Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 02 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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RESERVE YOUR COpy TODAY! i I / , ,, , I THE .I I ; 1991 YEARBOOK I , i I , I , I I t's back. Motorcycle Road Racer Illustrated's 1991 Yearbook - a complete review of the 1990 motorcycle road racing season. Everything from the U.S. National Championships to the exciting world of Grand Prix road racing, from the colorful personalities to hard-line technical information on the state-of-the-art motorcycles. It's all packed into a full-color, perfect-bound yearbook. The yearbook promises to give action photography from the world 's top professional motorcycle racing photographers, facts and figures, and enjoyable reading from those in the know to bring back the highlights of the 1990 season. Motorcycle Road Racer Illustrated's 1991 Yearbook is sure to give road race fans months of enjoyment while also serving as a reference book to their favorite sport. Available in February 1991, you can be one of the first to receive Motorcycle Road Racer Illustrated's 1991 Yearbook by ordering now. ----------------- - ------~--- - - ------I 1991 MOTORCYCLE ROAD RACER ILLUSTRATED YEARBOOK ORDER COUPON Fill in completely and clearly Send me _ _ copies at $3.95 each totalling I Name City Phone # Method of Payment o Check or Money Order Enclosed (Sorry. no bill me's) Charge my 0 Visa 0 Mastercard I Address I I I _ Credit Card # State ._ _ Zip Order Date - - - - -- Expiration Date Signature - - - - - -- - - - - - _ ------ I Send to: CN Publishing, Motorcycle Road Racer Yearbook, P.O.Box 498, Long Beach, CA 90801-0498 I Phone Orders: 213/427ยท7433 eN L ~ 9

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