Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 04 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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, ADRA International Desert Race Series 8/ 31·9/ 1 So... Point. CA 10/20 Sol " Point. CA Info 415/537·8208 4113 Sconsdl l•• AZ 4128 Sill MlIlu. l AZ 5/26 PlIstOll. AZ 716·7 TBA 8/4 FlogstIH. AZ 911 H eber. AZ 10/ 12·13 Sonore. MEX 1217 Sonore. MEX Inl 602/274-0010 o NMA Mini Road Race Series Sabine Enduro Circuit 417 • NlCOgdocfle.. TX Inlo 4091722.7926 High Plains Enduro Circuit 4114 Info 8061795·1218 Post. TX Black-Jack Enduro Circuit Series 4128 Tul .. OK . 5/ 5 Dlldwicl M O 5/ 19 FIlii Rim . MO 6/9 T ltan.. TX ... 7128 G ml " M ood S 8/ 11 Breezy Hill. lA 9/ 15 linl. Roc~ AR 9/29 Stillwlter. OK 10/ 13 Tuls.. OK 10121 O . hom City. OK. kl . In 903/832·5323 lo RMEC Enduro Series 515 DI.dro NE .. 5/26 Umon. co 6/9 Bu.n. V ". CO i" 6123 Woodl. nd Plrk. co 7114 W ild... C O 7121 Oel N OI1•. C O 8/ 4 St.lmbo.t Sprinv" co 9/29 Cloudcroft. N M Info 3071742-4136 Texas State C'ship Enduro Series 417 N cog . .. TX l doch Inl,817/5 40·0094 CRRC Road Race Series 4/ 6·7 He nderson. TX SonAng.lo. TX Henderson. TX 5/4-5 611·2 SonAng.lo. TX 6122·23 7120·21 8/ 17· 18 9/14·15 10/ 12·13 10/ 30·11/3 Hen derson. TX Henderson. TX S, n Ang. lo. TX Henderson. TX 417 4128 5/19 612 6/9 Riversid.. CA ""'- CA Am_CA Riversid•• CA _ ""'- CA .. m 7128 8118 9115 9/2 9 10/1 3 10127 11117 11124 12/7-8 Info 213/ 864-52 14 Anaogo. CA Riverside. CA Riversid.. CA _ ~CA .. CA _ Am_CA •• CA Amogo,CA Riverside. CA GFI Amateur Supercross Series lis V.gI.. NY los Anvil .. CA . 515 6123 Cal Stale C'sbip ShortTrack Series Vi .li.. CA . M n:od. CA . TBA, CA, n!. CA 4/1 3·14 5/1 1·12 7113·14 8110· 11 Info 408/449·7367 . Cal Mid-State C'ship ShortTrack Series 8/24·25 Info 408/449·7367 H'lI ister. CA NMA Off Road Series 4/ 14 O lympi.. WA 4121 Mt V. ..... WA 6/9 Belhngham.W A 8/ 17·18 Bellingllom. W A 917 SullI.. W A 9122 She~ o.. W A 10/ 20 G oldbll. W A 11110 Sh.lto.. WA 11 / 17 Be lhngflem. W A Info 206/724-7515 NMA Enduro Series 417 5119 7121 7127 9129 10/6 10127 Inf, 2061724·7515 Beillir. W A Tenino. WA . Chlllli.. W A Mt V ernon. WA MI. V.rnon. WA Olympi.. WA Bellingham. WA Grand Nan Final Brasehon. GA -l eni tive MARCH Inlo 713/3 42·9032 Texas Cross Country Racing Assn. Series S M T W T F S 417 GI. n Ros•• TX 4121 lake Whitn.y. TX 5/ 5 R.d River. TX 5119 Rolnok•. VA 6/2 Sw TX ... 6/ 16 lake Murray. TX 6/30 Mosier VIII.y. TX 8125 Waco. TX 9/8 . W ..h.rfo TX . !d. 9122 lake Whitn.y. TX 10/6 Sw .. TX . Info 2141229·9512 3 4 5 678 9 1011 1213 1415 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3D 31 OCCRA Cross Country Series 417 lakl M urrey. OK 4/ 21 Sh. gb.rk. OK 5/5 lIWlon. OK 5119 TBA 6/9 Stillwlll" . OK 9/8 laWIon. OK 9122 Sl1ogb~ OK 10/6 TBA 10/20 Stinwlter OK . 11110 lIk. Murroy OK . 11 124 Oklahomo City. OK Inf, 405/632 ·3370 USBA C'ship Road Race Series 5/5 SohlIk. City. UT 6/9 Soh lIk. City. UT 717 Sa~ lIk. City. UT 9/ 1 So~ lIk. City. UT 10/5-6 SI~ lok. City. UT Inlo 801/ 973·9091 MTEG Off-Road C'ship GP Series 4113 4127 5118 7120 9/TBA 9/TBA 101TBA Pho.nix, AZ S..nle. W A 01110" TX los Ang. I... CA O. nver. CO lis V ... NV .g . San Francisco. CA • Tentative Info 714/ 938·4100 AFM Road Race Series 3/30·31 s.... Point. CA 5125·26 6115·16 6129·30 7113·14 811ll-11 S. ars P,int. CA S Point.CA S P,int.CA S Point.CA S.." Poi t. CA n 1 2 APRil S M T W T F S 123456 7 8 9 10 11 121 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 • Denotes Pro PoybKk March 29 CAUFOR SPfEOWA NIA Y • Inn Spe.dway O . range County fairground.. Cost. M .... Info 714/ 492·9933. C ORAOO SUPERCROSS OL • CMC/ High Country Promotions Spring CJass Series. Adams County ie Fairground.. Brighton. Info 303/663· 3356. TEXAS MOTOCROSS Mosier V alley MX Park. Euless. Info 8171540·0815. WASHINGTONARENACROSS MXNW Sori. .. C10rk County Fairgounds. Ridg.fieill. Info 503/928· 4474. March 30 AlABAMA MOTOCROSS County Line RacewIy, Be me sse r. Inf, 205/ 477-6848. CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS • • G Super Sot. Penis Rocewoy. R P. rris. Info 7141788·5853. CAUFORNIASHORT TRACK o R " 0 Enterprises. M .n:od Fair· grounds, M erced. Info 408/449· 7367. CAUFORNIAVINTAGE TRIAlS AMAlSacramento PITS Good Old Dlyl Vint lgl SeriIS. Frri R lines Pltk.lnfo 916/967·0262. CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS o CMC Spring Classic#1. GI.nH.I.n OHV P~ Son Bemantino. Inf. 7141 261-6116. CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS GFI W.ekllld of CNmpions/ Club Mot • R rfrontP.rk.M • ive orynill . Info • 916/ 689·5335 ... 689-1632. FlOIUOAMOTOCROSS Dade City Rocaway. Oad. City.Inf. 813/986-4950. FlORIOAM OTOCROSS • O nge County Ra ay, Orlando. rl cew Info 4071568·2271. GEORGIA MOTOCROSS Thunder Cre.k MX. Jackso Inf. n. 912/ 994-6630. INOIANAMOTOCROSS AMAlO·12 " 15/ R.aers Racing Unlimited. Trojan MX TriCk. N . W. bS1er. lnfo 219/ 594-2849 or5942974. KENTUCKY SH ORT TRAC K WKCRA. Paducah Oirt Rideri . Paducah. Inlo 502/444-6438. MICHIGAN MOTOCROSS AMA/D-14/Bear Bottom Promobons. Silverdome Qualifier. Brown City M B X. rown City Inlo 313/ 395· . 2169. MISSOUR MOTOCROSS I Sprold Pm Competition.Bilings. l Info 4171744-2593. NEW J ERSEYMOTOCROSS AMA/ Pro Prop 1. In Powe~in. c. Park. N.w E gypt Info 201/5 770625. NORTH CAROUNA ST AOIUMCR OSS AMA/ Dil i. C lassic Series. Dil i. Classic Fairgrounds. Winston-Salem. Info 9191727·2236. OHIOMOTOCROSS CFIA. G Prix Racawoy. Ca ran nal Fu~. lnfo 216/6 82·9231. OHIO MOTOCROSS AM"- D Country Racew Blanirt ay. chester Inf. 5131791 ·8970. . PENNSYLVANIA MOTOCROSS Sl. epyHollow MX. FredericksbUJll. Inf' 7171273· 1180 ... 273·9212. PENNSYLVANIA SUPERCROSS AMA. Tl1Iil-Way Speedway, Hanover.lnfo 717/35 9·4310. PENNSYLVANIA MOTOCROSS AMA/0 ·5 . Stee l City U.S.A.. Oelmont. Inlo 304/594 ·1157 or 412/ 468-4786. TENNESSEE ARENAC ROSS Elit. R Promolions. The Show ace Place Arena. Memphis. info 901 1 386·3256. T£XAS SUPERCROSS Sku ler MOlorsports Comp l. I, Algoa Info 409/925·4232. . WASHINGTONMOTOCROSS MXNW Series. Woodland M Park. X Woodland Info 206/225·8219. . WASHINGTONARENAC ROSS Pro Sports Pro motions. Oakwood Spanaway. Info 206/8 47· 1791 or 535·6911. STEVEEILVND DUE' Ft1ND T·SBlBTS All proceeds from sales will go to aid Steve's on going medical costs. Send $15.00 p lus postage & size (5. M. L XL) to: STIV! IKLUND IILID' FUND ATTN: Craig Roget'S 3914 Wellington Sq.• San Jo se. CA 95136 GOOOJ{YEAR EACLE RACINC TIRES DRAG-Wider for Increased Traction EAGLE DTII-Short and Long Track Compounds COMPETITION TIRE P .O.Box 301 WEST P Box 666 .O. Read ing . PA19603 !lroOI

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