Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GLOCAL EVENTS , . Larry Bnm.1O (Kaw); 4. joe Stru ttma nn (Vam); 5. Mike e FUIT (ATK). • 40+ NOV: 1. Km AKh (Ya m); 2. Ken ZcUitti (A TK); 3. Ideo Wilken ; t . Ed Hooper (Ya m ); 5. Tony Freeman (H on). 45+: I. Glen Web b Jr . (KTM ); 2. AI f olTbes(Yam). 50-+ SR: 1. joe Pnmer (XTM ); 2. Lee Raliclti ( XTM ); .3 . IklbM G (Kaw); 3. Jim u tell il"l" (KT M). VINT : I. O ;I...e Dow dy (Hu n). JR : I. j .alKlO l .OUllb ( ): 2. Mikr Liechti (SUi ); 3. DOI\·id WIHong ( H o n ). BEG: 1. a l ri ~ Beeler (Ya m): 2. J oh n Ho pk im (Ho n); 3. jamt'S EIK'n (Suz); ... Don Allen (Vam); 5. David ~aestres . (Ya m ). Chase tops LACR Motocross By Tony Alessi and Kim Scott PAL\lDAU, CA, SEPT. 7 David Chase scored the overall victory in th e 125cc Novi ce class after firsl mo to wi n ner J ason Reed and runner-u p Tony Ferragamo bo th cras hed in th e seco nd moio d uring th e CR C Friday Ni ght Series a ' Los Ang eles Co unty Raceway. To ny Ferra gamo hol eshot the first 125cc Novice mot o but Jason Reed wasted no time trackin g down Ferragamo and passing for the load. Reed even tua lly pulled away for the win with Ferragamo second followed by Cory Austin, Chase and G arey Ca rlson. Ferra gam o pulled th e hol eshot agai n in th e second mota. First m or o winner Jason Reed cras hed in th e first turn a nd Fer ra garno opened up a three-second adva ntage over Chase, Eri c Was noa and Au st in . At th e halfway point, bo th Ferra gamo an d Austin crashed leavin g Chase in th e lead , foll owed by Aar on Wasnea. Chase wen t o n to win while Wa snea held o ff a la st-la p cha rge b y Ferragamo. . Dar en Hoeft, Dustin Evans and Tony Sulek ba ttled in the Pro class . Sulek emerged the win ner after heavy dici ng wit h first mot o winner Hoe ft and hard charging Dustin Evans in m o to n umb er two . Ro n Hupfield and Dean Jen n ings went at it all n ight in th e Vet No vice class with H upfield winnin g th e firs t molO and Jennings co ming back to win the second mot a . T o m Errsdo rf rod e to a pa ir of thi rd place fini shes 10 finis h third o vera ll beh ind H upfield a nd Je n nings. Rosul ts MO BEG: J. J oe H icks j r. (Kaw); 2. Bobby Killian (KT M): 3. Ik- Bejarano (Kaw): 4. Kenneth Rffd (Kaw); 5. Stt'Vt' ..n n Carm en ( 80 NOY : 1. Scot t Reed (Kaw): 2. j erem.,. ). 80 INT: I./ason Reed (SUl ). 125 BEG : . Scot:t Wil son (H on); 2. Sick Petrali a (Suz); 3. J osh Stn-en s (Hon ); 'I. justin L.eeds (Ha n): 5. Anth on y BeJar mo (Kaw). 125 NOV ~ I . Da vid OIase (Kaw): 2. T o n.,.f enag" mo (H on ): d 3. Jason Reord (Suz ); 4. CatTY Car bon (K.;;aw); 5. Aaro n Wa~nra (Kaw l. 125l!Ioo7 : l. ].ason Simm on s (Kaw); 2. David Gu il\i1n (SUl); 3. Ton)' Qualfs (K.:Iw). 125 PRO: I. Du!iofin Evan s (Sw); 2. Troy WrhY"( uz); , . S Mike Dunlap (H on). 250 BEG: 1. Mickey Davis (Hon ); 2. Mikr G iguere (Ya m ); , . Cun Gi deon (H on); 4. NOitha n Evan, (Va mr. 5. David Marti nez (Ya m). 250 NO V: I. joe H.~man (SUI): 2. David Barlow (Raw l; 3. Ja nod j MObsmeyrr (Ya m}; 4. Mike Gi lmo~ (Kaw); 5. Bill Paul (Yam ). 250 tNT: I. Edd ie David (Hon); 2. j oel Tor.n ky (K.oiw ); 3. Will Dickson (Ya m ); 4. Rogn Hm slry (SUl ). 250 PRO : I. Ton.,.Su lek (YOIm) . 500 REG: 1. j ril Pau ldi ne ( Hon); 2. Rich.ilr Maninn d (YOI m ). 500. S OY: 1. Mar k.Stratt on (Hon); 2. Krnn y s.. f(om (H on). 500 Il'oT: I. Mike Blai r (Hon ). . ' 500 PRO : 1. T im W insl ow (Ho n ). j R VET BEG : I. j ohn Rot:"' (Vam ); 2. Slun (Va m ); 4. Brian r...s.. idy (Ya m ). .. . OPES EX: 1. Loren Rjn, kma n (VOIm ); 2. Ski p Ch fl\ty ..A « Va m ),3. jim Kn!>In- (Yam ): 4. M.nk Ard!itoo (C ): 5. Ni~1 Ca lt' (H. D). Sims sails at Labor Day 100 By Michael Ross ARIPINE, AZ, SEPT, 2 Terry Sim s stun ned th o Am eri can Desert Racin g Association Su nday wit h hi s sizzli ng overa ll win at th e 13th Annual La bo r Day 100. Clocking an incredibl<52.11 mph a vera ge for 93 mil es. Sims pos ted the fastest rac< ti me recorded in four yoars of ADRA raci ng. Fo llow in g Sims home in seco nd pl ace was Garth Sweetl and. Although highly critical of the wide open course a nd almos t co nti n uous top speed, Sweetland posted the quickest la p of th o race at 52.82 mph. Losing by a scant 49 · seconds, Sw oetl and ca lled th o co urse ridiculous. " Nex t ti me I'll bri ng a street bi ke," joked Sweetl and "This cours< was too fast. Sarnobody's go ing to ge t h ur L Wo'ro ru n ning faster th an a t Baja. I never let off the wh ol e last lap .but Sims just wa lked all ovor mo o n tho straighL" T hird overall . seven mi nutes and n in e seconds behind Swee tland. came serlOS poin ts loader Jeff Darl and Darl and crashed on the fir st lap and tore th e brak e pedal off his borrowed biko. Jeff manal':ed to find ano ther one during h is pit stop. "At tho 2O-m ile mark f just passed numbe r 12 (Sims) th en sli d out in a right-ha nder ," reported Darland after the race. "It ripped off the roar brake but Lee Avalos gave me the part I needed an d pum ped th o bra ke back u p. " Dar la nd also th anked Bob Ru ssell for th e us< of his bi ke an d sponsors Su nnyslope Honda and Maxi m Po wor. Ken Kozlik di ced bri dl y with Darl and d uring the second la p and managed to fin ish fourth overall, 47.77 mph ahoad of Craig Connor. Connor, 17, cras hed o ut on the firs t lap bu t ma naged to remo unt a nd fini sh th e race. Rosults Ledbetter leaves 'em atCarlsbad ST By Greg Booth CARLSB CA. SEPT. I AD, Mar k Ledb etter , ridi n g an im ma cu la tely pr opared Kawasaki . took to p honors in ,h e combined Amateur/ Expert 250cc mai n a t ,h e Carlsbad Short Track. Joey Win slOn got th e hol esho' and was O PEN EX: 1. Terry Si ms (Hon); 2. Gart h Swmla nd (ATK ); 3. Jeff DOirlan d (Hon); 'I. Ken Kozlik (Kaw); 5. Cra ig ('oo nor . (KT M ). O PE N AM: 1. John Haggard (Hon); 2. Sha wn Schmi tz (H on ); 3. Tim 8t'rKslro m (H a n); 4. Grorge Ha nsock (Yam); 5. Brian Sinc lair (H on). 200 AM: I. Bob Hmdr-no n (Hon): 2. john OIristia ruen . (H on ); 3. Mike H illenb rand (Raw). 28+ EX: I. Bob Bittn n- (KTM). 38+ EX: 1. Rob Beggs (KTM); 2. Dton Ongley: , . Mike Harris (H on). 30+ AM: I. Sct'Vt' WeinMein (Ha n); 2. MMty Miha y (Kaw). ~ NOV: I. Slep hm Gorualn (Ya m ); 2. Dan Bnlyn (H on); Rutshow parties at Spring Creek Motocross By Rolfe Otterness MIll.VILU , MN, SEPT. 2 Crai g Rutsh ow celebra ted his 36,h birt hd ay by ta king th e overall win in the Vetera n A class at 'h~ Spring. Creek MX trac k. T his was the first w in m qu ne some u rne fo r RULSChow and he topped Aldo Cirelli 's 1-2 score with a last la p pass in tho s~nd mo ,~ for a 2J victory. O ther notable rid es turned m a mo ng th e 367 entries were Mickey Mickelso n 's win in the Open A cla ss, Rob Engstrom in th e 125cc A clas s a nd Lance Cunni ngham in the Min i Pee Wees. Mike Atkinson co nti n ued h is mastery of the Min i Sen ior class as he powered to win s in bo th rn otos, J amie Far endholz was running strong in second in th e first m or o, but J im Povolny. Jr. got by in th e sa ndwash on th e last lap. fn th e seco nd moto, th e o rde r read th e same as Atk inson took an easy win o ver Povolny and Farend ho lz, . Cory Keeney pushed into th e lead in the first 250cc A rnoto wi th Rob Engs trom and David Niemi tTailin~. Gary Bro nikowsk i moved up to battle wtt h Engstrom and they dropped Keen ey to third o n the thi rd lap: En gstro m held the load o ver Bron iko wski until th e las t lap when he cra shed in the sand a fte r an enco u n ter wit h a larped rider. Bron ikowski, Keen ey, Dan L ulo f , Niemi and Chris Hense filled the top five pos itions. The Bronikowski-En gstrom battle resum ed in th e seco nd mo to wit h Bro nik ow ski holding o n to th e lead C r th e firs t three laps. o U nfo rt u nately, tho piston i n his Suzuk i ex pired sudde n ly gi vmg Engs tro m an easy romp to the win , Keeney cru ised in for second a nd th e overa ll hon o rs with Niemi , Ben se and Luloff foll owin!( h im across the finish line. Pat Don ah o rounded the fir st turn sweepe r in fron' of tho pack of 125cc A riders and led th e first lap of the first mot o. Rob Engs tro m and T ro y Doll an sky weie' keepi ng pace wit h him and th ey both go t by Don ah o o n ,he second la p wh en he had a slig ht mish ap . . Dollansky too k over ,he load with Engs tro m a nd Brandon Backes followin g i n cl o se formation. For severa l laps Doll an sky held off Engstro m, but Engstrom preva iled a t th e nag. Backes was th ird o vor Luloff and Jeff Co lbert. Do na ho rock eted in to the lead o nce agai n in the next moto but Engs tro m passed on th e firs t lap to ta ke over command of the race. Don aho cras hed and fell woll back in the pack and Chris Bonsen too k o ver seco nd while Eric Metzger and Co lbert engaged in a battle for third. Colbert got by la te in the molO and hel d on. Dollansky camo back from a crash 10 nab fifth behind Metzger. Rosults · Mt='l"I PIW: I. Lan ce Cu nn ingha m; 2. Mikr- ~n ; 3. Ryan Bro ughton: ... Rya n MtK3w. . MI:'IrII JR : I. Shawn Wrh b ge; 2. Shd ly Kann; 3. Lan tt Cunningham; 4. Aaron Hupprrt. MI='l"I SR : 1. Mike Atk ins.on; 2. james Povolny; , . j amir farendholl: 4. Rob by Kend.all. YTH: 1. ~ ike AtkinMm; 2. Aaron Ca rlson: 3. J aMHl Knnpd ; 4. MOI:u H ills. OVER 25: I. Don Bonn icksm; 2. Alan Slrvmsm ; ,. Scot! Sieinle: 4. j eU Sorm!tm . VET C: J. Robn1 P

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