Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 02 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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VOICES Letters to the editor INSIDE D ear McD o n a ld's: FEATU RES MOTOCROSS Smith,Surratt and Healeywrap up CMC Golden State titles 6 RIDINGIMPRESSION BMW'sadventure-touring RIOOGS HARE & HOUND Hunnicutt victorious at oose M Run DEPARTM ENTS 10 SUPERCROSS Upton heads amateurs atSan Diego's Jack Murphy Stadium . . .. . : . . . .. 12 PREVIEW Daytona Cycle W eekschedule . .... 16 14 NEW PRODU TS C 17, 1 9 LOCAL RAC G IN 18 CALENDAR 21 WANT ADS 26 RESULTS .39 Jeffrey A. Clark Holland,OH As we ha ve reported, the " new k ind of co w boy " in t h e M cD onald 's com me ricals is J im H olley . . . Edi to r. ON THE FRONT PAGE: Ted Hunnicu tt weaves th rough the roc ks en route to the overall win at the Moose R un Na tional Championshi p H ar e & H ound. See page 10 for race covera ge. Ph oto by Tom Van Beveren . America's weekly motorcycle n ewspaper Volume XXVIII Michael Klinger. Publisher Caroline Gendry, Exec utioe Secretary to ihe Publisher Editorial Jack Mangus, Associate Publisher!Editor Kit Pa lmer. Associate Editor Pau l Carruthers. Associat e Edi tor Nat e Rauba. Asso ciate Editor Ken Faught, Assistant Editor Don n Maeda . Ass istant Ed ito r Edwina Mangus, Calendar Ed itor Advertising Terry Pra tt, National Auounts Man ager Mark Thome. Western Sales Manager Ron Davidson , Western Sales Manager T ho mas R. Go nrer, Wesl pTn Sal es Manager Mark Mitchell, Eastern Accounts Manager Greg Mitchell, Eastern Sales Manager Curtis Campbell, Eastern Sales Manager J oan Ru ssian , » 'est ern Ad Coordinat or Graphics a n d Pr oduct io n Ret' J ohnso n, Product ion Su perviso r Mandy Loo , Production Manager Dennis Greene, Lab . Tech . Carla Borden Allen. Eastern Ad Coordinator Circulation Rh eba Smith, At anag er Stace Guest, Graphic Artist y Sarah Taylor, Billing Coordinator Am y Ha rri s, Grap hi c Artist Alma Angu iano ,' Processing Coordinator Ga brielle G illiam , Processing Assistant Carolyn Branham, Typ esetter Dealer Sales Allen Dennison, Dealer R ep resentative . Marketi ng &: Promotion Mark Thome, Manager Accou nting/Data Processin g Donna Bryan-Diamond, A IR Coo rdinator Geneva Repass, A ssis tant Herl a ne Lewis, Credit Ser vice and Support Chris Aitch eson, H eadquarters R ecept ion ist Want Ads Debbie Weller, Want Ad Sales Leonard Herring. Service and Suppo rt Natio nal Headq uarters Eastern Ollice 220 1 Che rry Ave.• Lo ng Beach . CA 90806, P.O . Box 498, Lo ng Beach. CA 9080t·lH98 4190 Fi rst Ave.. Tucker . G A, 30084; mailing add ress P.O . Bo x 805. T uc ker, GA 30085·0805. (213) 127·7433; 213/636-8844. FAX (213) 427-6685 (404) 934-7850. FAX (404) 934-3112 Cycle News (USPS 141-340) is published weekly except the last two weeks or the calendar year for $50.00 per year by Cycle News, Inc., 2201 Cherry Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90806. Second classpostage paid at Long Beach, CA. POSTMASTER: Sendaddress changes toCycle News, P.O. Box 498, LOng Beach, CA 90801·0498. T o determ ine the exp iration date of your subscription. check the four numbers on th e firs t line of your address la bel. T h e firs t two di g its indicate the last iss ue number you 'll receive an d th e last two ch aracters indicate th e year of the last issue. Su bscription rat es: Rates for the U nited States and its possessions (or o ne year, (50 issues ), $50.00; two years (100 issues), $95.00; six months, (25 issues), $26.00; trial sub (15 issues), $19.00. Canada and Foreign, one year (50 issues), $90.00; two years (1 00 issues), $175.00; six months (25 issues), $45.00; trial sub (15 issues), $38.00. Cycle News welcomes unso lici ted edi to ria l material includ ing stor ies, cartoons, photos, etc. Suc h ma ter ia l,"if pu blis hed . becom es th e excl usive pr operty of Cycle News. Such accepted mat eri al is su bjec t to revision as is necessary in the sole di screti on of Cycle News. U nso lici ted mat eria l whi ch is not used will be retu rn ed if acco m pa n ied by a self addressed stamped envelope. All u nso lici ted mat eria l will be handl ed wi th reason abl e care , however . Cycle News assumes no responsibility C the safety, loss or damage to suc h ma teria l. or Rep rin tin g in wh o le or pa rt o n ly by perm ission of the publisher. Advert isingrat es and circula tion inf orma tion will he sen t upon request. See S.R .D.S. WJ'Bb'A V r, Copyright8 Kud os to McDonald's for their lat est com mercia l, "There's a new ki nd o f cow boy o u t th ere," fea turing the mot ocro ss ri der on th e Yama ha YZ250. Motorcycling h as recei ved more th an its fair shar e o f adverse, negative p res s in co m m erc ia ls, mo vies and prime-tim e television. It is refresh ing to view positi ve, exci ting images o f motorcycles for a cha nge. It is obvious tha t McDonald's is a n ou tstand ing co mpany in th e ma n y ways that it g ives to the co mm u nities a nd many d ifferent types o f people that it serves. .' Furthermo re, as a n avi d motocross racer I ca n tell you th at McDona ld 's is h ighl y patronized by racers a nd fans ali ke. Keep lip th e good work. AUDITED CIRCULATION Cycle News, Inc. 199J. TrademarkCycle News registered U.S. Patent Office. A llrights reserved. Whe re 's Haslam? Every year a t th is tim e I a n xiously awai t th e start of th e GP roa d racing seaso n. Every week I wa it pati ently for ne ws co ncern ing my favori te racer . Ron H aslam . Does he hav e a GP rid e? I was hoping for a Cagiva team of Edd ie Lawson a nd Haslam . The fo urtim e World Champion a nd th e best. development rider in hi story wo uld mak e th e Cagiva a winner a t last. Although H asla m never won a G P , hi s ski ll great ly contribu ted to the development of every machine he raced - th e H onda NS500 triple, NS R5 00, ELF Honda NS R500, Suzuki RG V500 a nd th e Cagiva V590. T he ELF project represented th e ultimate cha lle nge. Onl y a racer wi th h is en ormous ski ll co u l d h a ve m ade t hose bi kes co mpe titive. If you have a ny. news o n H aslam , p lease pass it alo ng. Donny Sarian Bu rba nk , CA H aslam was all set to ride a Norton o n th e G P ci rc u i t, bUI th e FlM s q ue lched th o se p lans w hen th ey turn ed down a g rid-fil ling p roposal th at would hav e allowed 750cc superbikes and the IOOOcc rotary piston Norton to co m pete in 500 cc G P road races. H asl am will p robably con test the European TT IFo rmu la One and Britis h National C hampionship Series aboard a Norton . . . Editor. Pancake jumps in Saudi A rabia You're the bestl I recently received a co py o f Cy cle N ew s from a fellow motorcycl ist. I had not a clue as to where th is hero got m y address, bu t af ter tak in g a peek at th e newsp aper I saw my lett er to you in black a nd whi te. Well, I did a pancake ove r a set o f tri pl es whe n I saw m y letter. I ra n a ll over the ca mp showing it to m y fello w ben ch race rs. In the last three days, I' ve received cop ies of Motocross Act ion ; Dirt Bike and th e AMA ne wsletter. All o f u s her e in A Co . 81158 Aviation, somewhere in Saudi Arabia, th ank you. It loo ks like Daytona will pass us by again . The reaso n we wi ll not be able to a ttend th is year is tha t th e Ca me l Series has started here. We're skyi ng every event. It 's a no co mpetition season so far. When we finall y la nd from th is gi ant tab letop, we' ll d ust th em in every turn. We know who always prevails at the end o f a long seaso n - the American rider. We repa ir the electro nic warfare eq uip ment, th e electronic co u ntermeasure eq uipme nt that enables o ur h igh flyers to get in a nd o u t of a jam with out dra ggin g the bars. We've ta ken the title o f Bad Boy away from R.J. and used it as o ur motivati on a nd sym bo l of . strength. The Bad Bo ys o f Sa ud i Ara bia wi ll grab the victory! Sgt. John E. O 'Brien A Co. 8/158 Avn. 12th Avn, Bde. Operation Desert Storm APO, N Y 09849 Letters to the edi tor sho ul d be sent to: Voices. Cycle New s, P.O. Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801 -0498. Published letters do not necessarily reflect the position 01 Cycle News, Inc. Letters should not exceed 200 words and all letters ar e su bject to edi ting. IN THE WIND By Papa Wealey Co ntinued from p ag e 3 brought to our attention. Edelweiss ~ Bike Travel of Austria is offer ing a n Isle o f Man Tour, May 30 to J u ne 8. Ground acco m mo da tio ns, incl uding eigh t nigh ts at th e fir st-cl as s Cas tleto wn G olf Links H otel, ru n $1085 per person with a $245 single suppleme nt. For more in forma tio n , call th e U.S. ag ent , Armonk Travel, a t 800/255-7451. If you 'd like to see Austra lia on two wh eels, Australian Motor c ycle Adventures isoffering a 15-day Down U n d e r tour aboard 1991 H arl ey-Davidsons. The fee for gro u nd acco m mo da tions, includi ng use of a bi ke, is $2490 for riders a nd $ 1490 for passengers. Contact General T ra vel Am eri ca, 4 15/ 925-1199. And sta teside, Ameri can Motorcycle Renta ls & Sal es of Los Ala mitos , Ca lifornia, will pr esent th e 4th Annual Los Angeles-to-Laguna Seca U.S. GP Motorcycle Tour in Ap ri l. T he " Fu ll T our" incl udes th ree ni gh ts lodgi ng, a ren tal mot orcycle, event tickets, etc. for $795, and a $495 " Ha lf Tour" is available to th ose usin g th eir own motorcycles. Ca ll 213/594;890 1 o r 714/82 1-1590. Journa list Bob Dragich was a wa rded th e Northern Ca lifo rnia Motoring Press Associati on's Joh n Rya n Award for outst and ing ach ie ve me n t in motorsport j ourna lism. Dragich edi ted th e 1990 WERA Pro Seri es program. Mou ntain Stat es Legal Fo undatio n, a De nv er, Co lorado-based n on-profit lega l cen ter, has beg u n preparation of a multiple use handbook. T he book will conta in facts a nd fig u res multip le use advocates can' use to be prepared to sp eak knowledgeably abo ut suc h activities as off -road use, h u nting, ran ching and mi ni ng. It will a lso contain .positive information rega rd ing suc h ac tivities. Residents of Dayton.. Ohio, with cable TV shou ld tune in to Access M /C, a monthly ha lf-hour program featurin g mo tor cycli ng. The p rogram wi ll ai r o n the Co mmu nity Access chan nel , wit h th e first pro gram scheduled for 9 p. m. on February 25. The Sahara Club is offering a free computer bulletin board to - - - - - - Co n tin ued on page 38

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