Szabo who came up from behind to pass
R osno o n the fifth lap. Breakin g away from
Szabo a nd the rest of the pack, Wil son grasped
a 16-second lead at th e finish followed by
Szabo , Bissell , Knipp and Rosno.
Res ul..
SOLO GTO: 1. Thoma! Wih on (Suz): 2. Michat'l CriHiths
Altil a Szabo (Suz): i . David BLunt (Suz): 5. David
(StU); , .
~ (Yilm).
EX L/W S/S P RT : I. Brian WOl phal (Yam); 2. John
Fox (SUI.).
125 NO V; I. j tnh Gi rrin (Ka w ); 2. Aaron R~n (110 0 1;
3. Sr.In Swt"t'ny (VOIm) .
250 NO\': I. Damn Delorme (Va m ); 2. Kt"'V in Hundr-rman
(Ya ml; 3. Mik~ Da h an (H on ).
250 JR: I. Soon F~l itt (Swr, 2_Todd WrO('(Hoo ).
O PE.N NO V: I. Mlk(' ~Iingtt (H on).
O PEN J R : t. COiry Pack er (Hon).
VET: L Bill RCJg('n (H on); 2. Michad Rich (SUl) .
EXIlNT: I. Scott McE lro y (Sw); 2. Lo WfOI! ~flura l Jr .
(Hon ); 3. Damn Kiwnill" (H on ).
Lucero clobbers Ascot Speedway
By Scott Daloisio
California Sta te Speedway Champ ion Steve
L ucero ca me withm an eyelas h of scori ng a
clean sweep at Ch ris Agaj anian 's A, COl South
Bay Stadium. Lu cero wo n his firs t five races,
in cl udi ng the Scratch main , th en ended up
fift h in the H andi cap main.
On lhe in itia l start of th e Scratch main ,
Lu cero ta ng led with Nat io na l Champion
Bobby Schw artz in turn two. They bo th went
down hard a nd Phil Collins got involved in
the tangle. Lucero and Co llins were q ui ck ly
on their feet, but Sch wartz was down for quite
a spe ll. Offi cials sum mo ned an a mbulance
o nt o th e lra ck for the injured rid er, but he
refused 10 take the ride. Ins tead he wa lked back
10 th e pits and prepared for the restart.
When the race took o££ th e seco nd time,
Lucero flew out of th e gate a nd p laced the
Off Shore/Coors Light/S hoei /Oakley/CTi
Brace Godden into firS!. Co llins and Josh
Larsen pinched Schw artz o££ in turn lWO a nd
sent him pa cki ng to th e back. However, by
the time the lap ended , Schwartz cla wed his
way back to seco nd .
Lucero had built a commanding lead a nd
was far ahead of Schwartz wh en the red came
out o n lap three as La rsen went dow n a nd
Co lli ns la id it down for hi m . The official or der
o f finish was Lu cero, Schwa rtz, Collins and
Larsen .
Jesse Finch stu ck hi s Weslake into the lead
when th e Handicap main roared 0(( the lin e
with Gary Ackroyd and Archie Perez follow·
ing him into th e first bend Lu cero, who had
to sta rt on th e 60, had a ·lot of traffic between
him self an d th e lead tri o.
Col1ins hit the di rt for the th itd time wh en
he go t o ££ o n lap o ne but quickly hustled o u t
of th e wa y and there was no need Cor a red
nag. Chris Man ch esler fought hi s way lh e
seco nd spot when he go t by Ackroyd o n lap
two, th en chased down Fin ch and began to
lean a ll o ver him. Meanwhile, Lu cero wa s
tra p ped beh in d a massive four-rid er bailie fur
th ird
Fin ch added a littl e padding to his lead over
the fina l two laps a nd too k th e Jrs Cus tom
Ph ot ography/BI g Burri to Weslak e across the
lin e fir st for the win . Don Od om nearl y Soto le
seco nd from Manch estet at th e line, but fell
a half length sh or l. Lu cero look a hard-earned
fo urth.
SC R ATCH ; I. SIt."'V t' Lu N'JO (Gd n) ; 2. Ru lJby &h wOIrll
(pPT); ! . Ph il Cu lJiulI (Wn ); 1. JU1i.h urM"n (jaw).
HDCP; I. J~ Fin ch (We, ); 2. Chru. Man eh ntM" (Wn);
3. Dnn Odom (WMi): 4. Slr vt' Luu~ro (Cd nl'
0 ·2: 1. Jo hn Aden (ja w); 2.. Ma rk Filu (Wn ); 3. Harley
Ha ll (W('s); 4. Bobby Sa l!lbury (Wr llo).
D·3; I. J im Estl" (Ja w); 2. CariOIi Ca rdona (Wes): .5. K('vin
O 'Ndll (We:;, : 4. Ro~rt Froom (Wes ).
SDCA R: I. Cra ig Dem~ter/Pel('r u wis (; 2. ~an
Stee le/Dwayn e King (Du e); 3. Sieve Stantonl1'om Tufts
( Kaw ); 4. Rand y Mclmyre/Ro bcrt Fox (Kaw ).
Chester triples at Mathias ST
ByT.L. Coss
Roger Ches ter carried lh e checkered nag in
the Senior class and both the 250cc a nd O pen