Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GuikShop 1990 KX250 Low Hours All original. never raced. $2500. (213) 295 ·8965. (213) 67()"3731. CA. (301 .03) Wanted: NS400R Honda 1986 or 1985 model. (9 19) 34 9-40 78. NC. (101 ·03) '90 CR250 Must Go ! $1900 Jeff. (6191375·7298. (6 19) 37 1· 1522. CA. (302-04) Ducati Sale Bring cash. mak e a deal. M otorcyc les cra te d & shipped all over th e Worldl '9 1 Oucat i 85 1, new & improved model w it h upside-down forks. Oh lins [~~ENfAISl ~~~D~~=~~OR'. Camel Pro === ======::::::=:::= • 1991 Schedule • av ailable for re nt at Pismo Beach I • • Fu ll U ne of A TV Rentals . . . • • - 1990 Honda Pilot and TRX250R rear shock; '91 Oucati 90 7 Fuellnjeeted; ne w ' 90 Paso 906; new '90 Ducati 750 Sport; new '90 85 1 Superbike; new '88 851 race version w ith race kit; new Ducat i 8 51 Eurosport; new '90 Oucati B88 . in stock; new 'S7 CagivB Elafa nt $2 995 ; new Cagiva 650 SS $299 5; new '88 Paso 750 red or blue $5500; '88 w hite Limited Edition 750 Paso, in crate; new '8 5 Fl A; new '87 Oucati Fl B; new '8 8 Fl S; new in crat e M ike Hailwood replica; new in crate Fl Laguna-Seca . A lso used '86 M ont ju ich, WORLD'S LARGEST RENTALS! Ducati M ike Hailwood repl ica (3); 7 7 Ducat i 900 (805)481-5411 197 Gr and Av e. • Gr over City. california condition; '82 Pant ah 600cc. 22 00 Km . MV • Call for rtlSBrvstions • 55. silver, blu e spoke w heels. solo seat. or igi na l Agu sta s w anted. '90 Bimota DB1SR; '90 Bi mota Tuat ra in stoc k; 'S7 Cuca t i Ind ian a. Antique Harl eys & Ind ians , new '90 Harl ey Fatboy. '9 1 Oucat i 888 ; '90 Honda RC-30 new , m ust sell or tra de. U.S.'s • -'Honda TRX200 • - Yam ah a 200 Blast ers .• - Yama ha 125 Breeze . • • I ---------------~ largest Ducati dealer. Pan s shipped UPS. GHOST M /C . (516) 883 · 5300. (212 ) 840 ·2 02 2. Fax; (516) . 787 ·3 632. NY. (302 ·03) * PARTS * From '69 To Cunent Complete Suspension service UPS Doily Williamsville Welding P.O. Box 172 • Holland, NY 14080 (716) 537-2309 DATE EVENT Ma rc h 9 Ap ril 6 May 11 May 19 May 26 June 8 June 29 Ju ly 13 Ju ly 28 August 4 A ugust 7 August 24 September 1 Daytona Short Track Sacramento M ile Pomona Half-M ile San Jose M ile Springfield M ile Lou isville Half-Mile Lima Half-M ile Hagerstown Half -Mile Oklahoma City Half-M ile Peoria TT Rapid City Half -Mile Indianapolis M ile Spr ingfield M ile Septernberf S October 5 October 12 San Jose M ile Pomona Half-M ile Sacramento Mile LOCATION . Daytona Beach. FL . Sacramento. CA Pomona; CA San Jose. CA Springfie ld. IL Lou isville. KY Li ma. OH Hagerstown. MD Okla homa City, OK Peorla. J t, Rapid City, SD Indi anapol is. IN Springfie ld. IL San Jose. CA Pomona, CA Sacramento. CA KAYABA FACTOR FORK PROTECTORS. 12Y mi l, t hick clear plastic. green/yellow/ bl ack/pink, $16.95 a pair + $2.00 shi pping. EN20 RACING. 15956 Silven ip, Fountain Vall ey. CA 92708. (714) 254.Q858. (302.o3/ PI 1988 TZR250 Yamaha 'Street ridd en on ly. perfect condition, $3CXX>. Call 8rad, (7 14) 557·6636 days. CA. (302 ·03) G. Gary E. Emig R. Racing Mike's Cycle Parts, Inc. " Factory Performance for th e Pri vateer" RACE MOD IFICATIONS Suspens ion. West Coast's Largest Motorcycle Salvage Over 1 million used parts in stock for Japanesse motorcycles. M oto r s Pipes. Etc. Western US Call (714) 783-7570 1986 Jawa Eastern US Call (816) 461-7223 500 Speedway, like new . $1800. (313 ) 453 · 6192. MI. (302 ·041 1990 KTM 300 DXC We also stock complete low mile motors. front-ends. etc. Scott's suspension. paned. Excel r ims . exce lle nt condition . $3500/080 . (805) 498 ·0077. CA. (302.05) Wood Rotax 500 Fast. rac e ready. f resh motor. Knight f rame. ext ra s, $3800. (216) 748 ·2748. OH. (302.03) 1987 KTM 500 MX Race Tech suspension. Keih in carb , Z-Rac ing pi pe, large and small tanks, ma ny extras. 50+ se ni or . ow ned. Will deal. (6 19) 647 ·6 383 . CA. (302.031 1989 ATK Fresh updated en gi ne. new re ed block. etc. M any extras. Ma ke an offe r. w ill deal. Ridden only by super senior. (619) 647·6 38 3. CA. (302 -03) , - jIk . . .. .. ~ ~ : 1 1 . . .. : . • . : " " •• I :,. 1990 Model Pipes Now Available ! DynoJ et Oist ribu!or / Oealer Inquiries Welcome To Get On Our Ma iling Ust end Receive a FREE OECA l " " PARTS. PARTS. PARTS , SUZUKI KAWASAKI COUNTRY ATK MOD IFICAT ION SPECIALISTS • Rotary Valve Mod s • Suspension Mods • Paning • Head Mods • Carb Mods • Performance Parts Full Line of A TK Motorcycles Parts & Accessorires UPS Daily Let Us Make Your ATK Faster SUZUKI KAWASAKI COUNTRY 2057 N. Hammer Ave., Norco. CA 9 1760 Pa 18201 Top It Off!! .. .With A Cycle News Hat GEORGIA DEALER Tell t he World " Once A Mont h Is Not Enough" w ith the new Cycle News Baseball Cap, featu ri ng the Cycle News logo in white puff-pr int on red . Th is is the hat t o be se en in at the trac k. Adju stable/one size fi ts all, now availa ble f or $9.95 each. Shipp ing and Handling are free. To order use the eN Produ cts ord er form, loca ted be low t h e advertisers i n d ex. GET YOURS TODAYII CYCLE SPECIALTIES OFATHENS - Ou eati. Clgiva. l . verda. Moto-Guzzi, & Moto-Morini sales Ind ser vici . Michelin & Pir.1Ii tires. Southeast's larg. st parts inventory - p me day UPS servici . Mon-Fri 9am-6pm: 5., 10am-2pm. 260 Commerce Blvd ~ 80glrt GA 30622. (4041543·0235. - • (714)734-0640 or (7141359-8546 * PRO-VU E * ,--,uwiA .FIZIIICl PARTS & ACCESSORIES Scan USA Dunlop Answer Racing Oakley . NGK Bell Tsubak i RACERS DISCOUNT 0nI-. Pt'ooe ••' " D••, Sho c.n 'or Whol Acc...orl•• Store I. OI!M hrb VISA - MasterConl MID-ATLANTIC PARTS ~ ~4 N. Cannon A.... Hav to MD. 2 1740 FAX· 1·301 ..73 524 L 1.800.548.3895, >" . ' . 108 OCTANE RACING GASOLINE Prescription Lens Sys tem tor Smith Racing Goggles PRO-VUE LENSES - Hr_ - C.JI or w,;t~ for your n••,.st DA ECO Dis tributor ........ 10630 3rd Avenue NW ·Oronoco. MN 55960 (507) 282-1l323 DAlCO 20 t W est "0 " 5 1.• W ilm ington. CA 9074.. 1 2131549·0840 (5/TFN) WANTED; lZ250 U·W WHEELS. rz 18" front m ag wh eel. (20 6 ) 888 · 9 60 4 , after 7pm . WA . (10 2.03) 1990 FZR600 Supersport Race ready w ith full set up. Ohlins. V&H pi pe, f resh Davhar motor . $4000. (413) 86 3· 9604 . MA. p 02·031 Brand New 1990 TZ250A Never raced, Davhar prepped motor, fu ll spares kit, extra cyli nders, pipes available. S13,000. (4131 863·9 604 . MA. (102 ·031 1990 KTM 250 D/EC Well cared for . "Downhill" suspen sion. Answer SA -Pro, new top end includi ng cyli nder. new ti res. Z·Rac ing pipe. radiator gua rds, skidplate, lots of extras. $2800/0BO . (619) 375 ·8534. CA. (102-03 ) STREET RACERS F REDETTE RAC ING P ROD UCTS KDX & KX SPEC IA LISTS IUII ·KX Ch ngilldes • • • • • no-Is .. K Chalnguut Suppon nus DX l Now Aw ailtil i. FMF PipeS U 51.15 H8ndsaven; • •• •• • ••• •• &4Z.!!i IO:Sp"do K.s ••••••• UI!.1!1 t ICDXSp~t!dDS Rep.lflld • • • 124.'5 KO XPorllng • • • • • ••••• t!lU S I S- ConversIon KIll •• • • at Sl.SS UPS 0 . ;1'( • eM/or Writ . For C.t~g 8123 We st 189th S ir_to Mok e na . 11 6 0448 (8 1 5) 469 -401 1 Pee Wee Rac ing Information • ltal Jet Racing ' • 50cc Stock and Modified RIDE THE BEST Also Used Parts For Most 8 rands Cal" o r n la R a c in e P r o d u c t s -----~ 1 4 ) 9 40- 5 03o--ft----~ (7 We've Got Your Numbers Cylinder Head Porting -20 BHP IMPflOVEMENTGSX·R. FZR. lX. CBR. V·'IIJAA. NINJA FJ, GS. KZ EXCHANGEHEADSOfl 1 WEEK DEUVE1lY Computer Designed Ports R epa irs sects Reploced Comp Volve Jobs ' - - - - -- (305) 484-6969------' ~:3~~ 1~ ( KO~;:~ ~ Klemm ReseaPCh 2 Cycl. ,o,, ormav; . Specdsls " BIG BOR E POWER! 714-272-8480 . '39 N. Maple SulteG .CA91720 Now Taking Orders on 1991 Hondasll RS125R /RS250R /TLM260R 11302 Tecumseh Rd.. E. Windsol , Dnt .. CAN (5 19 ) 979 -1414 DEALER IN QUIRIES INVI TED. (7 14) 588· '077 FAX (714) 588·6350 2572 1 Obrero Drive. Unit F. Mission Viejo. CA 92691 37

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