Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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2 "90 Yamaha Zuma Scooters 1990 FZR600 New Year Specials Chris D'Aluisio TZ250A Like new . great for st udents . camp in g. $1100 each/ OBO. (71 41 24 8- 9 9 13. (7 14) 833 -5736. CA. (30 1-06) Fox shock. braided lin es, V&H . Dynojet, 1200 miles. race d t hr ee ti mes. $4000. Call Bu rt. (31 5) 673 -91 74 or (315 ) 685 · 7761 . NY. (301 -04 ) 1990 KTM 250 M X $299 5. new 600 LC-4 used $33 9 5. M aic o very rar e 530cc $339 5. BILL SALTZMAN M /C.(B18) 337-1483. CA. (101 ·03) Nat ional w inning mach in e. Davhar prepped motor, 80+ hp, good spares kit. race notes. $12.000. (413) 863-9604. MA. . (102·03) 1989 YZ80 $1000 1989 XR250/1988 XR600 1990 RC-30 Never Started 49 State model. call for pri ce. Dealer will crat e and sh ip. (702 13 22 -431 1. NV. (302 -0 3) 19 89 GSXR750 SUZUKI. Onta rio header. new rear tir e. extra plast ic. $45 00/ 0 BO. (304) 325 3155. WV. (30 2 -03 ) "TWO 1986 GSXR75 0 SUZUKIS. one street bike and one race tr ack ready. $2500 each. (20 7) 7258105. MA. (350-03) (31 5) 673 ·9 174 or (3 15) 685 ·7761. NY. (301 ·04) Toy Sale '90 VZ250 WR. ext ras, new tires, et c. $2 500. '89 KTM 500. 500 or igin al miles. $2900. '84 CR250 . great condition, $1000 . '8 1 PE400 . origina l tires. excelle nt shape, $600. Also snowmobi les and Jet (350 -0 3) Skis. (9 16) 546-5340. CA. 1988 TZ250U YAMAHA. RACE READY, Lassak mods, fin ished 4th in AMA Nat ional at W illow. $7500/0BO. (805) 388·2579 eves. CA. (30 1-03 ) 1990 Venture Motor 4175 miles. $2000. (70 3) 94 3-1 111. VA. (301-04) *1991 ATK's In Stock Now* Don 't miss out l Fin al clo se-out on remain ing ·90 's. Bikes and part s shipped anyw here -at grea t rates. WE want to be your ATK Dealer l KEA RNY· MESA YA MA HA. 806 3 Balboa. San Diego. CA 92 1 11. (619) 292 -54 54 . (2 50 /TFN) 1989 FZR600 Yamaha '89 / 90 WERA C Superbike Champion. Motor by RES. 0&0 exhaust. Fox shock. Dunlops. $3250. (302 -0 3 ) M ichael Martin. (214 13 94- 690 5. TX. Kawasaki Tanks & Body Parts 1 988 TZ250 U Model 1989 XR250. excelle nt cond it ion . like new . $1600; 1988 XR600. purchased new 4 /90. showroom conditi on. $2000. (609) 464·0640. NJ . (302 -03) Excell ent cond it ion , spares kit. spare fi berglass, rain t ires. must sell . $6895, (904) 255-6633. FL (350-031 199 0 FZR600 . 1mm PISTONS. Ohlins. 0&0. Dyno jet. trac k ready or stree t. $4ooo/0BO . (908 ) 82 1-53 15. NJ . (301 -04) Most ti re brands . UPS daily . Dealer inv ited . (20 1) or (908) 479-4079. NJ . 1990 PACE ENCLOSED TRAILER. 12 '. single axle. brakes, workbench, excelle nt condi tion, spare (30 1-041 t ire. $3 300. (908) 821-5315. NJ . 1990 KDX200. READY TO GO . $1800/080 . (90 8182 1· 53 15. NJ . (30 1· 04) We Have New Maicos , 991 's here soon l In stock two 1990 Ma ico 320 W A's. Large inventory of Ma ico parts in stock. (408) (20 1ITFN) 44 9 -798 5. CA. Wanted: '82-83 KZ1000R Eddie lawson Replica Fuel tanks &. body parts for many different models; Ninja, Concours, Vulcans, etc . Very low pri ces . Ask (202·041 Rick. (3 14 1875-4444. MO . (8001458-5732. (713) 497-3448. TX. 1987 RS250R Honda Mazzaferro Husqvarnas Spar e engine. spare body, 5 rim s and slick s. Kork Balliton spares kit , ex-Chr is Dalu sio 's bike. (604) 929·5859. BC. Can. (301 -0 3 ) 19 9 1·s avai lable imm ediately . UPS daily . (800) 397·7250. CA. (201 /TFN) 1988 KTM 250 PARTS. Z·Pi pe. air filter, linkag e bearing s. n umb er plate, bru sh guards. etc. M ake (30 1-04) off er. (3 18) 949 -0083. LA. (302-05) Reverse Mount Steering Dampers NEW BATES LEATHERS. R/W/Blk, size 36 . Fox boots . w /bl. size 9. Bat es back brace. (903) 293· 3207. SC. (30 1-0 3 ) Wanted: Fox Mono Air Shock . Sale priced at $225. (800) 327· 1 109. FL. (20 1-04 /PI 1981 GL500 Honda 1988 Honda NS400R Euro Wanted: Compl ete light ing kit for both . (708) 639· B467 . IL. (302 ·03 ) 1988 Kaw ZX-1 0 Ninja KLR650. LOW MILES . look s like new . perf ect /OBO . (714 ) 846-9522. CA. condition. $21 OO (101-04) BMW Ducati Triumph 1978 BMW R100S. w ell maint ained. vgc. $2800/ offe r. 1979 Tr iu mph 750 Bonn eville. new top end, tight and fast. low miles . $2400 / offer. 1978 Ducat i 900SD Darm ah, never t it led, 4300 or igina l miles, vgc; 1973 Oucat i 750 Sport. hand-made aluminum Imol a rac ing tank. 2/ 1 exhaust, $9800 fi rm for both . John . (61 912 59 -1832. CA. (10 2-04) 1980 TT500 FLAT TRACKER $995. Can tra de f or so u n d ' 8 0 '5 dirt bik e. (8 12) 7 5 2 -4 3 2 4 . IN. (150 -0 31 1989 KX250/1987 CR500 ROTAX 614, NEW ENGINE. Hi Port head. big valves. 1 Vz exhaust pipes. 4 5 Vzmm carb oTex Peel . (31 3) 621 -9188. M I. (302 ·0 3) TITANIUM VA LVES for Harl ey-Davidson XR7 50 . 4 5 intakes. 37 exhaust. Also ti tani um and sta inless valves for Rotax, 37 '12 intake s, 30 & 31 exhaust . Tex Peel. (3 13) 621 ·9 18 8. M I. (302-03) D's LEATHERS. (419) 72 9·9639. OH. (33 9-0 8) Injury Forces Sacrifice Quick Silver fair ing ,new tires, as is, $500. 1988 ATK 250. as is. $1000. (916) 273·5162. CA. (301-04) Excelle nt condi tion . Cali f titl e, stock. Rothmans colors . never raced, never down. $6500. (8051687298 5. CA. (301 -04 1 1989-90 LX-7. FOX SHOCK. Muzzy bracket. pipes-DaD. Yosh, brake lines. gear ing . Progres sive. V&H . qui et baffle. ' B7 GSXRl100 motor, $950. CBR600 parts. Ontario pipe. ton s more, 1985-87 Nin ja 600 plast ic. upper . screen. tcwer . Wan ted : Fox shock EX500.(516) 367 ·9250. leave message. NY. (102 -031 New for 199 1. Long tr avel G.C.B. reverse mounting damper kit s offer added prot ecti on for racing and str eet applications. Ava ilable for FZR's. GSXR·s. etc. STORZ PERFORMANCE. (805) 654 -8816. CA. . (201 -04 /P) 1990 CR125 . perfect condition . $19OO/0BO; 1989 KX1 25 . Race Tech mods. $1200/0BO . No games . . (302-03) need cash I (7141 832 · 1893. CA. l o fi t 19 77 IT400 Yamaha. New . used or ot herwise. (350- 0 3 ) Call coll ect eves. (602 ) 581 -24 90 . AZ. CBX 6-lnto-1 Ice Tires 400-19 Pirelli 1000cc. has Vance &. Hines exhaust. rejetted carbs, new Dunlop Sportmaxer, seat cowl and mor e. 8600 miles , never in rain, looks and runs as new. $4495/0BO. Call anyt ime . (904) 824· 7789. FL. (301 -0 3) Team Smitty The Comic Book... 1990 KX500 W e've put together the most amazing , hair -ra ising, death -defying adventures of semi-profess ional motorcycle enthusiast Team Smitty into a 48-page com ic book . Orde r yours todayl Just $2 .95 each, (includes sh ippi ng & handling) they're available by using the CN Products Order Form. located near t he Adv ert isers Inde x. (549/PITFN) FM F pipe, Wh ite Bros rear shock. Renthal bars. very few hours. $3000. Call (602) 783 -3770 aft er (301 -04 ) 5 pm . AZ. FZR400 SUPERBIKE. new valves. 1mm overbore. Dvnajet, pipe. $2500. FZRpart s: earbs, pipes. head. cyli nders. new ' 90 plastic. make offer. (517) 7709897 aft er B pm . M I. (301 -03 ) **Speedway** a-valve Jawa conve rsion . lot s of spares. w it h (350-03) leat hers. $8 50. (7 14) 279 -7884. CA. r----------------------------~--------------------, WANT AD BLANK Cycle News. P.O . Box 498. Long Beach: CA 90801-0498 24 Hr. FAX 0rc~.~~ .~I~~L~,~;).~~n?:..~~!:, 213/427-7433 WANT AD RATES P r i c e s Ar e For One Is s u e Onl y Ru n my ad in t he foll owing speci al section : _ _ Help Wonted - _ _ Business Opponunities COMMERCIAL/HELP WANTED Pe r word • • . • . . • • • • • • . • • • • • • • •. • $1 . 2 0 Headl inein bold t ype ... .. .. •.• $ 11 extra B lind Box Servic e C ha rg e •• •••• •• • $6 .00 Photo (no larg er t ha n 5 x7) . • . • • $ 17 extra _ _ Collectors(1974 or older) _ _ W ont Ads PRIVATE PARTY Block ond White Photos. No color slide s (One pho to per od _ Printed im oge size li m it ed to 1 1 /2" high. 2 1/4" wide) Per Word •• • • • .••• • •• •• • •.• . •• .• • . $ .50 Headli ne i n b old type • . . . • . .•• . . S5 extra' Ph o t o (n o larger t han 5x7 ) . ..•. $10 extra WANT AD DEADLINE . II FRIDAY 12 NOO N for next week 's issue. No cance llat ions afte r deadli ne. Ads are accepted on a first come fi rst serve basis. Cycl e New s reserves the right to edit /abbreviate copy &. bold headlin es. A ny discrepancies must be report ed wi th in one week of publication to receive any adjust ment . Fill in the Visa/ Ma ster Charge blan k or send check or money order to Cycle New s at above address . CREDIT CARD LIMIT M INIM UM $5 .00 PLUS .50 C POSTAGE AND HAND LING. Sign atur e == _. .,.. _ Expir ation Date _ PHOTOS RETURNED ONLY WITH SE LF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE Print name. address and ad copy clea rly. # of issu es, Plea se ru n my ad in I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C ity I Zip State 1988 CR250 HONDA . EXCELLENT condition . less tha n 30 hour s, $1800 fi rm or t rade for late model 600cc Dirt Tracker or Speedw ay bik e. (40 5) 68 5· 5723. OK. (10 2-0 31 Ice Racers Tire w raps: qu ality vin yl, lin ed w ith padded vinyl. M any color s. $49 .95 . Vi sa/MC . THE CA NVAS SHOPPE. (313) 733-1 841 . M I. (30 1-04) CX500 TURBO. MUST SELL parts. Call (8 181 892·2 511 . CA. (301 ·041 XR750 H-D Parts Wanted Compl ete engine or any part s. Hurst-Airh eart front master cylinder, Cer ian i front end. good shocks. gearing. dished sprockets . ANY XR750 road race parts. have some t rade it em s. (4 15) 930·0391. CA. (302-051 Name Address '82 Duc 600 Pantah Race Bike Fresh Pro bui lt motor . spares, excellent cond iti on. ra r e cl assi c . $3000/ 0 BO. (71 4) 68 7 ·0808 . Riverside. CA. (103 / P) Wtd: Parts For Eddie Lawson Replica & S-1 Racer PRINT BOLD HEADLINE HERE (Leave spaces) Want Ad m inimum $5 .00 · Bold headlines do not count towards want ad word count . Fram es. body part s and engine parts. (800) 4585732. (713) 497·3448. TX. (302 ·05) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --" 2 -' 4 -" 6 7 -"B -"9 10 _~.....,.--- 1 ' 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 ~ 20 -"' 6 2 -"" 7 2 -"" 8 2 3 _ _ _ :--_18 ~ 1 2 _ ----' 22 ----' 23 -""2 4 _ __ _ _-""2 9 _.>30 31 -----'3 2 -' _~----.> 33 34 .9 3 _ 36 -'37 ....;$ 38 --'39 40 ,4 2 43 44 ,5 4 46 47 _ 50 51 52 53 _ __ _ _ L _ _ _ _ Cycle Ne. . i. not responsible for • phone numbers or copy. -"" 5 . 2 5 _ __ _ _ _ ~4 1 ~48 54 ( Are. CCHIe/Phone No. ~----_--------------------- 49 I I I I I I I I 55 I Phone II counts •• on. word JI _ Variable Offset Triple Clamps Machined from bill et aluminum. Includes ste m. 1mm , 3mm, 5mm & 7mm eccent ri cs. handlebar clamps and fully machined crowns. $540. Fixed off set $330. Now avai lable crowns for USC forks. Call for catalog . KOSMAN RACING. 340 Fell St. Sa n Franc isco. CA 94102. (415 ) 861 ·4262. (245/EOI/P)

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