Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 02 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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All Bike Brands . Welcomed "Our GoM I. To Gir. You TIN s..t Motocl'OSS In.tnH:tIon Ar"'bIe" 3124 Planl City. Fl 411 c.. sc.nt City. Fl 4121 loke Wal. s. Fl Inl 9041196·8654 o 10/ 5-6 Bat nRouQI. LA o 10/ 26-27 Phoenix. Al 1111 5-17 Gainesvin•• Fl Inlo 3151135-1681 FTR C'ship Enduro Series ARRA Road Race Series 3110 4128 5118 612 Info 9061196 -8654 Ocala. Fl OIust... Fl O aytona. Fl Richloam,Fl AMA Southeastern Regional C'ship MX Mega Series 3/ 10 3/17 3124 411 5/4-5 6/ 1 6/ 9 6129-30 7114 8/ 4 8/ 16 8125 9/ 15 9129 10/ 26-27 Inlo 615/323 -5497 BJountviU TN e. G reenevine. TN Kingspon. TN B1ountv TN iUe. B1oUll1Vin•• TN Calhoun. GA B1ountvill• . TN B1ountvill•. TN Wytheville. VA Morganton. NC W ytheville. VA Blountville. TN Bl untville. TN o K ingspon. TN Blountville. TN 4/ 6-7 5/18 -19 6/ 8-9 8118 9/21 ·22 10/20 Inlo 5031221· 1487 Ponllnd. OR Ponllnd. OR Ponll nd. OR PonIlnd. OR Pcrtland, OR Ponll nd.OR MRA Road Race Series 3/1 0 Ramona. CA 411 lucerne Valley CA . 5/5 l ucerneVa CA lley. 6/ 1-2 Bil Be CA ar. 9/ 15 (;oC M Flau. CA 10/6 Corral Canyon. CA 10/ 27 lucern. Valley. CA 1111 0 linJerocl: C CA yn. In 2131259-6631 lo Mid-Atlantic Vintage Trials Series 3/2 4 Union Bridge. M O 4121 Gronogu•• DE 5/4-5 Toronto. O H 6/1-2 Ounannon. PA 6/ 8·9 Jeflersan. PA 7114 Bodines. PA 8/3 -4 T_OH 8/18 Milerstown. PA l 10/13 Tougflkt....... PA Inlo 3011175-7209 PITS C'ship Trials Series Au burn. CA 3110 Patt.... n. CA 3123-24 4114 Cllar loki. CA 4/27-28 Auburn. CA 5/25- 28 Fl tt hl r Fells. CO 6118 loP",,". CA Domer, CA 6/30 Do nner, CA 7121 Do nner. CA 8118 Donner. CA 9/8 9128-29 SPlrtsVegas. NY 617-9 715-7 9/8-8 10/11 ·13 San Fefipe. ae, MEX Baja Int.macional Ensenada. ae, MEX Fi_ 250 Ba rstow. CA Ne ..da 500 Pehrump Slation, NY Gold Coast 300 Jean. NY 1117-10 Baja 1000 Ensenada. ac, MEX In 818/ 889-9218. lo Golden Crown of Baja Series 3/ 15-17 Gran Carrera de M ie,li e. Mexicali, B.C.. M EX 5/ 17-19 GllIn Carrera de racale Tecete. S.C.. M EX 7128-28 G Ca 1 de Ensenldl ran ... Ensenada. ac, MEX 9120-22 Gr.. Carrera d. Camp. .... San Felipl. ae. MEX Int. 618/ 3411-5750 Grans Prix de Baja Series Mtsicali Gren ?ria M .Jical. s.t. MEX 4113 Be Ma bu Gran ?ria ja fi Rosarilo BelCh. s.c.. MEX 6/ 1 t ' cat Grin Prix l T_1. s.t. MEX 10/ 5 Ensenada Gran Pri. O.. Nev.... s.t. MEX J 1112 San Fefipe Gran ?ria San Felipe. s.t. MEX Into 818/ 340-5750 2123 SUDS Off-Road Series 3/9 -10 T_1. Ba MEX ja. 4/20-21 San Be nlino. CA ml 5125-26 Tecale. Bejl. M EX 6/15 ·16 San Bemanlino. CA 7113·14 Tl ett •. Baja. MEX 8117-18 San Be manllno. CA 10/19 -20 Tectte.Baja. MEX 11/16 -17 San Bemlnlino, CA Inlo 818/3 40·5750 Sabine Enduro Circuit 3/1 0 Siring Prairi. , lX 31T8A le.svill•• LA 417 Nacogdoch lX es. In 4091722-7928 lo High Plains Enduro Circuit 2124 Od... l . lX San Angelo. lX 3124 4/1 4 Po lX st. Info 8061795-1218 Black-Jack Enduro Circuit Series 3124 4/ 28 5/ 5 5/1 9 Cass. AR Tulsa. O K Chldwick. MO FII' River. MO / ........ RMEC Enduro Series ........ 5/5 Chadron. NE 5126 limon. CO 6/9 auena Vista. CO 6123 WoodlandPart<. CO 7114 Walden. CO 7121 De Non•. CO l 8/ 4 . Sleambott Springs. CO 9129 Cloudcroft. NM Inlo 3071142-4136 "' r:e-r >.... ro ~ .... ..0 2124 AM R l . lX SA ockn 3110 OSSA Ne.. 8erlin. lX Info AMSA·5121892-5026 . OSSA ·5121438·7594. TRH-713/35 1-7339 V ~ 1 Texas State C'ship Enduro Series 8et WiJJG"J.411i 7f"-tMJ-ioJIJ 2124 Midland, lX 3/ 10 SanAntonio. TX 3/2 4 Sweetwater. TX 417 Nacogdoch TX es. tnfo 8171540·0094 is CRRC Road Race Series 3116-17 4/ 8-T 5/ 4-5 6/1 ·2 6122-23 7120-21 8117-18 9114-15 10/12-13 1013D- ll /3 San An g.lo, lX Henderson. TX SanAng.l o, lX Handerson.lX Henderso TX n. San A"lIelo, lX Henderson.IX Grand NIt'! Final Braselton, GA 4 10 16 22 30-31 lak. City. loke City. lake City. lab City. lake City. TDM XS I 616 M ulberry lane. Dept. CN I Edgewood. MD 21040 I (30 1) 676 -B234 PROUDLY PRESENTS THE FIRST MARICOPA COUNTY FAIR PRO MOTORCYCLE SHORT TRACK RACES 52.500+ Guaranteed Purse Where: Arizona State Fairgrounds 19t h Av e.lMcDoweli. Phoen ix UT UT UT UT UT MTEG Off-Road C'ship GP Series San Diego, CA Pasadena. CA Phoenill. AI. Seanle. WA Oillas. lX los An geles. CA Denver. CO los V egas. N V San Francisco. CA For More Info Call: MAIN EVENTS 602-996-1639/602 -996-9847_ _" ~ CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA M IN I SERIES MarchiO Lu cerne V a ll ey Amigo. CA Riverside. CA Riverside. CA Amigo, CA Amago,CA Rive rside. CA Amago,CA RiYlrside. CA Amago,CA Rmrsid.. CA Rivlusidl. CA Amigo,CA R iverside. CA Amlllo, CA Series Schedu le Apri l Hobo NMA Mini Road Race Series 3/3 3117 417 4/2 B 5119 612 6/9 711 7128 8118 9/15 9129 10/ 13 10127 CALIFORNIA eRe RACE SCHEDULE AFM Road Race Series Sea.. Poin~ Sea.. POln~ Sea.. Poin~ Sea.. Poin~ Sears Poin~ Sea.. Po in~ Sea.. Point Sea.. POint When: ThursdaY ,.March '14. 1991 Sign -in 1:00 P.M . Entry Fees : Pre -entry: 515.00 A mateu r. 520.00 Pro Class Race Day: 520.00 Am at eu r, 525 .00 Pro Class Molorcyc le St unt Show Featuring : The W ild One. Lenn ie Supp es, w jll attempt ' to jump 16 cars no -handed to set the Cou nty Fair record. Gates Open at 12 noon (Please Note: Quads w ill run Sign· in 1:00 pm for a separate purse) Autog raph session 2:00 pm to . Moto rcycle heats st ar t 3:00 pm imm ediately alter half time Open Practice 3:00 to 4:00 pm Mo t orcycle' St unt Show Quad Race 4:00 pm approximalely 7:30 pm • TentatiYe Info 714/ 938·4100 Info 714/26 1-6116 3/30·31 5125-26 6115-16 6129-30 7113·14 8/1 0-11 8/ 31·911 10120 Inlo 415/ 537·8208 lake Whitney Cycle Ranch Perris Raceway Canyon Raceway Pra irie City - SVRA Washouga l MXTrack Wh itney , Texas - Bob Hannah ' Perris. Californ ia Phoen ix, Ar izona - Bob Hanna h " Rancho Cordova, Californi a - Guy Cooper · Washougal. Wash inglon - larry Ward · • Special Guest Instr uctor Denver C . O 5/5 Sa~ 6/9 Sa~ 717 Sa~ 9/1 Sa~ 10/5 -6 Sa~ Info 801/973 -9091 ~- INAUGURAL WESTERN TOUR March Ma rch March Ma rch March Mike Kidd Nat'! Arenacross Series USBA C'ship Road Race Series - ATTENTION SUZUKI OWNERS : An end one of our schools " FREE" by stopping at your local Suzuki dealer for complim entary pass. Texas Cross Country Racing Assn. Series 3/3 0aI< H lX ill 3/ 10 W_lX 3/24 We atlllflOfd. lX 411 Glan Rose. lX 4121 lab Wh itney. lX 5/5 R.d River lX . 5/19 Roanoke. VA 812 Swa lX n. 8/16 loke M urray. lX 8/ 30 MosierVIII.y. lX 8125 W_ lX 9/8 WeethlrlOfd. lX .9122 lokeWhitney. lX 10/ 6 Swan. lX Info 2141229-9512 .t:_ .. . There 's no need to travel half w ay across the cou ntry to attend 8 motocr oss schoo l. Not when the best one will come to you . TONY 0 .• multi-ti me U.S. Mo toc ross Champion. will soon be in your area to hel p you sharpen your ri ding skills and show you how to make 8 tr ack work for you. He has been j oined by a group of f ine sponso rs to prod uce an outsta ndi ng ser ies of riding school s and indoo r semi nars . A lso operating pr ivat e and small group lesson s. Sign up soon for t he one nearest you. -lenitive Info 713/34 2-9032 2123 3123 4113 4/ 27 5/1 8 7120 91T8A 91T8A 101T8A - - ...., .... Henderson. TX Hendlf1tJn. TX 311·3 Inlo 8171433·5587 e e ~ ~ South Texas Hare Scramble Series OMRRA C'ship Road Race Series 5/ 5 ATA Observed Trials C'ship Series 312-3 3/16 ·17 4/ 20-21 6/15·16 8122-23 7113· 14 7127-28 8/24-25 917·8 9/2 1·22 3/16 ·17 Willow Spri gs. CA n 4120-21 Willow Springs. CA 5118-19 Willo.. Springs. CA 6/ 15-16 Willow Springs. CA 714 Willow Springs. CA 7120-21 WillowSprings. CA 8117·18 WillowSprings. CA 9114-15 WillowSprings. CA 10/ 19·20 WillowSprings. CA 11/ 16-17 W illow Springs. CA 12114-15 WillowSprings. CA . Inl 805/9 66-5700 o 6/9 Tllamna, lX 7128 Goodman. MS 8/11 Breezy HillLA 9/15 linle Rock. AR 9129 Slill or. OK _ 10113 Tulsa. OK 10/27 Oilahoma City. OK Info 903/ 832-5323 April 100'%0 PRO PAYBACK Sun. Feb. 24 MX LA County Raceway Sun. Mar. 3 MX Sunrise Sun. Mar, 10 MX LA County Raceway Sun. Mar. 17 MX Edward. A.F.B. -Nellt ."",.... 7 R.ce- Sun. Mar, 24 GP LA County Raceway 28 M ag ic Mountain · · O".n Pr.ctke -- 9 A .M . Sta rt 3 Tracks. Pee W ee•• 60 & 80 - Mo torcycles 9a m·2 pm Every Sat. - LA Coun ty Raceway Info: (714) 689-6114 '----CRC Info ao5-272-8889--...J • rrrtr••• ... - -;CFI /PERRIS RACEWAY - - - - , 1991 SCHEDULE • •- Sit.• Feb. 23 ••• Sun.• ~ 2. _A ....... . . . _s- _A....... GASuper Sat.Mom. MX _ A """, 5. 1. M. r, 2 GA S - s.t. ......... . Sun.• Mil. 3 Double en. GP -A-. • • • Sit.• MIIr. 9 GAS-Sat. ...... ... PtrriI RICeWeY - . - Sit.• "'"1 6 """ • .-- - - - - (714) 788-5&53 - - - - --' ••• • •_ REGIONA L. NATIONAL SANCTIONS -UCENSE INFORMATION (714) 866-1602 (213) 868-8112 P.O. 80 X46 NORWALK. CA90650 N,.tlo....' Itfotosport ASSlJCUI"on 23

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