Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 02 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eMOTOCROSS NGKlCMC Golden State ...Nationals: Final round m Timmy Staufenbeil (76T) leads series winner Michael Brandes (70M), Danny Nelson (52) and Steven Kotajarvi (46K) during a l25 cc Intermediate moto. Bryan Curtis (884) holds off Ty Swartz (95T) , Loren Pochirowski (8K) and Jon Miller (C4) in the Up The Hill Junior class. Swartz won both motos, Smith, Surratt, Healey wrap up titles at Glen Helen By Donn Maeda SAN B ERNARDINO, CA, FEB. 9-10 rik Keh oe and Mik e Heal ey swept th e P ro classes in co nvi nc ing fash ion at the fin al ro u nd of the Golden Sta te Nation als a t Gl en Hel en OH V Park . Kehoe topped an impressive list of compe titors 10 take the I 25cc Pro victory, wh ile Heal ey won all four mOlDS in 250 a n d 500cc P ro competitio n. H eal ey's stro ng p erform an ces earn ed him the 500cc Pro class series ti tle, as he came fro m behind in the poi nts sta nd ings to o ver ta ke rival Will ie Surrau. Rodney Sm ith and Surrau secure d class champ io ns h ips in th e 125 and 250cc Pro classes, respectively. Smith u sed co n siste n t ly hi gh fini sh es througho ut the series to ca pture the 125cc Pro crown, whi le Surratt domina ted many of the races th roughou t the seri es to earn the 250cc Pro title. Kehoe gra bbed the hol eshot aboard his Pro Circui t/ AXO Sport-bac ked Honda in the opening I25cc Pro moto, with Pea k Antifreeze/ Pro Circu i t H o nd a-backed Brian Sw ink , Smi th and Edd ie Hi cks sna pping at his rea r knobs. As Kehoe began 10 o pen' an imm edia te lea d , Ta llo n Vo h la n d E 6 began to work hi s way th rough th e pack foll ow in g a poor start. By lap five of the 12-lap moto, Vohland had sn uck into fifth p lace beh ind Hicks a nd began to look for a way to pass . Voh land dove to the in side of a fast turn but spu n o u t and lost severa l posit ion s. Meanwhile, Keh oe set a blazin g pa ce that pulled him far ahea d of the pa ck. Swi nk settled into seco nd , with a comforta ble ma rgin over Smith . After remounting, Voh land began to work back towards the front of th e pack and took o ver third aft er screaming past both Hi cks and Smith. Vohland then proceeded to reel in Swin k, but the chec kered flag cu t hi s cha rge short. '" felt good out fro nt, " said Kehoe. " I had some good lin es and everything went smooth. I kn ow I'm a good 125 rider, and ' can run 'with these new g uys." "Someo ne ripped me off at the start and I had 10 come from last pl ace," sai d Vohlan d. " T hen I slid OUI while trying 10 pass Hi cks, and I had to start ' all over aga in. Once I got up 10 Swink he seemed to go a liule faster, and I j us t ra n ou t of tim e."

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