Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 02 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CALENDAR Am S."CT IO"'ID Northeast Region loudon. NH 4/6-7 4127·28 5111·12 5125·26 6/8 ·9 6129-30 7120-21 8/3·4 917-8 Bridgehllllblll. NY Loudon. NH Bridgwnrton. NY laudon. NH lDudon. NH Bridgehemton. NY laudon. NH llludon. NH Mountain Region SealfIdCtnk. co Mt. View CO . Pu.blo. CO Second Creek.CO Second Creek. CO Ml View. CO Pueb CO lo. Ml Vi.w. CO St.amboat Sp rings, CO Seco Cre. k. CO nd 5/4- 5 5/ 25·25 5/8·9 6122·23 716·7 7120·21 8/ 3·4 8/ 17· 18 9114-15 9/28 ·29 Finale 10125·27 Da ytona Beach. Fl Inlo 514/ 891·2425 AMA/Loretta Lynn Amateur/Youth MX Qualifiers Northeast Area 4/6 ·7 4120·21 4127·28 5/ 18-19 6/1-2 6/ 15· 16 6122·23 8udds Cr •k. MO • Oalmont. PA Birth R iver. WV S. Edmestonm NY Hookstown. PA Youth Regional Auburn. NY Amateur Regional WERA Regional C'ship Road Race Series Northeast/Mid-Atlantic Region 4113·14 - 5/4-5 5125-26 6/8·9 5/ 15· 16 8/17 · 18 8/3 1·911 9128·29 10/1 2· 13 Southeast Region 2123·24 3116·17 3/30·31 4/20 ·2 1 5111·12 6/ 1·2 6/ 15· 16 6129·30 7120·21 8110·11 8/ 31·911 9114-15 9/ 28-29 4/ 6·7 4/ 13· 14 4/ 27-28 5/4·5 5/18- 19 8/15-1 6 SATURDAY NIGHT, MARCH 2,1991 Long Beach Veterans Stadium Long Beach Sanf rd. NC o Gainesville. Fl M acon. SA R.ddick. Ft Greenevill . TN e Amateur Regional Axton. VA 6122·23 Y outh Regional G ainesville. Fl Mideast Area Bu anon. MI ch MacAnbu,. O H Brown City. MI HortorJVill•• IN TIffin. O H Mitch.lI. IN 6 /1~ 16 Gates Open 6:30 P.M. • First Race 8:00 P.M. Adults $12.00 - Children Ages 6-12 $5.00 - Under 6 FREE 4120-2 1 4/27 ·28 5/4- 5 5/ 11· 12 5/ 18· 19 511·2 Amateur Regiona l 5/ 22-23 0.1ta. OH youth Regional S"lIar Grove. OH North Central Area Tickets available through the International Speedway office Call (714) 492-9933 and charged them to your VISA or MasterCard YAMUIA BUCKS 803-532-5778 Leesville, SC SCHEUDLE SUZUKI BUCKS March 3 Hell Hole $1,200.00 PRO PURSE • SUZUKI Amateur Contingency • 125A. 1258, 125C, 250A. 2508. 250C. 125 School~ 12-15, ptu~ 25. ptua 30, ptua 40 5 riders make a dass YAMUIA Amateur Contingency 125A. 1258, 125C, 25OA. 2508. 25OC, 80 7-13.80 12 -15, Schoolboy 12-15 Am.teur. A C.... Amateurs 1_150 2.100 3.75 4.50 5.25 150 100 75 50 25 1.150 2.100 3. 75 4 .50 5.25 Gates Open: Regist rat ion : Practice: Rider's Meeting : Race: _1_ 6:00am 6:30 am till 8:00 am 8:00 am t ill 9:00 am 9:15 am 9:30am Fee. Gate Fee Am Entry Pro Entry $8.00 $15.00 $25 .00 50cc 60cc 80 7 -13 L..--CA (714) 261-6116 - _... TBA Price UT . Am/Youth Regiona l Roef< Springs. 'NY Northwest Area 4129 5126 RoSlburg. OR Am/Youth Regional North Central Region CI.nno m, IN Mid Central Region las Vagas. NY Ad alanto. CA Am/Youth Regionel Ad.lanto. CA 80 12-15 125 Schoolboy 125A 1256 125C 250A ' Ser ies Awards: 10 places back SERIES CONTlNGENCIES This Is 8 District 29 points pay series SRA G P ISchedule California 24 Carlsbad 24 Glen He len Members February March Info (714) 957·2985 Mom:;:: Kerker/SBS WERA Nat'l Endurance Road Race Series 3123 Brasehon. GA 3/30 Al 4112· 13 Rosamond. CA 5/4 Ga rrettsville.OH 511B Grlttan. MI 6/8 Portland. OR 6/22 Kent, WA 7113 ·14 Gan.nsvill•. OH 8/ 3 Brain.rd. MN 8117 TBA 8/ 31 MIllington. TN 9/14 Faulk.i1Ie. GA 1015 C1.nno nt, IN 11/1 StaSllton. GA Info803/68 1·WERA Al Tall"'.ga. Al E. SL lauis. MO Millington. TN Ta At E. Sl louis. It Tall Al a E. St. lJJuis. MO At E. SL lJJuis. MO Millington. TN Ta Al South Central Region 3/3 H nd . lJ( 3116-17 H nd . lJ( 4/6- 7 H.nd lJ( 5/ 4-5 Sen Angelo. lJ( 611·2 H.nd ...... lJ( 6122·23 San Angelo. lJ( 7/7 H.nd ...... lJ( 7120-21 Hendman. lJ( 8/ 17· 18 H.ndman. lJ( 8/3 1·911 Millington. TN • 8/23-25 Fin alloog Pond. PA Info 803/581·WERA SETRA C'ship Enduro Series 3/3 3110 3/17 3124 4/28 5/5 Info 9121882-5483 Pelion. SC Fl Maxe". GA lenoir Nt . C1ust••• Fl Clinton. SC SETRA C'ship Hare Scrambles Series 2124 4114 5/12 Inlo 404 /532-8832 Maxeys. GA Sumt.r. SC Jasp". At NESC C'ship MX Series Southwest Area 5118 5125 6/ 8 Bratten, MI Granan. MI S, Beloit, Il Grlttan. MI Granan. MI E SI.louis. Il . Ganensvill•• OH Grlttan. MI CI.nno.... IN 2123·24 3/ 30-31 4114 4/ 20-21 5/ 11· 12 6/8-9 6129-30 7128 8/ 3-4 8/ 17· 18 8/3 1·911 9128 ·29 Roseburg. OR 3122·24 StaSllton. GA 4112· 14 Rosamond. CA 5/ 25·26 SIlannonvill•• CAN 6/2 1·23 K. .... WA 714-7 Top. ka. KS 8/2 -4 Brainerd. MN 8123·25 Pocono. PA 10/ 30· 1113 Stas.hon. GA Inlo 803/681 ·9372 More informat ion to follow or call 704 ·7 32·81 00 or 704-873-6083 '91 Golden State Nationals West Central Area 4/5·7 5118·19 5/ 1·2 WERA Pro/F-USA Road Race Series A_ Sun.• Feb. 24 B.rona O.ks Sun.• M.r . 3 Glen He.n Sun•• Mar. 10 Sunri.. Cycle P.,. Sun.• M.r. 17 USAN #1 Glen Helen Sun•• Mar. 24 USAN#2 Sarona 0 • • Rio Vista. rx Tyl.r. lJ( Am/Youth R.giona' Tyl.,. lJ( 8/ 13· 17 HuITican. Mills.TN Inlo 4 19/478·5385 Please be sure to bring 8 notari zed copy of your birth certificate if you are riding 8 elass with an age group specification. t . Quali fier s. if necessary. will be considered 1st motos . 2. Am ateur Classes: 15 min . Motos Expert IA): 20 min. Moto s 4/20 5126 6122 ·23 Nan C" ship Finals CI..... Progrsm Schedule Amateur Ragiona l Byron. Il South Central Area 3rd ANNUAL SUZUKI. CAROLINA SPRING SERIES $ Kahoka. MO eony. Il Murfn.sbo... TN O.nmall WI lDM1. KY Youth R.gional Casay. Il 5/22 ·23 $150,000 4/ 6-7 4/ 13· 14 4127·28 5/4-5 5118· 19 6/15 · 16 Talladega. Al Faulkvill.. GA Tallad. ga.At Millington. TN l FauIIMII•• GA RocfI GIfTltlSViIle.OH Summit Poi.... W>I Ga"'-Ile. OH Rociingllam. NC Summit Poi.... W>I G a"'-lle.OH Ga_nill•• O H Summit Poi.... W>I 6/23 NETRA Turkey Run Series Ex...r, RI 5/19 AII.nstown. NH 6/8·9 Skowhegan. ME 7121 Washington, MA 8/4 Southwest. MA 8/11 Bartonsville. VT 8118 Ga rdner_MA 8125 AII.nstoWl1. NH 9/1 Swiftwater. NH 9/8 Otis. MA 9/15 Winchendon. MA 10/6 10113 N. Conw.y. NH Cap. Cod. MA 10120 Cent,,1VUlall". CT 10127 Beilin. MA 11/ 17 11124 Plympton. MA Info 203/875·5757 ECEA Enduro Series 3124 Bell.plain. NJ 417 . IndianMills. NJ 4121 N.w lisbon. NJ 5/5 New G"lna. NJ 5/12 Stanllope. NJ 5125 N.w Philadelphia. PA 612 Whitefonl. MO 6123 Hobbi.. PA 7121 Blain. PA 7128 CroutOlb. PA 8/ 4 Middlebury Center. PA 8111 SpeedsviO.. NY 8/25 Mauricetown NJ 9/ 15 Shippensburg. PA 9122 BrandonviDo. PA 9129 W. GreenooidI. RI ' 1016 Grnnbank. NJ 10127 Be.,. OE 11110 Werren Gnm. NJ Info 609/893·7294 AHRMA Historic Cup Road Race Series . 3/2 Tall At . 3/4 Oaytona Beach. Fl 3/30 Chandl". A1. 5/11 S. Beloit. Il 715 Gritton. MI 7120 Summit Poi.... W>I 8/31 las V.gas. NY 9114 St.amboat Spnngs. CO 9128 Br'Slhon. GA Info715/842·9899 AHRMA Showcase Road Race Series 5/18· 19 5115-16 6129·30 8/3·4 StaSlhon. GA loudon. NH EJllhart lake. WI lasington. OH Topeka. KS RonmoncI. CA AHRMA Regional Road Race Series 4/5 FaullMlle. GA 4127 EJIdIart lab. WI 4/27 las VIPs. NY 5/ 22 Summit POI"" W>I Inlo 715/8-42·9699 NY State C'sIlip Hare Scrambles Series 5/1 2 Sequoit V.IIIY. NY 5128 South ElIrn.ston. NY 6/9 MOIavia. NY 5116 littI. G ....... NY 717 Spe.dsville. NY 7/28 South Edmonston. NY 8125 littI. G ...s....NY 9/8 South Edmonston. NY 9129 Moravia. NY 10/27 South E dmonston. NY Inlo 315/ 635-3396 CMA C'ship Supercross Series ' 4/ 20 To ....o. Ontario. CAN 9114 Mont"al. eu.b.c. CAN Inlo 416/363-9035 . ' Mid-South C'ship Hare Scramble Series Stafford. CT Fr etown. MA . SOm.... CT Cllest.,. CT Wrentham. MA Southornp'on. Oldord. Windsor. Ad..... 5/12 N. Conway. NH 6/9 W. Greenwich. RI 717 Union. CT 7114 Windsor. MA 7121 rlShousa. NY 8/4 Thom...... CT 8/11 Eastern. MA 8118 Union. CT 8/2 5 Cheshin. MA 9115 N_Petersburg. NY 1016 Fi housa NY s . Inlo 203/875·5757 9/7-8 NETRA C'ship Enduro Series 6/30 7128 9/8 9122 IETRA C'uip Hare Scrambles Series 9121 ·22 Info 715/842·9899 3124 Middl.boro. MA 3/31 Middleboro. MA 417 Southwick. MA 4114 Middleboro. MA 4121 Middl.boro. MA 4128 Soutt1wicl MA 5/5 Middl.boro. MA 5/1 2 Middleboro. MA 5/ 19 Southwick. MA 5/25·27 lewiston. ME 5/9 C. Villaga.CT 6/ 16 Lewiston. ME 6123 Southwick. MA 5/ 30 C. Villa . CT ge 717 Southwick. MA 7/22 lewiston. ME 7129 Southwick. MA 8/11 Middleboro. MA 8118 C. Village. CT 8/25 Southwick.MA 911·2 lewiSl1ln. ME 9/8 Southwitk. MA 9115 Middl.bobo. MA 9/22 C Villag•• CT . 9/29 Middl.boro. MA 1016 Southwick. MA 10/20 Southwick. MA 10/27 MA ... 11/3, MA 11/ 10 MA Inlo4131772 ·0685 2124 4/21 6/2 5/16 w Granwich. RI . 9129 10120 W. W..... MA 11/3 Staffotd. CT 1211 Marfborough. CT Info 203/875-5757 • MA MA MA MA 2124 Cullman. Al 3/17 Fort Knox. ICY 4/2 1 Cent....ille. TN Info 615/331 · 1475 FTR C'ship Hare Scrambles Series 2124 Oitanda. Fl

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