Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 12 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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; LOCAL EVENTS e At the sta r t o f th e final Doncaster got a good ga te and set th e tempo into tum one. Down the ba ck ch u te Rid Miller held secon d with Mik e Fa ri a th ir d. Faria raced a rou n d Miller o n lap two a nd chased down Don caster. Comi ng o ff tum four the sec o n d time, Faria shov ed hi s front ti re into th e lead. .A, Faria , w ith n o more than a half-foot lea d, a n d Doncaster charg ed d own the front cli ut'e side-by-side, Heading into tum one Ronnie Co ney, with a br eathtaking move, went between th em a n d took o ver firs t. Correy he ld a slim lead with Faria , trying to co me arou n d the outside , followed closel y b y Doncaster a nd Miller. Correy wa s at th e point when th e white flag ca me ou t, but his back tire was ch u nking and hi s arms were growi ng weary. O ff turn t~ o o n the last circ u it, he bobbled. Donca ster screa med b y o n th e inside for firs t. Correy gave it o ne la st shot o Cf the final be n d, b ut it di d n' t work. The fi nal motorcycle racing ch eckered £lag at Ascot came o ut and Doncas ter wen t past it fir st, Coney ma naged to stay in secon d cha sed b y Faria, M iller . P eter Carr a nd Borivoj Ha dek. Resul ts FINAL: I. J erem y Don as rer (G M); 2. Ron n ie Cn ney (G M); 3. Mike Fari a (G M); 4. Rick Mill er (G M);!J. Pele r C m (G M). , Henry Meyer (221), Dennis Wil son (60) and Bruce Spencer m ix it up in the O ld T imers cla ss at the Police/Firemen National MX at Perris Ra cewa y. McKenna takes no prisoners at Police/ Firemen Nationals By Tony Alessi PERRIS, CA, NOV. 15-16 epar tment of Corrections-backed Eric McKenna too k home lo ts of go ld medals and no prison ers while burn in g the competition wi th a six-mote sweep of th e 250cc Expert and Vet Expert cla sses duri ng the Poli ce and Firemen Nation al s at Perris Raceway. The two-da y event featured gra nd prix and motocross competition between police o££icers and firemen, wi th proceeds from the event go ing to the Ailsa Ann Ru sh Burn Fou ndat ion . " I used to race wi th him 10 years ago and he beat me then, reall y didn't expe ct to see hirri here toda y," said defend in g Pol ice an d Firemen cha mp Ron Watmore. McKenna went on to win the Sportsmen Expert class durin g the Grand Prix on da y one, " My arms pumped bad and Watmore was working me, but I was abl e to win ," McKenna said. " I was catching him near the end but my wrist is still a littl e sore from breaking it early in the year," Watmore said. Bobb y Hubbard and Leonard Kilman battled for th ird with Hubbard getti ng the nod . • Pat Dale drove 19 hours from m near Seattle, Washington, to top the Sportsman Interm ediat e cla ss during th e Grand Prix event. Dale mixed it up ea rly wi th Steve Coster and Mark Davenport after a seventh -p lace star t. Earl y race leader Rob Hall hung tough for three laps before dropping behind th e trio of Coster, Dale and Davenport. Coster led for 10 laps before Dale moved by for good. "This is by far my favorite race of th e year, the tra ck is the best anywhere and the weather is perfect plus I feel really great helping out the Rush Burn Foundation," Dale said. McKenna motored away in the first Sportsman Expert mo to during Friday's motocross race. Watmore stayed close but was unabl e to mount a char ge. " H is lap tim es were close to min e early'i n the moto bu t he dropped o££ late in th e moto," McKen na said. T he second moto was a repeat for McKenna while Watmore had a motolon g du el for second with Andy Gu th. Wat more event ua lly prevailed and D 16 finished second wh ile Guth dropped to third in front of Mark Duval. Wat more lost yet another nu mber one pl at e in th e l2 5cc Spo rts man Intermediate/Expert class at the hands of young Bobb y Hubbar d. Hubbard took advantage of Watmore's fall in th e first mot o to score the easy win over Ken Ratzlo££ and Wat more. Watmore came back chargi ng in th e second m oto and won by more than 30 seconds over Hubbard. " I knew I had it won, so I rode safe and smart," Hubbard said after picki ng up his first place go ld medal. All regular pro rid ers were in vited to compe te du rin g Friday's MX even t. Pete Murray led most of the firs t moto but landed on a fall en rider a n d crashed, giving th e win to Willy Musgrave. . Murra y led half of the secon d rnoto but Musgra ve pu lled next to Murray and execu ted a brill iant pass, then stayed out front to the finis h. " I dove in side and I knew where he was shutting o££ so I pinned it a second longer, go t my front wheel inside and made th e pass," Musgrave said wh ile pi cking up first place cash, whi ch he donated to the Ailsa Ann Ru sh Burn Foundation !. Cl'I Results GP SPTSMN BEG: I. Eddie Sand oval (SU1); 2. Mike Reitmayer (Hon); 5. Richard Mosley (Ho n k 4. Scott Audiss (Ha n); 5. Ruben Spa ngentha ! (Yam ). SPTSMN NOV: I. Mark Newto n (Kaw); 2. Pal McDonou gh (Suz); ,. Eric G rae (Hon ); 4. J im Westling (Yam); 5. J immy Moore (Yam). SPTSMN INT: I. Pat Dale (SU1); 2. Steve Coster (Ho n ); , . Billy Woma ck (SU1); 4. Mark Davenpo rt (Yam ); 5. Rob Hall (Hon ). SPTSMN EX: t. Eric McKen na (Hon) ; 2. Ron Watmore (Yam ); , . Bobby Hubbard (SU1);4. Leonard Kilman (Yam). . VET BEG: I. Ruben Spangen tha l (Yam); 2. Mike Duvall (Ho n); , . Dan Matt era (Hon); 4. Doug Hallmark8Ho n ); 5. Ji m Sayers (Yam). . VET N V: I. La nce Messner (Han ); 2. Dann y Lowers (Ha n ): 3. Jim Westling (Yam); 4. Steve Johnson (Ho n ); 5. Adri an Hern an dez (Suz). VET INT: I. Angelo Morgan (Kaw); 2. Billy Wom ack (Suz); 3. Aran Brigg s (Han ); 4. Bart Carri gan (Ho n); 5. Rick Bachman (Yam). VET EX: I. Ken RatzloCC (Hon); 2. Leona rd Kilman (Yam); , . Jerry CoCCey (Yam); 4. Lawrence Van Heel (Yam ); 5. Alan Kent (Kaw). OT BEG: I. Dempsey Billey (Hn n); 2. Rich Freymnnd (Han ); , . Melvin Hull (Hen). OT NOV: I. Dave Hatchem (Han); 2. Dennis Wilson (Ho n); ,. Larry Whitfield (Ho n); 4. Henry Meyer (Han); 5. AI Lyons (Kaw). OT INT: I. Jack Allen (Han); 2. Dick Southwick (Han); , . Ed Mann (Yam); 4. Ken erwin (Han ); 5. John Jacobsen (Kaw). OT EX: I. Alan Kent (Kaw); 2. George Antill (KTM). BEG TEAM : 1. Wh ilh am/ Giacom in; 2. Smith! Clepper; 3. Erickson/ Freeman : 4. Lowo-s/BiIl(')': 5. WilsonlIrwin. NOV TEAM : I. Marquez/Westling; 2. Underlin/ Southwick ; 3. J on eslDuval; 4. Laa tsch /New lo n ; 5. McDo ughlKlolZ. INT TEAM: L Ca ster / Carri gan ; 2. Brig g$/ Francis; 3. Dale/Lam; 4. Unk nown; 5. Lacrosse/ Wilson. EX TEAM: 1. G uth /Daven port: 2. Kilm an / Steve Lamson won the l25cc Pro class at GFI Super Saturday MX at Perris. Hub bard ; ,. RatzloCf/Sand oval ; 4. Kent/Morgan ; 5. Colfey/ Messner . MX 125 BEG SPTSMN: I. Jeer Smith (Yam); 2. Sco tt Audi ss (Han ); , . Richard Mosie< (Hon ); 4. Bill Tbos t (Suz); 5. Mark Watkins (KTM). 125 INTlEX SPTSMN: J. Bobby Hubbard (Suz); 2. Ron Watmore (Yam); , . Alan Kent (Kaw); 4. Ken . BatzloCC (Hon ); 5. Angelo Mor gan (Ho n). 250 BEG SPTSMN: I. Sco tt Lubben (Kaw); 2. Rick Davis (Ha n ); 3. Danny Lawn-s (Han) ; 4. Eddi e Sando val (Suz); 5. Greg Giamomin (Han). 250 NOV SPTSMN: I. Chris Cadmen (Han ); 2. JefeHaas (Ho n); , . J in! Westlin g (Hon ); 4. Bill F10tz (Kaw); 5. Ji m Laatsch (Han). SPTSMN INT: I. Steve Coster (Hon ); 2. Pa' Dale (SU1); , . Jefe Finsch (SU1); 4. Rob Hall (Hon ); 5. Aron Briggs (Ho n). 250/500 EX SPTSMN: I. Eric McKenna (Han ); 2. Ron Watmore (Yam); , . Andy Guth (Yam); 4. Mark Duval (Ho n ); 5. Jerry Coffem (Yam). 250 PRO: I. Will y Musgrave (ATK ); 2. Pete Murray (SU , . Bubba Erickson (H us). 1); 500 BEG SPTSMN: I. Mike Reitm eyer (Ho n ); 2. Thomas Wh itham (Han); 3. Mar c Lundgr en (Ka w ); 4. David Mow ery (Han). 500 NOV SPTSMN: I. [ric Grae (Ha n); 2. S teve Will iams (Ha n ). t 25 VET BEG D-t : I. Micha el Dunn (Hon); 2. John Zt:ns (Yarn ). 125 VET BEG D-2: I. Vic Klotz (Kaw); 2. Dave Busch (Suz). 250 VET BEG D-l: I. J im Sayers (Vam); 2. Ruben Spcngentha l (Ya m); 3. Mik e Sh annon (Yam) ; 4. Michael Lam (Han); 5. Greg Whit e (Kaw). 250 VET BEG D-2: I. Robin To wnley (Kaw); 2. Ph illip Lock (SU ,. Mike Sha nnon (Yam); 4. Bill 1); Thost (Ha n ); 5. John Corina (Hn n). 500 VET BEG D-t: I. Dan Mattera (Ho n ); 2. David M o wery (Hon ], 500 VET BEG D-2: I. Doug Hall mark (Hon); 2. Mike Duval (Ho n); , . Tom Hau ser (ATK ); 4. Joe Kovacic (Sw ). VET .NOV: I. Jefe Haa s (Han ); 2. Jim Westlin g (Yam); 3. Lance Messner (Han); 4. Danny Lo wers (Hon ); 5. Jack Allen (Ho n). VET INT: I. Angelo Mor gan (Kaw); 2. Frank Underli o (Hon); 3. Aron Briggs (Hon); 4. Ron w ens (Han ); 5. Rick Bachman (Yam). VET EX: I. Eric McKen na (Han); 2. Lawrence Van Hoo e (Yam); , . Ken RatzlolC (Han); 4. Jerry CoCCey (Yam); 5. Alan Ken' (Kaw). OT BEG ; I. H en ry Meyer (Hon ); 2. Ala n Lundgren (Yam);, . Demp seyBilfey (Ho n); 4. Melvin H ull (Han); 5. AI Lyons (Kaw). OT NOV: I. Larry Whitfi eld (Han); 2. Denni s Wilson (Hon); , . Brott SP.';n (Yam). cer OT INT: I. Ciru ss MIller (Yam); 2. Jack Allen (Han); , . Ken Irwin (Han); 4. Dick Sou thwick (Ho n); 5. Ed Mann (Yam ). . OT EX: I. Ken RatzloCC (Han ); 2. Alan Kent (Kaw); , . GeoI'K" Anbill (Kaw); 4. Vic Curti (Yam). VINT : I. Charfie Beck (Mai); 2. Vic Curti (Oss); , . Mitchell Read (Bul); 4. Chris Jo hnso n (CZ); 5. Steve Bassett (H us). 4-STIlX BEG: I. Bill Hope: (Han ); 2. Joe Kovacic (SU1); ,. T erry Brown (He n ). 4-STII.K NOV: I. T ed Kalmas (Hus); 2. Steve Williams (Ho n); , . Carl Heintz (Ho n). 4-STJU( INT: I. Charlie Beck ; 2. J im Gra dy (AT K); , . Ken erwin (Yam). 4-STII.K EX: I. Leonard Kilman (Hon). Doncaster dusts Ascot Long Track Speedway Championship By Scott Daloisio GARDENA, CA, NOV. 9 An era came to a n end in sou th ern California whensert (Han); 4. Bret Milan ( Kaw); 5. Ma [h~ Zaiu (Yam ). . 125 NO V: I. Tim Otsoe (Ka w ); 2. Jerry J etton (502); 3. Troy Cu nningham (SOl); 4. Vietor ShC"ldo n ( Kaw ); 5. Bill Reim er (Ka w). . ,. 250 NOV ; 1. J am ie MilCheU ( Ka w ); 2. Trevor Bonk" (Ya m ); , . C.T. Falk (Yam); 4. Lo u Sofo ( Kaw) ; 5. Tony Rodri q uez (Y~)~l'OV: 1. Don BmliOn (H o n); 2. Lo uie Peid (Kaw). Jl \ 125 INT: 1. Ryan J ohnliOR (H o n); 2. Xm Wil iOO(H on). 250 INT: I. Sieve Dttw (Yam ); 2. Tony SpaT (Vam );.! . Ian f iu·Gi b bon (Ho n); 4. Vir JohanS500n (Ho n); ~ . Rob b Mesch" (Hon). 500 INT: 1. Kell y Pich e! (Ra w ); 2. Steve Rrev e5 (ATK ); 3. Cha d Mcl ntmh (ATK) . 125 PR O : I. Slew L.amliOn (H o n); 2. Jimmy G

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