easy as he took the lead from Dave Lewi s on lap two and never looked back. G len n Moore shot in to th e runner-u p positio n w ith two laps to go but co uld nOl get close to runn ing dow n win ner Wh iteside. a Results SC RAT CH : I. Mike Par so ns (jaw); 2. Bart Results VINT; l. Kim Martin (SU.I:); 2. Da n Field (Suz): 3. Ga ry Cha",. P LUS 25 AM: 1. Ma rk Kaw ryga (lion): 2. Ga ry Cha K'(Su z); 3. Fra nk Gr osso (Kaw). 3. j im S iM"mor~ (Wa); 4. Darre ll Busby U ilW). Ba ~1 (Wc:!o); H DCP : I. Rich Marc ucci (Wn): 2. Ban Sa!>1 ( W~) : 3. Pa ul O rland i (G M): 4. Ro lx-n Cuny (Wes): 5. J oh n Homton j r. (j a w). 0 -2: I. Wi ll Wh i l~id~ (Wes); 2. Gl ~ n n Moo re (j aw ); 3. Dave u wis (jaw ).

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