Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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LOCAL EVENTS Bridgeston~New York ~~~ State C'ship Henryperfect at B roome-Tioga e ~ By Richard DeLibertis BRooM E·TIOGA "Y. SEPT. 22·23 , o ug Henry was the p icture of perfection , winning a ll four rno tos that he entered by domi nating the 125and 250cc Expert classes at the 8th Annual Bridgestone New York State Championships held at Broome-Tioga. Mike Spear was th e overa ll winner in the 500cc clas s. Over 350 novices, am ateurs and expe rts compe ted in th e two-day event for the $13,000 cash and co nt ingency priz es. For He nry, winning was th e on ly thing o n h is mi nd and it sho wed as he ravaged th e com pe ti tio n . T he general concensus in the pi ts was tha t he wo uld be th e man to beat . " W in n in g li ke this feels pretty good . . . las t night at th e 250cc Mo nt real Supercross I cras hed wh en I was in fifth pl ace and ended up l l th , I was disappointed about th at ," Henry said. Sh adowing H enry in both the 125 and 250cc Expert classes, with four second pla ce fin ish es, wa s Er ic McLear. " I' ve been racin g in New England recently a nd DNF a lot . I was j ust racing my o wn race and tryi ng to be as consis tent as po ssibl e," he said. T he first 125cc Expert mo to could ha ve eas ily been mi stak en for a l25cc quali fier at an AMA Natio nal. H enry, McL ea r, Kurt McMillen a nd 1990 125cc Winter-AMA Champ ion Ch ris Col eman were o n hand, just to nam e a few. Col eman grabbed th e holesh ot with McL ear a n d H enry in to w. Billy Silverol e qui ckl y put a move on McLear but cou ld not make it stick. Co lema n stayed o u t in front until the end of the second lap as H en ry sped by and never looked back. McL ear was in steady pursu it and moved pa st Coleman sho r tly_thereafter, and was never cha lle nge d. " I've had a broken wris t and haven 't raced hard for almos t five months. I'm just go ing to tak e my ti me a nd let it heal properly, there is no sense in ru shing an ything ," Co leman said in reference to his third-place fini sh . Silverole had more than his sha re of pro blems keep ing Steve Herman a t bay. "It's like the dampin g has been set at 3000 pounds on the rear shock. The mo tor is pu ll ing fin e but we could n' t get the power to the ground," said Preci sion Performance tun er , Mike Gray. " We'll have it all set by the second rno to." McMillen worked h is way thro ugh the pack af ter a poor sta rt to take fifth ahead of Herman a t th e end . McMillen confessed that he wasn 't a 125cc rider and tha t he was just o ut to do hi s best. While Col eman was not in shape to go th e distan ce against Henry and McLea r, h is reflexes had not tarn ished and he was th e first 10 ente r turn on e. But Henry and McLear had better driv e comi ng o u t of th e corne r and took off to first and seco nd pl ace fini sh es. Coleman soo n lost ground to Steve Herm an but never lost sig h t of him pu shing him all the way to the flag. When the checkered flag drew close to the moto, Henry had a very co mfortable lead. " I didn't hav e too much trouble out the re (getting by any of th e • riders), but my airbox was loose in the first rnoto which .bounced my carb around quite a bit, that might have had an effect on the power," . The 250cc Experts got underway with almost the same cast as its 125cc D ..... Q.) ..0 o .... u o Dou g Henry topped the 125cc Expert class at Broome-Ti oga MX in New York. counterpart. Eric Koch exercised the quickest reflexes to na il the ho leshot for th e first rn o to . Una ble to ho ld o n 10 good starts in th e 125cc class du e to the master cyli nder leaking on his front brake and head gas ket p robl em s, Koch p resevered to a sixth in the first 250cc rn o to. Henry owned the first mo to from the th ird turn o n and McLear was ri ght beh ind hi m. Co lema n sta rted near 10th and cu t quickly through th e pack o n the openi ng lap to pull into third where he rem a in ed for th e rn o to. H erm an a n d Silverol e kep t close company for the entire m oto finishi ng 4-5 at th e fla g. Bill y Si lverole pulled everybody into the first turn, but lost gr ound 10 Hen ry, Herman an d Mik e Spears within a few turns. While the front three crui sed, McL ear and Col eman had to overcome poor sta rts to mak e up for lost time. McL ear fai red better than Col eman fini sh in g a stro ng seco nd with Coleman scra m bling th rough th e pack for sixth. Silv erol e was a solid fourth at the £lag wi th Koch in fifth . The 500cc class looked to be the sho wcase for National rid er Kurt M cM illen ~ Hi s 30-second lead at the end of the fir st m ot o ga ve in dication as to wh y he is curre ntly ra nk ed ninth in th e 500cc National Series. Rick Pinney and Mik e Spears spe n t the d ura tion of the m oto trading pl aces until th e flag ca lled an end to it. Pinney took a distant runner-up spot. McMillen wa s in good po sition to win th e overa ll until disaster struck o n the th ird lap. Getting a little sloppy through a ru tted sectio n , his front whee l jumped over the groove an d sent him to the grou nd. H is pu rsu it of the lead ers was impressive as he doubled, tripled and even q uad ru p led jumps to whi ttle away a t the 20-second deficit. He was able 10 get th ird at the flag. For Spears and Pinney, th e second moto was a cont in ua tio n of the first with the two tradi ng pl aces right up until half a lap to go. Pinney pa ired up his second place fini shes for second overall. CN Resu lts 125 EX: I. Doug Henry (Yam ); 2. [ ric Mc Lea r (Ya m ); 3. Chris Co lema n (K.3w); 4. Steve Herm an (Ya m ). 2M) EX: 1. Dou g Hen ry (Yam); 2. [ ric McLea r (Yam ); , . Steve H aman (Ya m); 4. Bill y Silverole (Kaw); s. C hris Co lema n (Kaw) . 500 EX: I. Mike Spears (Kaw); 2. Rick Pinney (Bon); 3. Kurt McMiJ1en (Hon ): 4. Brian Years (Ha n); S. Bart Lu cas (Kaw). SR EX: I. Bart Lu cas (Kaw ); 2. j arrer Newb y (H a n); 3. Brian Boadwell (Suz); 4. J on Marsh a ll (H a n ); S. Dav id Ahouse (Han). SCHBY: I. Ezic Reill y (Suz); 2. Zy Braun (Kaw); 3. Mikr Vra bel (Raw); 4. Jason Cor zine: (Hon ); .s. StC'VC' Simmons (S Ul) . 250 AM: I. J on Reed (Han ); 2. Geo rge w eber (H on );·3. J on Rudd y (Yam ); 4. Kevin Ty ler (Hon ); S. Carl Shoo k (Yam ). Kawasaki's Jeremy McGrath pursues Kyle Lewis en route to the 125cc Expert class win at the GFI Fall Series MX at Glen He len OHV Park in California. OPEN AM: I. George wcuer (Kaw); 2. Jason Langley (Han); 3. Darren Dryer (Ha n); 4. walter Procanyn; 5. Ron Buts (Ma i). VlNT: I. Berni e Koh ler; 2. Mark Bellinger; 3. David Wesl!all ; 4. Gary O1ase; S. Doug Graham. PLUS :IS EX: 1. Bruce Winte" (H a n); 2. John Burfeind (Ha n): 3. Mike: jones (K:.a w); 4. \\alter Benewa v (Ha n ); 5. Paul Turner (H a n). PLUS :IS AM: 1. Scot, Garrison (Kaw); 2. waheProcanyn (Kaw); 3. Robert Angut { Kaw]: 4. Chip Scerbo (Ha n); S. Pa ul Burfeind (He n ), 200 NO V: t. Newt Swam (Suz); 2. Derek Stull (Suz); 3. Anthonv Poco robba (H an); 4. Chris Bla ke (Suz); S. Rich R Uck (Kaw). I:IS AM: 1. Eric Reilly (Suz); 2. Jon Reed (Hon); 3. Rick Mason (Suz); 4. Pa ul Rock well (Kaw); S. Jason Cerrone (Ha n). 50: 1. Shane Barthol! (h j ); 2. Michael Ferrailo (Ya m); 3. Jason Amalek (Ha n) ; 4. J ustin T yner (Ya m); S. Mike Silvernle (Yam). S/ SR: I. FmI Lu cas (Kaw): 2. Bruce Stra tton (Yam ); 3. Stephen Coy (Ha n); 4. Dennis Mu lvah y (KT M); 5. Rea Firesto ne (SUl). MINt 9-15: I. Way ne SCa li (H a n ); 2. Mall Rockwell (Kaw); 3. Zy Braun (Kaw); 4. Mich ael Um hoeffer (Han ); 5. David Umhoefer (H a n). 25O/0PEN NOV: I. Tom Cayla (Han); 2. Ken McCanhy (Kaw); 3. Don Bene (Yam); 4. J a mes Harris (Suz); S. Ch ad Moore (H a n). ' J R MINI: 1. Casey H iggi ns; 2. Pa ul Bradl ey; 3. Chad Rock well ; 4. Co rey Ty nez. SR MINt 12· 13: I. Ch ris Orme (Suz); 2. Tony Pocorcb ba (Han ); 3. Mike Um hodlc:r (Ha n ); 4. Zy Brau n (Kaw): 5. Sca li Rockk well (Kaw). SI!. MINI H"I S; I. Wayne Scou (H a n); 2. Keith Troccoli (Ka w) ; 3. jason Ma vvrid es (Suz); 4. Rob Seavy (Ya m ); S. Shawn Schu ltz (Ka w) . SI!. MINI NOV : I. Scou Keetch {Ka w): 2. Paul Kelly (Ha n); 3. Kun Soderholm (Suz); 4. Keit h Michael (Kaw); S. Jeremy Hi nz (Yam). GFI Fall MX Series: Round 4 Antunez, McGr~th invade Glen Helen MX By Tony Alessi SAN BERNARDINO, CA, EPT. 23 actory riders Budd y Antunez an d Je re my McGrath came away wi n ners in the 125 and 250cc Pro classes, after tough com petitio n fro m a very determined group of loca l racers at Gl en Helen OHV Park. . Ka w a s ak i /B el l/AXO -ba ck e d McG rath g rabbed the lead at the start of the first 125cc Pro moto, Antunez soon worked his way 10 second in front of Mike Cha mberlain, Kyle Lewis and Erik Kehoe. Antunez made his way pa st McG rath whi le Lew is closed in on third. Kehoe and Randy Mood y were battling for the fourth spot wit h Mood y passin g Kehoe at the halfway point. Ant u nez put five bike len gths o n McGrath whil e Lewis crashed in a deep berm , handing third to Chamberlain. Mood y held tou gh for fourth followed by Lewis and Kehoe at the fin ish. The seco nd rnoto featured a threeway dogfight for the lead with Kehoe F leading half th e race. Keh oe, Lewis and A nt unez were inc hes apa rt with each rider loo king for a chance to pass. On the fourt h lap Kehoe got h is front end ta ng led in a deep rut and fell over, givi ng the lead to Lewis. Lewis led for two la ps befo re Antunez dove ins ide and took the lead. Keh oe joined Antunez a nd Lewis on th e fin al lap and Sparks began 10 fly. Lewis mad e a last-lap pass o n Antu nez, then inched away wh ile Kehoe tried to get a wheel inside A nt u nez as well. In the fin al turn Keh oe jumped to the in side of Antun ez a n d sla m me d him, but Antunez kept eno ug h momentum to stay upright. Lewis too k th e win but finished second overall to Antunez. McG rath finished a dis tant fourth but man ag ed th ird .overa ll in fro nt o f Cha mberla in and Keh oe. McGra th was untouchabl e in th e 250cc Pro class. Kehoe fini shed second o verall after shaking a very determined Lewis in the second moto. Antunez spe nt most of each m oto pl ayin g catch up after cras hing into Keh oe in th e first rn o to and jumping o n Tracy Montero ne in the seco nd. Moody passed Antu nez for third in the first rn oto and ra n behind Kehoe and Lewis in the seco nd moto , securing third overall ahead of A nt unez. David Dye continued his domin an ce of the 250cc Int ermediate class after a pa ir of great motos, Dye ho leshot the first mo to and disappeared. Bill Sa uro was ho t on his trail at the ha lfway mark but crashed, leavi ng the runner-u p spot for J ak e Trist followed by Billy J oe Mercier. Dye and Mercier went at it in the second moto until Dye went do wn in a turn and Mercier pass ed h im and won th e moto, Dye came o ut the o vera ll winner with his 1-2 score which bea t Mercier 's 3-1 tall y. J eff Moore, J erem y Albrecht an d Ma ll Polosky ro unded the top five. Lou Soto won with bi g leads in both 25-29 No vice rnotos. Eri c Beingesser was close during the early laps but SOlO'S spee d was un challenged. Weston Reid and Lo uis Peick had a great seco nd-moto scra p 'for second with Pieck coming out o n top but Reid taking a bett er overa ll fini sh. a Resu lts 80 BEG : 1. J imm y Varis (Suz); 2. David Aleman (SUI): -'. J oshua Amaradio (Ho n); 4. A.J. Aspa rt ure (Kaw); S. Ganh Milan {Kaw ). 25