Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Motorcycle Association's 500cc Premier and 350cc Grand Prix classes. Du cat i-rnounted Tom Keister did his best to keep Roper in sig ht during the 350cc race, earni ng a second pl ace fin ish for his efforts . Defending 250cc GP champ Keister had better luck in that class as he held off fellow Ducati riders Paul Watkins and Ernie Trakas. In the race ofthe day, Floridian Mike Kirby scored . hi s first AHRMA win over 1990 200cc GP cha mp Bob Shudick. Shudick's Du cati a nd Kir by's Bridgestone were never more than 10 yards apart during th e ent ire eigh t-lap race. Mike Smith aggresively maneuvered his '50 No rton through th e Class C field and to h is first wi n aboard the Manx. Hot on Smi th's trai l was BMWmounted Ozzie Auer, follo wed close ly by AI Knapp on his AMI -backed Harley-David son WLDR. Smith rode his eight-valve T riu mph to second in the ,750cc GP event, which was won by Triumph pilot AI Charles. Ducati 450 rider Chris Helland took an easy win in the Sportsman 500cc class ahead of Norm Nelson's Tri. umph. Rick Breckon rode his Triumph to the clear win in the Sportsman 750cc class , followed by Norton-mounted Bob Goodpaster and Steve Pucbala. The Pre-1940 class belonged to Butch Baer , who rode hi s hand-shift '26 Indian Scout so well he crossed the line fifth in a race tha t had the 350cc GP and 200cc GP machines on the track at the same tim e as AHRMA 's oldest machines. The Classic Six ties race saw a pair of BSA Gold Stars - ridden by Bob Bulmer and John Phillips - arrive at th e fini sh line first and second, followed by Beno Rod i and h is Royal Enfield Bullet. Two-Stroke GP fea tured a scrap between J ohn T urne r on a Suzuki Titan and J ohn Lo uc k on hi s JM L Special, a home-built 1971 mach in e that features a 440cc Kohler snowmobile engine. The du el ended when the drive belt shredded on Louck's torque I:l'I converter. Results 500 PREM: i. David Ro~ (AJS ): 2. Ralph Auer (BMW): ! .. Groll Ryan (T n ); 4. Don Fromm (BSA); 5. Bob Shudick (H· D). 750 GP: 1. AI Charles (T ri); 2. Mike Smith (T ri); ! . Craig Breckon (BSA); 4. Mike Comfort (No r); 5. Pa tCCmuoy (H .D ). . 2-STJlI GP: 1. J ohn Turner (Sur); 2. Randy Harding (H ·D); ! . J ohn Louck (JML) . !50 GP: 1. DaVId Roper (AJS); 2. T om Keister (Due); ! . Mike Miu:hell (Due); 4. Ken Baker (Due); S. John Schulu (H·D). 2sO CP: 1. Tom KeiMer (Due); 2. Paul Watkin. (Due); ! . Ernie TraIhatc:' (Yam); 3. j im Whipple:- (Yam); -I. Phil Gribnau (Yam). VET NOV : 1. Many MaI~ ( Hon );2.James Kubo (Yam ); 3. kim Lof tis (Kaw). 80 NO\': 1. Nathan W()()(b (Kaw); 2. Jason ~tehcr (Ho n). 80 BEG : I. DmnlS Springs ()ta w); 2. j amo Pledalus (Suz); 3. Bobby GMCia (K.a ); 4. Jna M~C1 (SUI): 5. Jason Bowdm w (Kaw). 60 NOV: I. Jns Mtdl.,. (Kaw). 60 BEG : l. lnon TUI'tK'I'(Hon). PIW: l. Sha ne:- lku (Ya m ). Varis smokes Barona Oaks MX RAMONA, CA, MAY 5 Jimm y Varis sailed the overall win s in the 60cc (9-11 year old) and 80cc Open (9-11) class win s at round four o( tb e CMC Spri ng Classic, held a' Ba ron a Oak s Racewa y. Var is trou nced the competition . winning three out of four motos en route to his victori es. Var is go, the ball rolling in tbe first 60cc (9-11) mo'o, and grabbed the holeshOl ah ead of Bo Hernandez and T ravis Connelly . With a clear track ahead of him , Vari s opened up his JT USAlSCRlKClVTekniques Racingl VHT/PJI ·backed Kawasaki, and began pull aw ay (rom the field . Rehind Vari s, Hernandez (ough' of! the advances of Sean Jaramillo , who swooped pas' Connelly on the oJX1ling lap. Varis sco..m. a convincing win wh ile Hernandez held his li nes fin ish second. Jaramillo and Connelly followed in third and fourth, respectively. Vari s timed the gate perfectly in mo'o two , and led Hernandez, Jaramillo and Connelly onto ,he track. From tha t point on, the race was a (oll ow-the-leader-affair, as Varis went on to score the molO and overall wins ah ead o( Hernandez a nd Jaramillo. . Daniel Norman brok e Varis' win streak in ,h e first SOcc Open molO. as be fended off all challenges made by Varis. Varis was mired a ' the start, bu t by the whi,e flag lap had closed on Norman·s rear (ender. Varis tried every trick in the book '0 get by Norman, bu' came up short at the checkered n ag . Norman new over th(: fin ish line tabletop to score th ~ win a bead 0 ( . Var is and Jerry Aleman, wh o po wered his SCR-backed Suzuki across the line in thi rd. Vari s sto rmed back with a ven gean ce in the concludi ng molO, and crossed the fin ish line with a comfortable lead Over Norman ·and Aleman. Varis' 2-1 scores 'opped Norman 's 1·2 (or ,h e overa ll win. '0 By Tony Alessi PALMDALE, CA, MAY 10 Tracy Asher was deI, a good hand as he top ped . 'he 250cc Novice class during CMC Nigb, MX a' Los Angel es County Raceway . SeOIl Mum(ord and Kenn y Stafford bolted into the high-speed, le(, sweeping first 'urn side by side at lhe stan of me first moto. Mum(ord cu' underneath Stafford in the 'um before a triple jump then new inside Stafford to assume the lead. Mumford approached the quadruple jump in the lead , cased bard on the landing, bu' was able '0 stay out front arid soon had all the jumps, including the quad, down a science. Asber had worked up (rom nearly last second and ·began close on Mumford, but the entire front straight sep ara ted th e two riders. Mumford rode .smooth to the checkered nag (ollowed by Asher and Bill y Paul. Mumford thundered to the second mo'o holeshot with Paul and Asher in to w. Mumford open ed a small lead while Asher moved past Paul to second. Mumford main· tained a small margin to the fina l lap when he buried bis fron , end in a deep sand berm. ·'Ijus' dug in and I was trapped," Mumford explai ned. He lost about 10seconds and that's all Asher needed squirt by and take a quid dash ,be cbec kered nag for 'he win. Mumford fini shed second and Paul was third . Cy Prado and Erik Kleven exchanged mo'o victori es in the 250cc Beginner class. Kleven pa ssed Jordan Lieberman in the first moto score a runaway win . Prado also passed . Liebennan late in the race to assum e second. Kleven was on h is way to a repeat perfor mance in me second mota but lost control in a series o( small bumps and (ell. Kleven remoun,ed in (ou rth bu t Prado was long gon e. Kleven eventually worked hi s way bad to secon d wh ere he fin ished beh ind winner Prado. '0 (Kaw ). VET t NT: I. I...arTy Bakn (SUI ); 2. Alan Andcnon (Kaw); . 3. Richard Bunch (Ka.....). VET EX: I. Bob KJinr (H on) ; 2. Greg MartinC'Z (Hon ): 3. ~rge Wall ao.- (Ya rn). By Seymour Bettys Asher burns LACR Night MX '0 JR VET NOV : l. J ohn Davin (H on ); 2. Tim WOIhlbng (Ya m); 3. Srott Wildtt (Hon): 1. Jeff Frr'y (H on): 5. Kmn ,. Safford ( Ka w) . J R VET EX: J. Srott Slr.OI.rrlS(SUI). VET BEG : I. Mark King (Hon); 2. Randy jamn (Hon); ". Damn Brown (H on): 1. John Murr.illY (S UI): s. MMk McCulloch (Ya m ). VET NOV : 1. Martin CiSOlr (SuI); 2. Lmny Bakn; 3. Ru~11 Pawn'S (H on); 1.Jeff Mindn Ol.u (H on); 5. Jimmy Baun '0 '0 '0 '0 Results P/ W A: l. Johnn Fa ullc.nn (Ya m): 2. Saxl Howe:- (Yam ); 5. Todd G

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