Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1991 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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rcrOSlSeries: Round I SUPERCROSS ~ e My P eak (2N) had to con ten d with heavy pressure from Henry GreE (36) to in the Plus 40 class final. Peak also topped th e Plus 35 year-old class as well. Lusk, Peak double up at the Citrus Bow l Ezra Lusk (17) was passed by Chris Brown in th e 125cc Expert heat, but Lusk came back to lead th e main from start to finish . Lusk also topped the I25cc Youth main. y Mike and An n e Adair RLANDO, FL, JAN. 13 zra Lusk and Gary Peak scored double class .wi ns in the O rlando Am ateur Supercross held in th e itrus Bowl. The first sto p o n the Amateur upercross circu it dr ew 272 entra nts, ncluding riders from Canada, Holand, Brazil a nd Sou th Afri ca. The cers competed on th e same cou rse sed the pr evious night by the stars f the Camel Su percross Seri es. "I took a goo d look a t th e course n order to help riders set up thei r uspension ," said Doug Harvey of Pro ction Su spen sion. " It is a di fficult, hallenging tra ck with many multiple ump co mbinatio ns a nd whoops. The urface is hard a nd ab usive." Suzuki support rid er Lusk had little roub le with th e cou rse as he flew to ictory in th e 125cc Youth a nd 125cc xpert classes, provin g that the Geor'a n will be a force to contend with in hi s fir st sea son on fu ll -size machinery. "I wanted to race with the best competition. so after m y first appeara nce on the 125 in th e B class at th e Winter Ol ympics, I jumped right to the Expert cla ss," said Lusk. Indiana's Peak competed in the P lus 35 and Plus 40 classes to ea rn hi s double wins. "Gary is fast, but his conditioning is so much better than mine that I can't keep up a t this point," said arch ri val Henry Gre£. T he 125cc Expert class heat race opened wi th Anthony Paggio, Chris Bro w n , Lusk a nd Pat Barton in co ntention for the lead. Bro wn described the acti on: " Pagg io led for three laps until the gators kicked hi m and usk and I got by. I close d o n Lusk and on th e final lap he lost it in th e whoops and I got b y for th e win ." Lusk too k no chances in th e final as he led all th e way to the checkered flag. Paggi o worked on Ma tt Shue in an exciting duel to claim second a t th e finish lin e. Bro wn also passed Shue to finish th ird, w h ile Mike Silvarole trailed Shue acros s the lin e to ro u nd ou t th e top five. In 125cc Youth cla ss actio n ; Shue pushed Lusk and th ey soared over th e doubles tog ether. Lusk fin ally found a n adva n tage a nd went on to score th e victo ry. Brown moved u p and pushed Sh ue back to third at the finish. Peak worked to erase th e ho leshot of AI Gardner in the P lus 40 fina l and then had to co ntend with steady pressu re from Gref before he was ab le to loc k up hi s seco nd fir st-p lace trophy o f th e da y. "These guys ride hard," said Gear Racewear/Ch icks C ycl e-sp onsored Peak . The 250cc Expert fin al saw Justin J ackson soaring ahead at th e sta rt a head of J eff Lampe, Brown and Paggio. " I ca ught Bro wn , but had a battle passing him," said Paggio. " J ackso n .had a good start and was riding a good race, but I caught him a nd held on to win." Pat Barton ra ced in the previous night's supercross and both Expert classes in the amateur event before fin ally winning the Plus 25 contest. "It was too much ," said Barton. " I overdid it with all those classes ." The Pee Wee class got to run under th e lights during an intermission a t th e previous night's Camel Supercross. J oshua Faustino, who o u t-ba tt led Tyler Shields for the win, said, " It was really exciting. T here were so many peo p le ch eering for us. " J offrey Easel y. successfu lly co mpl eted a long recovery from a broken fem ur a nd rode his LCS Ra cing / H onda o f McComb CR80 to th e 85cc (12-13) class victo ry, while Greg Rand dominated the 85cc (14-15) division. Before th e 500cc B races . Rodney Orr Justin J ackso n (90) was th e last victim of An thony P aggio's (247) ch arge from fourth to first in the 250cc Expert class . Jackson was also passed by Brown. said, ' 'I' m tired of being second all year. I'm going for it here ." Orr -led h is heat. bUI went a lit tle too hard and crashed at the start of th e final. Christian Smith scored the win. Brazil's Arno J ung said, after competing in th e 125cc C class. "I'm a top amateur in Brazil, but the competition is d iffere nt. It would be very tough to win here." Jung failed to finish in th e top five. Cl' Results P/W: I. J oshua Faustin o (Yam ): 2. T yler Sh ields (Yam) ; 3. Ty Con. ", (Yam ); 4. MilChdl Hol stin (Yam) ; 5. j ohnny McDo w (Yam). 8S (7-11): I. Kenny j o nes (lion ); 2. Chris Buck (Raw); 3. Ryan Hawk. (Su, ): 4. Damn MeA,haues (lio n). ll!i (t2-t3): I. j offay Easley (Hon): 2. j arreu Tippi ng (Raw): 3. See n Pin son (Suz): 4. Mich ael , Pro t (Su,); 5. Charies Dunaway (Raw ). ll!i (14· IS): I. G,.g Ra nd (Raw); 2. Doug Dehaan (Suz}; 3. Kenny Yoho (Raw); 4. j ohn Holl mon (SUl). I~ 0.1: I. Bo Shan no n (SUl); 2. Thoma. Boyla nd (Ka w ); 3. Todd Depetr i l!c ( Ka w ): 4. H o m er Woo hla ya (Ha n ); 5. Josh ua Cannan (H on). 125 D-2: 1. Bria n Beh rm ann (SUl ); 2. Bret Beh ughaa (Hon); 3. T on y lIa ynes (Raw); 4. Lo nny Bisch off (lio n); 5. T ra vis Blackburn (Raw). I~ VTH: I. Ezra Lusk (SUl); 2. Chris Brown (Su.); 3. Man Shue (H o n): 4. Ra msay Buck d oy (Ho n); 5. j osh Lat ina (SUl ). t~ A: I. Ezra k (Su.) ; 2. Anthon y Pa ggio (Ra w); 3. Ch ris Brown ( u. ); 4. Mall hue (H o n); 5. Mike Silvarole (Raw). t~ C D-I: I. Ra y Mitchell (H o n); 2. j cet Henning (Su. ); 3. Ramsay Bulkeley (Han); 4. Scou Moo", (Hon ); 5. Cl inton Crus t (H o n). I~ C 0.2: I. Chris Brown (Raw); 2. Anthony Pooorol iha (Hon ): 3. Radnoy Soou (Raw); 4. Erick Clausse (SUl); 5. Michael Lamp" (Ho n). 250 1).1: 1. Clinton Christ (Hen}; 2. Scott Moor e (Hon ); 3. Arn o jung (Hon ); 4. Ron Fin ger (lion ): 5. Mark Weshoy (lion ). 250 0.2: I. j o n Gra nt (lio n); 2. William Harris (lion); 3. Rodney Soou(Ra w); 4. Don g Dicill o (lio n ); 5. Mich ael Wil son (H o n ). 250 A: I. Anthon y Pag gi o (Raw); 2. Chri s Brown (SUl) ; " . Juslin Jackson (SU1): 4. Mik e Silvarole (Raw); 5. Pat Barten (SUl). 250 B: 1. Br ian Behrmann (SUl ); 2. Ben jie R uthledge (SUl); 3. Bryan LiS! (Hon ); 4. Brad Lockhart [Suz): 5. jaso n Sid es (Hon). O P EN NOV: I. Christian Smit h (Hon ): 2. Soou Sen le (Hon) ; 3. Billy Kostuk (Hon); 4. David McPh=on (Raw); 5. Ch ar! es Now (Ra w). P L US ~: I. Pat Barton (Sua): 2. Cary Norris (Hon ); 3. Richard Desrasiers (SUl): 4. j amll Newley (H o n ); 5. Paul Pr orkowski (Ho n ). PLUS 30: I. j arr en New by (Han); 2. Bill y Septo n (Ya m); 3. Seen Rh in ehart (Raw): 4. William Da vis (H on ); 5. jdf Kish (Ya m ). P LUS 35: I. Gary Peak (Ya m ); 2. G rog j in dri ch (Ho n ); 3. Michael Kish (H o n); 4. Ma rk Bat es (Yam ); 5. Ch ar! es Leh in g (lio n). PLUS 40: I. Gary Peak (Ya m); 2. G'9I J indrich (Han ); 3. T om Conna (Raw ); 4. Mich ael Ki.h (H on ): 5. Charies Lehing (Hon). 15 '

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