Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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retirement, heads up the Yosh imura compa ny back i n Japan. Having recently lost the ir exclusive li nk 'with Suzuki to bu ild four-stroke racing bikes for the factory, Yoshimura is looking o ut for new projects, and his friends hip wi th Ch inoi-san led to Fuj io bein g invited on th e trip to look the factory over an d check out poss iblities for future collaboratio n. " I like what 1 see," sai d Fujio as he inspected various V-6 compo ne nts and prototype dr awings. "The 700 twin looks (like) a good engine with -a lot of potential, and I have some ideas how we can get inv olved here with other mo tors." So perhaps the YoshimuraLaver da SFC m a y yet beco m e reality . ..? , ***** T hough no longer involved with the company he ran for two decades, Massim o Laverda was present ill the Shinken visit, an d even made a couple of laps of the factory test track on the V-6, with a borrowed heIm et and in his business suit with his trousers tucked in his socks. Now a freelance engineering cons u l tant 'wo r ki n g mainly in the automotive field, he rega rds the Shinken deal as "the bes t th ing th at's happened to Laverda in alm ost a decade. T hese people are ab le to reap the adva ntage of the assembled techn ol ogy th at is stored i nsi de Laverda - they kn ow how to get it ou t, and make good use of it. This is a happy day for me, and for all the 'Iaverdisti' arou nd the wo rld." ***** Massim o Laverda , now 53 years old but as youthfu l and enthusiastic as ever, is la ying pl a ns fo r a ma jor gather ing of Lav erda ow ners fro m all over the globe in Breganz e, Italy, in mid-September - dates sti ll to be final ized. He plans to unveil the many pro totype a nd factory racers h e 's resto red since stepping down from the co m pa ny in 1986, including some unusual tri p les which never reached produ ct ion. T he association of Laverda Owners Cl ubs now has almost 5000 members in over 20 differ en t countries. OVER THE HILL GANG MOTOCROSS NATIONAL MAY 25 & 26,1991 ~-------------------------------------------, OTHG (chapter) OTMX (chapterl _ _ _ Expert _ _ Intermediate ***** Finall y, a tho ught to end wi th: is it likely, one wonders, tha t as ast ute a businessman as Takao Chinoi must eviden tly be, would he make such a strong committment to a joint venture with a fina ncially-rocky company like Laverda wit hout tak ing the necessary precautio n of assuming some control over the mea n s ' of production by purchasing a controlling interest in it - or an optio n to acquire same? It JUSt doesn 't add up, un less. . . . Ne xt w eek we will presen t Alan Cathcart's riding im pression of th e Lauerda V-6 . . . Editor. - - Novice - - Beginner _ _ Expert _ _ Amateur _ _ Novice _ _ Super Senior OTHG & OTMX Only on Saturday. 2 Motos each day $45.00 Pre-Entry - $55.00 Post Entry Sportsman Classes and Womens Class on Sunday. $30.00 Entry. Sign -up at Track. Age _ _ Name (please print) State D City Address Carso" C'IV Phone ( - Zip - I Engine cc Make of Bike ***** Had it not been for the financi al disaster which struck the company, L averd a wo ul d have invented the Gilera Sat urno before Gi lera did (a t the behes t of th e Japanese C.h ho Co. ). In 1985, Lave rda had already prod uced drawings of a single-cylinder cafe racer fitted with the Gilera Dakota engine that in due course wo uld be fitt ed to th e Saturno, but at that stage had yet to be publicl y launch ed. Laverda had already held preliminary talks wi th G ilera about getting su p plies of th e engine for th eir roadster, wh ich would not hav e conflicted at th at stage with any pl anned Gilera model. But the La verda bankruptcy pu t an en d to this project. Carson City, Nevada Reno Chapter SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT Riding # DATE Upon accepta nce you will be required to sign a disc laimer of lia bility. M ake checks payable to The OTHG and mail to : S.lve' Stahl RaCtlwav Track - * ! ~ L M ichae l·s Suzuk i-Kawasaki. 2680 So. Carson St .• Carson City. NV 89701 ...:._ I FO : 702-883-6111 or 702-358-4388 --,,.---' Trat;k 0 , 10 Lanoe Hwy SO W lIlICOLLECTORS" Buy, Sell or Swap Collectible motorcycles, parts, accessories and memorabilia. CYCLE NEWS is'America's source for vintage, antique and collectors motorcycles. Buyor sell your 15year or older, street or dirt, racer or classic, motorcycle in the Cycle News "Coll ectors" want ad section. Plus: Find t.Iard-to-find parts, accessories and motorcycle memorabilia - finisher pins, patches , trophies, posters, prints, pictures, videos and morel DEALERS: A CALL TO ACTION ! Clean out your rafters, attics, back rooms, basements, warehouses and storage trailers. Sell your old pieces and parts. All regUl ar want ad deadlines, prices, rules and regulations apply. Call, write or FAX yo ur collectors want ads to Cycle News NOW! Contact: Cycle News clo Collectors Want Ads, P .O. BO X 498 Long Beach, CA 90801 (213) 427-7433 24 Hr FAX (213) 427-6685 (charge or commercial open acco unts only, please) 29

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