Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 04 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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"DC.PI II Is The CALENDAR 9/28 Inlo 715/842-9699 Brlseh . GA on AHRMA Showcase Road Race Series 511 8·19 Br se l hon. GA 6115·16 loudon. NH 6129·30 Elldlan lokI. WI 8/3-4 L ington. OH n 917-8 Topeka. KS 9121 ·22 R amond. CA os Info 115/8 42·9699 AHRMA Regional Road Race Series 4/6 F. ulkvile. GA l 4/ 27 E1khan Lake. WI 4127 Las V.g... NV 6/22 Summit POIl1t WV . Into 715/ 842·9699 We're Looking for a Few Good Men and Women to Fill this Hat. Become a California Motorcycle Training Instructor. It'sa rewarding part-time job for qualified individuals. Both novice and experienced rider training courses are offered by this California Highway Patrol administered program . NYState C'ship Hare Scrambles Series 511 2 5126 6/ 9 6/16 717 7/28 8/25 Saquort Vall.y NY . Soulh Edmeston. NY Moravia. NY Little Genesee. NY Speedsvill•• NY South Edmonston. NY Little Genesee. NY 9/8 Sou Edmonston. NY lh 9129 Moravia. NY 10127 South Edmonston. NY Info 315/635-3396 To qualify as instructors, candidates must successfully pass a three-weekend instructor preparation course . II you're interested In this opportunity, call the Call1ornia Mo torcyclist Salety Program and ask lor Tanya al: (415) 3Z3-6m. CMA C'ship Supercross Series 4120 Toronlo. Onlario. 9/ 14 Monu..l, Ou.b.~ Info 416/363·9035 CA~ CA~ Mid-South C'ship Hare Scramble Series .:r!?-!!~!.~~!!x The Book••• ~mic bere! COMPETITION SCHEDULE Dete Apr . 6&7 Club [Yent Hilltoppers M /C G.... Prix Location : Ca rlsb ad Raceway Info: Apr. 14 Rover . M /C Hare Scrambles Locat io n: Red Mounta in Info: Eric (81 8) 896·6206 • Pro .pector. M .C . • 21 Enduro Location : Red Mountain Inf o: Scon (2 13) 3 7 6·7 27 9 George (818) 332-1572 Apr2S He.. & Hound Loca t ion: Lucern e Valley Inf o: Bud (714) 882·4362 Ned (B05 ) 944-6329 Vick ing. M /C ROAD & DUAL SPORT SCHEDULE INFO: (8 18) 249-2 141 "" .... . " ;!:;' ~~ })l We've put together the st amazing, hair ra ising dea thdefyi ng adventures of sem iprofessional motorcyc le e nthu siast Team Smitty into a 48 page comic book. Order yoars today! Just $2.95 each (includes ship ping and handling) They're available by us ing t he eN Products Order form , located ne ar th e advertisers index. _ AtI£1 ARGYLL PARK z;_ .. . ..... PROMOTIONS G .. ~ Smooth Trackrr Scrambles; ~ '''' ~..... ~ ~ 3/8 Mi. Trxk / Open TFIiCUon AMA SANCTIONEO SCRAM8LE OTX -C0nceW0n5 . food ·Beer CLASSES CLASSES "F' tr PrlC es · Pans·m·theP lts "FREEOve rnight Parking t. tccee 101·t 25cc: 201·25Occ G-aScc 86·125cc 126-25Occ Slgn·Up 251·36Occ 251·5OOcc Practtce Race April 9:00 ·11 :00am 10:00·1 1:OO. m 361·5OOcc 12:00pm SO -Ope l ncc Calendar of Events - - - --1 TT Scra mble Race. 14 Apr i l 28 March 31 May 5.12 Apri l 7 3 ·0 Prom s Apri l 21 3-D Prom s For Inf o Call (9 16)678·3 5 92 or 678 -99 56 VA C'ship Hare Scrambles Series 4121 Maninsvill.. VA 5/5 Rural 1lo1te.~ VA 5/ 19 Dillwyn. VA 612 Ivor VA . 6123 Bristol VA 7114 Suny. VA 7128 PullSki. VA 9115 Middl.broo~ VA 9129 Mlftinsville. VA 10113 N. wpon Naws. VA 11/3 Suny VA . Into 703/ 980·0591 FTR C'ship Hare . Scrambles Series 417 Crescenl Cily. FL 4/21 Lake Wales. FL Info 9041796·8654 FTR C'ship Enduro Series 4/ 28 511 8 612 Info 9061196-8654 3/31 417 4114 4/2 1 . 4128 fnfo 9041277-2451 SWING A RM BRA CING ••• • • • • .- • • • ••• 119 .96 CALL OR WRITE FOR DETAILS 10126·27 Info 615/323·5497 YSR JETKIT•• • •••• • •• •• • • •• • • • • • • • • U9.9S REARSETS 8RACK ••• •• • • ••• • • • •• • 48.95 ET FO RKSPRINGKIT U9.9S BILLET ALU MINUM FORK BRA CE • • • • • • •• U9 .9S HEAVY DUTY ClUTCH KITWITH SPRINGS 821 .96 COWU NG GRA PHICS SET • • • • • • •• ••• • '.9.96 Specifv Color FLUORESCENT COWUNG GRAPHICS • • • • • 169.95 TEAM CAlAMARI RACING P.o . Box991 M'r1I\1 CA 93933 . 408-899·1300 FAX 408-898 ·0444 All MAJOR CA RDS MR saUIDSAYS: . "'THE GO I'AST SECIlET IS HANDU_- National Motosport Assochltion Ili1hIo. FL Valdosta. GA Hard.vill•. sc Reddick. FL Bimlo. FL AMA Southeastern Regional C'ship MX Mega Series FACTORY RACING PIPE • • ••• • • • • •• • ' 199.96 TEAM CAlAMARI Olustee. Fl O 'y1ona. FL Richloam. fl FMC Spring Series 417 5/4 ·5 611 6/9 6129·30 711 4 8/4 8118 8/25 9115 REGIONAL a. NATIONAL SANCTIONS-LICENSE INFORMATION (7141 855·160 2 (213) 868-8112 P.O. 80 X 46 NORWALK, CA90650 30 4/2 1 Cenl.rvill•• T~ Info615/ 331·1475 BlountviUe. TN Blountvin.. TN Celhoun. GA B1ountvide TN . 9/29 B1ountvine. TN Wythevill•• VA Morganton. NC Wyt evilll. VA h Blountvill•• TN Blountvin•• TN Kin_n. TN Bloun1Vilie. TN ATA Observed Trials C'ship Series 417 lucemeValley. CA 4/ 14 Clear lake. CA Auburn. CA 4127·28 Feather Fa CO lls, 5125-26 6/ 16 LaPDIU. CA 6/ 30 Donner. CA 7121 Donner. CA 8118 Oonner. CA 9/8 Donner CA . 9128-29 Sparts. NV 10/20 Sanla Cruz. CA 11/ 9·10 Patt. rson, CA 1112 4 Aubum. CA Info 916/723·9560 Int'I OIdtimers C'ship MX Series 4/8·7 Bois•• 1 0 5/4 ·5 Marysvill•• CA 5125·26 . R ichland. WA 6/ 1·2 Edmonlon. Albena. CAN 6/ 15·16 Mammoth. CA 6129·30 Duncan. ac, CAN 7113·14 Rod< Springs. WY 7127-28 Sandy. OR 8/3 1·9/ 1 Fernley. NV Info 208/467·3593 Prostar Nat'l C'ship Drag Race Series 4/6 ·7 Gainesville Fl . 5/4 ·5 Houston TJ( . 611-2 Alco. NJ 6129·30 Epping, NH 8/3 ·4 Jocisonville. Nt 917-8 Louisvill•• KY 10/5 ·6 Alco. NJ 11/8 ·10 Brad.nlon. FL Info 6091768-41124 IDBA Nat1 C'ship Drag Race Series 4127 ·28 Bowling G reen. KY 5118 -19 M.mphis. TN 6/15-16 Rockingham. NC 7113 -14 Columbus. OH 8110-11 Reading, PA 9/14-15 _II<.OH 10/ 19·20 Al lanll . GA Into205/849-7886 Dragbike! NIt1 C'ship Drag Race Series 4120-21 Los Ang.les. CA 8115-18 Tulsa. OK 8122-23 Albu....Ol •• NM U 7113-14 Spoken•• WA 7127 ·28 RisingSun. MD 8124-25 Roch er NY est . 9/7-8 _rsti.ld. CA 9121 ·22 Indianapolis. IN 10/5-6 BatonRoug.. LA 10126·27 Ptlo. nix. AI 11/15·17 Gain.svina. FL Info3151135·1661 CRA Spring Hare Scramble Series 3/31 NewPhilld .lphil . O H 417 Amh. rst.O H 4114 Salem, O H 4/ 28 Millpon. OH Into218/538·2220 CRA Spring Motocross Series 417 4114 4/21 5/12 5/19 Info216/636-5505 6/1-2 Bif Se.r. CA 9/15 Cectus Flits. CA 10/ 6 Corral C.nyon. CA 10/ 27 Lucern. Vall.y.CA 11/ 10 Unl.rotk Cyn.. CA Info 2131259·6631 Mid-Atlantic Vintage Trials Series Grlnogu DE ;: Toronlo. OH 6/1·2 Duncannon PA . 6/8 ·9 J.ff.rson. PA 7114 Bodines. PA 8/3-4 Toronlo. OH 8/18 Millerstown. P ~ 10/1 3 Toughk.n.m.... PA Into3D 11175 ·7209 Malva O m. H H Millport. O Sal.m. OH Amherst.O H __ O H 9/15 Millpon. O H 9/22 Canll F uhon. O H 10113 Tippecanoe.OH 10/ 20 Malvam. OH 10127 Ravenna. OH 1111 7 Amhem. OH Info 216/538-2220 CRA Fall Motocross Series 9/8 9121 9128 10127 Info 218/636·5505 8/4 8111 8118 Into 116/594-8660 WNYSC C'ship Fall Series Silva, Sprinv NY s. 8125 Aubum. NY 9/ 1 Hunt. NY 9/8 Batavia. NY 9115 Silva Springs. NY r 9129 P.lmyra. NY 10/ 8 10113 Silvar Sprinvs. NY Batavia. NY 10120 Batavia. NY 10/ 27 Info 716/594-8660 MO Hare Scrambles C'ship Series 4/ 14 Slanlon. MO Kah .... MO 4/21 Pi.dmont. MO 5/5 Jamestown. MO 6/2 J.ff.rson Cily. MO 6/ 9 Roform. MO 6123 Flat R iver. MO 7121 Sleetville. M O 8/4 Sedalia. MO 8125 Cenlon. MO 9/8 Collins. MO 9122 Flal R iver. MO 10/8 POlosi. MO 10120 Info 314/3 92-2475 ARRA Road Race Series 4/2 0·21 Willow Springs. CA 5118·19 Willow Springs. CA 6/15-16 Willow Sp rings. CA 714 Willow Springs. CA 7120 ·21 Willow Springs. CA 8/17-18 Willow Sp rings. CA 9/14-15 Willow Sprin CA gs. 10119-20 WillowSprings. CA 11/1 B- 17 WillowSp rings. CA 12114-15 WillowSprings. CA Into 805/968·5700 OMRRA C'ship ROld Rice Series 4/6 ·7 5118 ·19 6/8 -9 8118 9121-22 10/20 fnfo5031221 -1487 .Saf.... OH Malvam. OH MillpDtl OH Amh.rst. OH 417 HUnL NY 4/14 Aubum. NY 4/21 HU NY nL 4/28 P.lmyra. NY 5/5 HUnL NY 5/12 Pl lmyra. NY 5/ 19 Aubum. NY 5126 Bal via. NY s 8/2 Aubum NY . 8/9 SilverSprings. NY Info 71 6/ 594-8660 WNYSC C'ship Summer Series 6/16 6123 6/30 7121 7128 PDr1Iand. D R PDttland. OR PDttland. OR PortI.nd. OR PDttlsnd. OR PDttland. O R MRA ROld Race Series 5/5 Se cond Creet. CO 5/19 Mountain View. CO 8/9 pu blo. CO . 8123 Second Cre .~ CO 717 Second Cre .~ CO 7/21 Mountain View. CO 8/4 Pueblo. CO 8118 Mounlain View. CO 9114-15 Steamboat Springs. CO 9/29 Second Cr"~ CO Info 3031789-2429 CRA C'ship ROld Rice Series 5/ 4-5 5/ 18·19 8/ 29·30 9/1 4-15 Into8121332-4070 Br in.rd.MN . MN Br in. rd.MN a Br in.rd. MN . HDRA/SCORE 1m'1 Desert Rlcing Series 4/5 ·7 Son Felipa 250 Son Felipe. MEX Baj. ln1emaciona1 Silvar Sprinvs. P. lmyra. Aubum. Silvar Sprinvs. NY NY NY NY Batavia. NY ac. Ensanoda. ac. MEX F i _ 250 715-7 Bamow. CA SOO d. Pah rumpStation. NV 10/11·13 Gold Coast 300 J.... NV 1117-10 Baja 1000 Ensenoda. ac, MEX Into 818/889·9216 . 9/ 6-8 Golden Crown of Baja Series 5117-19 Grsn Cenors da T.caI. T_I. ac, MEX 7126 ·28 Gran Cerma d. Ensenod. Ens.noda. B MEX .C. 9120-22 Grsn Ceners d. Cellllleones Son F Iip•• at.. MEX . Inf 818 o /344-5750 WNYSC C'ship Spring Series 4121 5/4-5 Pllmyra. NY HUnL NY Pllmyra. NY 817-9 CRA Fill Cross Country Series Lucerne Valley. CA 5/5 PITS C'ship Trials Series Grans Prixde Blja Series Baja Malibu Gran Prix Rou rilo Besch. MEX T. caI Gran Prix . T.cate. ac, MEX 10/5 Ens. l d. Gran Prix n OjosN.gro s. MEX 1112 S.n Felip. G Pri, ran SI n F. lip•• 8.C MEX . Info 818/ 340-5750 4/13 611 ac. ac. SUDS Off-Rold Series 4120-21 S n Sernardino CA I . 5125 -28 Tl cat • Baja. MEX • 8/15-16 SanBernardino. CA 7113-14 T.caI• • Baja. MEX 8117 ·18 Son Bernardino. CA 10119·20 T.cate. Baja. MEX 11/ 16· 17 Son Bernardino. CA Tnto 818/340-5750

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