Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 02 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CYCLE ACTION THEATER presents The Greatest ",II I/m IIW&II "1/' otorcycle Video Cassettes Watch them over and over! (0122) .... _ . , . . , _ OIl• ..,.." Expeneru the ~ IfId buury 01 CoIcndo·s MdIoI Doa. ~ in lhe t.II IDcn suson 'IJIII1h 130- "* McuIlIIns ffOtll ..... Home VIlIN 0I 1he IOIIl l:fwouIItt !hi hN'l SIn.luln ~M1 ""'-_...-. _lI15 ..... 1) _a..01 Amana', TM .,. Italy 01 _ (11I5) '. _. IlI1I)no IPutesI ~ A rnteW 01_~ Ro.d ~ 5IXk:t The 1988 FIM Wcrid ~ - AI 15 , . . tram ~ TO BrariI in 60 minutn. Eddie lIMOn lIIIlins runber One. but W.". G . .. KI¥in Sc:IrIwnl nI M. . . W.". . Rainey nI Randy MimolI mille it hIrd 10 do Mum , 60 mnrtn. AmmcI', bnl: matllCfOlS dIampons ialut onthIl11Gid in this spea.I 80 minute show from &aiIdcwt, WesI (llSJ)T...-r-IE. . _ GennIny, Guns whowins! DauC MXaction onWdeo. Bubba Shober1 winI fur Honcti. INn tills 'tOll how. Catch it Itlroogh Cydi Action 1M8lt1 on MokMdeo lbriain; 6-rider duel TO • phot finish 80 minutn o (#150)1_ _ 11I _ (s,rIodRJ "tInlS from injwieI 10 san tim outdl::o' 'MIn 01 (1I2llO) l t10 _ theMason, but na1 W1thoul • hen:tbattle -..tIl Stanton This vidtG is the asentt '" dIrI1rII:i. I'ICin;: TMI of · Kiedrowski Npeats '89 wictory in 125.aion. !hi besr in the businesI duel lor 20 lIPS - Ind dIcidI it III in • _ .Iap dIstl TO the " - ~ 0npIin (#151)lt 1 O _ lII _ Tlam KMasIkJ' s Jeff W.cJ and Suzulu~. Guy Cooper (s,rIod put on. rhnIIingshow for thl14.102 lans m ending (11201) lt10 S. _ the 22nd AiJnual Haogt wn MoIOClOSl Classic at P...... takn !hi de. win OWl" III lI'lbelitvlbII ,.. o in the pICk IIIl" second between 8 ndell. &i 0npaIn nor1tlIIm Califomil', PrIine City O Paril a Ihrtban HV .. the way 10 the OV'Ifail vidoon in the 250 IfId 125 A.&socYtI &. ir National&. . (1I2OZ) l t10 SorioIWl (s,rIod _ Scotty P . Inlb IlIlIay" from • 1-nd1f bmII TO . (#I52l l t1O _ lII _ Jlff Ward.1mS the VIC10Iy IMf Bradshaw and St.ntllll ICOCI III impresaM win. $Iow-motdl ~ ot rookie -Andie Hutr IIlWIl'lQ tnd s -.nd cmh. Mcnht., ~ "" h9>.,..d 1Ako Sugw T ... MX P"", IloyIo bmles WIth Cooper for rhl125 ""' .."'IJoy ~ ,3D ""' ........ .... ....... in u. 1ast1Ip t..nle fill"It. runner·""spat . 9¥ Dapan · (#153) l t1O lIl. _11I _ YIlftIhI', DInlDn BradshM setlledthe san WIth.kltf Win!' when he wan the second motel to dlira the (11203) lt10 L-..1Wf_ 250cc NItJonIf VICtory It High Point RaQwey. 8IyIe Qwis c.r shan." theJ1ICIIl"d fur20 lips on It. rugged tlkas 12Xt WIn with QlmI·tfom·bef\ind rida in bath m ISTon, N . SkJw.motiofI of cmhes b¥ Atherton Ind i¥.... II1d inDdtthe pits IS the t.mel Pro nders IRPft torc:onmt. 9¥ Dnpain Aaociat . n gUt', ibz.! W ort4 tai. Bille (11204) lt10 _ _ . _ .. _ .. ,!ass--. ...... .o .. ThI I'U!d bib rxa in dlI wortd U*a pia: eatl ye_ • ~ Mlu1bin Ski .... . i'l t¥ s-. "" "" m'" ~Sa ...........DowMI. I'\lIfU KMnblt _ T..... e-l:oonrt.llooI l_l~ HiIdimIl. .., mn inddng IDU 01 crashes. I rau "" CoOJomq 5 ¥U'S - lib lItydn. tho wteo is b YGU- 6U mftJta Irom (OIll Pml. (#55)_ (1195) ..... To_ I. f. 21 da,I .... 241 bibs. c:ars .., IrUI:b ...., .nd SlfUDQI.d 10 c:ompili' th., h1SCOflIinenI. N Iaid'". Set II the ~s tram the f'OII"llI and dle hetic:acJter e:atrInI In !flis bqlIsI rItI '" 11\ 60JI'linutu from Mocavicleo CnoII &... . . - . The origlnIl by MouMdIO. 30 lIlOlIa. 1*l _ CnoII ... ... . "TheMusic VJdIor All new MX crash 81 IIlI'n ~ ftllunnG the latest. MOSf 0I/hgIGWS GweI'-rhHdge mishlps IWf U110Themusic 00 wilIeoc:aswtI•. enl.ttainmenItordlQlSI fl1ll1l Motovtdeo. 35 rnnlIa. G. ,. fromIJgunI SKI . Glory lor WiynI. nI. trqIdy. pIuI (#105) 51 11do, s,iI&'" _ '10 rilefentmic sidtc... in ICblln fromMotZMdeo You·.. sa, n Ih, c:omm.rC:lals - no.. bu, lhl vM»o . . . Grt_ tnllftllMleftl II pitbes. 30 nMnII1n Pm 1_ trom Mmowidea Re~ Gfand Prix ruedrICing lor the Wortd ChlrnpionsIwp mNI'S III AmericI IS St,Idy Eddte lMson IfId fm Jmmy filict belt Ihe best It lIglN Sea Se, III the 1Clion! "Btnltl" thin beintI the,. r Thcs IS not the N vmion • 6 ctmeraS. mort racing Irtion! 6{J BC minul:n. By MotlMdeo ("')u.s. _ (_) I_~ ._Pm Rainey shaM ·em his bid in JipIn; SchwIntl fWCOIIm to l1nIsh lhinf lIher Cl'IShing betwlCl Ganhr. lMIOfl starts SlISort with emil ~ ~lMdIo (0141) l t1O .. _ ....... ,. .. . s.. the tf4I Americln ~ l'ICIf1 VII lor horus 1 0 reprlSInI the USA In the World ~ Highly compe1l11Ve ICfion from long BelCh VetlflOS $I_Un. 60 ml'lU1es. tram Ral VIlIIa 1_ (#102) ....... Ice _ C'IIrIoo Th, Budwl iser Indoor Speedw., le, Rlc:ing ChIrnpicmhtp in Tucson, AZ. in J......,. thts is I pld kx* 11 the tII'I. fast ItUddtd Tn spon. from RAZ V,deo (IMSA) 1_ s,eMwIy US...... n. ' t ! this cbmu TO Ihe 26 _ell. long qun1 at rIl:IS Ilrir9 011I Itle bat of !tie top 18 1PI'dwiJy' rICIB ., The US 10 de1erm. . . caTJn . , In 1991. ., thIS 1 n9d wmer ·faU·.a twrll 60 lTWlIJ1n tram RAZ Video s.e-.. cammenI.,. fronI RAZ VideO _Pri, .. (ll43) n T_ fe l'tll"lng Mike tIw IlWI HaiIwood on The iI.J\IndIinQ 500Hancb-ot dicing wr1h Giacomo Agmtani 00 thI MY in the 1961 Isle of ~ TT _ . Dassie fKing II its bnt 69 mlflUlnfrom MIlfIMdeo (#I OC) SOqio '19 (OIZA)1_ s,eoIslo • G-*- ends «oughl WIth win It JIl'8l in ftDm: of The 491t1 11W1U11 BIadl Hills CIaslcn:tuding dln trICk. ~ 17'0.000 ~ Koanski WInS ""bnl: l'KI I M f hid" I'IdudinQ WlBie G, DMban tnd a dIsK: M*okft by I ..n.a. Mf CatIIorI. Itt Molawideo. ~ adln 51........ hom ......- lle'9' ~ . touuvt '" ~ QUIIlfyIng hellS, MmIS, Pm nI LCD "" ~ thI rJined-GUl 2·lIcl lJnll indI*s (0I3l) 1t!lO . . . . . _ __ Douo _ . - ..... Til'" YIlI\IIhI Mdloro RDt.1I doInN1u the day (#106) Do,-. 'IO ··a _.11oo . • ~ Rarwy Itld Komsia 'lIIIIII • Muno. Itt The IorIrnasI C'fdnI E . irt tflI Wartd' Tift d.,.s .MiIe. from Dnc-t v.o.a. " b in the SII'I • dle , . . . D.y1anI Seidl fL See h bikes. IKft, ~ ifill .... I.....) lt1O _ _ . _ " . , .... .. _ ..... - - """" IlI205l l t1O ...... n a.. c.r ... hanI so mud!, lap he ~DMrJH Teun Sc:ttwwdl .... ~ tram ftftd II htsl. '90 . P e(.ID7l . . . . _ _ O' TtllS dauc ewn; - ,.. .,.. un the tIIlIeo. G - _ _v.. . ""--- Lnv ......... ....... _ & _.. CRSha. Fnlat Itw 10150\) I t I O _ r.. IlI206)1_ ICbOn • SdlwrArll:l wanI Mf RaNy . .... line-ebn ume second FaI _ pons"" s,._!'ri, c.w.n b¥ y, 5 nOm xrou ~ &i ~ $cony Parbr ~ lMf 1$ Cansuften .. 011 1r_lfldblid tllglh:er . .... ftdlot!tle (1II&I) ltIO T . . . . . . _Pm . ~ , Rome Jann & Ja¥ Spnngslnn mab It TO the Ra...,. 1ft lea JIlIn. " c:ondrtlOl'lS 1$ Sdwwanu 'IIIIlIWlefS artie from (1esp,IIn VIdeo & """'J> ... .... - .......... 11 250ccdais is rnarT8d b¥ ngHy as AIinhoId Roth (lI207) 1_ S. _ IFaI ) _ Scotty P"" pulls off • mirldt win on the mUt T ISII1Ilftd '" • major piIe-up ar, MotcMdeo Iftlf ~ spealCUlfIy on the openinQ lep & • l hntit fJCI WIth the dodl TO repIir his bike Mum (ll81a ) l t10 - . . $chwantl lames Rainey lor the TPin'S 3rd GP win DI !p1Ul VtdlO 01the season II the 60th AmuII DU1dl TT at Aasen ( ~201) ItIO _ ('11) lawson 81 Gardner JI1UITI 111 IC.1IOn Thri111nll ~ (#W ) no - . _ 51 . . . The last . . AMA tLaIl-mie It Ascol. Ronnie Jonn ICtlon bmcen koclnski. Cardus, tnd Cadaklfl , By . 1 HIQhItgItts '" the mosI ucilXIg ~ ibis ...... tIJlTIQS thI ll\Iin IWnt win; SIeve Mcn+lelll ll1en . Pm .....nI 986_ S«>o=mIRJ" D _ ... me S10.000 Clmel ~ WillOM' rItI ·11tJpping (. . .) l t1OleIciao. _ The Marbora Roberts Y IIt\IhI dre.m 111111 dorm"'ln 1987 LA Cobseum IRJ passes entn held tD but Guy cnsh. tnd more from Despain VICIeo 1$ RaIney Ind Kocinski win Itleir dales 11 the rainCooporJ. "'" 1988 ...... S«>o=mIRJ"JelfW'" (ll209) l t1O _ _ sUlld SpI. ~ MUf, M~ crashn IS WIJ1l geu stuffed I'ItO the MotlMdeo e.mmmen ~ 60 mmullS from MotlMlleo. PIIkr!r takes the Mil Wl1h styI in Itle tinII rOlnI '" afllf WOIkJnQ "" to ttwd. 9¥' Motowideo , the ann 'Mdl • thnIIlng WIfl 0Vet c.. II1d Jones.. 11130O) ItIO s.o-a- PocUp (lI9C). . . . . . I . from D,spWl Video Order11118 Vldeolol ltle 1990 AMA c.met ~ A new King 01 the IslancL S!_ HISlop pushes the series in OM pKbge. Sawt S2 per I.... ampIt1e aIlH'~ rKOnfto IMr 121 ~ sPUd. Ii . TImes (11210) 1990:Y 1o _ _ 'fOIl' tOIledionl From Motovideo ElI"ld the Iamous 31.1 lillI, taint. Se. il yGII'SIH _Pri, Mol_ Hen. . IIIthe hlghltghts ollll 16 rxas thIl:dltetmined from III !hi best IocI!JOI'lS Ind the Ilrl !hi 1990 AMA Gr.nd Nabona/ Cbampionstup. Reliwl From MatcMdIO. !hi grla1esl moments 01 P.r. IIId The resr (1141)_ _ ea mftttn. c.r. 01 "" ............ "- hom 19911. " " _ V_ RIce with W""" G .-dner 1$ JO'I inadl IMII" Ihe handktbat1 01 I 100 mph Grind Prix KondI in aetuaI fItI conditions l Gunnteed 10entertain IftfYbodrl 80 minula. Itt Motc:Mdeo --Md.., Gt-. across The Una1ec1 Sbles. IncWIS IocxagI 01 wftIuI """" (0115) _ (#111 _ _ ....... x CIoooooIoo S, 18 ............... 'fOAl IMf'lI' "Bad (#lI7) "5IIqis 1_ _ .......... Tho IDltl _ _ Oasoc _ ower 300.000 ~ !rom III50 sates 81 38 fcn;gn caunmn. thIS IS The "1ltllOlllV_ 0I1he ~ IfId CO\'8B it well 15 IhnUtn prodIad by PotItello Media group. form PtoQrIS$Nt D I$I(Ifl N ,# 11.) 50 Y . . '" SOqio . When Stwgss wrrm started bid. WI 1938 l'lCI c:n ever . dre-.d " wouldQl"O\III mo !hi IoUIIISt qdIng IWl1I Now ower lillyyem latlf. SlII'gIS IS1heWoodsUJd of cydIng. 1!l mitIuI tit' PINCllnI. from u D...... IMf (#1201 _ _ PocUp bplrilra Ride Arneriu - • btInd new senes of l1I01orryc!e videos. Rid. two of !hi grll1lst motorcycle roads in The United Sill'S M1tI nUtj. ..-d winninQ him tnd l, lmsion dn e:tor PilII' SIa'T nI his gum_ Cel Californias H9Jway 1 nI CoIar-to's "MdIian 0oll. HtghwIY lor one IlIw pnti, fromJigsaw Harne GIr*..1Rd ....169....... 1111oo IIioc This 4~ ... labs 'fCIU bid 33 ytA to aras aI the c*I 1,-«* ~ am.. .m Gtoft DaM·, I. . . . 4-qInliIr GlIerJ Nming h rIittjItr BMW aI W att. 2dr. IbD . . . . ci dle IngmnI'Ig Ibthem ftIIn:I lJSI.- GP CDII'1I from 8a¥H (#131. . . . _ "alum .....,........ Crasbr. - ' -. __ _ 01 _ _ ""' .......... c:ompntM IfC ~it,.,. IWf1tS trona ~ ~ WIlIowmIkIr. Jnd men ffllm ~ _ - (#1I 4) s . . - - _ CompIm r:owngeolIN 1984 T ~AIla'IIC d\aIIngI Easter !be b'psI ' _ .... _Match RIeft . . Soo-. ' -c::ak:IIOn '" .... - I'''' _ _ ........01""_ · ..... _ ..... _ ~ot (1120) _ _ 1#123) l t10 eM. _ C'IIrIoo WII!l brr T tt.nIon ifill ~ News 1961 IsII 01 Man TT ~ ftCII'U Mib Heilwood eny .,Ier Sc:att 0II0rsi0. ItIlS ewent II one 01 the most on The 250 Hmda InlI the Mw Norta:n II'Id IgIin c:ampetrtJve on 1he ~ mast Abo I,IUIS The wild WI _ 1963 Senor 5OOa: TT. ShDwI ... the ipII"1 spndwIy CaIifanq Sidle.-ChImpionship 90 minu1n ~ssed 1ft JIllTMI yurt.. 52 trlnJ1n b¥ H,,"*. (OIU) l t10 USGI' ~ Saca Alinry rwces de. 01 Cf1IStt.ln1It~ . Tremendous battle Wltfl $ctlwIlT1l ,.,111 tII'n 11 se his Iltt. als lttIu.nt 25Oa: class ICbOn WIth KocJnstci. Rom 81 "_s, .......... ell£ll'lOl H""'VIdIa - _ _ SIyIe! Su;·h"" NatIORal MX Champ taUs you TO his UCft'I s,_ trab nI shows you haw 10 fRaler theart 60 ffWIIIfn IlI54IY ... _ -T HowTO knp 'fOIl'" EvaIu1IlJn HIrIey tunming tnd kDlfl\l lIN Ind 1M hundmts of doIl n. Joe MIn100 hosts ; ByTIth TipllS 1#(1 1 0 ) _ - ' - f rom John 8radIIy lflIer1......nt. Rd·s I'lIW 70mUllllI Inllrue:t1ONll I . c:om comple 'M1tl a poc:b1-11l1 u te d hMJdbook tha1 The mo lOC1OSSll' un c.any IIong IfId ",tlf 1 '" the h.ld , RJ shows you how 10Me bener 0 IhIn 'fOIl thri you un . m-der now lor IfTlfI'IIdIllI dehweryl (0101I U _ .. IIooWrill V .... The dellllllM! road ndanQ & rlU'lll If'lSIruC1IOl'1l11 w:Ieo by K.1th Codl at the C .hIOf1ll. Superbtb SchoaI. This VIdmJ Ifanslatll$ 1hI book 1'1I 14 SICtlOftI 10 mIb 0 you 'IISUIIite ",ttl aymI-defI LI"ldetsIlndmg tht art ol ~ II!ChrlIQuI 107RMnU1n from MotOVldeo (#121) .... _ . . . . . , . I l.:U!!.."'" ........... This 60 fIlIflUI' 'IIdIto tIka you up the Iell'f'lbry northern Cahlomil mat VII Hip,," I, tram the Golden Gilt, &idve on l4l. tor ' 1nlth1allng 130 mileJllII"'IeY '" yaaI' own Irmg raom fromJa ! gsaw Home Video V"_ • r. Ilo follow '1he Otden~ Jeffl MalI1:Se\'1Ch, H he shows tl1raIqI his anqIII IIyIe ol ndIng and raang how you CM Iff1PI"IM! yow bike handI'"lI skill! tnlt 1oסi. 01 the Chicken trona his alpIftJOSI perfarmanc:n and MImmoth, too, 60 mirIJIn 01 Ifllertlinmlnl tram Mol_. (#124) no _ f_ Thd dol:urn.m.., aptIftS The nsenn ol prafnsIanaI HIrIey.o.w.ctson dfllllKl'lll ~ dle AMRA Senn See Ihe peopII • 1M 81 InI1tle rcinQ. .... IhI machra ItIIl: lib them TO the er¥ . 80 lnftlIes ............. P........ hom ........... lle'9' ~--------------------------~------------------~---------------------------IOrder Form (Please fill D cDmpletely) ut aty. a estn ptlDn . Amount aty. DeScnptlDn Amo unl aly. a escription Amount I ..1 Bike Experiena @ 33.95 ~ 106 Oavton. ·90 '1ll1le Wild Side· @22.95 #208 '90 Ascot IF.II) HoIf ·M.~ @ 28.95 I Name #101 Raang Am"", V~ . I @ 2295 #209 '90 Sacram,",o MIle @ 28.95 ..3 TT Tnbute @ ll95 I #1 0SA T_ of theWns1 @ 43.95 #2101990: Year in _ @ 28.95 m a ·90 Speellwav US Nafb@ 29.95 I Address ItS l 8ubbI ShoIlen: IJIamPon @ 3895 01D _ 9 r World MT8 C"sllq>s @ 34.95 I O0 . .. City I Phone I I :.c_ I Card # State - I _ _I _ Drder a ate Send ChId or Man,y Order lJAYabl'lo: CYctE IEWS PRODUCTS. Be"" CA 9D8D l·D498IAIIow 4·&_adoh"""'1 Prices subject to change ~ pie... use eurrent. ord"r tMnk ' All of t he. . VHS ta pel . rl available " M of shipping and ha ndl ing c harge • • f ro m C YCLE NEWS PRODUCTS M a il t o : CYCLE NEW S PRODUCTS P.O. Bo x 4 9 8. Lo ng Beach. CA 90801 ·0498 or can (2 13) 42 7 -743 3 du rin g bu s iness hou rs Plus. ruslo IIIfI follotru., ,.,..: aty. ae scription ~9 U RR G Pn. '88 @ 3395 .S. rand #11 Rick Johnwn Proh @ 34 95 le ~1 2A ~13 WoMs Greatest SX@ 24.95 MX Glovrr Slyi. @ 24 95 #14A'90 N, Amentan Speedway Final @ 29 95 #53 T~ Race I Ever Won @ 28.95 . #111 Mmzan>ciITm NoDlicbn @ 3495 #114 Sup"".. - . @ 4495 #1 ' 5 at the 1Unq@ 4495 #55MXCtash& .8llmSpe _ @ 19.95 1165 '89 MX Des Nat;_ G,nna"T @ 24'95 #66MX &110m U@ 1995 Exp. aate - - I' D .80.49l '""" I Zip - -- #54V ·Twin Maim..,,,,,,, @ 3495 I I Signalure I - ) Amo unt 01' 6 Rocing InIO HlstOfY@ 44.95 ~ 1l1 "St rgis 1990" 51l1h Ann. @ 4495 u R #78 Am,ncon EJpres. '88 R Re~ew @ 33.95 #1' 8 50 Y,ar,ofSlutgis @ 4495 ~ 1 2D IUde Am.nta P""'ge @ 49.90 #BOA '90 Japanese RRGP@ 33.95 #81'89 US. GP lagonaS", @ 33.95 #121 Ride America: HighwJ, 1 @ 29.95 #81A'90 USGP lI gun Seta @ 3195 a #123 '90 CA Sf. Speedway C'shIPS @ 29.95 ~ 122 R,de Am.: 'The Milh",Ooll.5 .9 /tS2A'90 Spanish RR GP @33.95 #124 Th A so e Fact @ 22.95" #83A'90 n. li. n R ~ G @ 33.95 P #84A'90 W G e,manRR GP @ 3395 ~ 1 50 '90 G.lOrb"k MX N.n, @ 3395 #151'90 Sacr.menlo MX N.n. @ 33.95 #85A '90 Austri.n RR GP @ 3395 #86A '90 Yugo.I•••n RR GP' @ 33.95 ~ 1 5 2 '90 Axlon MX N. . @ 33.95 n #153 '90 M Mom. MX N.n. @ 33 95 t P #87A'90 Dutch RR G @ 33.95 ~ 8 8 A '90 Belgi.n RR GP @ 33 95 #200 '90 A (Spring) H.II·Mil. @ 2895 scOl #201 '90 SanJO SI(Spring)Mil, @ 2895 . #94 '89 1.1. 01M n @ 4995 ~20 l ' 9 0 #95 '89 P. n. ·O.kar@ 49.95 ~2 03 #100 M olovaflOn by R John @ 24 95 Ick son #204 '90 DuQUOin M @ 28.95 ile 0102 Speedw.y ke W C"ship. 91T @ 29.95 orld ~' 04 Sturgis '89 @ 2795 ~105 _ e we m ~ lD6 or Sp ringfield (Spring) M , @ 2895 il '90 lou lI H "" e .II·M,I, @ 28.95 '90 P, on TT @ 28 95 . '90 So field Mle @ 2895 nng o Calaomia R. sidant odd & Sales Tu % Illlly &'h% Sal.. Tu ) (LA CO ____________________ _____s._____@__________ ___San JOSlIF. II) Md, @__ _ __________________ _____ ____ _ 28 95 $IIippilrg & "-'iItg Free SXThnll Sodls.&D>,n. '90 2295 . lD '90 7 olden MOUlll.ln @ 4495 020G ~ 1 05 T.... ~ 9 5

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