Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GLOCAL EVENTS e ---- and Mike Klopp quickly jumped out in front of th e 600cc Pro hnal as th ey fought over th e lead. Varnes fell o n th e second lap while H ol li ster grad u a lly put his ) -M Racing Supplies/ Maryla nd H arley-Davi dson/Taylor Wh ile/Rabbi Racin g Harl ey a few lengths in front of Majeski an d Klopp for the win . Results 55: I. Ja kt johnson (Ya m ); 2. Will u m RUMell (Hon ); , . Eric Hadm~ n (Ya m );1. BiJI Scill...el t (Yam );5 . jim my OwenI (Yam ). 65: I. j ak~ JohnlOO (1toIw); 2. Bmjamin Milk! ~ G~ ( ~ w); 4. Bill Slillwdl (lta w). (Ya m ); 5. 85: 1. Rid ,. Wimn:e (Ya m); 2. Milr.t Mc Kn (; 5. john WilUt1t (Suz); 4. T om Sknhway (H on); 5. Paul Alli so n (100 ). 200: I. Pau l Lync h {Hon ): 2. Rick,. Win~u (Ya m); 5. Nick Armml (Suz). SR: I. BobS~m (W .R ); 2. Rob Rabcock (H ·D ); 5. Haro ld Hillard (W· R ): 4. joe- H~l i n ll: (Ya m ); S. Guy Scuan (Yam ). 600 PRO: 1. Jim Hollicer (H· D): t T o m Majn ki (R ex ); 5. Milr.t Klo pp (W· R); 4. Da ve U oyd (H .D); S. Bob Swtttm ( W . K), 250 B: I. Todd Win~u (Mai); 2. j aclr. Fr.mkl in (Yam ); 5. Paul Lynch (H on); 4. QlUck Bln~ inlil: (Ya m); 5. ChId Hac kma n (Ya m). 250 A: I. xen Coo Ibt1:h (Hon); 2. Eric s...uaman (Yam ); 5. Mikt Vamn (Ya m ); 4. T om Majn ki (Ya m ). 600 B: I. Jack Franklin (Hon); 2. Rid . Ha wk (Yam ); 5. Gu y Stua rt (Ya m ); '" Mikt Allhou!l(' (Ya m); S. Jnf Winstu (Yam). 600 A: I. Eric SaUil ma n (Hon); 2. [ddi(' Hiddtn (H· D); ~. Oal l u &In (Yam ): 4. Ken Coo lbn:h (W. R): 5. Ph il Li bha n (Yam ). 750: I. Ha rol d Dor !M"Y ( H a ll ); 2. Clarence Bull ; 3. Mikt Knp p (Yam ). McGrath tops Perris Motocross By Tony Alessi Josh Ryen (220) topped Shawn Heit (27) in the 250cc Novice class at Perris MX. Mike Varnes (I ) led winner Jim Hollister (465 ) at Trail-Way Short Track . David Ga ylord blasted a borrowed Honda the win in th e firs t 250cc A Modified moto, barely edgin g o ut Tri Pro Honda-sponsored Bradshaw. Bradshaw put it all to geth er 10 win th e seco nd mota and score th e overall victory. Gay lor d finis hed in th e second positio n. The Pl us 25 and Plus 30 cla sses were do mi nated by Brad sh aw a nd Suzuki Sportcy cle -backed La rry Wil m er , Witmer hol esho t all four of the mo tos, but Bradsh aw roos ted pa st and scored th e wins on three of them. Mall Maxim off posted four perfect moto sco res 10 secure th e win s in the 85cc (14-15) Stock a nd Modified classes. Rya n Pauley fin ish ed seco nd in the Stock class , just ahea d of Dou E: Deehan . Pau ley and Deehan traded places III th e Modified class, with Deehan sco ri ng the ru nner-u p position. 10 Result. 85 STK 14· IS: l. ~b.1I M..xi moff ; 2. Ryan Paul~ : 5. DoUR !ld>un. 12-13: 1. Rya n Valdt; 2. JU Min Blalr, S. Ah~d ~ 85 STK 7-1 1: I. Nickow Wf")'; 2. Lind., Valdt; S. T im c.roc. . AUTO: 1. Kru H~ 2. Brad Ripple. I~JR.STk: I .JLmm Bla~2. John Kidd; 3. Andy Rn.bng. I~ A STIt: I. Jel., Wagn a; 2. Robm J.m nru~: 3. Shaw n CuLlt!. l25CSTK: I. WiJliam Ault; 2. KMn Han n : ! . T im Yodn. 65 STK: 1. Ni~w. Wr y; 2. Randy Val a

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