Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 04 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CELLU LAR. INC ·····a·Cellular --~ ...•:::Mo ntero off for three laps. After co n ti n uo us pressure Knig h t fell over i n a turn a nd Mon tero took the lead. Knig h t go t up in second followed by Kiley a nd Bob Ri ker. Knigh t cha rged back an d used the power DC hi s Ho nda CR500 to pa ss Montero o ver th e whoops to reg-din th e lead . But o ver a tabletop ju m p Kni ght went down o nce again allowing Mon tero to retake th e lead. Kiley also went by before Kn ight go t up in third. Montero pulle d a way with a comfortable lead a. Knigh t passed Kiley over the ta bleto p. Kiley kept p ush ing for seco nd, muck up and passed Kni ght o n 3 stra igh t. T he mota en ded with Montero ta king th e checkered flag first. Kiley finis hed seco nd and Knigh t was third. The second rnot o was cance lled d ue to bad wea ther co ndi tio ns. · :g~i: One' Chris Agajanian presents Results PI\\': I. Robert M d.~ndon m ( Stu ): 2. J u !o lin Burgos tSuI ); 3. J..y wdch (Yam): 4. CaNry Bur geu (S UI); 5. N ichol a,; Kt'lly (S tu). j R MJ;\Il 80: I. Awm Brito n ( Ka w ); 2. Vimnu Dur.. 11 ( li.4Iw ). SR Ml X I HO; I. Unkno wn ; 2. ROf(n Prau ( !(aw): 3. RU!o!ol"II Wl"lch ( Kaw); 4. Ron nie Rami\GIJ (SUI); 5. Erie . :J;u n ( KoIw ). 125 SO\': 1. Eric Milo (Kaw ): 2. Jcx-y w anenbe ( Hun ): 3. Rug" Prau (H e n ): 1. J..mes Man ha ll (SUI); 3. Don Mill " (Hon). 250 NOV ; 1. T om J on es (Hun); 2. T u rn Loh r (Hu n); 3. J uel Mathews (Kaw): 4. Buck 8 1)'01111 (S UI) . 250 AM: 1. Ch r is Locke (HolI): 2. Wi lli.un Ca ld w(" (Hu n); 11 3. Richa rd Pear son [Ho n]: 4. I n(~ Lu(1 r ( Stu ). VET ; l. Benn y St·h undel rnwi (HUll). y PR O : 1. Chad MUllt('tu (HUll); 2. Ed Kilt" (H un ); ~. Kevin . Kn ight (Hun): 1. Lee Koh N' ( Koiw ); .s. ClI rl i~ Smith (SUL) Castor captures Oklahoma Cross Country win By Anna Bo yd Oll.AHOMA DIY . OK. M 1 AR. 7 Kenny Castor slid to the overa ll wi n at th e Oklahoma Cross Co untry Racing Associ ation's first race o lthe 1991 seaso n. Steady rai ns o n th e day prior to th e even t didn 't da mpen the spi ri ts o f th e nea rl y 100 r ide rs th a t com pe ted. Th e 250cc Expert cl ass wa s bun ch ed toge ther for the first two laps. Cas to r and Robby So uthar d were neck and neck for first and second positions . Castor manag ed to sta y ahea d o f So utha rd to ca ptu re th e o vera ll win , while So utha rd scored th e o vera ll Expert win. Ju.' behind Castor a nd So utha rd were Randy Brim and Ch an Baker . who had their o wn battle taking pl ace. Baker a nd Brim raced the en tire 50 mil es o n ly seconds a pa rt. On the last lap o f the race, Brim lost hi s rear brakes and Baker secured th e third pl ace position. The Over 30 Expert class had so me fast changes happening o ff th e starting line, Rick H illhouse (Kaw) go t th e hol esh ot and was leading the pa ck pa st th e first tu m wh en he tan gl ed wi th KTM mounted new comer Jimm y Hill. Hill went down and Hi llh ouse kep.t on lead ing for the first lap. On lap two H illhouse went down hard in th e mud and was passed by Denny Beitler (KTM). Den ny pulled ou t in fro nt of the ot her riders in his class a nd finished. the ra ce winning first. Resul ts O /A CHAMP: I. Kron.,.Cwor {Ho n). O /A EX: I. Robby Sou thard (H on ). ~.r h.arl (Voam ). 250 EX; I. Cun Bal." (H o n); 2. Randy Brim (Hon ); ~ . G rf'g Bro wn (Ho n ). 200 EX: 1. Mil t:> Sullivan ( ~ w); 2. Jdf Sweetin (Hon ); ] , Cu n CrouM (Y.. m ~ OVF.R 30 EX Ilnmy fko illn IKTM ); 2. Ji m my Hill (KTMI: ~. Kevin Oumblt-u (H o n ): 4. TnT)" Lo ng (Yam) . 500: I. T om Rh udt' (H on ); 2. Robnl Yo un g (Sw); 3. Bobby Aluuu (Hon ). 250 AM: I. Rick Bru hw ilcr (l ion); 2. Ro n Ibv1:l, (Hon ); ~ . Mi k("Pt in (Yam ); 1. Todd Curr.m {H o n ]:5. La rry McCalip Gates Open 5 :30 pm Time Trials 6 pm First Race 8 pm ~ ;f~ IPP~~ ~ ';" EXECUTIVE LODGE • M.'"" 0. .. " "" 0..'.. ' .. sec... . " C..M Ol'....a, lnt o l l\rlorl 'lf'fn Q /A AM: I. Roy THE wtEREHOUSf. TOWER. W(lNSTOCl('S Cal-Expo Box Office 9 16/923-BASS CAU..fOIl.TD< (916) 924-2090 ~~. ( H o n ). 200 AM: I. Kevin [wi n~ (Hon]: 2. Willi e Winn (Ya m); 3. Gk-nn T o rres ( Koiw) ; 1. J im wbeeter ( Kilw ). O\'ER 30 AM: 1. b od)' Tuck" (Ho n ); 2. J arnn Brown SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS THAT SUPPORT YOUR NEWSPAPER ( Ho~,li i ~~~~~~~~~'W:I~~::!~ til~):~ ~i~~JI':: ~~::::~~ ~. n an Reim (Yam ): 1. Co n nie Edwards ( KT M~ Ml:"Ol; I. 51("V(" P:U1 n (Kaw); '2. Will PI'n y (SUI) ; 3. Milo.t" o Patt on (Kaw). NO V; I. g oben Neilson ()(a wl: 2, Tony WiMllo (Ho n); ~ . Nick Cox (Hun ); 1. Duan e All m ( Kaw): !J. M.nk M(Cli ruuck (I-I n). o WM:"!O P £.~ : 1. La ura Ha rrh t Kaw); 2. AI.ana ROM'" ( ~ I~e~rl filariot Front Cate: Kent king at Perris Grand Prix k"mv G.1tts OPen6 00 PM ~1 100 PM coses 10 00 By David Procida PERRIS. CA. MAR.3 Alan Kent ran a way and hid from th e Seni or Experts at the Doublecross Gran Prix at Perris Ra cewa y. Sen ior Master Richard Wilson grabbed th e holesho t in the combined Master/Expert sta rt bu t went down on the firS! lap. Kent avoided the fallen rid er and took over the lead. Steve R ussell ran a dis tant second wi th Monte Lee a nd Wilson on hi s shirtta il. A battle wa s brew ing in the Senior Novice ra nk s, as early leader Richard Stuelke wa s passed by Fred Bo yd. Stuelke was be ing p ressured by Steve Jenning. and a lap later found hi mself in third. Boyd pulled o u t a sho rt lead on Jennings and Stuelke as th ey d isappeared into th e back sectio n of the track, but wh en th e - trio reappeared , S t ue lke had recaptured second a nd began to reel in Boyd. Stuelke passed Boyd on a .traightaway and took the lead. Jennin gs was next to get by DUNL-OP Ilogesen 5.Jturdav cees OPen 6 30 .... u Sunl10Jy Gatt!'!> Pt.4 ceee 6 3O.... u ~1000Pt.4 Reg istra t io n: sa t ur day 6 50 k"lQay BOOP jiO-cdi:Jl · 10 00 P... 8 50 AU Sat urnav B 00 Pt,A · 9 00 PM ~:~ M Sund.i!ly 6 50A... · 8 50 A. ,~, CAT FEES I! "'C! \ ' !I 00 0.. \8 00 0-0<... 10 & """" _ a.- .»: Saturday Classes 12 5 A St OC k 125 8 StOCk 125 C StOCk 125 n 2 ·1SI StOC k 2S0 A St OCk 2508 StOCk 250 C StOC k 5 1 StOCk Aut o (4· 8) 6 5 St oc k 17-11 ) 8 5 StOCk 17· 11) 85 StOCk 112 ·13 ) 85 StOCk (14 ·15) 125112-1SI UOCl WQm@n(8S'12Scd L.Or~tt a l ynn 250 C "'OO OPEN A OPEN BlC lSunclolYA oau BO%P.av 8.ilIcki "", gr U" "" «.ftl,1 Ou altftef F~ S10 00 Per Entr'l sunday Classes 125 A. Mod 125 8MOO 125 C MOO 25 0 A Mod 2SO B Mod "wond Sports Ewnt For Add it i o n a l Info Ca l l orWr1te: World Spo rts/ ? 0 Box 13246/St Petersourg . FL 33733/Pnone 1 131822·8929 8 P1U!l 25 $enlOt"Plu s 50 see e- Plus 40 9 8 5 Mod 1 -1 3) 8 5 Mod I1 4 ·1 S) "SUPer" Min "125 8/ C "250 BlC " l\d(Ied c esses Not Part Of l/l D1ll1cnONS 1'0 CATOI:&llOl E-.t t-1S ~ to"' '11 101 Narttl 5 ff"IIIIr\ Troid l\ OtI ee k!'tt on~2fo co Wftt 8 19

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