Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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NEW PRODUCTS It was Kell y Moran wh o provided the ins pira tion after tailing off in h is first heat behind Hans Ni elsen, Simon Wigg a nd Bo humil Breh l. Moran did not make a nothe r mistake, ga ting superbly a nd win ni ng his remai ning four races in brillia nt style. After th e firs t th ree heats, the V.S. team had co llec ted only two points b u t th en Ermol enko gave them the boost they need ed, beating Da ne Bo Petersen a nd Br i t Marvyn Cox to regis te r America 's first win. Kell y Moran immediately followed u p with a nothe r victory a nd the Americans were o n . their way. Disappointments in th e next two heats wh en Sh awn Moran a nd Ri ck Miller both finished last left America trailing England and Den ma rk by six points, b ut again Ermolenko came to the resc ue, wi nning a tremendous tussle with Denmark's Tommy Knud sen to snatch second place behind Wigg. Kell y Mora n 's second wi n in the ninth heat gav e th e Americans another lift a nd th ey edged closer to the leaders in th e next heat wh en Sh awn Moran added a no ther three points to th eir tally. H a mill , coming in as a reserve for Miller who cou ld not handle th e bare track, took seco nd pl ace to N ielsen a nd the V.S. went a head for th e firs t time when Ermolenko scored his second win in heat 12. They stayed in fro nt with successive wins fro m the Moran brothers and another valuable second from H amill before Ermolenko was relegated to third by Kelvi n Tatum and Nielsen in hea t 16, bu t Kell y Moran's fourth wi n of the mat ch in hea t 19 left Englan d needing to take full points fro m the fi nal ra ce to fo rce a run -off. All depended on Tatum but while he was . left at th e tapes Ni elsen and Ermolenko shot away a nd sens ibly th e Ca lifo rnian was co ntent to settle for a co mfortable seco nd place to cl inc h th e American victo ry. . The V .S. team totaled 37 points with England second with 34, Denmark third at 30, and the Czechs fourth with 19. It was the excellent tea m work which won the day for America. " We felt if we co u ld beat Sweden in th e qualifying round we could win the final ," said Ermolenko. " We tal ked constantly to each other o n the phone, worked out th e details and tactics and we were all geared up. Things began badly but we suddenly got good when we took 17 points out of a possible 18 in th e m iddle of the meeting." Ermolenko is still disappointed at missing out on th e World Individual Championships after th e AMA decision not to seed him through to the overseas ro und, bu t he said, " I thi n k I have proved a point and this has he lped to make up for that disappointment. It has been a rough year; but I'm tryi ng to make u p for lost time." H ero Kelly Moran had good reason to be delighted with his performance andAmerica's first World Championship Team Cup victory in eight years. " It's been so long since we were on the victory rostrum, I cou ldn't remem ber t h e wo rds to the Star Sp angled Banner," sai d a grin ning Moran. CI'l Results I. U.S.A. ( ~ 7 ) . Kd ly Moran (12); Sam Ermolcnko (I I); Shawn Moran (10);Billy Hamill (4); Rick Miller (O). 2. Eng land (34). Kelvin T atum (I I); 2. Simon Wigg (8); ~ . jeremy Don caster (8); Gary Havelock (5); Marvyn Cox (2). 3. Denmark (30). Han, Nielsen (13); Brian Karger (5); j ohn j orge n>en (4); T ommy .Knudsen (4); Bo Pet ersen (4). 4. Czechoslovakia (19). Zdenek Tesar (6); Bahumil Brhel (6); Roman Matousek (3); Antonin Kasper (3); Vladimir Kalina (I). ROAD RACING'S # STRESS RELIEVER 1 Mikuni's full -color, 15 x 15-inch 16month 1991 Fast Dates ca lendar is racier th an ever with seven of th e ho ttest drag bikes, road racers and sport bikes in Am erica, all acco m pa nied b y beautiful P layboy models . Calendars are available through your loca l deal er, or ca n be ordered directly by send ing $11.95 p lus $3 shi p p ing a nd handlin g to: 1991 Mikuni Ca lendar, Dep t. CN, 8910 Mi kim i Ave., North ridge, CA 9 1324. RENFROW BEATS THE HEAT (AND TIIE COMPETITION) AMA NATIONAL SUP ERBIKE CHAMPIONSIllP, Wll.LOW SPRINGS, CA Winning racers and their mechanics have enough stress to deal with. They shouldn't have to worry about the performance of their motor oil. Which is 'w hy they choose Bel-Ray lubricants. The Stress Relievers. T he Spo rts ter Rear Se t Kit fr o m Bartel s' P er fo rm an ce P r odu ct s in cludes hi ghl y-polish ed machi ne d alu mi n u m brak e a nd sh ifter levers, a nd mounting brackets designed to bolt to e x is ti n g h ol es . Th e stock m a st er cylinder is reiained a nd repositio ned higher a n d rearward for increased ground clea rance. All mounting hardware, sh ifter a nd br ak e peda l kn ob s are included in the $349.00 sugges ted list price. For more information, co n tact Bartel s' Performance Products, Dept. CN, 89 10 Wa sh in gt on Blvd ., Cu lver City, CA 90232, 213/838-3003. Cycle New-s Readers! · he first to know! T • TEAM P.V.K.IS : RAY MciNTOSH, SHAWN MciNTOSH, 5 Kawasaki's Largest Dealer Support Team!! : ~714-983-59~ ~714-983-5988 ~ ~ ~~o U. POMONA ~ 60's 1991 ..J ~ w V AL LEY KX's r - - -- In ~ - - ::I: m ~ Ask About support 1O's ~ ..... g ~i--'\~ pr.s ~~ Team r~~~ ~ \ o~ \ al :;:-' CO ..J ~ ....S .. 99\' "') 'S.1l3~ o < ~ ..J (I) ::0 ~500's ~ ~ ----, (I) 125' o - z ~250's Lockhart's Fast Glass fairing and air dam for Suzuki's GS500ES a re co nstructed of hand-laid fibergl ass a nd fini sh ed with co lor-match ed paint. The fairing is designed with a wide area to deflect wind and th e lar ge ai r da m covers th e engine to th e base .o r the cyli nders. T he fai ring sells for $ 199.95 a nd the a ir dam goes for $ 169.95. For more informaton co ntact L ockh art-Phillips, Dept. G ~ , 991 Calle Nego cio , San Cl em ente, CA 92672, 714/ 498-9090. eN c.. stock!! ~ 80's --."",w ~ P KA W A SAK I Discountl ~ ,.. m ; < ::0 .... ~ ,.. All revved up. 1170 W. Holt Blvd .. Ontario, CA 91762 Z ~ ~ AlliS 'l l 3 H 0 .1I W 3m~31::1 '.1H03I::1Sl" AW31::13r

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