Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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exceeding 100 decibels will be advised at tha t time and urged to take corrective action, if necessary . Bikes measured a t or above 105 deci bels during th e race wi ll be black-flagg ed. For mor e in for mation , ca ll Tom Stein a t 503/2211487. will remain open seven days a week for open practice and trail rid in g with the MX trac k being graded and watered on Saturdays and Sundays. Beginn ing June 5, the tra ck will also be prepped o n Wednesda ys a nd tha t day the park will remain o pen un til 8 p.m, The AMA professional half mile rac e scheduled for Ma y 18 a t East Windsor Fa irgrou n ds in H ightsto wn , New jersey, has been canceled by th e promoter. The ne xt scheduled event a t that facility will be held june 22. Custom Chrome will sponso r both the May 18 San jose 600cc Na tion al TT and the May 19 Camel Pro Series San jose Mile. Rod Lake Racing will sponsor Sunday's Junior Natio na l Mil e. which will run as part of the Camel Pro program. A swap meet wi ll be held at th e San Jose Fairgrounds over the weekend. from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. bo th da ys with li ve musi c. pr ize dra win gs a nd a best bike co ntest. Custom Chrome will set up a " wish ing well " for donations to the Steve Eklund Relief Fund. Worl dS ports will 0een the gates a t Gatorback Cy cle Park in Gainesville, Fl orida, on Su nday, May 19, for a full da y of motocross racing on the same co urse that will be utilized for its Loret ta Lynn 's Youth Regio nal on j une 22-23. For mor e information, call 813/822-8929. If yo u're pl anning on scoo ti ng over to Troy, O hio, for the july 28 AMA National Championship 1 2 5 / 250cc MX at Kenworthy 's MX Park, it's recommended that yo u make mot el reserva tio ns now as there's a co nflicti ng event in Tro y that weekend. T he Comfort Inn a t the Mia m i Valley Centre (513/ 778-8100) in Piq ua, is the race headquarters mot el. There are also some rooms blocked off at the Arborgate Inn (5 13/ 339-1515) in Troy. Tell them you're attending the Ken wor th y's MX and yo u' ll receive a special room ra te. Pri m itive cam ping will be available at th e track for th e weekend a nd entertainment will be provided on Saturday night by the WAZU- Radio Wham- Bam-ThankYou Band. There will also be a trophy girl co ntest and if you're interested in enteri ng tha t, contact Evelyn Yaus a t WAZU , 513/223-9445. The team of Paul Krause , Garth S w e e tland, Roger Hurd and Ron Lawson (Kaw) wo n the Rock Around the Clock 24-hour endurance off-road race in Pl aster Cit y, California, May 11 -12. The winning team averaged 51.35 mph, rackin g u p 1232.5 miles. The Joey. Lane /Craig Smith / Hurd/RobertPlayther (Kaw) tea m finis hed second, averaging 50.3 mph , logging 1207 mi les. For the fou rth year in a ro w Larry Roeseler ( Ka w ) was the overa ll winner at the 21st running of the Virg in ia City Grand Prix in Carson City, Nevada, May 12. Ron Naylor (ATK) was second and Andy Segale was third. Although DeAnza Cycle Park in Moren o Valley. California , has suspen ded all MX racing events , the park AMA testifies before Senate Committee he Ameri can Motorcyclist Association (AMA). urged .key Senate leaders. to consider th e needs and concerns of motorcyc lists during a May 13 hea ri ng today on the Su rface T ransportation Efficiency Act of 1991, a bill tha t establishes funding for transportation projects a nd renews a five-year federal highway pro gram tha t expires on September 30. . Rep resenting the Associa tion a t the hearing, which was held before the enate Commi tt ee o n E nv i ro n m en t and Public Works, wa s AMA Washington Represen tative j im Bensberg, who ex pressed th e AMA's views on a wide ra ng e of issues relating to motorcycl in g. During the hearing, Bensberg urged th e co m mittee to delete la nguage from th e highway bill, kn own as S965, that would coerce sta tes into passing mandato ry helmet laws for all ri ders. Recen tly, tha t provision wa s added to the bill at th e request of Sen . j ohn Chafee (R- Rhode Island), wh o in trod uced a "stand alone" helmet bill in th e Sen ate last yea r. . " T he AMA believe s that this co ntroversial issue sho u ld be deci ded at the state level withou t a ny encouragem ent or coe rcio n from Congress," Bensberg told th e co m mittee. " In short, we believe th e mandatory helmet provision of S965 ha s no place in the Highway Rea u thori zation Act, and we urge its deleti on." Also in a ttendance at the hearing were fo rmer National Highwa y Traffic Safety Adm inistra tion (N HT SA) Administrator joan Cla ybro o k, as well as U. S. Congressman Jim Cooper (D-T en nessee) and representatives of th e Insu rance In sti tute for Highway Safety (II H S), who testified in favor of the mandatory hel met provision of the bill. In ,testimony befor e the co m m ittee, Ben sberg also called fo r the contin ued designation of mo torcycle safety as a-national priority, thereby renewing th e plan th at makes states a nd co m m un ities eligible to receive federal grants for motorcycle safety programs under "Sectio n 402" fundin g. He not ed th ere are a var iety of inno va tive programs - motorist awareness campaigns, licen sing a nd tra ini ng a nd general information about safe motorcycl ing - tha t states can in itiate if 402 funding co ntin ues to be available. Notin g the effectiveness of mot orcycles in relieving traffi c co ngestio n, Ben sberg also urged the co m mi ttee to retain the curre nt law tha t a ut horizes the use of motorcycles o n co m m u ter lanes, or High Occu pancy Veh icle (H OV ) la nes. " It is o ur beli ef," said Bensber g, "Tha t motorcycles can do m uch to rel ieve h ighwa y co ngestio n, urban gri d lock and inner ci ty par ki ng problems a nd therefo re, their use, even by" a single operator, should be encouraged by federal policy." Finally, Bensberg testified in su pport of the National Recreational T rai ls Trust Fund act, which was recently amended to the hi ghway bill by its sponsor, Sen . Steve Symms (R -Idaho). Under the plan Sym ms has suggested, a po rtion of th e gasoline taxes paid by off-highway enth usiasts wo uld be allocated to states for th e development a nd ma intenance of mot ori zed tra ils. In addition , a sign ifica nt port io n of th e funds collec ted through the Highwa y Trust Fund would be dedicated to en hancing and preserving non-mot orized tra ils. "T h is conce p t, we believe, is consistent with th e multiple use policy wh ich has tra ditio na lly go verned o ur public lands;" Bensberg not ed. " Th is leg isla tion represen ts a unique op port un ity for all o u tdoor recreation ists to share in the enjoyment of our publ ic lands. T Whi le scanning th e Camel Pro Series Louisvill e Half Mile 'pre-en try list, Pa pa came across a familiar name: Ronnie Rall. The Ohio rid er , wh o won his first Grand National Champ ionship race in 1963 a nd the last of five in 1969. will compete in Louisvill e on June 8 o n a self -sponsored BSA with the number 52F o n its number pl ates. American MX mechanic Harry Reid is currently turn ing the wrenches for 500cc MX GP co m p eti tor So ren Morten sen of Denmark. T he so u thern Ca liforn ian previou sly worked with Kawasak i for five years and worked for 125cc Western Regiona l Su percross Seri es poin ts leader J ere m y McG rath last year. H o sPITal S TOP: ' First-year Expert dirt track racer J ason Fletcher. 20. sus ta ined ser io us back in juries in a crash a t the Fresno 600cc National Mile, May 5. Fletcher was taken to th e Fresno Vall ey Medical Center, where metal rods and screws were inserted in to his back to repair two broken d iscs. Apparently , Fletcher lost . hi s bra kes and cras hed wh ile trying to avoi d hi tting the rider ahead of him. Fletch er is in go od spi rits and expects to be released and re turn home la ter this week. Cards a nd letters ma y be sent to: 77 Carter Rd., Warren , CT 06754. was rubbing o n the bone and h e expects to be fu ll y recovered when the 500cc G Ps resume june 2 in Holland. Kawa saki factory su pport MX rider R yan Hughes , who is curren tl y ranked seventh in the AMA Eastern Regi onal I 25cc Su percross Series point standings , will be sidelined for u p to four months due to a broken hand. H ughes has been experiencing pain ever since he cras hed at the j apan Supercross last February, and it wasn 't until afte r the April 27 Dallas Supercross that doctor s found a broken bo ne in h is hand. H ughes is expected to undergo su rgery sometime after May 14. Georges Jobe, the former 250 and 500cc MX World Champion who is currently second in the World Championship 500cc MX Series poin t sta ndings, u nd erw ent surgery follo wing the Ma y 12 Frenc h G P to repair the shoulder he injured several weeks ago while practicing. jobe, who has finished in the top three at all GPs whi le riding wi th the injury, says a tendon MARRIED: Tom Stein, vice presi- dent of th e Oregon Motorcycle Road Racin g Association , a nd Elizabeth Fu rukawa on May I in Hillsboro, Oregon . Elizabeth 's ch ild ren , joel and Aaron, participated in the ceremony. CHANGED : The area cod e for Swan MX Park in T yler, Texas, to 903. The phone number rem ains the sal'l}e. 8827791. H I RED: Brian Price, 27, as a purchasing agent for Fox Racing USA, the motocross a pparel company based in Campbell, California. BORN : Veroni ca Ann e Sm ill ie, daughter of WSMA motocrosser Kary Smillie and her husband Chuck, in San jose, Cal ifo rnia. Ma y 8. r---~------------------------------------------~--------------- SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM Name _ Address ..,State Ci ty Order Date .:.- _ Zip _ Please start my subscription to Cycl e News: o Every week for o ne year (50 issues) for $35.00 (can be billed 3 monthl y pa yments) o Every week for two yea rs (100 iss ues) fo r $65 .00 o Six months seco nd class (25 issues) for $ 18.00 Om: yor (50 issues), 2nd clew Canada or Mexico and all other foreign countr ies S 7~. OO (U.S. funds). First class and airmail rates avai lable upon request . _ o This is a renew a l o P lease bill m e o Bill 3 pa ymen ts o f Sl1.67 o Enclosed is my check or money o rder Charge m y 0 Visa 0 Master card . Signatu re - \lISA ~. ...:.- _ MC/Visa 1/ _ Expira tion Da te Send to : Cycle News, Inc., P.O . Box 498, Long Beach. 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