Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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LOCAL EVENT S Jason Reed (144) grabbed the holeshot ahead of Brad Sch ultz (117), Steve Moore (21) and Tracy Asher (392) at LACR. MX. repassed Bjorkman coming out of tum (our on th e next-to-last lap. Bjorkman then w"'!t high between turns one and two when his bike popped into neutral, which allo wed Alter and Nigel Gale 10 pass to take second a nd third behind winner Kesler. Bjo rkman salvaged fourth. challengi~g track set with quadruple and trip le jumps, three differelll sets of rockers and numerous p la tea u jumps. A lar ge ga the ri ng of l25cc Novi ce riders turned out, making starts cri tical. J ason Reed pinned th e holesh ot a . th e start of lite first mot o. While Reed set the pace out Iront, Brad Schultz, Steve Moo re and Asher began a threeway battl e wh ich became a race [or th e lead wh en Reed cra shed during lap two o f the 10 lap moto, Schultz was hanging tou gh , but Moore a nd Asher were pushing hard [rom behind. At the hallway mark both Moore and Asher moved ~ s. Schulu, who could no lo nger keep pace with th e leaders. Both Moore and Asher [ought it out to the lin ish with Moor e ho ldi ng o n for the win in front of Asher and Reed , wh o recovered [rom his early [all to linish th ird. Reed again led th e way at the star t of the second mo ta but threw it aw ay on the second lap and [ell back to midpack. C ary Carlson ass umed lite lead and was riding on the wi ld side in front of Schulu and Asher. Moore sta rted 17th and com po unded his sit ua tion with a [all in lite back ar ea of the track on th e first lap. At th e hallway mark Carlson began to pull out a lead but kept lite issue in doubt every lap with hi s wild, feet-off-the-pegs riding. Asher went down while pursuing Schultz, '"I fell before the triple and was lucky my bike started o n lite first kick because when I got up Moore and Wasnea were right there," Asher explained. Moore glued himself 10 lite back of Asher and the battle [or third and the overall wi n began since leader Carlson finished six th in the first moto and was not a threa t for lite overall. When th e checkered flag waved i. was Car lson with the win fo llo wed by Sch ultz, Asher and Moore. Resul ts Resuh. Loren Bj o rkm a n (40B) led Jim Kesler (52 ), Gary Smith (22 ) and Nigel Gale (25) in the first Open Expert heat at Carlsbad Short T rack. • -» "-~ ..~ -- ~. -. • . .: \ •• ............-,:- < -;. • -~~ ALL OTHER 1 year 50 issues $224.00 COUNTRIES 6 months 25 issues $114.00 Trial sub. 15 issues $68.00 Two year subscription prices available upon request. Use the order form in the IN THE WIND section or send your order, including payment (check, money order, charge to VISA or Mastercard) payable in U.S. funds, to: Cycle News, Inc. Attn. Circulation P.O. Box 498 Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 Phone (213) 427-7433 24 hr. FAX order line (213) 427-6685 30 (charge orde rs only, please) Aragon attacks Carlsbad ST By Greg Booth CARLSBAD, CA. APR. 13 Mark Aragon has been knocking o n th e door for a long time and [inally put it together to take the 250cc main even' at Carlsbad's Saturday night short track. Dennis Voll too k the first heat and Mark Ledbetter lite second, bu. Aragon was within stri king di stance in both hea ts, When th e main even t got under way, Ledbetter pulled th e holeshot, but going into tum three Aragon made a spectacu lar pass take the lead and held it to the checkered flag . T he action was hot and furi ous in the Open Expert class . In the firs. heat, Cary Smith went down and was unavo idabl y h it by Jim Kesler. '0 Kesler was able to resta rl , however Smith susta ined a broken hand and co ncu ssio n. Kesler took the restart victo ry. The second heat' went to Lester Aller. . The main event saw Loren Bjorkman tak e the hol eshot and lead until Kesler got under him in turn o ne on lap n in e. But Bjorkman pa ssed Kesler back o n lap 10 o n the back stre tch and led into turn three, but Kesler ' • O P EN EX: I. Jim Kesler (Yam); 2. Lnter Altrr ( H · D); 5. Nige l COIle (Yam ); 4. t.orm Bjorkman (Yam); 5. Rid Schr oeder (Suz). 250: I. Mark Aragon (C A); 2. Mark Ledbener (; 3. . Den n i, Voll (Yam ); 4. Bill Libhin (YOIm): 5. Brrt l Bnnis ( Ya m ). OPEN JR: 1. O.. ve Pelto n (Hon); 2. j ceepb Robnu (Yam); , . j oe Fran cisco (Yam) ; 4. Sieve Gorby (Yam ); 5. Peter M OIy(orth (Y am ). Asher's consistency paid off at LACR Motocross By Tony Alessi PAL'dDALE, CA. APR 14 . Tracy Asher didn 't win a rnoto all day, but determ ination com bined with consistent rides paid 0 [[ with lite overall win in the 125cc Novice class during CRC Motocross a. Los Ange les County Racing. The riders faced a P/W A; J. Todd Gor.aebar (Yam); 2. Daryl Ecklund ( Yam). PIW B 0.. 1: I. Robby Robcru (Ya m ); 2. Marcus Round (Ya m ). P/W B 0.2: 1. Michael Bragg (Yam); 2. Jary MouUnn. (Yam); 5. Ca ld> Gouelar (Yam); 4. James SmOtlbach (Yam); ~. Jack Hadm (Yam) . . 60 0-8: I. Tyson Tiulnnin- ( ; 2. Blake Viens (~w) ; 5: Brandon McKay (Ka w). 609-11: I. Shad Vieni(;2, Ito Posca (Kaw);5 , Michae l Voung (Xaw); 1. Quia ColM'laar (Kaw); 5, JOIIOlI Larkin (Kaw), 80 BIC WHL: l. Derek Bumgardna (Kaw ). 80 BEG: 1. Rick Elrod (; 2. David Walten (Hon) ; 5. Sean Medieroa (Koiw); 4. Eric Arnkrson (Kaw); 5. Ca mttOlJ Da vidson (SUI). 80 NOV : 1. (]Jim NrilUJ (lUIw). 80 INT, I. J;uon Reed (5",). R VET BEC : I. Jim T aton e: 2. Jean.Qarln M~ ( on ); 5. Liar Verna (Hon); 1. Otril Ikttt (Yam); 5. Foland (Yam). J R VET NOV, I. Jack (5",); 2. C,.. Krim (Yam); 5. Paul Zelinsky (Kaw); 4. Man ny DelCa mpo (SOl); 5. Marc Priner ( KTM). ... JR VET INT : 1. Frank Betcher (Hon); 2. Darren Eliioo (Hon ); 5. C reg Atkinson (Ha n). J. auu ""n

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