Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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both motos, Johnny Marley had an excellent nigh' as he won 'he Pee Wee Stock , Pee Wee Modified and 60cc cla sses. Results P/W STX. 1. Johnny Marl c:y(Ya m ): 2. Ryan Early (Ya m ); : 3. Jnnny 100ma, (Ya m); 4. Ryan Harri s (Ya m): S. Cbase R~ ( Yam ) . PIW MO D: 1. j ohnny Ma rl('}'(Yam ): 2. R yan u rly (Ya m) ; 3. Du u in R.n:on:I (Ya m ); 4. 0uK' geed (Ya m ). 60 MIN I MINI: I. Johnny Marley ( ; 2. Ryan u rly (Ya m); 5. Ty l" farrar (Ha n); 1. Lee HankttS ( ); S. Mi ch~1 Flick (Yam). 80 ~nN I JR : I. Bubba Ellis (Hon ); 2.. Rid Peterso n Jr . ( K.rIw); 3. Abo Hetpee (Ka w ) 4. Coby Slurp (SUl) : S. Bud Lo~(Sw ). 80 BEG: I. Dmnh Owen s ( ); 2. S.J. Swill (SUl) ; ! . Waylon Li tch hdd (H on ) 4. Mitch Wall att ( Ka w ); S. J ohn flynt (Suz). RO SR : I. Rob b ie Rrymnd ( Ka w) ; 2. Todd Claborn ( lUi w); 3. Nril IkAnnond (Raw): 4. Cob ,. Sharp (Suz); S. Brandon H offma n ( . 80 O PEN : I. Rob bit' Rc:yna rd (ltaw ); 2. Todd Claborn (lUw): 3. Ikonnil Owene ( Kor. w); 4. Br:m don H o reman (; 5. S .}. Swift (SULl. 125 BEG : 1. Qui!> Thurman (Yam ); 2. Dustin Ro ll ins (H o n ); 3. Jf'uy Mrhon (Hon): 1. ROJI:" Bro wn (Ya m ): 5. Scot t Or ub lf'r (SUI ). 125 NO V: I. J t'rt'm y G ray (SU!): 2. Eric Ro~n (SU!); 3. .L;ul(:!' ila w (SUI) : 1. J eff Scou (S w); 5. R ich a rd SIf'p hrns ("-'w) . 125 INT: I. Ty H.m i.. (Ko.i w ); 2. J dl Rr id (Sw): 3. C hrilio Tucker (K...Ol w ): i . Monle Fr..nk (SUl ); S. H orn er Wooisiayn • [ Hoe ]. 250. BEG : I. Mark Coc he tl (SUl ); 2. Brain YounJi; (H en): 3. Billy Roberth (Yam); 4. G rt'K Co n ndly (SUl) ; 5. Kurt SLa ley ( ). n 250 NOV: I. Bra d Smith (Kaw ); 2. Dera ! H unter (SUl); 3. Dean Do ty (SUl); i . Sh a wn Au..tin (Kctw); 5. Ron Sloan (Hon ). 250 tNT: I. Tommy Newman (Kaw); 2. Ty H arris (Kaw ); 3. Chad Anthony (Kaw); 4. R ick Mannin Jl: (S Ul); 5. Mich ad Hul!arY(SUl). 250 EX: I. Chan a.ker (SU! ); 2. Jimmy Webb (Ka w ]; 3. Brandon Fa nner (Yam) . OVER 25: I. Jim Anrl«wn (H a n ); 2.. Wa yne Da vis (Ya m ); 3. ROiYj on es (Hon ): 1. Mark Cochd l (S Ul) ; 5. Wt'n dell Hea rd (S u.r:). OV ER 35: I. Ji m Thom as (Ya m) ; 2. La rry Sno w (SUl) ; 3. Mr . Redwine (H o n ); !>u'r S. : Ora n Kit a . 250 ST: J. Tum Hud~, ; 2. J am ie Inch ; S. G lt'n n Rt't"b; lhuds; 2. T im Co nti: S. T a nd y Friley: i . John R r-n . 80 KNOBBY : 1. Bryan Ikllr-nKt"r; 2. ChiidZim mt'r; S. Shawn Locke. 60/80ST: 1. Sh aw n Tho m.ll.; 2. Ju"tin Nieckrmif'f; 3. Bria n Rffi>. 501 1. JUllin Nirdrrm it'r ; 2. La rry R u..t : 3. Duslin Kiu !>; 11 (Ya m ): ~ . Sha wn Tho m..s (Yam ); 1. (Yam ). 60: l. j e:nny H ayd en (Kaw ): 2. J Ulou n Nintrrmirr (Kot w); 3. Kimbrrl y Smith (H o n ). 50: I. K.C. KnOdd (MOl); 2. Junin Nin:l. 'lIn i.'r (Ya m): 3. f Kim ber l'y Sm ith (Ya m); 4. Ca~ H ilmihon (Yam ); 5. DU"lin Kim ( It) . u!ot'Y Robertsroasts Roebling Road RR By Bob Ap p legate FAULKVILLE, GA, SEPT. 1· 2 Sa'ur day 's Sol o GTO race a ' Roeb ling Road prov ed ' 0 be a I,:ood warm-up for Wes' Palm Beach Flo rida rtder Danny Roberts as he 'ook the win over som e of the East Coast' s hott est dogs. Fellow Florida rid er John Dierckx on a Suzuki GS XR II 00 led off foll owed by Mid· A'l an'ic region ride r Bru ce Nield on a Honda RC30 a nd Summi' Poin' expert Gl enn Szarek on a GSXR750. The trio immedia'ely dipped bel ow 'he o ne· mi n u ,e 20· second mark. Roberts , meanwhile. utilized 'he excellent weather and fast track condi tio ns to move ,hroug h the pack from h is fifth- row star,ing posi tio n up into third place by lap 'hree. Roberts 'ook ' he lead on lap five. movin g a round Nield and Dierckx in one swoo p . Dier ckx , 'he o nly o'her rider wi 'h 'he horsepow er. repassed Rober ts on lap I I. He was ' hen shadowed by Roberts unlll he was repassed on lap 17 to hold on for ' he win. Su nday afternoon saw th e $1000 Exper ' Unli mi ' ed GP race. With no ' ire reps a ' 'his event. most everyon e had cooked thei r tires and were riding on determinati on a nd luck. A, the drop of the green n ag. Rober ts rocketed from hi s star ti ng spo t on row five in'o 'he lead and never looked back. With Nield nailing down second and Dierckx third. ' he baule was for fourth through 10th. Tha' 'urned in'o a scrap between Mark Foster , Glenn Szarek. John Choa,e. Mike Fitzpa trick, Tripp Nob les and S'eve Harrison. Baltimore' s Szarek proved be an ironman on his FZR600 up agamst a field of 750s and I lOlls, fin ishing a hard-earned fifth overall. During the course of 'he race both Rober ts and Nield go' down in'o low 1:17s. 'urning in some of 'he fastest ' imes of ' he weekend. Novice racing a, Roebling continues be some of the hottest in the land with Orlando , Florida's Lee Poun ders taking rive wins, two on h is Ou'door Exposure Sig n-spo nsored GSX R750 and 'hree on a Honda CBR600. T wins raci ng keeps gettinl,: beller in th e Sou,h and thi s weekend prov tded an incred· ibly var ied field of eq ui p ment with ' he baule coming down Clarke Ohrstrom on a 1000cc Buell aga inst Greg Flagg on a very po ,en , Kawasaki EX500. The ,wo swapped po sitions five 'imes in eigh' lap s with the final nod Ohrstrom af'er pulling off a darin g go ing '0 '0 '0 '0 inside pass in tum on e on the last lap to win 'he Ligh tweight Supertwins class. Results NOV M /W GP: 1. Lee: Pounders (H a n ); 2. Robert Hain es (Yam ); 3. Rodney H u ll (Yam) : 4. Timothy T ri m b le (Ya m) ; 5. Dre w Linroln (H on). EX MIW GP: l. Mar k Long (Ya m ); 2. Michael Barnes (Ya m ); 3. G lenn Sxarek (Yam ); 4. Bru ce Ni dd (Due ); 5. William Luke (Yam ). NOV L!W GP: I. R obin Ni cholas (Ya m ); 2. Michael Moo re (Yam);3 . Pr a pancha Sot-koro (Yam); 1. Perer Villacard (KawO; 5. Edward Borowy (lion). EX L!W G P ; l. Pat O 'Leary (Yam ); 2. J immy Mosl ey (Yam ); 3. Bob Bossardei (Ya m ):

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