Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 10 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Californian Shawn Moran (3) led the U.S. team to its (irst World T eam Cup Speedway Championship since 1982. The U.S. team beat runner-up England by just threepoints. " Sudden " Sam Ermolenko is congratulated by his fellow American teammates after clinching the World Team Cup Championship in the final race. The winning U.S. squad: (top row, left to right) Billy Hammill, manager' J ohn Scott, Rick Mill er, Shawn Moran, «(ront row ) Sam Ermolenko and Kelly Moran . Am eric an Kell y Moran leads Czechoslovakian lcenek Tesar and Dane T o mmy Kn udsen in one of the many tightly knit heat races. . • • . I U.S. team wins World Cha p n ip in Czecho mio sh By John Hipkiss PARDUBICE, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, SEPT. 16 merica is back on top of the speedway world (or the firs t time since 1982 when Bruce Penhall led the U.S. team to victory in th e World T eam Cup final . They made ligh t of th e ultra-slick conditio ns in Pa rdubice to stor m to victor y, beating the En gli sh team by three points wit h Denmark a further (our points beh ind. It was a magnificent triumph (or A 30 Kelly Moran and his bro ther Shawn, Sam Ermolenko, Billy Hamill and Ri ck Miller, who had to battle through the qualifying rounds to get to the final. England, Denmark and host nation Czechoslovaki a were gua ranteed the ir places, but the Americans ha d to get there the hard way, overco min g a strong challenge (rom Sweden in the semi-final.

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