Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 03 13

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GLOCAL EVENTS ~ 85 JR: I. Ma§()ll Williams (Sw); 2. Motu Walkt=r (Hon); 3. J.amnGanrtI (Suz); 1. Jdf Rollina (Ya m); 5. Aaron undsqr (Kaw). 85 SR.; l. Patrick HUd (Hon); 2. DalDyn Swanepod (Yam); 3. MilSOIl Will iams (S uz); 4. Bill Hlebak (Sw); .!t. Joho Thouw (Hon) . SCHBY : 1. G:.tI')' Kdlum (KoIw); 2. CJuis Collias (Kaw); 3. Malt ShU': (H on ). 125 C: l. C:.tI')' Kdlum ( ~w): 2. Brad Franklin (H on); 3. Brandon Can tRil (Ya m); 4. Ouis Morrow (Hon); 5. JdI JR VET BEC : i . Crq Rou; 2. Harvey Bohman; 3. T om ' Garci~; $. M~rc Rauch. VET EX: I. Brad McUod.; 2. Bob Rut~ 3. BrtIC'e McDou rtal; 4. Andy Saga.le; 5.Mike Goud~ar. V ~ [NT: I. Bob Tipp it; 2. Bob Maxwdl; 3. R ~1l Rrilly; -t. RIC j ohnson : 5. C R. Brunson. k VET NOV: l. Dave Dye: 2.. Joh n Boi.anko; 3. Gtq Benton ; -t. Ron H upld d; 5. Dan Salma n, VET BEG: 1. Tony London; 2.. Mik ~ Roth; 3. 8 m ~ -t. Eric Seymour; 5. Denn is Carter, SR EX: l. Rusty Spmar; 2. J Kk ~ II SI.; 3. Tom my PeMl; -t. john H uegel; 5. Jim On vn. SR NO V: 1. J im Sln'nls; 2. J~ I...ockri~ SR BEG: I. Den nis Pauman; 2. Ktn Fndnn-; 3. Rick O liver; 4. Larry Kirsch: 5. Dal Truhq- Sr. Hc tm ee: 4. Bill Shidch ( ~ w ). 125 B: 1. Dwa yne Bone (H on ); 2. Brian Bumnl (Yam); 3. Unknown; -t. Wf'SIty Ashley (Hon ); 5. klron Day (Hon). 250 C: l. Leon Sm ith (Hon ); 2. RUAty Cohen (Hon ); !. j ol1:.twn Kri~ (Hon ); 4. D-.lvid Murphy (Kaw); 5. Mike Hamil ton (Hon). 250 B: I. Aaron Day (Hon); 2. Dwight Ga lbuary (Yam); 3. Brad H ayo 9Hoo ); 4. Kmny Kowa lczyk (H on); 5. Owa ynr BoM eHon ). O P[."'l B: l. Ouis Harbin (H on ); 2. Art hur Swilt (Kaw); 3. Ra ndy Barfir ld (Kaw ); i . Joe Benso n (Kaw); 5. Bill Ethridge (Hon ). SR 25+: l. Tommy Martin (Hon); 2. Eddie Steele (Kaw); 3. Robbie Travis (H on ); 4. Leve n PmdtTgr.IM(Sw); 5. Day dashes to Hillsbury Hills Motocross win By Dene Olive Ken Greene (44G) topped the Vintage Intermediate class at the Diamond Head GP. as Kesler coas ted to a stop with engine trouble on lap 18. Cristy inherited th e lead , with Bjorkman and Scroeder in tow . Cri sty maintained the lead to th e chec kered nag, wh il e Bjorkman barel y held o n to secon d ahea d of Scroeder and a hard -ch argin g J oey Win ston. Dan Feldhaus earned top honor s in th e 250cc main event , topping Bob Ga bler a nd Tyson Vo ll. G abler 's seco nd-p lace finis h mark ed hi s first defeat in nearly a year. Results O PEN EX; I. Skip Cri :ny (Ya m ); 2. Lo ren Bjorkman (Y (V, m) . OPEN VET : 1. Skip Ct~cy (Yam): 2. Da n Feldhaus (Ya m ); 3. Rick Schrorda (S UI ); 4. Ma rk.Aragon (Hon); 5. Cary Smi th (Yam ). 250: I. D-,.n Frl dha us (Ya m ); 2. Bob Gabl" (Ya m); • Vo ll (Yam ); 4. Bob Suhajda (Yam ). .s. T ywm Harvey hauls at Cycleland MX By Michael R ich cmco, CA, FEB. 24 Jerr y Harvey brought hi s Pet eri ch Cyclessponsore d Su zuki to th e first race of the spring seaso n and smo ked th e co mbi ned 80cc Novic e a nd Jun ior classes at Cyclel and Speedway. After arr iving lat e, Harvey had tim e for o ne quick lap of th e track befor e hi s first mota left the h ne, Harvey gr abbed the hol eshot in th e first mot a , foll ow ed by J osh Fisher and J ustin Brown. Brown wasted no tim e and passed Fisher on the first lap as the two came a ro und the do u bles. By this tim e, Harvey had o pened a su bsta ntia l lead . Nathan Peterson was th e ne xt to cha lle nge Fisher. Peterson made the pa-ss o ver a jump bu t lost th ird p lace when he fell a lap la ter. Peterson remounted a nd was able lO run Fishe r down and mak e the .pa ss with j ust two laps remaini ng. At the finis h line, it was Harvey wi th the win, Bro wn was seco nd and Peterson thi rd. Harvey grabbed the second molO holeshot a nd was go ne. Brown took second at the start, on ly 10 fall in a hairpin on thefirstlap. Bro wn got up quickl y and soon scooted back in second place. Peterson worked his way to third a fter a poor Start. The firs t th ree positions remained un cha nged througho ut the rest of th e race. Harvey took the o vera ll. while Bro wn finished second o vera ll and firs t Novi ce. In th e co mbined 80cc Intermediate and Expert race, T om Od ekirk took the ho lesho t in th e first mot a , foll owed closely by Lowell ~Iou ral J r, As th e two ap proac hed the doubles o n the set:ond la p. Od ekirk went ' down a nd Moural as sumed th e lead. Further back. Brad and Wad e Wil son were figh ting over third. Their battle brought them withi n reach of a fading Odekirk, a nd o n lap six Wade passed Od ekirk for seco nd place. Od ekirk held o n for third. O dekirk mOlOred away at the start of the second molO, but his lead was short·lived, as he fell in the hairpin o n th e first lap. Brad Wi lson took over the lead, while Odekirk re mo unted in second. W ithin two la ps, Ode kirk ca ug h t a nd pass ed Wilso n over the doubles. Moural was chargi ng fro m th e back of th e pack, a nd o n la p eig ht passed Wilson in the turn after the do ubles. Once into secOIl.d , Moural kn ew th a t th e overa ll win was his a nd cra shed to the fin ish . Odekirk too k the mota win and second overa ll. Resul ts 50: I. Stal't')' PNtn on (Ya m); 2. Ryan H arri s (Hon ); 3. Kt'vin Shi mizu (Yam). 60: L Evan LiughridgT' l Kaw); 2. Ni kki Harr i&(Hon ); 3. Jawn LtuKhr idKe (Bon ). &! JR: I. Jt1Ty Ha rvf'Y(Suz). 8Q:-':OV t. J urou n 8r ow n (Ya m); 2. Na than PMn !oOn (Kaw ); : 3. Adam Toroni (Raw). 125 NOV : l . Doug U ndgrf' n(Kaw ); 2. Michaf'1Pryor (Kaw ). 125 J R: I. Jawn Ri tdlq (H on ). 250 NOV : I. Ikrf'k Watki ns (H on ]. 250 JR : l. Dean Har per (Kaw); 2. Kd ly Ho l£t'r (K4lw). ~rf~~~:VI:. IRr=X ~~r::t~~~). VET J R: 1. Micha d R ich (Suz). OT: I. Lee Tromb l~ (Hon ); 2. Don Ferguson (Hon ). INT: J. Brad Wilson (Sw); 2. Bran do n Williams (I-I on). EX: I. Lo well Mou ral Jr . (H e n ): 2. T o m Odekirk (Yam) . SR 30+: 1. Eddie Steele (K4lw); 2. Rusty Cohm (Ka:w); 3. Arty Spmcrr (Ita w ); 4. Arthur Swift (Kaw); S. T~ M~I('f (Yam ). SR 10+: I. Terry Mf'aln (Yam); 2. Randy Ti Jl~ (Hon); 3. John Kriger (Kaw); 4. Howard Bennet (SUI); 5. Wn Suaee [Suz] , By Da vid Procida SAN BERNARDINO, CA, FEB. 17 Dan Berg topped th e 250cc Pro class in co nvinci ng fashi on at the Diamon d H ~d G ra nd Prix. held at Glen Helen OHV Park. Terry Swa nso n grabbed the ho leshot ahea d of Berg, Bugnon Cedric and Sigi Zachman. Berl\ wasted no time, a nd blasted hi s Enzo Racm g/KCRlO'N eal -ba cked Kawasaki into th e lead o n the first lap of the 45-m in u te mota . Once into th e lead , Berg took adva ntage of th e d ear tra ck ah ead and began to pull o u t a co mma nd ing lead. Meanwhile, Cedric and Zachman sn uc k past Fowl er in th e far section of the course a nd began to wage a heated bailie over seco nd pl ace. Ken Neiuel was next to cha llenge Fowler, and off-braked th e ea rly lea der en tering a sharp turn. Up front Berg co ntinued to pull away, while Zachman stalked Cedric. On th e white n ag lap, Zachman rail ed pa st Cedric and secur ed second place, Neit zel fini shed fourth ahea d of Fowl er. Brent Wallingsford rocketed ahead of the pac k with Bob Rutten a nd T im Telford hot o n hi s heels in th e 500cc Pro class: Telford had hi s big Yam aha singing , and was dosing the ga p qu ickl y on the lead ers. By lap three Telford was found in co mma nd of th e race and co ntin ued to p ull away un til he was give n the checkered nag. RUllen caught and passed Wallingsf ord at the halfwa y poi nt an d fin ished in th e runner· up SlOL Actio n in th e Vel Interm edial e cla ss saw a very close battle for th e lead wi th th e top six ru nning in one pack. When the d ust settled , it was Bob Tippit heading th e pa ck. Bob Maxwell and Ru ssell Reill y were almost in a tie for seco nd with Maxwell edging his way past for ru n ner-up honors . Rick J o h nson and C R. Brunson rounded ou t the top five. Knight, Dennis hot at Central Mississippi Motocross By Luther Stowers PEARL,MS, FEB. 10 Kevin Knight turned a pa ir of hole shots into wire -to-wire wins in both mo tos of the 250ec Novi ce clas s while Kyle Denni s d id the same in the Beginner class at the Central Mississippi Motocross Associ ati on MX at their track In Pearl. Knight's Honda carri ed him through the first turn in th e ope ni ng 250cc Novice moto with a lead that would not be challenged for th e rem ainder of the race. Meanwhile, the rest of th e pack began a position-swapping duel with J im Allen leading the mob, followed by Mik e Blissard, Hall Rat cliff e, Brad Maloney and Randy Dawson, who stalled as th e gate dropped. Ratcliffe squeezed past Blissard in turn two , as th e pack began to spread OUL On th e seco nd lap. Knight added to his cus hion over Allen as Blissard and Maloney worked th eir wa y backward in the standings, Ratcliffe zapped Allen to take seco nd position in th e same tum where he had passed Blissard o ne lap earlier. Kawasaki-mounted Dawson, who had the hottest line of th e da y through the wh oops. began pressuring Allen for fourth. Lap three sa w Blissard engaging with Ma lo ney in a dogfight that helped the pair catc h up with the pack. Blissa rd made h is move approaching the rear-section tab letop only to throw his Suzuki away o n top. The posi tions seemed settled as the group completed the final lap and started looki ng for the checkered flag. Knight hel d a co mmanding lead over Ra tcliffe who, in turn was severa l seconds a head of Da wson u ntil Ratcliffe sta lled his Honda in the middle of th e wh oops. allowing Dawson to blast by and claim second at th e fla g. Ra tcliffe was foll owed by Allen , Maloney and a dejected Blissard. Mota tw o sa w Kn ig h t again take the hol eshot, trailed by Blissard, Mal on ey, All en , Ratcliffe a nd Daw son . Mal oney di spatched Blis sard through the rockers and took off a fter Knight. Daw son o ut· bra ked Ratcliffe at th e end of th e pow erline stra ig h t to ta ke fifth , th en used hi s spec ial line through th e wh oops to blow pa st both Blissard and Allen . Ratcliffe showed that he had no intentions of staying in last place by ny in g past All en and Blissard who had chose n not to try th e do u ble jump. After th e comp letion of th e initia l lap. all th e riders sett led dow n into their pos itio ns , saving th eir ene rgy for any last·l ap position changes o r cha llenges. Ratcliffe took over third wh en Daw son momentarily stalled hi s Kawasaki in th e bo wl turn. Rat cliffe was close beh ind. and sim ply squared off the turn, taki ng advantage of th e mishap. The checkered n ag fell o n Knight wh o took the ove ra ll victory wit h h is d ual wi ns , Mal oney took second in th e mota and seco nd overall. Followin g Mal on ey in th e overa ll standings were Daw son and Rat cliffe. Kyle Dennis blew a way th e Beginner cla ss wit h easy wi ns in bOlh mOlO Denn is was S. followed by a co nsistent Terry Gill. while T rav is H arrell battled back from a fifth place fin ish in the first mot a to take third in th e second mota and claim third o vera ll. ClV . Results WMN : I. Tamtta T racy; 2. Ca ndy Hatd f")/: 3. Shf'il.. Iklong. VINT EX: I. Km G~ne; 2. John Lu ndgren; 3. C ary Eglo ff; 4. Hugh Bbcka; 5. Blair Risno. VtNT fIrOOV: 1. Brya n Woodring; 2. Frizby Sf'alf"}/: 3. Lmny Ja y; 4. Myron Lapka; 5. Lo uis Bl'tthetn. 80 BEG : I. Dann y Woudard; 2. Rick Elrod; 3. diff Cuo k; 4. Sha wn Dolma~; 5. T odd &.r d ett. 80 NO V: I. JeTm1YMichaud; 2. Frtd O gri m; 3. Rob G Unll"r, '1. Chris NeiurJ. 80 BIC WHL: I. Phil Mes. oenger. < o 125 BEG : 1. Shaw n O 'Bri m ; 2. Dusty HoW("h ldf'r; 3. Pau l Gi lmar tin: 4. Ro bert Mud f'!roy; 5. FmJ O KJ'im . 250 BEG: 1. Sp ikf' Mala thi on ; 2. Ala n H ill J r.; 3. J a~m T ru bey; 4. Dan ny O sbortlf'; 5. Bill Paul. . 500 BEG: 1. Wa h Kell y; 2.Mik e Krakora; 3. Mike Fenlner; 4. Wib on uwis; 5. Chri, Ventu ra. 125 NOV : L Ikvin O 'Brie n; 2. Kall Li ndstrom; 3. BleOl Gnoer 4. Tony Fcrragamo; 5. Jared Ja cob5meyer. ; 250 NOV: 1. Owe n Dickso n; 2. Br~nt Pa lkov ic; 3. Danny Mou rning: 4. Cory D;tvis ~ 5. 8r unner HerbtTd. 500 NOV: I. John DavifS; 2. f ranklin 8t"tchcr; 3. Richard Mart inf'l. 125 INT : 1. Bob Sage; 2. Eric Linditrom ; 3. Scou G vcsru df'; 4. Dave unon; 5. Bobby Hubbard. . 250 INT : I. Eddie-I)avu.; 2. Colin Co uto ; 3. Mar k Hi gham; 4. T od d Brou:uard; 5. Jf'£f Clark . 500 lNT: 1. Ed McCoy; 2. Ch ad McInt osh; 3. Da vid [klang . 250 PR O: 1. Dan lkrg; 2. SigiZach mann; 3. Bugn on Ctdric; 4. Ken Nei lU'l; 5. Tf'l't)' Swa nso n. 500 P RO : 1. Tim T elford ; 2. Bob Ru n en; 3. Brent Wallin~ford. JR VET EX: L Rich Truchinfold ; 2. Dave Don at~m i. JR VET (NT: I. Greg Atkirnon; 2. VineT Baiom. JR VET NOV: I. J ami e Mitchf'll ; 2. John Davi s; 3. Scutl Pek ar f'k; 4. Dc-an(hlrandn ; 5. A. DU!olYRode . 51: l. O1ad Albri tton (Yam ); 2. Jon a than Pric:r (Yam); 3. Ma tthew Beau y (MM);4 . bch Rutlai~ (Yam ); 5. RobPowdl (Ya m). J R CYC: l. Ganm Jr . (Kaw); 2. Mati Walker (Kaw); 3. Mid Bail~ (Kaw); 1. Aaro n Lindley (Kaw); S. Nichobs Clay (KoIw). ll> JR; 1. Xnmn Williams (Kaw); -t. j f'1ftl'ly Carlin (Kaw); 5. ShaM' Shttman (Hon ). SCH BY: I. Ma n Shuf' (H on); 2. Guy Kellum (Koiw); 3. Jamrs G riM" (Hon ); 4. Juuin Bowm (; 5. Srou Bry~nt ( 125 C: l. J ames Adam. (; 2. GOlry Kdlum (Kaw); 3. Jam ~ Grier (H on) ; 4. Brad Simpwn (Ra w); 5. MikeMcCo nville (H on). 125 8 : l. A:uon Iby (Hon ); 2. Brian Burndl (Yam ); 3. P.j . HowdJ (H on ); 'I. Ken KowOllczyk (H on ); 5. Bra d H ayes (lton ). 250 C: 1. Chris Scha Uer (Hon ); 2. Jimmy Sto ne (Ho n ); 3. Brian Cibbs (H on); ·1. Lron Smit h (H on ); 5. Jd f Davis (Suz). 250 B: I. Bra nd on Sm ith (Kaw); 2. ~vin Couard (Hon ); 3. P.J . Howd l (H on );4. Sam Kirotll"l' (Sw); 5. Bra ndl f"}/ Pm dl~ (Yam) . Hon);2 . Kf'Vin Matthews (H on ); O PEN B: I. Bill y Eth ridll,;e( 3. Scot t X ll tf'S (H on); 4. Ja050n Johnson (Hon); 5. La nny Sloa n (K.a.w). SR +25: 1. Da rry l Reister (Hon); 2. ROMJoh05on (Ho n); 3. Stc-ve Raburn (Sw ); 4. Stf'Vf' Sa undeu (Hon); 5. J ay McCldhm (Ya m). SR +30: l. ~vin Matth ews (Bon); 2. John T riSM'1 (Hon); 3. Ja y McClell an (Yam ); 4. Ru uy Co hf'n (Ho n); 5. Robby T rav15(H on). SR +10; J. Ra ndy T illery (Hon ); 2. Larry Blinldt""f (Kaw); 3. E. Goode (Suz); 1. H owa rd Bf'nnf'1t (Suz); 5. Bobby Bishop (Raw ). 125 PRO : I. Malt Shuf' (Hon ); 2. Mike- Coo lfoby (Ho n); 3. Sha ne Ha tfidd (Suz); 4. Bill Bf'lu (Raw); 5. Mar k Crolin (Kawl. 250 PRO: I. Ja!oOn Co lc-man (H a n); 2. n arry H f'isln (Hon ); 3. Ron John.son (H on ); 4. Aaro n Va tn (Suz); 5. St('W Ra yburn (Suz). Kellum clobbers Echeconnee MX By Dene O live MACON, GA, FEB. 17 Gary Kell um swept bo th mo lOs of the 125cc C class to ta ke top hon ors at th e Echeconnee Mo tocross seaso n o pe ner. Kell um put his Kawasak i o ut from a t th e sta rt of the first moto. and cruised to th e mo to wi n behind him . J eff Shields eme rged in second , but a har d-charging Brad Fra nklin got th e inside line o n lap three to mak e the pas s. Chris Morrow finished fo urth, wh ile Brandon Cantrell finished fifth after a 10th p lace star L The start of th e seco nd mo ta saw Kellum OUI front, follo wed by Ca n trell. Dwayne Dal e, Morro w and An tony Lucas. Morro w ju mped pas t Da le o n lap two , while Chad Matthews moved past L ucas throug h the whoops . Kell u m took the mot a a nd overall Win. Cantrell wo und u p wit h second, ahead of Morrow . Frankl in reco vered from a firs t lap misha p to salvage four th , wh ile Dal e ro unded o ut th e top five. .Mark Crozier too k a co nvi nci ng win over Tommy Martin and Chris Thoma s in the first 250cc A malO. In mota two, Crozier ha d to pl ay catch -up wh ile Martin a nd Aaro n Yat es wrestled for the lead . Crozier made a steady move toward th e front passin g Yates o n lap three of the eil'(htlap race. Crozier set hi s sigh ts o n Martin, but was un able to get by.,Marl in 's 2-1 score to pped Crozier's 1-2. Results 51: I. Jonatha n Prier (Yam ); 2. Blake Cannady (MM); 3. Darryl Scott (h j); -t. Ma u Brau y (Yam ); 5. Oine Thornton (Suz). JR eyc: J. Mall W..lkn (; 2. Mall Boonf' (; 3. J am es Carml (iUIw); -t. AMon Li~ (Kaw); 5. Scot t T~II (Kaw). • 12.5 PR O: I. Malt Shue (H on ); 2. Ryan Rryn olch (Hon); 3. Unk nown; 4. Coby Ra bb (Suz); 5. Jttr1' Smith (Hon ). • 250 PR O: I. T ommy Mar un (H on);2. Mar k Crozier (H on); 3. Aaron Yatn (Suz); 4. Chri . 'Thomas (Suz); 5. Earnes t H arbin (H on). Res ults Berg bowls 'em over at Diamond Head GP R oeer Moo~ ( Hon ). ROBERTA GA, FEB. 10 , Aaron Day captured the overall win in the I25cc B class, at the Hillsbury Hills Motocross races held in Roberta. Ove r 260 en tra n ts showed up for the Pro Li ne Accessor ies/ Boyesen / Pr o-T ee/Pit Stop Raci ng sponso red , event. Andre Pene grabbed th e firs t moto hol esho t wit h Bri an Burnett and Dwayne Bone in tow. Pen e beg an 10 pull away , w hile Bone a nd Bu rn ell arg ued o ver th e seco nd posi tio n. The two r ider s excha nged pl aces severa l tim es, but it was Burnell who pr evailed. Day motored past Bon e on th e last lap 10 cl aim third. The Seco nd mota found Brandon Smith wit h the holeshot foll owed by Burnell, Bone, Day and Howell. Day mov ed past Bone to the second lap and by lap three was in seco nd pl ace. Smith was long gone and Day had to set tle for a second pl ace fin ish , foll owed by Burnell , Brad Hayes and Kenny Kowal czyk. . Resul ts . 250 NO V: I. Kevin Kni gh t (Ho n); 2. Brad Malon ey (Kaw); 3. Ra ndy DawllO (ltaw); 4. Hall Ra tdiff~ (H on). n 250 tN T : l. Jo h nny Overb y (Kaw); 2. Mark Lowry (Kaw);' . 3. Todd Mdlou (Ho n ); 4. Jf'£l a.ldwd l (Kaw). BEG : I. Kyle Om nis (Yam ); 2. Tary G ill (Ho n); 3. Travis H am- II (SUl.); 4. Wadf' HudMln(Kaw): 5. Nick Coff (Kaw). SR: I. J~ Sprnett (H on ); 2. RDKn" Camp (Suz); 5. Randy Da wson (Kaw); 4. Mike 8 1issard (SUl). 80 JRI SR: I. Chad EthridK'f'(Ho n); 2. Bill y Cu rry (Raw); 3. Timmy Caln (Yam ). 125 NOV : I. FranklkSautd (Hon ); 2. Kevin Knight (Hon ); 3.~obbif' Davi . (Kaw). OPEN EX: l. Many VOlughn (Suz). MIXED OPEN : l. Johnny Ovttby (Kaw); 2. Jdl Cal dwell (Kaw); 3. Todd Mdlou (Hon) ; 4. R~ Camp (Sw).

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