Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I LOCAL EVENTS ~ eno ugh to keep Orlandi and Sisemore on the wid e side and took the win over both with Ocho a at the end. The Handicap ' show was all Collie r fro m up front as bashing was best in the back. Parsons survived for second over Curry a nd H icks. Peter Marcoccia came off the 10 to win the Division Two main in fine style with Ron Clevenge r pa ssing a bunch for second and Bryan Barrett th ird, while Glen Moore won the Division Three main. Dave Huntoon took second. Results . nDCP : I. Bob Co llier ; 2. Mike Pa rwns: .! u d Curry; 4. U Bob H icks; 5. Mike Kain . m SCRATCH: I, Kid Curry; 2. Paul Orlandi; 3, Ji m SiM' o re; 4. Jess Ochoa. b -2: 1. pete Ma rcoccia; 2. Steve Mart ynAt'; .5 Will whiteside: . 4. Da n Sm ith : 5. Dou g MigKnano. 0 -3: I. Glen Moor e; 2. Dave Huntoon ; 3. Simo n Casey ; 4. Floyd Smith; 5 . Bill Thomas. Bergquist blasts Carlsbad MX By Dave Bergess Lars Bergquist (left) topped Tim Daily in the Old Timer Expert class at Carlsbad. 80 BEG 0 -1: 1. Jeri Dosta l (Se N.): 2. J ason Daniel s (Kaw): 3. Da vid Ma cAree (Suz). 80 BEG: 0 -2: L Ezra Brock (SUl): 2. Willi a m Zeig ler (Ya m); 3. Paul Zeigler (Ya m): 4. Robb ie Mears (Ya m); 5. Ch ad Leser (S Ul ). 80 AM: I. Er ic Seeley (Ka w). 125 BEG : 1. David Hic ks (Kat); 2. Eric Seeley (Kaw): 3. Rober t w eston (Ya m ); 4. Pal McLa ugl in (Suz); 5. Shaw n . Tuchey (Ya m). 250 BEG : I. Mike Gi guere (Ya m): 2. l ames Canrnel! (Ho n); ! .Kenny H olmes (Yam ): 1. Chr is Pro opow (T BR); 5.Krl ly . McDougal (H a n). 500 BEG: I. Chris Oendusa (Hon); 2. Greg Powell (H us). 125 NOV : I. Mon do Dur an ; 2. T im Madden (S Ui); 3. Oon Coo per: 4. Ch ris Brook e (KTM). 250 NOV ; .1. Jake Yo uman (H un ); 2. Ron H arri son (Ya m ); 3. Kirk Brow n (SUT); 4. Craig Welh , (Hen ]: 5. Eric Harr ison •(Ya m). 500 NO V: I. Mal'k Hitecbcw (KT M); 2. uri Desiderio (AT K): !J. Ron Malo ne (Ho n); 4. John Pad (Yam). , 125 AM: I. Ool;lg Yarnell ~ Hon). 500 AM: I. Bn an C()m d lU~ (Kor); 2. Sca n Smith (Hon ); 3. John Davies (H on ); 1. J ohn whita ker (Han). 250 MSTR : I. Tim T elfor d (Kaw): 2. Jim Kuntz (H on). JR VET BEG : I. Rober t Van Dam me (Kaw): 2. Michael Blair (Hon ): 3. T om Dunham (Ya m ); 4. Rick Huth (Hon); 5. Rill Ow ens (Ho n). . J R VET NOV : 1. JO(' Bagna sco (Kaw): 2. A. DUMy Rode . (H on); 3. T im Madden (Sill) : 4. Eric H arrison (Yam); 5. Ronald Har rison (Yam). J R VET T : I. Chuck Duran (Yam): 2. Do ug Yarnel l NT (Hon ). JR VET MSTR: I. J im Kunu (Hon ): 2. Gary Wagnf"r(Kor ). VET BEG: I. T odd Wahf'n (Ya m); 2. Jo hn Pri tcha rd (H ou ): 3. Pa ul Cha ffee: 4.. J ut'! Plavajka (Yam ); 5. G len n Plu mmer (Kor). VET NO V: 1. non Salmen (H on ); 2. Ken Morg an (Hen ]: 3. John Cuccia (Ya m ): 1. A. DuSlY Roo t' (Hon ): 5. T ony AIl:l; i CYam ). s VET AM: I. David Simon (Ya m ); 2. Mark Mau esc n (H on): 3. Rick j ohn son (Hnn); 4. Car l Gal..afy (Hon); 5. Ala n Kent (Ka w). VET MSTR: I. Jon Mjller (Yam ); 2. Roo Richad son (Kaw); 3. Bruce McDo uga l (Kaw); 1. Mar c j ohnson (SUl ); 5. Seen Smi th (Hon ). SR BEG: 1. Ji m Cooper (Han); 2. Ric k Ctmp bd l (DC R). SR NOV: L Steve jen nings (AT K); 2. Rich ard Srcel ke 'red Boyd (Hon ): 4. Do ug Krause (Yam) ; 5. Dennis (AT K); 3. P Wibon (Ya m). SR AM: I. Jerry Young (Ya m); 2. W.j. BrOtdbury (Kaw); .1 Te rry B antle (AT K); 4. Den ni~ Middl eton (Kaw). . SR MSTR: I. Alan Kent (Kaw); 2.J ohn I-Iuegel (Hon); 3. Robe rt Menn ell (H a n); '1. Monte lee (Yam); 5. Wayne Co rn eli u ~ (Kaw). ~ S/S R :"JOV 1. Joh n Br....sch (H a n): 2. Barry Si mon (Hon ). : EXU IB BEG: 1. Fred Ogrim (DSRj ; 2. Jeff Sliled (H on); 3.Jo n Robtea (Ya m); 4. Darr ell Rusell (Ho n ); 5. Hu gh Little (H on). EXHIB NO V: I. Ron Rich (SU1): 2. Mond o Duran (Ya m); 3. Ear l De~ iderio (AT K); 4. Richa rd Stulke (AT K); 5. Steve J enl1in g~ (AT K). EXH IB AM: I. John Layne (Ha n ); 2. Rich Ca llaha n (Kaw); .\ 3. John Whi taker (H on). EXH IB MSTR: 1. T im T eHord (Kaw); 2. Tom Ca uhy (Yam ). Beltz blasts Bremen SX By Joey Casey 28 BREMEN, GA, MAY II Bill Belu topped the 125cc A class , at the Bremen Supercross after two mot o~l o n g duels with Brian Stokes. Stokes grabbed the holeshot in moto one, but Beltz was close behind. Belu rammed Stokes in a turn and pulled a longside the leader as . they ap proached a small double jump. T he two rid ers ca me toge ther in mid air, but neither backed off as they entered the following turn. Stokes slid ou t, and Belu took over the lead. Stok es j um ped back on the track, but Belu held on for the win . Stokes caug h t Beltz sleeping a t the start of moto two, and gra bbed the early .lead . The two riders p icked up where they left off in moto one, and began to bump and pu sh :-each ot he r aro u nd th e jump-filled co urse. Bel tz scoo ted by just before th e fin ish a nd sco red the moto a nd overa ll wi ns. "That was the funnest a nd most exciti ng race I' ve ever been in ," said Beltz. Shae Bentl ey scored the win in the Senio r Mini cla ss after working th rou gh the pac k a nd win ni ng both mot os. Matt Mauhews crossed the fini sh lin e in second b.oth tim es out, j ust ahead of J ason Agan. Mick Baile y po sted four per fect moto scores to capture the wins in the Junior Cycle and Mini J un ior classes. Bail ey gra bbed a ll four holeshots en route to his wins, topping J.R. Morrow in the Junior Cycle class and Chris Mason in the MIni Junior race. Results PW : I. Eric Elsberry (Ya m) ; 2. Michael Sta nfield (Yam); 3. Dan iel Miller (Hon ). jR CYC: 1. Mid Baile y [Kaw ]: 2' J. R. Morrow (Kaw ). . JR MI NI: I Mick Bailey (Ka w) ; 2. Chris Maso n (Kaw); 3. Nat han Sutton (Ha n ); 4. T yson Weat herford (Sull . SR MIN I: I. Sha e Ben tley (Kaw); 2. Mat t Ma tthew5 (Kaw ); 3. Jason Agan (1-100): 1. J oey Turk (Ho n): 5. j osh Ham mock (Ha n). SCH BY; L Shae Bend ey (Kaw): 2. Man Matt hews (H on). BEG: 1. Robb ie T emples (Hon j : 2. Budd y Bra gg [ Kaw ]: 3. Jam ey La nd rum (He n): 1. T ommy Pa yne {Hon]: 5. Allston T aylor (SUl). 125 C: I. Tim Bruce (SUl); 2. Kip RalOl (Ya m ); 3. Chri s Thomas (Yam ); 'I. Robby Bargs ledt (Han ); 5. Richard j enkins (Ka w). . . 125 B: I. Bradley Pendl ey (Yam); 2. Wa yne Devan [Ka w] ; 3. Ch rili Church (Ha n). 125 A: I. Bill Brl u (Hon): 2. Brian Sto kes (Ho n ). 250 C: 1. j eff Shro ly [Hon ]; 2. Da vid Howa rd (Han); 3. dnev Va ughn (Ho n); 1. Sha ne POa' (Kaw); 5. Jeff Copeland Ro (Ya m). 250 B: I. Mike Henderson [Hen]: 2. Bradlev Pend ley (Yam). SR MEN: I. Barry H iggins (KT M); 2. Mike H enderson {Hon ]: 3. Gary Crow e (KT M); 4. Chuck Bailey (H a n); 5. Da vid SUtton (H on). ENOR: I. Barry H igg in s (KT M); 2. Jamn Burt on (Ya rn); 3. Ch ris Willi a ms (Yam); 1. Rob wesrergard (H on): 5. Rob And~ ( KTM ). VtNT: I. 8;lrry Hi JtKinli (BSA); 2. j ason Leumna (Yam ); 3. Roben Lim emarom (Ya m); 4. John Asttetord (G R E). . Curry claims Cal-Expo Speedway win By Bill Spencer SACRAMENTO,CA, M AYI After a one week rain delay, class A Speedway racing began in nonhern Californ ia a t the Cal-Expo . Kid Curry and hi s H arl ey-David son of Sacramento top~ the Scra tch main event .in grand style, whtle it was Bob Co llier using low yardage a nd a great lin e in winning the eig h t man, eigh t lap Handicap main in front of Mike Parsons and Curry. Rich Marcucci ope ned up the season with a win in the first Handicap heat over Curry and J oe LeDu c, whil e it was Houston runnin g off the 40 yard lin e and winning the second even t in great style over Colli er. Darrell Busby work ed hard for the thi rd heat · win over Dust in Schroeder and Bob H icks after Bart Bast bailed. Paul Orlandi topped the kid s in the fina l Handicap show wit h Mike Kain second over Tommy Heddon . Collier grabbed the lead in the first semi and was never headed, even after Mike Parson s had a discu ssion wi th th e ref on st'art procedures. Marcucci and Curry rounded out the transfers. Schroeder proved that he had don e h is homework over th e o ff-sea so n winning th e second semi ove r Kain and Orl andi, with Hicks the final rider to th e main. Sisemore hit the first of four Scra tch gates the best, from th e outside a nd won over Schroe der, whi le Curry was likewise from th e middl e of the seco nd heat. Or la ndi rode a lon gs ide for two la p s giving th e fan s somethi ng to cheer about. Bart Bast was best in the th ird hea t, with Mike Kain second after Parson s broke and J ess Ochoa won the final Scra tch heat. O nce aga in from the wall , Ji m Sisemore rode to the semi win with Curry secon d over Kain. Ochoa kep t up his end of the bar gain with the other semi win over Or landi. In the Scrat ch mai n , Curry ga ted well CARLSBAD, CA, MAY II Lars Bergquist overcame a large con tingent of riders to claim the overall victory in the compe titive Old Timers Expert class at the Racin g Ente rprise MX at Carlsbad Raceway . Promoter Fra nk Thomason designed a course tha t had all the riders talking, especially about the new downhill with thr ee jumps. At the start of moro one , Tim Daily put his Honda into the early lead ahead of Amp Racing's Horst Leitner and Lars Larsson. Bergquist was buried at the back of the pack but was quickly on the move to tile front. Bergquist seemed to pass riders with ease until he tried to get around Lee Amaradio, who was runn ing fourth. Amaradio put up a tremendo us fight until Bergquist slipped by at the ha llway point. The battle exhausted Amaradi o, as he faded to a n even tual seventhplace finish. Bergq ui st zapped Larsson and Leitner for second and wasted littl e time disposing of Dai ly, Phel ps and Steve Bussell. Moto two was a barn burner as Dail y got anot her holeshot with Bergquist and Larsson no more than inches apa rt. The battle ra~ on, as Bergq uist sli pped pas t Dail y for first an d Bussell moved into fourth. Larsson began droppi ng off the pace and Bussell zap ped him for th ird. Dail y hung wit h Bergquist for the full 30 minu tes but could never cha llenge, as Bergq ui st took the win a nd the overa ll with Daily second a nd Bussell a distant th ird. Results 80 BEG: I. Manny Aria!> (Yam ); 2. Cory Mo rtensen (Kaw); 3. T or e Ama to (Kaw). 80 JR: 1. Bobby Allen (Kaw); 2. j oshua Amandio (H a n ). 125 BEG: I. Dero n Stidman (Ya m); 2. jeff Fields (Kaw); S. Bria n Brown (SU1):4. Rid e H oh (Han ); 5. Bernhard Leitner (Suz). 125 JR : I. Lars Erik Lar sson (Ya m ); 2. Jo nathan Knight (Kaw); 3. J~ Rem pp (H on ); 4. Chad Ferry (SUl); 5. j en Morri ~ (H a n ). 125 PR O: I. Anthon y Amaradio (Yam); 2. v lnce Warren (Hon ); S. Gary Sq uier (SUl): 1. Thad Men (Yam ). 250 BEG: I. Chip Sche ll (Ya m); 2. Jeff Par ks (H a n); 5. Jai me Herrera (SU1): 4. Ma rty Bowman (Han); 5. Richard Hatch (H a n). 250 JR : I. Randy Rush (H on) ; 2. Greg Whf"at (H a n ); .5. Nic k Aba to (Ya m); 1. Dan e Andenon (H on); 5. T ed Kuk la (! J ablonski ; 2. Rod Henrickson ; .5 . . .Bill Schultz; 1. Jack T roller; 5. earlO& Mar in . OT G INT: I. J ohn Churilla; 2. Walt Olson ; 3. Ph illips Hall : 4. H. Ajime Shoga.K'; 5. Greg IknlOn. . OTG EX: 1. ScOlt Smith: 2. Gary Sh~ohman; .5 Craig Brehan. . PR O: 1. Brad McLrod; 2. Bob Cas per ; S. Steve Pawson . tulo£( conquers Norsemen MX By Rolfe Otterness CAMBRIDGE, MN, APR. 28 Dan Luloff scored overall victories in two of the lOughes't classes at the Norsemen MC's motocross as he nailed down yet another win in the 25 Plus class and too k home the gold in the 250cc A class as well . Over 480 entries were on hand to baule on the sand Norsemen track and the second set of motos had to be sho rtened to fini sh before dark. Lul oll dro pped the clutch on his Suzuki 250, spi n ning off the concrete starting pad and jettin g into the lead in the first 250cc A moto. David Niemi q u ickl y latched onto second place but couldn't quite keep pace with Luloll. Mike Atkinson and Lee Erickson ra n in third and fourth for the majority of the race. Near the end of the race Niemi's bike developed a severe miss and he dropped out of contention on the last lap. Atkinson also dropped back and on the last lap as Luloff took an easy win . Erickson and Cory Keeney finished 2-3 after a last-lap battle. Eric Meuger took fourth. The second mota was a sh ocker a s Duan e Kuik en blasted into the lead and ran oil for the win with a great ride . Jell Olderberg was closing in early in the race but bailed ofl. Chad Winecke took a solid second place while' behind him there developed a five-rider battle over third, involving Jim Scott , Eric Meuger, Erickson, Luloff and Keeney, with all riders finishing in that order. Luloff's 1-6 score was good enough for the overall win over Kuiken 's 7-1 finishes. . In the fir st Mini Senior moto, Lance Cunningham pulled the holeshot a nd ran oil for a big win over the pa ck. Chad West held second quite a distance behind Cunningham but far ah ead of th ird . Chad Allord displ aced Heath Voss near the halfway point to take over third and James Niedzielski dropped Voss on e more position before the checkered flag: Cunningham once again roosted away for an easy Win in the second mota with West holding a secure second. Matt Kleine and Shelly Kann battled in the early part of the race over third, but Klein e held on to the position at the finish. Results MINI PIW: I. Mike K.ann; 2. Courtney Sampson; 3. Trevor Frischmon. MINI JR: 1. La nce Cun ni ngha m; 2. John Sandberg; 3. Mikr Glatk. MINt SR ; 1. Cra ig Cunningha m; 2. Chad Weat; 3. Olad A1fords. Yl1-1: I. Aaron Carl son; 2. jamn Povolny; 3. Tim Posci sil. 25 PLUS: 1. Dan Lul off ; 2. Scott Steinle; 3. Jam n Scott. VET C: 1. Kelly Ziegler; 2. Mark Schanum; .5 Kenton . Goble. . VET A: I. Brian Carney; 2. Richard Riehm: 3. Aida Cirdli. . SR: 1. Joh n Al£ord.s; 2. Larry Noble; .5 Casey Staige . 125 C 0 ·1: I. James Povolny; 2. Robbi e McDow ell; 3. Gene Mill er. 125 C 1).2; 1. Mike Bell ; 2. SIeve KJar; .5 Jed Cophan. . 125 C D·3: I. Mike Masten : 2. Charlo Ziegler: 3. Robbi e Masters. 125 B: I. Darren Ch elin; 2. Todd Fri shan: 3. Doug Pixley. 125 A: I. Robbi e Engs tro m; 2. Pat Donaho; 3. CoryKeeney. 250 C D·l: I. T im Pospi sil ; 2. Cr.ti~ Fruth; 3. Justin Olson . 250 C D·2: 1. Eugen e MiIIM'; 2. Cuis CoX;.5 Rick Johnson . . 250 B: I. Damn Chdin ; 2. Dal e Sprikerhoff ; ~. Robby Vesel. 250 A: I. Dan Lu lo£(; 2. Du ane Kuiken ;.5. Lee EricUon. O P EN C: 1. Rodn ey Mat heso n; 2. Jeff Bohm an ; 3. j ason Miku lski . O PE N A; I. John Niem i; 2. Mike Na the; !J J ay H oenk . . Norris nails Glen Helen Stadiumcross win By Seymour Bettys SAN BERNADINO, CA. MAY I Mikey Norri s scored the overall win in the 60cc (0-8 year old) class at the CMC Friday night Stadiumcross races at Glen Helen. Norris piloted his SCR /KCR/Enzo Racing/ MNFX-sponsored KX60 to both moto wins on the newly built cou rse that includes tabl etops, double jumps and stadium whoops. In moto one , Norris took control of the lead ' on the first lap, but had to fend off the charges of Rol and Rodriguez and Jason SkUll for the first few turns. Norris found the track to his lik ing, and began to establish a lead that he would carry to the finish. Norris scored the moto win ahead of Rodriguez and·Skutt. The second moto was another Norris show, as he took control of the moto ear ly on and was never seriously challenRe (Kaw); 2. R. Rodriguez (Raw ); 3. J. Skutt ( ~ w); 4. It ~ellOn (X:-w); 5. J. Jor~ ( K.a w~. 60 (9-11). l. j. Vans (Kaw), 2. J. Schmidt (Kaw), 3. N. Puccia (Kaw); 1. D. Ryley (Raw); 5. B. Hernandez (Raw). SOO PEN: 1. J. Aleman (Suz). '80 BEG: L J. Alrman (Suz); 2. j . Snyder (H on); 3. C. Berry (Hon ): 4. A. Webb (Suz); 5. J . Pool e (Ha n ). . 80 jR: 1. C. Emca (Sm); 2. J. Turner (Kaw); .5 J . Vans (Suz); 4. S. Perolio (Ho n).

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