Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 10 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.~ LOCALEVENTS ~ '0 J ason Foxe (125) and Eric Hansen (22) get mixed up in a tum as Mike Marion (60) watches from beh ind during 250cc Novice class action at Perris Ra ceway. As T ro mbley was out front ru nning away . act io n was hea ting up behi nd h im . Su zu kimounted Jerr y Cer io had a diff icu lt fir st lap with a poor start a nd a co llis ion with a tree. inju rin g his hand. Recoverin g from th is Ceria set ou t a fter Ma rk Schach tler, wh o was runn in g in seco nd p lace o n h is new Yam ah a . Schach tler slid ou t in the m ud and Cerio go t by bu t was soon repassed. The two passed back a nd forth for a co u p le of laps wi th Cerio finishing j ust ahead of Schac htler. The 200cc Novi ce class saw a ba ttle between Belden Mctorsport-sponsored brot hers Do uglas a nd R ussell WeisL Ru ssell go t th e lead at th e start but was o verta ken by Dou gl as o n th e sc ·cond lap. Russell tried to get the lead back but crashes kept hi m fro m i, a nd Dou glas went o n to wi n, Resul ts EX: L Chris Crispin; 2. Brian RUMeIl; 3. Bruce Bowman . 1S T EX: 1. Arl Trombley: 2. Jerry Ce rio : ! . Mark Sc::hadu l": 4. Da'll' McCall . t \ ' ET A: I. RulJ('ft Frost . VET B: I. Don Wilwm; 2. J im Co nRden:.5. Larry Wilson ; 4. Dille'Ston e; 3. Bruce Ban bolo mew . SR: I. JOf' Arcni; 2. Gc Socia; 3. Ted Grabowski: 4. ny JfW' Perolli : S. Ga .1')' Brown . 200 AM: I. Jim wtnder: 2. Pal Ca lho un: 3. Robert Rt-m in ~ 1. P.]. Pt"CUlis. 250 AM: I. Jamn Gn~; 2. JMTY~; 3. un 4. G r~ Shuman: 5. Nri l Kim 1t' . y Ralt i mor~; O PEN AM: I. Sha n l" Brown; 2. Har old Bowm; 3. Gal')' ('(Kkwoud ; -I. Ron ThompMln; 5. j df Cn ngdrn. MIN t: I. Chris Ik"n : 2. Rob Still wr l1: 3. Curt SII"Vrns ; 4. Ti m Evam: 5. j im Irons . 200 NOV : L DouKla5 WfOi5l; 2. R U 5~11 Wf'i51; 3. Kl"vin Wl"l h : 4. T racy Nash; 5. Todd Albrt"Chl . c 2.>0 NO V: I. DoUF; W('kh; 2. Davf' Wr Mfall; 3. Ed 0K df'n ; ' 1. Ma rk Ralcomb : 5. T odd Morrill. O PEN NOV; L Strv l" Van Eurn; 2. Rob Da vid son; 3. AI Shi llman ; ... Arl Lukl" 5. Jor Misko. ; Pi tch ell and Trist and was good en ough for 'he o vera ll win . Ray Mclntosh fini shed th ird for the day but scored eno ug h poin ts be cro wned th e Series CIass Cha mp ion. , Micky Dymon d scored the 250cc Pro class wio a fter Ryan Hughes crashed. H ugh es came back to win bot h 125cc P ro class mo tos , '0 Resul ts 50 ST K: I. Kl"nny Lan~l y (hj ): 2. Sc.ou Howl" (Ya m); , . Rand y Sm ith (Ya m) ; 1. Chad Gaum r-r ( Ya m) ;~. Ty Rn n ha w (Y.;Im). 50 MOD :, I. j oh n Hopkirn IYa m ); 2. Em iu Klin g lltj) ; 3. Pt'IT)' Rich mond (Ya m); 4_ j ohner Faulkner (Y;lm ); 5. jdfrl"')' Smit h (Yam ). . 60: I. Juhnathon Schmid t (Kaw); 2. Tyler Nf'Wlon (Kaw); 3. Ti m!>Sffl lKaw); 1. Bobby 8ra u ~ (Kaw); 5. Billy Pa vne (Kaw). 80 BEG: l. Mik e" Molina (Suz); 2. j etty Alt'man (SUi ); 5. G.ilrth Milan (Kaw); -t. David Eychann (S UJ'); 5. David Stirw.:hfidd ( 80 NOV : l. Phil Ricb mond ( u w) ; 2. Dio&vid "'nTi a ( Kaw ): 3. AnKf'lo lngr.m dt" (Kaw); 4. Ar m.;m do Over la nd (H a n); 5. J ot ' ThI"'Y ' (Sw). ) 80 1!'o7: I. T ylt"r King (Kawl: 2. Ty Karly lK.1w); 5. Larry LinkUJel ' (Kaw): 1..Chris wheeler (lU w). t 80 EX: I. CJai,; Decker (Kaw): 2. Milt" Mt'Ugt"f (SUl ). 125 BEG 0 -1: 1. Dlarl" vi ce (SUl ); 2. J im m )' !\.b.nin a (Ho n): 3. A.J. Lamb (SUi ): 4. Eri k j iK'Obu (Hon ): 5. Kt"Vin , Wozniak (SUi ). 125 BEG 0- 2: I. Grq; Armst ron K (SUI): 2. O ui"ophl=r an (Han ): 5. Rodn t")' Peter sen (Ya m ); 4. De Gib son (SUl) : 5. Rill Smith (Yam). 125 NOV D-I : I. Sha wn Mcl nt O!>h (Kaw): 2. St"a Run dle" n (Kawl: 3. Dav id OtaSl' (Kaw); 4. Eric WriKht (SUi ); 5. Bobby Hu bba rd (Sw). _ 125 NO V 0 ·2: l. Grant Gasper (Ya m ); 2. j erry j ~tton (SUl ): 3. Tony FnTafPm o (Hun ); 1. La net' u viu (Hon ); 5. Rogl"I" Hl21lli NT}~~l~an Pagt'! (Sw ); 2. Mark Easlry (Yam ); 5. llona ld U p lo n (H on ); 4. Frffidif' VilldKTa (SUl ); 5. Rya n Johmon (Hon ). 125 PR O: 1. Ryan H ug h ~ (Kaw); 2. Mikt" Cha mbt-r lain ' (Yam): 3. Bria n Ca lho un (SUI); 4. Eddir Hi cb (SUl); 5. T ravj , H odgo (SUl). 250 BF.G 0-1 : I. Alan Vioit'ut" (SUI); 2. Ma rk Fiti K"ald ' (Sw); 5. C. T . Walanabt" (Ha n); 4. Rich ard Har din g (Suz ); 5. And y Kyln (Han ). Pagel perfect at Motocross By T on y Alessi and Kim Sco tt PERRIS, CA. SEPT. 30 Sea n Pagel proved wi th double mo to victories in the ul tra co mpe titive 125cc In termediate cia.. a nd th e o vera ll win i n th e 250cc In term edi a le lhal he is a hal new rider in sou lhern Ca li[ornia d uri ng the [i na l round of th e G FI BailIe of ,he 9O's a t Perri s Raceway. " Dyna mi,e" Dona ld U pton gra bbed , he holeshOl in the £irsl 125cc Interm ediate ma lO' starting from ,he second row behind Pagel. U p ton led shortly before falli ng o ver in a deep ru'. A, the same time Billy Fel ts launched hi s Kawasaki off th e track into heavy tracksid e vegetation wh ile lan din g from a ,echnical do wn hill double j um p. Pagel ass umed the lead on , he third lap and held a th ree second adva ntage over David Casada. Mark Easley and Freddie Vill agra battled for second af' er Casa da washed ou r on the final lap. Pagel led the opening laps of th e second l25cc Int ermedia'e mo to un,il Bill y Fel ts mad e a very aggressi ve pass fo r th e lead . Upton wo rked his way im o lhird 1~0 seco nds behi nd · th e lead ers. Fel lS wen l over th e bars o n th e fin al lap givi ng th e lead back Pagel : wh ich he held ,h e chec kers followed clo sely by Up to n. Felts remo un ted fini shing inch es in fro n t of Mark Easley and David Casada. Rya n John son rode very co nsisten tly th ro ugho ut lhe seri es and scored th e ch ampionshlp with a fif, h p lace fini sh behind Freddie Vill agr a. Pag el was back in ,he 250cc Intermediate class and po wered aw ay in th e first moto. Billy Mercier cha rge d ,hrough the pa ck fini shing second in fron , of ScOtt Sease and series point lead er David Dye in the first moto. Pag el sta rted th ird from last in ,he second mo to , whileJak eTristand Kelly Pichel pulled a way. Seri es points leader David Dye was slici ng th rough the pack bu' was stopped by a bad fall . Pa gel 's ch ar ge brought him to third behind '0 24 up pos itio ns fast. He th en di ced with Randy Mosel ey before pa ssing him. He caugh t Hall gath by the first ch eck and then was o n th e hun, for Hunnicutt. R ichardson passed th e bike o ver partner Dan Ashcraft in second pl ace. Ch ar gin g in th ird p lace was Moseley. wh o was team ed with Ch arlie Morris Jr. Hallgath turned his bike over to Ed Pierce in fourth place, wh ile Pa iem ent fin all y un p lu gg ed h is vent a nd was able to send out partner Chris Cra nda ll in fifth. Roeseler had a dust-free ride for o nly a short whi le before he star ted to lap slowe r riders o n hi s first lap . Roeseler ma in tained his team 's first place sta nding. Back in second place, Ashcraft go t stuck in a ravi ne whi le tryi ng 10 get pas t some q uad riders. Crandell ga ined a lot and inc hed pa .. Ashcraft in th e home check. Mo rri s was in fourth, P ierce ca me in fi fth a nd vet Paul Ostbo gained two positi ons for partner Kenn y Parry. By the th ird pass o ver the 35-m ile course, it was getti ng qui te silty in the lower pan of th e valley. Mixed in th e sil t were rocks and Hu nni cutt said he was bouncing off the rocks as he tried to pass lappers. H unnicutt bounced j ust right a ll the way to th e pits, wh ere he handed. o ver the bik e o ne more lim e to Roese1er in first place. Gai ning a minut e on hi m . thou gh . wa s R ichardson. who had passed Pa iement at the beginning of the third lou p. Mosel ey also passed Paiement, who got stuck behind a quad in th e rocks . Ha nging o n to fifth place was Ha llgath , who was finally getting used to having no bra kes (he 10" th em o n th e first loup). Hunnicutt was wai ting a t the finish line for Roeseler and was not disappointed as his teammat e was first in to th e finish ch u te. One minute and 30 seconds beh ind was Ashcraft. wh o claimed seco nd place overa ll a nd fir st 250cc with Richardson. Cra nda ll maneuv ered his big-bore aro u nd Morris to snag th ird (along wit h Pai em ent). forcin g Morr is an d Moseley to settle [or fourth. Pierce secu red fifth p'lace a nd F irst l 25cc for pa rtner Hallga th , wh ile Ostb o and Parry nab bed sixt h overall and first Vet fin isher. '0 250 REG 0 -2: I. 51"lyn Rigsby (Y;lm ); 2. Louir ~Ia torrt" (Yam ): 5. Rrian Hill (Yam ); 1. Ron ymom oya (Hon); 5. Pl"t" Adoumf'Y (Ya m ). 250 NOV; I. Mat Bateman (Yam ); 2. Don IXarmt"n (SUi); 5. Mattht"w Wyckoff (Han ); 4. jawn Foxt" (Yam ); 5. T ony ""..h ..l1 (5 uz). . 250 tNT : I. &an PaRt'! (Sw); 2. Kt'!ly Picht'! (Kaw); 3. Ra y Mcintosh (Ra w); 4. Jake" Trisl (Kaw): S. Brian 8t"ach (H on ). 250 P RO : 1. Micky Dymo nd (K.a 2. Rya n Hughn (; w); 5. Willy M us gravt" (ATK) ; 4. T on y Su lt"k (Ra w) ; ~ . Tim Tt'!ford (Y am ). 500 BEG: I . Scol:,OlUrchill (H a n); 2. j im McKeni it"(Kaw); 3. GR'); Man ia (Ya m) ; 1. La ntt Meu n" (Ho n ); S. Ilt"an Rro wn (H a n). 500 NO V: l. jon Nri ll (H on ); 2. Eric Olri"ian!lo("ll (H on r. 3. Mich ad WYK3nt (H o n); 4. Diad WMTln' (Hon); S. Da n Pau l~n (AT K). 500 (NT : I. Ra y Mdnuxh (Kaw); 2. Ilt"an Tt'a ~1" (Hon ); 3. Tom EnRt'1 (H on); 4. 5 1",e" Rt'I"\n (ATK) ; S. Dud Bruer' (Hon ). 500 PR O: I. Micky Dymond ( ; 2. Will y MusKJ'3Yf" (ATJ(). VET NOV D-I: I. Ma ll Ndw:m (Sul); 2. Mikf' Marion (Kaw); 3. Gary H arada (5 Ul); 4. GJr'R PaJr.iln (H o n ); 5. j nt' Ma!iOn (Y.;Im ). VET ~OV 0 -2: I. j im Pt"t:C'n (HHn); 2. Ra)'mond ."-mln . (Hon); 3. Bill Han dal ( Ra w); 4. Grt'Jt Whil firJd (H nn) ; 5. Kirk.Sch OOn" (Suz). VET INT: I. Phillip T aboclda (Hon); 2. Sox l Curtilo (Kaw ); o 3. Bria n Allt"n (SUi ); " . Rick Richa rd.; (Kaw); 5. Rob 80JdL VET PR O: 1. Bob Ruu m ( Ka w ); 2. Ala n Ol"on (H o n ). 25-29 BEG: 1. JamM Randal (H on ); 2. C. T . Falk (Ya m); 3. Rand y G rffn (H on ); 4. Rich.n d Wnrl f'Y (Ya m); 5. Mik t" C.arr (Hon ). 25-29 NO V: I. Eric Bri n ~!\t"T (Yam ); 2. Lor SOIa ( K."lw) ; 3. Wotu n Rri d (Ka w) ; 4. Malt ~f'hnn (Sut); 5. Louit" Pri ck , (H on ). 25-29 I~T: I. Tom Behan (Hon ); 2. Rob En ht"J (lio n) : 3. Kl" Erb (Sw): 4. Tom En hd (H on ); 5. Dt".m Tl"aKtlt"(Ho n). n OT NO V: 1. Manuel SnTa no (Yam ); 2. Rof>(ott Wycko ff (Kaw): 3. J im H oll on (H a n ); 4. Tom Co Jrma n (H on ); 5. Ch uck Cas to n (Ho n). OT INT : I. Adr ian Mesa (H on ); 2. W.G . Wilsun (SUl ); 3. Bob R ichard (Yam ). OT EX: I. Alan O lso n (H an); 2. Ben Kt j o hanswn (H a n). Bast dances to Ascot Spdwy win By Scott Daloisio GARDENA CA. SEPT. 13 , Bart Bast waltzed 10 an easy WIn in th e Handicap main at Chris AgaJanian 's Asco t South Bay Stadium Speedway event. Sta rting o n ,h e 40 yard-line in the eig h,lap main, Bast made it louk sim ple. He sta lked Kenn y Parry (shown) and Paul Ostbo won the Vet 250« Expert class at the Shamrocks Dual Hare Scram bles. young Chris Manchester for th e lead befor e racing aro und him at th e end of th e opening revo luti o n. Once o u t front, th e northern Californ ia n raced away o n his Bast Brother Weslak e and bu il t up a massive lead. . Rob Pfeu in g a nd Alan Christian sliced th eir wa y throug h tra ffic. taking Don ado rn for th ird and fourt h o n lap two. Then th ey moved up ch a ll en ge Manch est er . wit h St eve Lucero joini ng the fra y for the nu mber two spot. Whi le th e war raged for seco nd, Bast built a huge lead a nd oobod y co uld catc h hi m as he too k home the ch eckered flag. Manch ester held the co mpe titio n bac k unti l the fina l few feet where vetera n Christian edged h im by a spo ke for the n um ber two spot. Manch ester took third follo wed by L ucero . Pfeuing and Mike Faria. Faria may have on ly taken six th in the Han d ica p mai n, bu t he was unstoppable in Scratch racing. He wo n a ll th ree of his Scra tch rides. Off the pole in th e main, he rock eted the Warren R ussell /Off Sho re/Team Scopelitre/Shoei/ H if'oi n t Weslak e into th e lead a ' th e o utset. Bobby Sch wa rtz was hot o n th e leader's tai l and he po ked hi s nose imide Far ia in IUTn th ree o n lap one. Schwartz was hopin g to get by o n the in side, but th ere was nothing down , here and he dropped back second. By lap. ,h ree Fari a had set u p a slim. but co mforta ble, lead , and he mam tained tha t sma ll cushion a ll ,h e wa y to ,h e chec kers for the win . Schwaru placed seco nd followed by Pa, Hawley and Manch ester. Rou kie J ohn Aden beat , he Second Divisio n co m pe ti tio n in th e five·lap ma in . Aden came a ll ,he way fro m the 20 yar d line to record the victory . Rob Ball lost hi s skid shoe and placed second. while third wen ' to Canadian Kenn y Hansen. '0 '0 Resul ts SCRATOt: I. Mik r: Fari ;a(W ts ): 2. Bobby Schwaru (PPl); 3. Pal Haw lq (Gdn); 4. O ris Man chtsl rf (Wts) . H OCP; J. Bart BaSI (Wn);2. Alan O1ri sttan (Wts); 3. Ouu Manchnrt'T (Wn); 4. S(~ Luctto (Cdn) . 0 -2; 1. j o hn Adm (jaw); 2. Rob Rail (Jaw ); 3. Ken ny H ;amm (Wn): i . Ttd Sau~ eWes). 0-5: l. Car lor. Cardona (Wn); 2. M i k~ Blak r: (jaw); 3. Ji m Utts (Ja:w ); 4. Jor Erh ardt (Wn). SOCA R: I. Craig OrmpMrrlPner Lrwillo (Ka w) ; 2. StI"V~ SLa ntonrrom Tufts (Ka w); 5. l ew: PnrKalovid Ern st Kumg ( Ka w) ; i . j o h n Sim mons/jack SlraW (M-C ). Hunnicutt aces Shamrocks Dual Hare Scrambles By Donnetta and Bob Murray RED M OUNTAll'i,CA. SEPT. 22·23 Team Green's T ed Hunnicutt was the weekend's dou ble win ner a t th e Sha m rocks Dual Hare Scra mbles and T eam Race held a t Sear les . Sta tio n near Red Mountain. Hunnicutt a nd Kawasaki 's LaITy Roo el er paired up to win th e tea m evenl o n Sunday after H unnicutt aced Roeseler o u' of Saturday's hare scrambles trophy. Derr ick Pai ement and Hu nnicult were mere inc hes a pa rt a' the end of the bomb Tl1n in th e team race. Paiement's gas vent pl u~ed causing him to back o[f and give Hu nm cutt the lead. Eric Ha llga th passed Hunnicutt a t th e rail road crossing when Hunnicutt took lhe cros si ng at a wrong a ng le and was [orced 10 ride down th e cen ler of the tracks be[o re falli ng over. Knowing tha, Paiement was close, Hunnicutt remounted, go' off the tracks a nd took after Ha llga th . H e was right on Hall ga,h's tail wh en the du o jumped into a big sand wash and Hunnicutt was ab le to pa .. Hallga,h's 125cc bike. H unnicuu was £irst to tum . h is bike over . to teammate Roesel er at gas row. Dan Richardson, who was six th a' the start. made Resu lts O P E..~ EX: I. T ed Hu nn icutt/I..any Roeseler (Kawl: 2. Chris Cr dnda ll/ Darick Pa iement (AT Kl; 3. j im Clark (I\. M); 4. Todd Co lky/ Abc- Bau man . T 250 EX: I. Dan R icha rd'iO nlDa n A.mcra.h (HonIKaw); 2. Randy MOlo q / Chari it" Morris (SUl); 3. Robttt BotrhrlBmu d FaTTt"U (ka w ); 1. Dwayne l.t"wWSI t"Vt" Kirk. 125 EX: L Eri c Ha llgal hlEd Pierce (; t.. john Braasch/Ron jennings (Ya m ); 5. JMTY Noble/J df Cape 1•. j im Win: o w/ j df Blad.; ~. Jio& mes Sum mers. (Gag) . d VET O PE.~ EX: L Chuck Milia (Ha n ): 2. Ron Brasdonl Gary Scheidler (Kitw/ Ya m) ; 3. Phi l O owardlSIt"Yt' Oti s (H un/ Y am ); 4. Bob Dunlap/Ikan Taylur . VET 250 EX: J. Pa u f OSlbo /Ktonny Part)· ( Ka w ); 2Downhill AIt"Xandt"r/BtC'u Howell (SuzlKaw); 5. Dave O'Brit"lliOlar lit"Spe llman; 4. Dan Lezina slBob W('S L 'i / qf O PL AM: J. Rob Wh yU" Bob Oillo n; 2. Grf'g Ht"f"wt" Sc::o u Herw t"Q;3 Rob Pom off; 4. Dt"-mV~n/ M i kt"wmplaw . . SR O PEN EX: I. T .\'. Holm es/En e j en sen; 2. Emit" Mon ianlRex Pit lS: 5. Gary G.. rla ndlOMn Loo nsfooL VET250AM: 1. Grt'K H a wk!Jjdf Prin tt; 2. O1 ip John:sonl Rick Carr; 3. GTt'g Mc L.a u ~hl in/DaY(' H arm on . VET 250 NO V; I. Bill DIt"l uld/Pcte Voir;l. ) WMN NOV : I. 8rn ndi Moring/ Slrphame l.t"u kus. 250 NOV ; J. Scau M ori ng/ Sam Mu rp hy. . MINI ; I . Raymond EiM: d / lkn ni, R (~. h 250 AM: I. Spr ncr-r B!oo ml"r/Bill Graham ; 2. Tom McNabb /Jeff Ca't"; 3. Eric Hanh /Ron Pelt"T'S; 4. 51('\'(" ogrm:c Brad SIt"t'; 5. Davl" Bed .t"r/ Ct rl Dt" a n. Ha SR 250 EX: J. Da vt" Kl" in glS1I"Vt" TIlOm p!OOn; 2: Ron m Hall/AI Hull. . S/SR EX: I. AI G Ul ma n/ Ol"n n i!'o Dotv id~; 2. Art Morel Jer I')' Harpol t". Kling clutches Gratton RR I' By Denise Kottke GRATIAN.MI. SEPT. \,.16 Local fast gu y Friu Kling domina,ed the , Un li m ited Grand Prix event in AMAlCCS act ion a t Grauon Raceway. Gridded in ,h e third row o n a Yamaha FZRlOOO, Kling led the 18 experts early by o verpoweri ng the field o n th e seco nd lap. ScOll Seferian co u ld not ge' close enough to co mpe,e, riding a Suzuki GSXR750. as bo th riders pulled away from David Bissell, Dave Rosno and Gr eg Hu,chin wn on th e sixth goround. From behind, Mich ael Griffi,h a nd his GSXR750 m atched third positio n from Dave Bissell o n ,h e sevent h lap. Kling co nti n ued to co ntro l th e circuit into th e final laps by co ns istently maintaining a £our ~secbnd lead o ver Sefena n. At ,h e start of ,h e com bined H eavyweight Supersport event . Rosno leaned his GSXR750 in'o 'urn o ne , cl osel y fo llowed by . Steve ' Scheib e a nd A,tila Szabo , who exp loded fro m th e 10,h ro w. Bissell go t away from Ma ll Sheldo n on ,h e second lap on ly be passed by Szabo o n , he fourth. Bissell fou gh, reclaim the pos itio n a s he was . repassed by Szab o in th e next turn. Rosn o lost hi s concen tra tio n and ,he lead by goi ng off in 'urn seven leavin g the chec kered n ag to Szabo . Bissell and Scheibe. Rosno quickly recovered establish fourth position chased by Tom Wil son 'he fin ish. Romo co mpe,ed. agai n, as he go , a way from the line to ro und th e firs t corne r o[- the-com bined Hea~weigh' Superbike. Rosno. James Knipp, B..sell and J,mmie Kemp all succumbed to th e speed of Wilwn' s GSX R750 o n the second lap. From th ere, Wil son acq ui red a marginal lead over Rosno and '0 '0 '0 '0

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