Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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~t OD
CLSC SPTS~IN EX: I. John Wurden.
CLSCSPTSM:oi AM: I. Jim W i lJi ~
CLSCSPTSMN S OV: I. Debra W ilJ i~
j R (0-9 ~ I. Naomi WilJ i ~
j R (10-14): I. Joe McCoy; 2. Buckv Martin.
1990 Suzuki World Cup
Blair best in France
By La rry H uffman
Steamboa t Springs hosted the final round
of the AH RMA Vintage Trials Series.
(Ya m ); 3. W~~lOn Reid ( Kaw ): 4.. Lo u ie Pei ck (Hon):
5. Bill Reimer IKaw ).
25-19 [NT: I. Kevin Frin ger (Han ); 2. Ken Erb
(Su z): 3. SCOl( Wal ker (Kaw): .1. Ro b Engel (H on );
5. Ti m May (Hon).
VET NOV : I. Jim Peters (Han): 2. Bill Ra nda ll
(Kaw); 3. Mau Nelson (Suz); 4. Kelly Franklin (H on ):
5. Greg Pagan (Han).
VET 1!'7 : 1. Da vid Sarai a n (Han); 2. Scott Cu rtis
{Ka w ): 3. Philip Taboa da (Han); 4. Frank Steiner
(Kaw»5. Robert Temple ( H e n ).
VET PRO: I. T ,m Lunde (Kaw); 2. J oh n
McCaughey (Hon).
OT NOV: I. Robert Wyckoll (Kaw); 2. Th omas
Coleman (H en ): 3. Greg Lamb (Suz).
OT INT: I. Adrian Mesa {Hon ).
OT EX: 1. Buster Lawrence (Kaw): 2. Gary
Duggeu (Suz).
National Historic TrialsSeries:
final rouDd
Belvoir best at
Steamboat Springs
By Mi ckey Wood
orthern Cal ifornian Derek Belvoir
turned in a stunning performan ce
in the final round of this year's
American Historic Racing Motorcycle
Association (AH RMA) Natio nal l-listoric Trials Cham pion ship Series, dropping only four po ints on his way to the
Premier Lightweight Expert victory.
Riding a BSA B10, Belvoir defeated BSA
Cl5-mo unted arch rival Mike Adkins
and England's j ohn Husband, who was
experiencing carburetor troubles with
his borrowed Greeves An~lian.
Beno Rodi was the sole doub le winner,
riding a Mat chless to th e Premier
Heavyweigh t Expert win ahead of Fred
Mork 's Royal Enfield, then losing j ust
12 points on his way to a Heavyweigh t
Sportsman Expert trophy aboa rd a
Norton P-ll twin !
The largest class was the Modem
Qassic Amateur, where Bill Martin pre\'ailed after turnin g in an 18-point ride
to runner -u p Mi ke Ha m mond 's 30
poi nts.
Six challe ngi ng, th ough na rro w,
sections greeted the riders with everyth ing from silt and rocks to a trip
through natural spring water bu bbli ng
up from below. Approximately 40 riders
competed in wha t was just th e second
running bf thi s event , hosted by the
Timberline Trailriders.
80 NOV: I. Angelo Ingrande (Kaw); 2. Phil
Richmo nd ( Kaw); 3. David Ferrier (Raw); 4. Scon
J ohnson (Suz): 5. Arma ndo Overlund (H on ).
80 1S T : I. Ty kady (Kaw); 2. Larry Linkogle
80 EX: I. Craig Deder< (Kaw).
12!; BEG 0. 1: I. Ji mmy Martinez (Hon); 2. j oey
Cirocoo (Hon); 3. Richard Too le (Hon); 4. Daniel
Ch iaramonte ( Raw); 5. Kevin Wozni ak (Suz).
12!; BEG D-2: I. Charles Vale (Suz); 2. Chri,
HU Khe.,.(H o n) ; 3. Mike Carr (Hon) ; 4. Mike Battist a
(SCR); 5. Raymond Morales (Suz).
125 NO V 0..1: I. Brian T avlor (Yam); 2. Sean
Rundle (Kaw); 3. Kri, Keeler (Suz); 4. Billi Reimer
( Ka w); 5. Aaro n Wasn ea ( Kaw).
12!; NOV 0.2: I. Duane Dearman (Kaw); 2. Jason
Fox e (H on) ; 3. Shay Frrtner (5 uz); 4. Bobby Hubbard
(Suz); 5. Mario Cano (Hon).
I. Donald Upton (Hon); 2. Freddie
Villagra (Suz); 3. David Casada (Suz); 4. Charlie
Fl ipI'm (S uz); 5. Aaron Wen strup (SU2).
12!; PRO: I. Buddy Antun ez (Suz); 2. Kyle Lewi,
(Kaw);3. j eremy McGrath (Kaw); 4.Mike Chamberlain (Yam); 5. Erik Kchoe (Hon).
2!;0 BEG D-I: I. Lawrence Lewi, (Yam); 2. Bobby
Phillips ( Kaw); 3. And y Slix (Yam); 4. Alan Violette
(KT M); 5. Ron y M amo ya (H a n).
2!;0 BEG 0.2: I. Mark Fitzgerald (Suz); 2. Matt
Edward, (Hon); 3. C. T. Watanabe (Hon); 4. Brian
Hill (Yam); 5. Brian Easley(Yam).
230 NO V: l. Jason Faxe (Yam); 2. Mat Bal.elll3n
(Yam); 3. Donnie Dearman (Suz); 4. Jimmy Butler
(Suz); 5. T racy Asber (Suz).
2!;0 INT: I. David Dye (Hon); 2. Billy Mercier
(Suz); 3.Je[[ Moore (Hon); 4. Jeremy Albrechl (Kaw);
5. Matt Polosky (Suz).
2!;0 PRO: I. j eremy McGrath (Kaw); 2. Erik Kehoe
(Hon); 3. Randy Moody (Kaw); 4. Buddy Antune,
(Suz); 5. T im T elford (Yam).
500 BEG: I. Scou Churchill (Hon); 2. Greg Mau io
(Kaw); 3. J im McKenzie (Kaw); 4. Kelly McDougall
(Hon); 5. Dean Brown (Hon).
500 NOV: I. Frank Steiner (Ka w); 2. Dan Paul son
(AT K);3. Raymond Ande, (Hon); 4. Michael Wygant
(Hon); 5. Tim othy Silkwood (Hon).
500 INT: I. Scou McKey (AT K); 2. Tom Engel
(H on); 3. Mike Do ugh er ty (AT K); 4. Steve Reeves
(AT K);5. Mike Seeley (Kaw).
500 PRO: I. Mickey Dymond (Kaw); 2. Willy
Mu,grave (AT K); 3. Jell Soou (Kaw).
25-29 BEG: I. Ricbard Worley: 2. James Randel
(Hon); 3. C. T. Falk (Yam); 4. Mike Carr (Hon); 5.
Clay Willison (Hon).
25-29 NOV: I. Lou Soro (Kaw); 2. Eric Beingesser
Resul ts
RIG ID 8 1W EX: I. Steve Martin.
RIGID UW EX: I. Phil Andm"n.
PREM HIW EX: I. BenDRodi; 2. Fn. dMork.
P R EM LiW EX: L Derek Belvo ir; 2. Mik e Adkin s;
3. john Husband.
PREM U W AM: I. Sonny Anderson; 2. J im
PREM UW SPTSMN: I. Jim Cameron.
H IW SPTSMN EX: I. Ben Rodi .
MO D CLSC EX: I. Denni s Davis; 2. Adrian Moss.
MODCLSCAM: I. Bill Martin; 2. Mike Hammond:
3. DickHeadwell; 4. GaryT u.cker; 5. Hugh Ca m~ lI.
MOD CLSCNOV: I. Jarllle j enny; 2. Rob Suckler;
3. Doo SchmuuJer Jr.; 4. To m Meyen; 5. Bill Moore.
MODCLSCBEG: I. Barbara Gernpler.
all Blair, a 26-year-old building
contracto r from Austral ia, swept
both l2-l ap races to take the
overall win and the 6000 purse at the
1990 Suzuk i GSXR World Cup, The
event , billed as a preliminary to the 801
d'Or 24-Hour was witn essed by a crowd
estimated a t over 80,000,
Second overall went to West German
metal worker, Rainer j ani sch with two
thi rd-place finishes. Third-place hon ors
went to Sweden' s Tony Hogstrom, who
finished seventh in the first round and
second in the fina l hea t. Hegstrom, 33,
finished seco nd in the 1990 Swedish
Superbike Championship,
There were severa l crashes. Both of the
Canadian entries, ex-rno tocrosser Rob
Mu tch of British Columbia and j eff
Gaynor of T oronto , crashed a nd suffered
bad ly sprai ned ankles. One of th e
j apanese entries, H iroshi Seno, crashed
hard in the second heat and was taken
to the hosp ital wh ere he rem ained
overn ight; his cond ition was reported as
sa tisfacto ry. According to Cana d ia n
Mutch. who was taken OUI by ano ther
j apan ese rider in the first heat, "These
gu ys have a 'win or die' a ttitude! 1 never
knew wha t hit me!"
English journali st Oli ver Duke, 37,
suffered a broken leg when he crashed
early in the first heat. According to
English sources, Duke was entered with
the idea of doing a story on racing the
- Suzu ki Fra nce-specifica tio n stock
GSXRi5 0 in the World Cup.
Overall, Suzuki Motor Compan y, Ltd.
officials were very happy with the event.
This was the first time it was held in
France after the first two champ ionships
were staged in j ere-L, Spain . Thirty riders
from 15 count ries took pa rt in the
Kenny Olsen (758) takes the ear ly lead in the 125cc Expert class at Albany MX
in Oregon. Ton y Graves (219) ended up taking th e class win and champio nship .
The seco nd day o f racing saw Ken n y Ol sen
ta ke the holeshot in th e first l25cc Pro mot o .
H art, Grav es , Bisceglia , Bell a n d Dail y
rounded o u t th e top seven. After a half lap ,
. G ra ves blew by H art and q uickly reeled 10
O lsen :
Graves took an ins ide line to pass Ol sen ,
bu t slid o u L By th e time he go, his Honda
ru nn in g he was down in l l th p lace. Han,
mea nw hile, went by Olsen on lap two . Olsen
reta liate, but cras hed while tryi ng
do triples. By th e fifth lap. Graves was up
to sixth. H e wou ld con u nue to move up
eventuall y fin ish fourth.
through th e pa ck
U p fro m H art a nd Bisceg lia crossed th e line
with Mik e Bell edging Graves by inches fo r
th ird . Dail y a nd Berry rounded ou t th e top
Mot o two saw O lsen aga in geuing the nod
in the first turn . Bell, Gr aves, Bisceglia and
H art ro u nded o ut th e top five. After the first
half lap, H art had po wered by Biscegl ia for
fou rt h. with Graves snea ki ng past Bell fo r
seco nd . Lap two saw G ra ves take the o u tside .
lin e topass O lsen for the lead .
Bell took Ol sen o rr th e trac k o n the th ird
la p wi th bo th riders go in g down. This made
th e o rder; Graves , Biscegli a , H art. Dai ly a nd
Po rt na . On th e fo urt h lap , Po rt na moved by
Dai ly to fini sh fourth.
Graves, mea n while. too k th e moro win
while Bisceg lia 's 2-2 rides nett ed hi m Ihe daily
overa ll. But G raves' 1-1·4-1 gave h im the ti tle,
aga in.
ANAL: I. Mall Blair (AllS); 2. Rainer Janisch (W.
Ger); 3. T ony HogslrulO (Swe); 4. Ju rgen Hallinder
(Swe); 5. Jer[Gaynor(Can); 6. Philippe ('.. mbray(Fra);
7. Michel Simo n (Bel); 8. La uda ti Ugo (Ita ); 9. ROb~r
rlsson (Swe); 10 Rogier 111ierry (Fra); II. Gunter
R",ier (W. Ger); 12. D-dvid Va"lUCZ (Spa); 13. Rob
Mutch (Ca n); 11. T res Flavio (I b); 15. u n Kim Jensen
Graves takes title at Albany MX
By Don Schneider
. ALBANY, OR, SEPT. 22,23
Tony Graves scored imp ressive 1· 1-4-1 m o tD
hold on to h is 125cc P ro MXN W
Oregon Sta,e Champion ship during th e 'woday MX in Albany.
Graves o u, po wered ,h e field ea rly o n as he
held a large lead by the l5 -minu,e ma rk in
, he firs, mo lO. A" ha, poim Graves gOl tangled
in some banners after run ni ng wide in a wa te r ·
fill ed co rner, giving Grayson H an and J eff
Daily a chance to ga in ground.
Grav es. however. managed to sta y in front
o f H art for the rest o f th e mo lO, even th ou ~h
the ban ners had melted arou nd his fea r di SC
and he no lo nger had an y brakes. Dail y
fin ished , hird.
MOIO two saw Har' take ,h e ear ly lead , but
Graves had o the r ideas and he soo n ,ook over
th e top spot. Graves wen t through m o LO two
unsca,h ed, 10 co llec' the overa ll for ,h e day .
Women ' s ~ d i v i s i o n racing sa w Deanna
H olbrook ta ke , he hol esho t o n her Suzu ki
R M 125. J ulie Sweeten and Cindy Fester d id
battle u m il Sweeten wicked it u p. At , he end
o f lap three, Swee ten was close enough to
make a pass o n H o lbrook for th e lead.
Although Holbrook stayed close the finish ,
it was Sweeten taki ng th e win.
MalO two was a Sweeten / Holbrook ba ttl e
ro yal. Swee,e n pulled the holeshot and rod e
a m istak e-free race. H o lebrook held o n for
second to ca p tu re seco nd o vera ll wi,h Swee, en 's I-I ta lly ,akin!: ,h e overa ll .
Resu lts
W /P /W : O /A G rf'go ry Blackw ell (Ya m ): I. Issac Da vison
(Ya m):2. G rrogo ry Blackwell (YOlm): 3. Ryan Colem an (Ya m) .
60 6-8: a lA Eri c W ( Kitw); I. J.a!tOn Hanson ( Ka w);
2. Eric Wi llia m s (Kaw ): 3. Gu'gof)' Blackwel l ( Ka w).
609-11: O / A Robnl H o h ll: t'w (Kaw); I. Robert H oh~r'W
[ Ka w]: 2. DU'ly Lcnaburg ( Ka w) ; 3. Adam West [ Kaw ].
WMN: Q / A J ul i,= SWt'('trn (Kaw); I. j uli~ Sweet en ( Kaw ):
2. Deanna Holbrook (S UI); 3. j ea nne V.abu" cuk..
80 I~-r: O /A Co rry Fu ll" ( Ka w ); I. Cury Fulln ( Ka w ):
2. J o h n Wi lliams ( Ka w) ; 3. Mike Utven ( Ka w) .
80 BEC O /A : Jan'd SaJ1l