Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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'R en th a l/ C h a r io t/ Du n lo l;'/ Bo yesen / Sco tt USAIPro-Action/Power Mist/Barr's Cornpetition/Super Track Builders/David Brownsponsored Loretta Lynn's qualifier and Silver Cup Championships race a' Gatorback Cycle Park. Team Suzuki's Ezra Lusk was th e weekend's big winner, as he won the l25 cc Schoolboy Stock and Modified and l25cc A Stock and Modified classes. After the races, a bak e sale a nd silen t a uc tio n were held with th e proceeds going 10 injured motocrosser Tony Hanes. Man y facto ry ra cers donated th eir riding gear at th e SL Peters burg SU~OSS fo r the auction. Lusk won seven of th e eig h t motos that he co mpe ted in en ro ute to his four class victories. j osh La tina finis hed second behind Lusk in bo th of th e Schoolboy classes, wh ile Timmy Ferry finished second in the l25cc A Stock class. Anthony Pa ggi o was th e ru nner-up in ' the l 25cc A Modified class. . Steve Rayb urn grabbed th e holeshot in th e fir st 250cc A Modified moto, with Paggio a nd justin jackson in tow . Paggio blasted into the lead and went o n unchallenged while Gene Na um ec worked through the pack aft er a lackl uster sta rt. Naurriec scooted in to seco nd at the finis h ahead of jackson. j ackso n holesho t the second moio with Dea n, Paggio and Naumec close behind, Paggio and Na urn ec battled for the lead un til Na umec siezed his bik e. Pawo rode to the moto a nd overall wins, while jackson cruised to second p lace. SATURDAY 80 B · IS STK : 1. Juon Sybm (H on ); 2. Wayn e Wilkie (Kaw) ; S. Soon Lamb (Hon ); 1. Kim Sybnt (H a n ); 5. Miw el 8oloni (Suz). 12S YTH STK: I. Luslr.. (5w: ): 2. J OIh uuna(Ka ww); S. Q u i . Brown (S UI) . 12S YTH MOD: I. Eua Lui" (Suz); 2. Josh Lati na (Kaw ); S. Olri. Brown (S UI) . WMN , I. Ilim Sybm (H on ); 2. IIa n Baker scored the overall win at th e O klahoma Cross Country Racin/,: Association's evenl at Shagbark Ranch. Ram and cold wea ther didn 't deter the riders as the O CCRA had one o( its largest turnouts ever. When the 250cc Expert class lefl the starting line, Baker took the early lead wi th Gerald T im s, Bob by So uthard and Arka nsas rider Steve VanZa nt followi ng too close for co mforL Three laps into th e race VanZa nt suffered a n at tire which put him out of th e race , leavin g Baker to batlle off Tims a nd So uthard. Du ring the fourth lap Baker pulled fu rth er away fro m the two riders, a nd Tims and Soul hard just didn't have enoug ht time to catch up. This gave Baker the overall win and with Southard finishing second he took home the overall Expert win for the day . Tims finished th ird to capture first in th e 250cc Expert class. In the 500cc class Rober t Young and T om Rhude batt led it out all day for firsL During' the entire race Young and Rhude were only seconds aparL On the last lap. as they were .coming through the scoring lanes. Young and Brad O xley won th e Handicap main even t at Speedway USA. Rhude were only two seconds apart , and first place went to Rh ude wi th Young fin ishing a very clo se second. The Over 30 Expert class win was di sputed all day between Bill Eddy and Tom Ha ller . From th e line Eddy got the hol eshot with Denny Beit ler getting a second-place sta rt. Haller's star t was slow bUI that's a ll that was slo w abo u t Ha ller . After the first lap Hall er a nd Edd y were trading places all da y. Between slo wer riders ge tti ng in th e way and tryi ng to stay o n th e bi kes, Haller and Edd y stayed toge ther for the en tire race with Edd y pulltng ahea d o f Haller a t th e fin ish by o nly th ree seco nds to take th e win. Resu lts 0 1A OtAMP: I. Cu.n (H on ). 0 1A EX: I. Bobby Sc-»UthMd (H on). 0 1A AM: 1. Eric Ed warch (H on ). !50 EX.: 1. Gaald Tirru. (Hon ); 2. Xftl HC'lIthnlngl on ( ); S. EYnttt Mc:adon (Hon): t . Mark Pal mc=r (Hon) . OVER 50 EX: I. Bill Eddy (Kaw); 2. Tom }bJln (H on); ! . Denny Beitler (KTM): 1. Ktnny Will iam . (KTM). OVER 50 AM: I. Randy T (H on); 2. Mikf' Priao (KOIw); ! . Ra nd y H emphill (Hon ); 1. MiktoKen (Hon ). 200 AM: l. Krvin Ewing ( Kaw) ; 2. T ommy f)u nca n ("'w); ! . Br.ld H ilk t1 (Hon); 4. Ik:an Majtylr.a(KiI w ). 200 EX: I. Eugtnt' Spri ngron (H on); 2. Mike: Sulli van (""' WI; S. G"Il CaRlon (,,", w ); • • Bobby Pudul (H onl. 5000: 1. T om Rhu ck (H on): 2. Robm Young (Sw ); S. Alkn f ull" (Hon ); 1. Ph il Cill iard (SUl). 2SO AM: I. Stttt Malom~ (H on ); 2. Stttt Srill er (H on); ! . Roy Ct'ou-hut (Hon l; t . Dant:1I Brandt (Hon ). O VER 40: I. Kmny Twyman (H on); 2. Ri chard Will iams (H on ); 5. Bri("f'T aylor J r. ( Ka w) : 4. Bill O llOn (lion). NOV : I. J imm y Womack (Cag); 2. Dou g Albm (Hon ); 3. Jaime' Fischer (SW); 1. Mon ty R~ (Ka w). WM N : I. La Ur.l Harris ( ~w ): 2. Kim Zilffu lO (Hon ); 3. AIOilla R~ (KOIw); 4. JUr i Hill ( ~w). MINI : 1. Stntt" Pallon (Xa.w); 2. Mikf' Pall on (KOIw); !. ClilY ford (H on) . .Schwartz, Oxley on top at Speedway USA By Scott Daloisio V ICTORV1 UL CA, APR. 13 Fo r m er Na tio na l S peed way Cha mpio ns Bobby Sch war u and Brad Oxley shared th e spotlig h t a t Speedway USA. Schwam scored his victory in th e Scra tch ma in, while Oxley earned hi s troph y in th e-eight.lap, eight· rider Handicap ma IO. . Two- ume Cal ifornia State Champion Steve Lucero had the po le for th e Scratch main , and whe n th e ta pes went up he left Sch wam, Lance King and j osh Larsen in h is dust. Sch wa ru drifted to th e center of th e tra ck in lurn two and King almost sneaked underneath (or seco nd. However. Schwartz knows me Victo rville tra ck well a nd he pulled Kin g into turn three and maintained his hold o n th e numbn" two spot. Sch wam made up a lot of ground o n Lu cero o n th e second circu it by us ing me outside. At the end of lap two, Schwartz and Lucero were dead even. Staying wide. Schwam put his Red Devil and Freedom Firew orks/en Bra ce/ Q u icks il ver / Bell Hei mets /Ci r ello Racing Weslake into first in tum one on lap three. Lucero refused to give up and appl ied heat to the new lead er. Geared taller than Lucero, Schwaru was a lmost rubbing his righ t foo tpeg against lhe wa ll on the last lap , while Lucero stayed glued 10 the pole. When the Dan Robinson check· ered brought the affair to a n end, Schwaru had a o nc:: len gth adva ntage to cla im th e wi n over Lucero . King p laced third wi th Larsen fourt h. In lhe Handicap main, jason Ch ism had a clutch problem and had to start th e ra ce leaning o ver o n his right footpeg. Neverthe· less, he led into the first tum. Oxley imme· di at ely came calling and passed Doug Bowers befo re they ex ited tum two for second. Oxley was o n th e o u tside and in tum th n:e o n lap one, he took hi s Miller Genuine DrafliGary Joel Dengler wo n a ll fo ur Expert motos at Budds Creek MX, H icks Raci ng/ Mo m/ N] K/ Cirell o Raci ng Weslak e past Chism for fir st, Oxley looked like he was go ing to score .a runaway win, bu t King, wh o moved into seco nd before th e first lap was fini shed, chopped down Oxley's lead and on lap fou r he went by for th e lead. However . a red n ag came ou t seco nds lat er due to a cras h. The race reverted to th e last lap for the restart and Oxley was bad in th e lead. Oxl ey di dn 't mak e any m istak es o n th e restar t and moved o ut for a com ma ndi ng adva ntage, Ki n g and La rs en beca m e embroiled in a wa r for second until the fina l lap . They came together several times, but Larsen found a hol e a nd squirted by o n th e back ch ute the final time. That was good for second, but he ha d no chance of catching Oxley, wh o clai med hi s first win of the seaso n. Results SCRATCH : 1. Bobby Schwaru (Wn ); 2. SI~ Lucero (Wo); 3. La na- King (G M); 4. JOfth Larsen (Cdn). HDCP: I. Brad Oxlt"Y (W a ); 1. Joa.h l...iuwn (Cdn ); 5. La nce KinS (C M); 1. Mikt- Faria (Wa). 0.2: I. Rob Ball (Wo): 2. Bobby Salsbury (Wes): S. Jim Esto (Cdn); 1. Bob Richards(Wa). D·S: I. Rick Webb (Wes); 2. John ny Edwards (C M); S. Bill Crttn (Cdn); t . body FannlD (Wes). • SDCA R: 1. Kt"nnyMdncyrelLo Davis (Ka w ); 2. Km O hrt/ Doug Wh itso n (H -D): ! . Craig Ikmputti'Peler Lewi s (Kaw); ' 1. Kmc Bma.ndtt/Caty Potlard (Ka w ). JR: I. a.ris Wern n: 2. HC'lIfh H ammonds: ! . Pel t"Pera lta; -t Aaron Maltt"lO . . n Dengler dashes to Budds Creek Motocross win Ph ot o by Crystal P h ot ography BUDDSCREEK. MD, APR. 6-7 Over 500 riders turned o u t fo r th e Na tion al Amateur O>a mpionshi p qualifier a t Budds Creek MX Park , but it was joel Dengler who left as th e big winner . Dengler captured th e win s in the 125 and 250cc Expert classes . Deng ler ga ted perfecdy in th e first l25cc Expert molO, and led Bill y Schlag up the firs t long straigh L Schlag roosted pa st Den gler and the top two riders p ulled away from the rest of the pack. Dave Krau, Chris Taylor and Richard Zupko argued over th e th trd spot. Dengler hounded Sch lag, aDd roo sted pa st in the lat e stages of th e race. Dengler crossed the fin ish lin e ahea d of Schlag, Krau a nd Taylor. Sch las led Den gl er a t the start of th e concl ud m g moto , a rid th e two riders p ulled aw ay from the pad in th eir battle for th e lead . Dengler roosted pa st Sch lag and took th e mo to and overa ll wins. Chris Taylo r pil oted h is Yamaha across th e finish lin e in second. The 250cc Expert class saw Den gler . Schlag and Rob McWh orter out front early o n. Schlag dr opped o u t with mechani cal problems, and McWhorter began to hound Dengler. Although McWhorter match ed Dengler ' s pac~. he:: was unable to find a way around th e leader. Dengler claimed his fourth hol eshot of the da y in th e second moto, with Michael R ich ards and Taylor close beh ind. Taylor found his way pas t Richards , but was unable to close on Dengler. Dengler crossed th e finish line well ahead of Taylor , Richards and McWhorter. Resul ts I ~ EX MOD : I. Jod Dmaln (Kaw); 2. Rick WC'Ut"1 (Hon); ! . Da\lt Krau (Ha n ); 1. Mikt" McDonald (5 w); 5. R ichard Zu pko ( Ka w). ( ~ B MOD: l. Wa ynl' Sroll (Hon ); 2. a.ris C ~ (H on ); ! . Krilh Trocoli (H on ); 4. SoIm W ill ia m. (S UI); 5. Jon Ri ghbnltt (Ka w). 125 C MO D 0.1: I. John Sn i" ..vid Oillingh.ilm (Kaw); 2. Rand .,. Wibon (){a W); 5. Tt"rry W i~p ( Ka W); t . Sid T urpi n ( Kaw ); 5. Don ald Remit ( ltaw) . 2!)(): I. Dw ight M

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