Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 05 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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BSUPERCROSS AMA~~IS~_crcr_~_sS_~_~:_b_w_dl_3~~~ ~~~~~~~ e Mike Kiedro wski (4) fou ght off an early challe nge by Mike Fish er (14). Kiedrowski wen t on to finish thi rd while Fisher took the check ered nag in fourth place. Brad shaw was o ne happy teenager after he won the 250cc ma in. St anton 's sh o u lder was tap ed by trainer J eff Sp encer prio r to the event . T hird- place Jeromy Buehl (left) and runner-up Em ig (ri gh t) look on as 125cc main event winner McGrath shoots a stream of champagne at the photographers. 13. j ason Young; 14. Stanl ey Cho mer: 15. T im Hodes; 16. J .D. Black; 17. Whi sper'n Smith; 18. Ryan Dean ; 19. Ch ris Young: 2O:Trav is Hodges. T ime: 5:42.74 125 LCQ: I. Jeremy McGra th; 2. Travis Hod ges; 3. Tim Hod es; 4. Eric Mel.ear: 5. J oel Albrecht ; 6. second-heat winner J eff Em ig charged into the lead and quickly pulled away. First-heat winner J immy Gaddis was way down in the pa ck and event ua lly finished 12th. McG rath started fifth bu t was soo n past J ason La ngford, Tyson Vohland and Buddy Ant unez. Several seconds separated him from Emig. Ant unez ran int o trouble whi ch brought T yson Vohl and down wi th h im , and th at moved J ero my Bueh l, who was riding with an injured kn ee and just made it into the main wit h a ni nth-pl ace finis h in the second heat, into thi rd. McG rath began to reel in Emig and at the halfway point was right on hi s tai l. On lap 10 McGra th snatched the l e~d and rode awa y to a co mmanding Win . 8 " I inched up on him (Emig) then too k m y ti me passi ng him so I wouldn 't fall," said McGrath. "Then 1 tried no t to .ma ke an y mistakes and hung for the win." " I rod e.too relaxed in the middle of the race," said Emig, who crossed the fini sh Iin e second, a few seco nds behind McGrath. Ta ll on Voh la n d h a d ch arged through the pack after gell ing off to a poor start and wa s on third-place Buehl's tail lat e in the race.ยท Buehl withstood Tallon Voh land's charge to claim th ird, while Eastern Regional points leader Brian Swink cruised to a fifth -p lace finis h behind Vohl and. " I was nursing my swollen knee and I' m ha ppy just to have reached the winner's circle," said London, O hio's Buehl , who won th e past two Eastern Regional main even ts. '" was j ust trying to have fun and do the best 1 co uld." " I worked up to Buehl and pa ced him:' said Ta llon Vohl and. " I was planni ng to make my move in th e sandy whoops som etime in the last three laps, but wh en 1 was ready to do it there was a lapper in my line. Bueh l heard where 1 was going, and after tha t he went down the mid dle of the trac k so 1 couldn 'l get by." m Resu lts 125 Q UAL I: I. Mike Browo (Hon); 2. Buddy Ant u nez (Suz); 3. j aso n Ed ward s (Kaw): 4. j ames Eickel (Ya m ): 5. crier Pa lm er (SU1); 6. Eric Mel.ear (Yam ); 7. J ell G lass {Ho n): 8. Ra y Cru mb (Kaw); 9. Ja son Krempin (Hon ): 10. Brya n Emi g (Ya m); I I. Joel Albrecht (Yam); 12. Terry Osborn (SUl ); 13. Hank Moree (Ho n); 14. Butch Sm ith (SUI ); 15. Mark Morris (Han); 16. Leali e Bran denb ur g (Yam); J7. Kyle Thibodeau x (Sua): 18. Dav id O wens (Ya m ); J9. Jimmy Wood (S UI); 20. Brian Sh rout (Suz). 125 Q UAL 2: J. Rya n Hu ghes (Kaw}; 2. Grayson Goodman (Su, ); 3. J ell Emi g (Yam ); 4. J ason Langford (Yam ); 5. Chris Young (Su r): 6. J im m y Button (Yam) : 7. J ason Young (H e n ): 8. T im Hodes (SU1); 9. David Beckin gton (SU1); 10. Travis Hod ges (H on ): J I. Sta n ley Cho me r {H en): 12. Whi spe r'n Sm ith (Ho n): 13. J.D. Black (Kaw); 14. Ryan Dean (Su, ); 15. J am ey Moon ey Kaw); 16. Mike J ohnson (Kaw); 17. Cha d Montero (H n n ); 18. J ere m y Middaugh (Kaw); 19. Gene Swain (Suz). 125 CONSI: I. But ch Sm ith; 2. David Ow ens; 3. Jeremy Midd augh ; 4. Han k Moree; 5. J .D. Black : 6. Ge ne Swa in; 7. Rya n Dean ; 8. Les lie Brandenburg; 9. Bria n Sh rout; 10. Dav id O wens ; 11. Mark Morris; 12. Mike j o hn son : J ~ . J am ey Mooney: 14. Kyle Thibodeau x; 15. J imm y Wood. 125 H EAT I : I. jimmv Gaddi s (SUl ); 2. Ryan Hughes; 3. Buddy An tunez; 4. Mike Bro wn; 5. Hank Mor ee; 6. Cliff Pa lm er: 7. Ja mes Eickel: 8. Jeff G lass ; 9. Tyson Voh land (Raw); 10. Eric Met.ear: I I. J ason Edwa rds ; 12. Bryan Emig ; 13. Terry Osbo rn: 14. Jocl Albrecht; 15. C had Mo nt ero ; 16. J ason Krempin : 17. Gro Swa in: 18. Ra y Cr u mb; 19. J erem y McG rat h ne (lion ). Time: 5 m in ut es. 45.66 seconds 125 H EAT 2: I. J en [mig; 2. Grayson Go od ma n; 3. Ta llo n Voh la nd (SUl) ; 4. Jimmy Buuon; 5. Doug H enry; 6. Brian Swin k (H on ); 7. Jason La ngford; 8. Ba rry Carsten; 9. J ero my Bueh l (Hon ]: 10. David Becki ngtcn: I I . Butch Smi th ; 12. J erem y Middaugh; BUlCh Sm ith: 7. David Beckinf$ton ; 8. J ason Edw ards; 9. Rryan Em ig; 10. Gene Swam; II. Jason Krempin; 12. Terry Osborn; 13. J erem y Middaugh; 14. J ell Black: 15. Sta n ley Cho rner: 16. whi sper 'n Sm ith ; 17. J a son Youn g; 18. Chris Youn g; 19. Chad Montero: 20. Ray Crumb: 2L Ryan Dean . Time: 3;52.16 125 MAIN: I. J erem y McGr.llh (Ho n );2. Jell Emig (Yam ); 3. Je ro my Buehl (Han); 1. Ta llo n Vohland (Sur ): 5. Brian Swi n k (Ho n); 6. Ryan Hugh es ( Ka w); 7. G rayson Goodman (SUl): 8. Jimmy BUHon (Yam); 9. Barry Ca rsten (S U1); 10. Dou g Henry (Yam); I I. Jaso n Langfor d (Yam ); 12. J im my G ad dis (S Ul) ; 13. Mike Bro wn (H on); 14. Eric Mel.ear (Yam); 15. Hank Mcree (Hon) ; 16. T im Hod es (SU1); 17. James Eid.el (Ya m ]; 18. Buddy Antunez (S U1); 19. T yson Vo hJand (Kaw); 20. Clill Palmer (Su,); 21. T ravis Hod ges (Hun ); 22. Jell G lass (Hun). Ti me: 14:13.81 125 EASTERN REGI O N AL POI NT STAN DINGS: I. Brian Swin k (190); 2. j eremy Bueh l (177); 3. Tallon Vohland (155); 4. Doug Henry (143); 5. Barr y Cars ten ( J20); 6. Mike Brown (l IS); 7. Ryan H UKhes ( 114); 8. Grayso n Good ma n (81); 9. Eric McLear (69); 10. Clill Palmer (67). 125 WESTERN REGI O N AL POINT STANDING S: I. J erem y McGr a lh (142); 2. Sieve Lamson (93); 3. J ell Emig (86); 4. Michael Cra ig (SO); 5. Jimmy Ga ddis (75); 6. T yson Voh land (67); 7. Ph il Lawrence (62); 8. Ray Crumb (51); 9. Lan ce Sma il (37); 10. Chad Pederson (37). 250 QUAL t: I. Dennis Hawthorne (Kaw); 2. Sha un Kalos (Kaw); 3. Rich T aylor (Sua): 4. Dean Matson (Suz); 5. Fred Andrews (SU1); 6. Ty Davis '{Hon ): 7. Cla y Hoenshell (Suz): 8. Jell Gla ss (Hon); 9. Terry O sborn (SU1); 10. R yan Dean (SU1. ; 11. James ) Kirklan d (SUl) ; 12. Rud y Heath con (SUl); 13. J oe Ben yak (SU1). 250 QUAL2: I. Chris Young (Suz); 2. Clill Palmer (SUl) ; 3. Kerry Mulligan (SUl); 4. Terry T inney (Ra w); 5. J ason You ng (Hen ); 6. David Ow ens (Yam) ; 7. T ravi s Hodges (Ho n); 8. Sta n ley Chom er (H on); 9. Gene Swain (SU1); 10. Jonatho n Gr .ml (Kaw); I I. Roger Camp (SUl); 12. Roger Ewin g (Ka w) . 250.CO NSI: I. Mike Stahlman: 2. Ja mes Kirk land; 3. R ud y Heathcott: 4. Ryan Dean ; 5. J oe Benyak ; 6. Trey McCarty; 7. J onathon G ram; 8. Roger Camp; 9. Roger Ewi ng. 250 HEA T I: I. J ell Mariasevich (Kaw); 2. Jell Sta nton (Ho n); 3. Mike Kiedrow ski ( Ra w); 4. Denny Stephens o n (S U1): 5. Dennis Haw th orne: 6. Larry Ward (S U1); 7. Ra y So mma (SU1); 8. Terry Ti nn ey; 9. Cli ff Palmer; 10. T ravis Hodges; II. David Ow en s: 12. .j ames Kirk land; 13. Gu y Coo per (SU1); 14. J ason Yo un g; 15. Kerry Mu JliKan; 16. Chris Young: 17. Doug Dub ach (Ya m): 18. Sun ley Chomer; 19. Ryan Dean : 20. Gene Swam . Time: 7:23.08 250 HEAT 2: I. j ean -Michel Bayle (Ho n); 2. Dam on Brads ha w ( Yam ): 3. Mike Fish er (KTM); 4. Jel l Ward (Kaw); 5. Mike Laaocco' (Suz); 6. Ron Tichenor (SUl ): 7. Ty Da vis: 8. Sha un Kal e s: 9. Keith Johnso n (KT M): 10. Keith Bow en ( SUl ); I J. Todd Del -loo p (SUl); 12. Mik e Sta h lma n ; 13. Fred Andrews (Suz); 11. Clay Hoe ns he1l; 15. Dean Mats on ; 16. R ich Ta ylor; 17. J ell G lass; 18. Joe Iknyak ; 19. Rud y H eathco n : 20. Terry Osborn . T ime: 7:19.64 250 SEMI I: I. Guy Cooper; 2. Doug Duba ch; 3. Chris Youn g; 4. Den ni s Hawthorne; 5. Ray Sommo; 6. Larry Wa rd ; 7. Ja son Yo ung; 8. am Pa lmer: 9. Ryan Dea n ; JO. Terry T inney; JI. James Kirk land; J2. Dav id Ow en s; 13. Travis Hodges; 14. Kerry Mull igan; 15. Stanley Chomer; 16; Gen e Swa m . T ime: 5:40.8 1 250 SEMI 2: I. Ron T iche no r: 2. Mike La Rocoo; 3. Keith J ohn son; 4. Sha un Kalos : 5. Fred Andrews; 6. Todd DeHoop ; 7. Mike Stahl ma n: 8. Keith Bowen ; 9. R ich Taylor: 10. T y Davi s; l I. Clay Hoe nshell: 12. Dean Ma tson: U . R ud y Heathcou; 14. J oe Iknyak; 15. Jell Gla ss; 16. T erry Osborn. Time: 5:36.64 250 LCQ: I. Larry Ward ; 2. Rich Ta ylor ; 3. T y Davis; 4. Keith Bow en ; 5. Todd DeH oop; 6. Kerry Mulligan; 7. Dean MaL\O 8. Travis Hodges; 9. n; T erry Ti n ney; 10. Cliff Pal mer; J I. David Owen s: 12. J ell Gla ss; 13. Ja son Young; 14. Ryan Dean ; 15. Sta n ley Chomer; 16. CJay H oc:nshell ; 17. Jam es Kirkla nd ; 18. Joe Iknyak; 19. Mike Stahlman; 20. Ru d y Hearhco u: 21. Terry Osborn . Time: 5:44.88 250 MAIN: I. Damon Bradshaw (Yam); 2. Jell Ward (Kaw); 3. Mike Kiedrowski (Kaw); 4. Mike . Fisher (KTM ); 5. Jell Stan ton (Hon); 6. Gu y Cooper jSuz); 7. jean-Michel Bayle (Ho n) ; 8. J ell Ma uasevich (Ka w ): 9. Ro n T icheno r (S w ); 10. Mik e La Rocco (SUl); II. Doug Dubach (Yam ); 12. Larry Wa rd (SUl ); ' 13. Shaun Kales (Kaw); 14. Denny Stephe nso n (Suz); 15. Fred Andrews (SUl ); 16. Den nis Hawthorne {Ka w) : 17. Ra y Sommo (SUl ); 18. Rich Taylor (Suz); 19. Chris Young (SUl); 20. Kei th Johnson (KT M). Ti me: 18:48.84 AMA CAMEL SUPERCROSS SERIES POINT STANDINC S: I. J ean -Michel Bayle (291); 2. Mike Kiedro wski (218); 3. Dam on Bradshaw (216); 4. Jc:lI Sta nton (211); 5. Jell Ward (201); 6. G uy Cooper (161); 7. Jell Mariasevich (159); 8. Mike Fisher (146); 9. Mike LaR occo (133); 10. Ron Ticheno r (114); II. Larry Ward ( 112); 12. Denn y Step henso n (Il l); 13. Keith Bowen (67); 14. Doug Dubach (62); ]5. Ray Sommo (54); 16. Jell Emig (49); 17. Todd DeHoop (48); 18. Rick Johnso n (47); 19. Steve Lamson (45); 20. Keith Johnson (42).

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