Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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; ICE RACE Budweiser Indoor S~war Ice Racing World Championship_" m _ Dave Roberts sli des into the first tum with the lead during a heat race as England's Kevin Hawkins knifes under John Gra nt. Mark Hannah (right) passed Rob Ball to take over second place halfway through the World Cha mpionship main event. th ing to happen sin ce my 10-monthold son was born. " Third place went to Canadian Jan Je nsen , the only top seed rider wh o ma de it to th e victory podium. " I knew I had to go for it," said Jensen . " I knew if I kept it in side, I wou ld be ther e at the end." What J en sen was referring to was the four-way scramble that had every fan in the nearly pa cked auditorium on th eir feet and screaming. T he compe tition was so intense that Rob Ball , who was running second during the early part of the race, was tagged several tim es during the closing laps and forced back to sixth place. Ri ck Webb took fourt h at the finish with Kevin Hawkins of England rounding out the top five. Bob H etri ck Memorial Venegas cool at Tuc son By Mi ch ael R oss TUCSON, AZ,JAN. 11ยท12 harlie Ven egas dominated the 2nd Annual Budweiser Indoor Speedway Ice Racing Worl d Cham pionshi p on Satu rday and the Bob H etr ick Memoria l on Friday a t the Tucson Convention Center. Not onl y d id th e Sou thern Ca liforn ia rider C 16 capture the World Champions hip crown and $1000 in prize money on Saturday and the Hetrick Memorial on Friday, he also was named Roo kie of the Year. The weeken d's races drew a total of over 13,000 fans. " It was a tough one ton ight. There were a lot of good rider s here and they all were goi ng for the win ," said the 23-year-o ld Godden/ Weslake rider. " I drove out here all by myself bu t th ese Tucson fans made me feel righ t at ho me." Taking a hard fough t second to Venegas was Mark Hannah , who took second fro m Rob Ball on lap three of the six-lap ma in event and started to reel in Venegas but ran out of time. " I can 't believe it ." sa id Hannah , " no t bad for a second row start. I was moving in on Cha rlie and ga ve him a run for hi s money. As soon as I get ou t of here I'm go ing to ca ll my wife and tell her the news. T his is the best Racing got underway promptly at 8:00 p.m. after a mass multi-branch swear-in for the Armed Forces. Decorated Vietnam vet and speedway racer J ohn Griffith s sang th e National Anthem. Referee Dave J oiner kept everybody honest throughout th e racing progra ms by excl u di ng an y who he deemed gu ilty of overl y aggressive rid ing or causing an accident . Joiner was heavily booed severa l times Friday night and got more of the same on Saturday. " It goes with the territory, " said J oiner. Right from th e o u tse t Venegas served no tice th at he was th e ma n to beat by winning every one of his three hea t races going away. H e ha d h is bike very well dialed in and made on ly sma ll adj u stmen ts to his screws between heats. "The ice is really har d tonight and you can reall y get a good bite," said Venegas. " It can be inconsistent bu t ton ight it's good."

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