Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 10 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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eLOCAL EVENTS e Tatsura Arata worked his wa y from a back-row start to win the 25-lap Solo GTO race at Road Atlanta. Arata added two more victories during the AMAlCCS meet. Larry Nannenga (811) looks for a way around Marc Crosby (3) in a Vet Intermediate class mota at Perris Raceway. Nannenga finished second overall behind j.S. Hanson. Knobby classes at the Mathias Racewa y Sh ort T rack. Ch ester left th e line ear ly in the Senior class and was sent 10 the pen alty line. Ivan Carl a nd Larry Kin sey hit th e co rn er Iirst, Kin sey, o ut fro m and stretch ing hi s lead. had Ch ester working hard be hi nd him with .a high lin e to clo se th e ga p. Ai; Chester challe nged, Kin sey held onto hi s ti!\ht insi de line to no avai\. Ivan Carl ma intained third position un til th e last lap wh en he slid down, leavin g Dal e Sond les in h is pl ace. In th e 250cc Knobby class, Bernie Bell in ger began by steali ng Ch ester 's berm-sprayin g lin e al ong with th e lead. Ch ester pulled a switch, too , a nd CU I down narrow to ta ke o ver for th e win. The Open Knobby class saw mor e hil':hline action with So nd les an d Ch ester battling it out, So nd les got ahea d briefly after Chester sli pped off th e track momentarily, but it was Chester 10 th e checkered nag first. In the Open class, Ian Segedy cu t his familiar h igh -lo w pattern on the tra ck, leavin g his co mpetition to ba ttle the spray of h is roostenail. Eric Thorla , who had grabbed the hol eshot , fended off a solid charge by Ivan Car l for severa l laps. Carl's pe rsiste nce finally pa id off, a nd he took over seco nd . Jamie In ch, often a 250cc cl ass win ner here, was relegated to a back-l in e sta rt th is time. Dave Arnold gra bbed th e lead on the restart with Le nny Um pleby close beh ind. In ch too k adva ntage of Urnpleb y's appa rent shifter problems to move up to second. Looking all over th e track for a lin e, In ch follo wed Arnold to th e nag. The " Mig h ty Midget" 50cc class saw K.c. Knod ell.a p the field to p~1I a n. impressive win. Mike Miller got off the line first, but the fastmoving Knodel smoked by the entire pack befo re they hit tum one, Kyle Par ker main tai ned a soli d th ird, despite a serious challenge by fourth-place linisher Derek Espenschied. Hansen ruffles Duck's feathers at Perris Motocross Results O PEN KNO BBY, 1. Rogn O>ntn; 2. Ibk Sandin; S. Brad Graham. O PEN : 1. WI Srgtdy: 2. Inn Cui; 3. Eric nw-b.. 250= I. o..vid Amok!; 2. J.lImir Inch ; S. Don Henon; 4. KmAmold. 250 noOBBY: 1. ~ Olotn'; 2. Brmif- Bdlingn; S. Craig MiUigan; 4. Sln'r Zirgln. SR: I. Roger Olnln; 2. I...any KiIUl:Y; S. Dalr Sandks.. BEC OPEN : I. Paul Cowrt; 2. Cun Cnwinsky. . MIN I.: 1. K..c. Knodd; 2. Mikt Miller; S. Kyk Par krr; 4. Of:Kk Espmshinl; S. Ricky Dunn. Arata shines at Road Atlanta RR By Bob Applegate Photo by Steve Hegg 26 BRASELTON, GA, sm.22-23 Texas-based Tatsura Arata showed th e locals the way aro und R oad Atla nta's 2.5 mi le roa d co urse in h is firs t time ever at th e famo us Georgia trac k. Arata go t everybody's a tten tio n early in th e weekend in one of the most pop ular AMA/ CCS classes, So lo GTO, a t the Regio nal meet. Starting on m e back ro w an a very special Yam aha O WOI wi th a FZRlOOO motor and a heavil y mod ified suspension , Arata worked his wa y to th e front by th e halfway point of the 25 lap race. Loca l rider Troy Sorenson ha d set the pa ce ear ly in the r ace on a S uzuki GSXR IIOO. The two swa p ped -,he lead back and fo rth until Arata was able to break aw ay and h ide in lapped traf fic until the checkered flag. In the Expert Middleweight Superbike race , Arata outlasted Bru ce Ni eld to net $500 in Yamaha co n ti ngency money. The Expert U n lim ited GP race was an instant repl ay for th e Japa nese rider but he had to work for the winner 's portion of th e $1000 purse and $500 in Yamaha co ntingency mo ney. Geo rgia 's Tripp Nobles was o ut In fro nt at th e dr op 01th e gr een with Arata dicin g h is way th ro ugh th e pack from his last row staning pos itio n. Bruce Ni eld and T ro y Sorenson each put in a bid lor the lead with Ara ta passing them both o n th e way into th e last tu rn one righ thander, his sig hts set o n th e ha rd chargi ng Nob les. Arata o vertook Nob les and went o n to win . Mississippi 's J immy Mosley co nt in ued to mak e th e long trips to southeastern tra cks pa y off by winni ng th e Li ghtweight Su pers po rt race o n a stock FZR400 a nd both th e Lightweight and Middlewei ght GP o n a TZ25 0. " Nex t year I'm going to give up th e stoc k bikes and co ncentrate on perfecting my riding o n th e TZ250 ," Mosley said. Results EX SPTSMN: I. Gary Stumm (Yam): 2. Bub N~by (Yam); 3. T im Morri s {H en ): 4. David Fmir ric k (Ho n); 5. John Radt kr (Yam). EX L / W S /TW : I. T o m H i n ~ l (D ue); 2. R u u ell Q uann'Tnan (Due); 3. G rq;: FI.. gg (Jl.Iw): 4. Willi anl Atkinso n (f1on ). NOV l../ W srrw : I. Rogrr Quillrn (Due) ; 2. G rrgory Hi tchcock (Due); 3. Ron n ie Holloma n (Hon ): of. Mic~1 L..rwl$(Kaw ). NOV H M S!TW: I. Rogn' Quillm (Due ); 2. Micharl Lrwis (Kaw). EX H /W S!TW: I. Bruer Nidd ( Du e); 2. Andrew Nobld III (H· D); 5. Hillon Von Siaden (Due): 4. Tom Hin n (Due); 5. RUUl'1I Quanrrman ( Due ). EX L!W SIBil: I. William Q uinn (Yam ); 2. Bob Bouardrt (Yam); 3. Gary Stumm (Yam); 4. Mo J un gklaus (Yam); 5. ltt Dan Fullnlon (Yam). NOV L!W S/ BK: l. Richa rd Olampion (Yam ); 2. Kmnnh Mclnl ytf' (Yam); 5. Donald Bowm (Yam); of. Miehad Moorr (Yam); 5. Grq; McKrIvr-y(Yam). SOLO GTO: 1. T auuro Arau (Yam); 2. Troy Sor nuon (SUI); 3. Micharl Krall (Hon ); 4. Brua Nidd (Hon ); 5. Todd H~ ~~ GP: I. Tauuro Arala (Ya m); 2. And n-w Nob ln III (Sua); 5. 8nJa Nidd (Hon ): of. T roy Sormson (Suz): 5. Micn..d Knll (H on). SOV MIW S!S P RT: l. RobrM Hai nrs (Yam ); 2. Allan Murlln (Yam); S. R.obrn. BaninKft' (Yam ); 4. Jamn Ebrrhan (H on); 5. Eric Gray (Hon ). EX M/W S/S P RT: l. SInor Seaborn (Yam); 2. Rob Nnrorby (Yam ); 3. Wry Shnrod (Yam); of. Morri s Poor (Yam ). EX HIW S/BK; t. Mikr Rrrod (SUI); 2. Bruct' Nir kl (Hon); 1. Micharl Krall (Hon); of. Ra y Bowman (Suz); 5. Glmn Cnoott (Sw). EX HIW SlSPRT: l. Todd Hog!' (Suz); 2. Donald P;,l no n (SOl); 5. Milr..r Rt'nl (Suz); 4. R.ogn- Min or (SUI); 5. Glmn Cnoott (5..). EX U/ L SlSPRT : I . T odd HOKt' (SOl); 2. ROE" Minor (Suz); 5. Donald Panon (Suz): of. Mark Sch indlrr (SUI); 5. Ali lai r Smith (Sw). NOV UW SlSP RT: I. w ry Michaud (Ya m): 2. Micbarl MOOI'f' (Yam); 5. Kmnrlh Mdnl)'ft' (Yam); of. Jor Coldm (Yam); 5. David LavmdtT (Yam). EX l../ W S/S PRT: l. jimmy Moslry (Yam ); 2. M~n Jungklaus (Yam );5 . Thomas Dup onl (Yam ); 4. Dan Fullman (Y.. m ). . NOV H /W SlBK: 1. Poundt"n (Suz); 2. John Ol i,," (Stu) ; 3. Tracy ThomalOn (SUl ); 4. Robttt " .. inn (Yam ); 5. JOKk Burgos J r. (SUI). No v H /W S/S PRT: 1. Poun dr n (SUI ): 2. Tracy Thomason (SUI); 3. D~ vid McG ralh (SUI): 4. Rober1 H~i n" ( Y~ m ): 5. Jack Bur R"' Jr . (SUl). EX M / W G P: 1. J immy Moslr y (Yam); 2. Rob Newb, (Yam); 3. Mom s FOOl' (Yam ). NOV M IW G P: 1. l...ttPoundrr s (l-Ion ); 2. Krv in P.uch man (Y.:.m); 3. Robrrl Hain n (Yam ); 4. Allan Muellu (Yam ); 5. Eric e ray (Ho n ). . EX M /W S/ Bl.: I. T ..15u Arara (Yam); 2. Bruct' Nit' ld ro (Due):S. Patrick Han is (Yam );4 . Rob Nt'Wby(Yam ); 5. Morri s Foor (Yam ). NOV MIW SI Bil: l. Ltt' Poun drn (Ho n); 2. G ird rius Sodow is (Hon); 5. Rober t Hain n (Yam); 4. Grt'K ManMws (Hon) ; 5. Alla n Murll n (Yam). . NOV l../ W G P: l. Donald Frerman (Yam): 2. Ilon.ilI ld Bowr n (Yam); ! . Crrgory Gmnis (Yam ): of. O iflnrd Sawyrn (Yam ); 5. Grrs MclCrl~ (Yam). . EX L!W G P: I. Jimmy Mosky (Yam); 2. William Quinn (Yam): 1. Bob Bouardrt (Yam ); of. Bob Newb, (Yam ); 5. Tim Morns (Hon). SO LO Gru: l. Krvin Rmurll (Yam ); 2. Ltt' Pou ndrn (Hon); 3. Stnr Seaborn (Yam); of. Alla n Murllrr (Yam ); S. Gq Mattht:ws (Hon) . . 'By Tony Alessi and Kim Scott PERRIS, CA, SEPT. 29 J .S. Han sen promised he would, " Ruffle so me leathers," as he ~ot the best 01 "Duck Bill " Dave Sarian dunng th e GFJ Super Sa tu rday MX a t Perris Ra ceway. The challenge was set even before pra ct ice as to wh o would best th e Vet Intermediates, Saria n was fresh off a victory at the fourth ro und of th e GFI Series a nd promised th e co rnpetit ion th ey wo uld ea t hi s feath ers. Hansen and Sarian battled th e l en~ of the first moi o with Hansen accomplishing what he set o ut 10 do - beat Sarian. Both Sarian and Hansen sta rted near th e back in the second moto and together charged to the fro nt, Throug hout the charge bo th riders exchanged the lead tOO ma ny times to co unt with the race coming do wn to the final straightaway and linish line tu rn . Han sen held it o n a litt le honer passing Sarian before th e finis h lin e turn, but Sarian responded by sla mmi ng in to Han sen in th e tum. Ha nsen won by a wh eel leng th and scored the overall win. Donald U pto n jammed to a pair of rnoto wins in th e 250cc Interm edi at e class . Upton had no competitio n, as he raced with lap umes o nly two seconds slo wer th en top pro riders . C huck Ba g w ell wa s u n s top pa b le , wi n n i n g fou r m oto s s traig h t in both 125 a nd 25 0cc N ovice classes . Ba g w e ll ' s o n ly competition wa s T y Kad y, who a l mos t burned Ba gwell i n th e 125cc N o vi ce cl a ss but lapped r id ers sn uffed Kad y o ut o f taking the ov erall. Results 50 STX 1).1: 1. Mark Johman (Yam); 2. Bm.jamin Sl1adkr (Yamr, .s.Scot! HOW!' (Yam); of. Gaumrr (Yam): 5. Kanr Sirwan (Yam). 50 snc. 0 ·2: t. Emin Kling (ltj ); 2. £.ric Wood (Yam); S. DOInn, WillOfl (Hon ); of . Jdlrt')' Smith (Ya m); 5. John Hopkins (Yam). 50 FlRSTTIMERS: I. ~rcJoh mon (Yam ); 2. NatrRapin (Yam). 50: 1. T an ya Faulkner ( u w ); 2. JOlt DaWtol'l ( K.4I w ); 5. John Hopkins (Kitw): of. Oui.s Wcwk, (Hoo ). so MOD : 1. Emin Kling (It j): 2. Eric Wood(Yam );3. /ohntt Fau lknn (Yam); 4. John Hopkim (y am): 5. Micf\;le BIOlIt' (Yam). 80 BEG: 1. Shaun Fortin (SuzO; 2. R.rg1nald Mitehrll (Kaw); S. R ick RichardJ. (Kaw); 4. Slrphan Cox (Suz); 5. j ril Robrrtson (Sua). 80 NOV : 1. Shaun Pnolio (Suz). 80 INT : 1. Jeff WiUoh ( ~ w). 125 BEG : 1. OIriM ophn Hu ghry (Hon): 2. Mall Eagl rl on (Ya m); 3. Tom Bou iKri (Hon): of. Rick Ur (Yam); 5. L.rr Mc=dlan (XoIw). 125 NOV : I. OU Kk Ra~1I (Kaw); 2. T y (Kaw); y 3. $co n Hi ghland (SUl) ; 4. David Cult' (lC.a w); 5. Tim OI50n (Hon). 125 INT: I. Pttr Vrlra no (SUl ); 2. Ryan J ohnson (Hon). 125 PRO : L Jeff Nord~rom (lta w); 2. Jory La nr (Kaw). 2500 BEG: I. Mim..rl Wagnn (SUI ); 2. Brian Choppin (Ho n ); 3. Dirk Fltjln (Yam ); 4. ani. Shaw (Kaw); 5. JOlIt' A ra ~n (SUI). 250 NO V; I. Ch uck Bagwr U (Hon); 2. Tommy Br.iclens (Hon ); 3. David Sch midl (SUI); of. KrORman n (Hon); 5. Ch ris Rrr/l::mom (Yam). . 2SO INT : I. Dona ld Upt on (Hon ); 2. Bria n Comrlius (Kaw ); 5. David Smit h. (Yam); 4. Uif j oha n!UOn (Hon ); 5. T im Halli....y (Yam). 250 PRO : I. Ryan H ughn (Kaw); 2. Micky Dymo nd (Kaw); 5. Mike Hookrr (Hon); of. John POKa (SUI). 500 BEG: 1. Jim McKmlie (Xaw); 2. Marc Lun dgrrn (Kaw); 3. Dan Maumi (Hon). 500 NOV : I. Mikr Horton (Hon ); 2. Don Clinr (XT M); 3. Ron Bomgarinn. .500 1!'' T:l. Tony Sptollf (KT M); 2. Robrn Faili ng (Hon ); 5. Robrrt Hnlland (Hon ). 500 PR O: I. Will y MU&gTavr (ATK ); 2. Qaig Davis (Ho n ). VET NOV: I. Da~ Simmons (; 2. Ra y Piunki (Hon ); 5. Nick Wukmir (Yam): of. Don Oint (KTM ); 5. David Minniek (KTM). VETINT: I. J. S. Hanson (Hon); 2. Larry Naunrng.a(Yan,}: 3. Dona ld Lei b (K:.iw); of. David Saria n (Hon); 5. Marc Omby (Yam ). VET PR O : I. Brml Walli ng1olord (Kaw); 2. Val Tamin ti (Hon): 3. SInor WiM' a n (lU w): 4. Bob Runen ( Ka w ): 5. m Ron Lawson (Stu). 25-29 BEG: I. Richard Worl~ (Yam ): 2. Dann~ Pabon (Hon); 3. Mikr McGrqor (lU w): 4. Mi te:hrll KJo hn l Yam): 5. Brian CoIl ina (ATK). 25·29 NOV: I. Ken G ray (SUI); 2. auu Rapp (Kaw); 5. Krnny SalfOl"d (Kaw); 4. Ed Vilr lli (SUI): 5. j ody \\o ·rUd (Hon). 25-29 Jr.. : I. Tom Briton (H e n ): 2. Grrg Her bold (Yam); 3. Tony Alnsi (ATK ); 4. Bill Erb (SUI): S. Robb MOl"("hn (Hon).. OT SO\'; 1. 0Iudr. ~on. ( Hon );2. Robnt Ikrdyck (H OIl). OT EX.: I. Alan Ohon (Yam); 2. Jod y Wrod (Yam); l Tom While (H on ); 4. MMVin O lson (Yam): S. Garry ~Vill ia nu (Kaw). Faria steals the show atIMS Spd~ By Scott Daloisio SAl', B ERNARDINO, CA. SEPT. 12 . Southern California fans , officials and fellow racers threw a surprise bas h lor 2O -year veteran Alan Christ ia n o n " Ala n Christian Night" at Inland Motor Speedway, a nd Christian rewa rded th em by finishing second in the Scra tch main behind hot Mike Faria. Even th ough it was his ni ght, Christian nearly didn 't mak e it to th e Scra tch main wh en he sus tained a m in or injury after ' a ta ngle with a no the r rider in hi s Handi cap heat. How ever, he shook, th e inj ury off and was back o n th e trac k for th e Scratch main . Fari a and Christia n left th e lin e side by side whe n the lour-lap main got underw ay. Faria, mounted o n th e Warren Ru sselt /Off ShoreJ Scot t USA / Tsu baki/S hoei / G M, asser ted hi mself off turn two a nd too k th e lead. That abou t ended the story book fi nis h that wo u ld have Christian wi nmng th e Scra tch ma in o n his n ight a t the track. Once Fari a found the open territory. he ra n a way fro m Christia n and opened up a co mmandi ng lead. X While Faria moved away , Brent Werner too k thi rd from Brad Oxley near th e end of the first lap. O xley ca me back by th e 16-yearo ld two la ps lat er , but by that time Faria and Christian were lo ng go ne and he had to set tle lor third. n Doug Bowers , Scott Bra n t and Bart Bast thrilled the crowd wi th a sensatio na l Ha ndicap main. Bowers led the event from the sta rt, whi le Bra nt and Bast, comi ng fro m th e back yardage, began to hound h im o n the third la p. First it was Brant applying the pressu re bu t on la p five, Bast decided it was his tum as he passed Brant and turned up the hea t o n Bowers. Bowers was equa l to the cha llenge and he held Bast a t bay. . Bra nt crossed back u nder Bast on la p six a nd too k more sholS a t Bowers. Once agai n Bo wers was rea dy for th e adva nces a nd he remai ned per ch ed in first. Bowers ha d fought .off every th ing Brant a nd Bast threw a t hi m a nd the race looked to be h is. However, he wh eelied 011 tum two o n lap seven a nd befo~e he co uld get back down to the pol e, Brant ra ced beneath h im for the lead . Bow ers managed to slide in lin e befor e Bast go t by, but he co uldn 't ge t back by Brant and ha d to be co n tent wi th seco nd. • Res ults SCRATCH: I. Mikr F..ria (Wn); 2. Alan OJ,ristian (Wn); 3. Brad Oxl~ (Wo): of. Brml Wrmn (Cdn). HDCP: I. Soon Brant (W o); 2. DouR: Bowrn (Wn ): 3. Ban Basi (W o ); 4. Bobb, Schwaru (e M). 1).2: 1. I...rr f.dwards (Wn): 2. Mar k Fo1 UI (W o ). SDCAR : I. Cra ig Dempu rr /Pc=tn Lrwis (Kaw); 2. Ra~, Mdnt~/Robrrt Fox (Ka w); 5. Ikan Slrrl~/Dwaynt" King (Due ).

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