Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 09 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ LOCAL EVENTS ~ .D 8 Cl,) ..... 0.. Cl,) CJ) chad Kimbrell (51) and James Hardy (55) lead the start of the first 125cc B class moto at South Carolina's Low Country MX. Troy Louge (53) was the overall winner. Winner Mike Varnes (26A ) leads runner-up Eric Sassaman (6) in Open Expert action hom Pennsylvania's Pine Grove. The duo reversed the order in the 250cc class. Varnes th e Open final , a n d each rider fini sh ing second to the other; a nd the other consta n t was the threat oC rain. While pr eviou s races had the th reat ening presence of rai n, th is o ne saw heavy sho wers as late as 10:00 a .rn., casting doubts as to whether the race wou ld be run. But abou t 10:30, club mem bers sta rted tn drag a nd cinder the tra ck, ma king it raceable, However, it sta rted to rain agai n, and as the rain pic ked up , it was decided to call the quad main a nd pa y the remaining classes by thei r heat-race p lacin g. Sassam an 's win was 3 double win of SOrts . as a two-rider tangle a t the end of the second lap brou ght o ut the red nag and a sing le-file resta r t. On the rwo-Iap sprint, he again g ra bbed the lead from Va rnes and J oe Broml ey, with Robert Mill er and Ken Yod er · close beh ind. Wh ile Varnes stayed close behi nd, he cou ldn 't q uite get arou nd Sassama n for the lead. Varnes was the leader of the Open class as th ey head ed for th e infield turn closel y foll owed by Sassama n, Joe Bromley and Tom Maj eski. Majeski took third on the second lap. . Whil e Varnes led the distan ce, Sassa ma n was righ t on h is tail waiting Cor an ope n ing , with Majeski just a few more lengths back. T he Amat eurs again had some very close raci ng with the Wins eu cousins again balding for the 85cc Expert win tha t Todd took after four hard-fou ght laps with cousin Ricky right on h is tail. Results 55: I. Benjami n Milk!' (Yam); %. Jacob Jo hnwn (Yilm); 5. Scon Morrison (Yitm); ... Billy Std lwtoll (Yilm); 5. DiI ~ McFarla nd (Yam). 65: I. John Wirurn ( Ka w) : 2. Brody Mill" (Yam ). 85 EX: l. Todd Win sru (Ho n): 2. Ricky Winsru (Sw) . M AM : I. T om Skt1hway (Yam); 2. John WinW't1 (Yam); 5. Clad Hackman (SUI'; 4. Dillon Cava (Yam). 200 AM: I. Ktvi n Mill" (CaK); 2. DlUck Bln&inf': (M·V); 5. Roy Milia (KT M); 4. Milt' Hack" (Hon ); 5. Nick Ament (SUI). SR: I. JOf" Htbn- lin J; (Yam); 2. Mark Burkholckr (Yam): 5. Ja mit Pu jol (Hon) ; 1. J im SUIl" (Yilm); S. Slrw Druml..,. (SUI). • SlS R: I. Omnn. Mil le (Yam); 2. Lukt Ztchman (Yilm); 5, Fran k ~k (Yam); 1. Glm MilitT ( c..r~ %!lO AM: 1. Km Hackman (Yam ); 2. t.hlt r lbckrr (Hon); 5. OmnLi Aun~ (Yam ); 4. Kt-vin Mill" (M.V); 5. T odd Win'ftt ( Ma:i). 250 EX: I. Eric Sauaman (Yam); 2. Mikr Vilrnn (Yilm); 5. Jot Bmmlfoy (Sw); 4. Robm MilkT (Y~ m); 5. Rm Yodn (Yam). OPE..N A ~ : I . Phil Liburt ( Y~m); 2. Rick Hawk (Yam): 5. Bo.iik (Yam); 'I . Paul Shormam (Yam ): 5. pnry Phi lip. ( Hon). O PEN EX : I. Mikr Varon (Yam); 2. Eric Sow .un.m (Han ): 5. Tom Ptbjnk i (H· D): 'I. Jor Brom ky (SUI); 5. Ibvr La.niak ( R llt). Sisemore sweeps CaI.Expo Spdwy By Bill Spencer Turner terrific at Second Creek RR By David Lucas 36 DENVER, CO, AUG. 5 The big-bor e bikes showed thei r stuff at the Motorcycle Roadracing Association's (MRA ) . seventh race of the year held a t the I. 75·mile Second Creek Raceway, Dan Turner, pa st MRA class Champion, ha s been on e of the riders to beat in the Open bike classes and th is weekend was no exception. However, Gu y Clasen proved that Turner is not invincibl e. wh ile GeoFf Cesmat ma intain s control over -e the points pos ition in the 750cc classes. The Race of the Rockies-GTO evem lin ed .up with Cesmat's Cycles of Boulder/ AGV/ Valvoline Suzu ki on the pole, joi ned by the YMS-sponsored GSXRI IOO of Turner and the 1100 Suzuki of Clasen backed by Alpine Suzu ki and Avon tires. Greg Curtis completed the quartet on his Cycles of Boulder/Motor cycle Tune Kawasaki 'D{7, By th e end of the first lap Turner was drafting Clasen down the front straight, a ttem pti ng to set up for an inside brakin g li ne into tum one. Cesmat and Curtis were lead inl: a hard-charging Rich Stark on his Suzuki GSXR7500 . Turner struggled with Clasen for a number of laps befor e pulling awa y. The Cesma t/Curtis duel was settled as ~smal ~ a faster pa cr, but not enough to attack the two ahead The Open Superbike race was another ClaseniCesmat challenge. At the nag, Clasen burst through the first row to get the best line into tum on e. Cla sen evemually managed to establish his grasp on the lead after a see-saw battle with Cesmat. Steadily improving Phillip Noyes who raced with Greg Curtis, and Noyes n ipped Curtis at the finish. The Open 5upersport race was a Suzuki contingency class, and Turner led from corner one. Clasen, settled in to a pace sufficiem to maintain second ahead of a harassing Pete Homan. Homan had found the way to keep his Suzuki close to Clasen for a solid third. Aaron Merriman won another 450cc Super· bike round and has all but clinched the cJass championship for the season aboard h is Yamaha FZR400. The Formula Colorado cla ss saw Don Hough lift the from wheel of h is road race-converted Yamaha YZ490 MZer. Hough won with an unassailable lead Results ROR-GTU: I. Jon TnT)' (Yam ): 2. Don Hough (Y.a ); m 3. Kurt Dim ick (Yam ); 4. Mark & M llingn (Hon); 5. John Hjdm (Suz). ROR ·GTO: 1. Dan T um " (Sw) ; 2. Guy O um (Sw ); S. Croff Cnmal (Sw ); 4. G rt'I Curti. ( ~ w); S. Rich Stark (Suz). 4SOS/ BX: I. Aaron Merr iman (Yilm); 2. J ilYJm lnt (Yam); S. Milrk Ericbon (Yilm); 4. Rod Bruskr (Yilm). 600 SIB K: I. Jon TnT}' (Yilm): 2. Mark Schdlingn (Hon); S. John Hj dm (Stu); 4. Clip Killi nm (Yilm). 1so S/BK.; I. Jon Tttr}' (Yilm): %. Grt'I Curti. ( ~ w); S. Briil n Fbnil gm (Sw); 4. Mikr Sumr.1t(Sw); S. JimForington (Sw). O PEN S/ BI.: I. Guy aum (Suz); 2. Ct=oIf Cnmac (Sw); S. Ph il noyn (Sw); 4. G~ Cuni. (Kiiw); 5. Pnr HOIIWl (Swl. • 600 Sl SPRT : I. I..un Dimick (Yam ); %. Robrrt O'De ll (Yam); S. Tmy Harniih (Kiiw); 4. Clip l..iIIinm (Yam); S. Brmc Mille (Yam). 750 Sl SPRT : I. GMf I Cnmat (Yam); %. Rich Stark (Sw); 5. Tnry Ibmiih (lU w); 4. Briiln Fbnagan (Sw); 5. Guy (Sw). ~ OPEN Sl SP RT : I. Dan T urnn (SUI); 2. Guy Cht.rn (Sw); 5. Pt1r Homan (Suz); 4. Phi l Noyn (Sw) : 5. Om nk Burkr (Sw ). F-COLO: I. Don Hough (Yam); 2. Ib ~ DrwTcaux (Hon); 5. J im Forington (Yam); 4. JilY Jm lm (Yam); 5. Mark Eridwn (Yam). AM-GTU: I. Da~ TnT)' (Yam); 2. Yc:.ukt Ha.voxawa (Yam); " John Brldock (Ha n); 1. John Wrist (Yam); 5. M.ark EricUon. AM-CTO : l. Bobek (K.a w): 2. Riehoard Kimbiill (Sw): 5. 8rmt Milln (Yam): 4. Doug Lyw (Sw ): 5. Hugh MilChdl (SUI ). NOV-GTU: I. John Bddock (Hon): 2. Wn Hjdm (Ha n); 5. SCUll Evam (Yam); 4. Itmnt1h Downi ng (Hon) ; 5. Todd • AIt'X itndtr (Yam). NOV-GTO: I. Briid Bobek ( 2. Doug Lylt (Sw ); 5. Rand y Mill" (Sw); 4. Jdl Willia m. (Suz): 5. Boo McXirman (Sw) . Varnes, Sassaman split Pine Grove Scrambles wins By Len Breech PINE GROVE, PA, AUG. 5 A few things remained constant as the Flying Dutchman M.C. hosted their final TT Scrambles of the season at Pin e Grove: Eric Sassaman and Mike Varnes traded wins with Sassaman 13king the 250cc Expert class and SACRAMENTO, CA, AUG. 10 J im Sisemo re rod e off with the Coca -Cola Champion ships by winning a ll five events he en tered in the AMA-san ctioned Speedway final s for northern California riders at the Cal Expo Fairgrounds. The Arai helm et/Quaker State-sponsored rider ran off John Houston, jr. in th e second event, then took charge to defeat defending cham p, Rocky Robinson in event eig h t and clinched the title when he downed veteran Paul Orlandi in event 17. Robinson sta r ted out the even in g b y an no uncing his retirement at the end of the season , then won the opening event over RMT Landscaping's Joe Leduc and Mike Kain. Sisemore made no bones about his desir e to sew up thi s championship with a big win in even t two that saw Houston drop out, still showing signs of a bad get-off the previous week. Brian Pecore went to the front of the third event, winning over Ron Clevenger and Mark Day while Paul Orlandi trounced Mark Sqadrito and Marc Prince in the final first round compe ti tion. Pecore kept his win record intact by win ni ng even t six with Squadrito and Gary Rossi. while Orlandi beat Kain and Sisemo re sho wed his stuff to Robinson in second· round act ion. Robinson tried the outside for a lap, but couldn't hold the comers for his first and on ly defea. of the ni ghL J oe Leduc got his first and only win in race nine while Darrell Busby took the win in event 10 by holding off Orlandi for the distance. Orlandi tried the rim ride, but came up just a tad short. Both Sisemore and Robinson remained on ll3ck while Pecore wenl down when Robinson won over Printt. Event 16 p itted Robinson and Orlandi. Robinson gated well. leaving Orlandi only the outside, Robinson held a great point position while Orlandi continued the attack, but came up inches shorL With Orlandi down two points. it was event 17 that pitted Sisemore and Orlandi with Pecore and LedUc. Sisemore had the middleinside lane and shot the line well enough to keep Orlandi on the wide side again, but Orlandi tried the rim ride once again a nd looked very good But Sisemore was best and with the win came the championship with Robinson winning the final event for second over Orlandi in a great display of racing. Results COCA-COLA INVITAnONAL POINT STANDINGS, I. Jim S~ (I S pu); 2. Rocky Jlobimon (1'1); S. Paul Orla ndi (12); 1. m E ) Danrll Bwby/Jor LrduclMikt KOlin (10). SU P PO RT : I. Su nr ~ 2. Dan Smi t.h: 5. Kenn SjOW'a nd. a..ASS A Ft NAL ST ANDIN CS: I. Joh n HOWolOn Jr . (2369 pIS ); 2./im S i~ (2147); 5. Bob Hieb (1946); 4. Darrel l Bu!.b y ( SII ); 5. Jeu 0cI'nII (1274 ). Mundell mauls Low Country MX By Gary Crider sc. JULY 28 HARDEEVIllE, Ralph Mundell came back from sp ills to win both 250cc B motos at Lo w Co untry MX. The nig htti me mot ocross event mark ed the ha llway point in the Southeas tern Rid ers Assnciatio n 's six-race championshi p series, and racing was close in nearl y every class. Car lto n Pad gett holeshot the openi ng moro foll owed closely by fell ow Kawasaki p ilot Mundell. In tum five, however, Mundell slid down , lea ving Padgett ou t fro n t a lo ne. Mundell quickl y remounted and eventually look over the point positi on to win over Dave Stafford. Padgett was set back to an eigh th place finish after a crash. Moto two saw Padgett lead the way again over Mundell in the opening laps. The pair fought wheel -to-wheel until they collided and stall ed in a tight tum, opening the door for Stafford to take the lead. Luke's Kawasak ibacked Mundell was unstoppable and charged lO the Iront to win with a perfect score over Stafford's 2·2 and Gen e Wilcy 's 5-4 mot o fini shes. Padgett had to settle for an 8-3 tally and fifth overa ll. J enk s' Racing's Jam es Hardy ran away with the openin g 125cc B moto and was leading moto two wh en hi s bike' s front tire went fla t. Aiken Mot orcycle Sales-backed Troy Lou ge took over to win the moto and the overall. Alan Matthews' 4·2 score was good for second overall oyer Hardy's 1-5. Robbie Glov er charged through the pac k aboard his new KTM towin the opening 125cc Novice mot o over Duan e Flin chum. Flin ch um held onto the lead in moto two an d clinched the top honors over Glover. The 250cc Novice con test went down to the wire as Bobb y Davis held off David Newtoo in a . second moto, las t lap, winner-take-al l . sit uation. G reg Donn go t by runner-up Anthon y Hensley in both 125cc C mot os to win with a perfect score. Billy Hugh es did Iikewide in 250ccC action. movmg up both times to fin ish 1·1. Results 60: I. Joruuhoan Rhodn ( ~ w); 2. 010Kl Will iam !. (Xo.w); ! . Jimm y And ers (Xo.w). 80: 1. Micharl Music (Yam); 2. Shoawn Screen (KTM ): 5. Richa rd Hien (H en). 125 NOV: I. Dwm r Flinchum (Hon); 2. Robb ir G lovn (KTM ); 5. Wo ky Futch (KTM ). 250 NOV: I. Bobby Davi. (Hon) ; 2. Ibnd Newt on (Yam); 5. Kirk Birud (SUI). 125 C: I. Crq Donn (SUI); 2. Anthony Hrm, lry (Yam ); 5. Don Cit teh (Hon) . • 250 C: I. Billy Hug''"' (Yitm); 2. T im J am ison (KTM) ; 5. Paul McColliltC7 (Hon ). 125 B: I. T roy Lcuge (Xaw); 2. Alan M4Ilthrw. (Hon) : ! . Jamrs H;udy (KTM ). 250 B: l. Ralph Munlkll (Xaw); 2. Oavr Stafford (H on ); S. em. Wi..,. (5w ). 25+: I. Rich Van Bond (Hon) ; 2. Ron Dobbs (Yam): 5 Eddit Stttit (Kiiw). 50+: J. IT.avid Stafford (Hon); 2. Bill L.auwr (Ha n); 5. Stn-t SI~t1i (H on). Haydens on top at Marion ST By Kathy Goodwin MARION, KY, AUG. 2 Jenny Hayden rode a tight imide line to hold off Beau Braswell to take the 65cc main event win a t the Marion Fair Short Track. Close behind Braswell was Jason Goodwin while R~ Hayden, smallest of the Hayden riders. fimshed in fourth and Brandon Rose took fifth . Nicky Hayden came out on top to take the 80cc wm awa y from sister Jenny. A strong ride was put 10 for third by Braswell, who held off Goodwin. Taking fifth was Joshua Knott followed by Brandon Rose. T ommy Hayden was victorious in the SO200cc class over Nicky Hayden and Aaron Ladd Tommy Hayden returned to take the 250cc class win, holding off tight pressure from Denne Williams. Jeff Jones followed for third and Charlie Marsh took fourth. Tommy Hayden had an unexpected sur· prise in the Open class when on lap six all track lighting \'Ower went out and the riders were left out 10 the dark with Hayden in the lead . When power was restored a staggered, single-line start took place with Hayden coming out with the holeshotto take the lead and win over Williams and Allen. Results so, I. R.... Haydm (Vam) . 65: I. Jmny Ibydm (; 2. Beau Bruwrll ( 5. ); Goodwtn (Xaw); 4. R~ Haydm (K.lw); 5. Brandon J~lOD R~(Yam). 85, I. Nocky Haydrn (Vam); 2. Jenny Haydm (Vam ); S. Beau Bruwrll (Kiiw); 'I . Jaaon Goodwin ( 5. Brandon ; R~ (Yam ). lJ&.200: I. Tommy Ibydm (Yam ); 2. Nicky Haydm (Yam); S. Aaron !.add ( Vam~ 250: I. Tommy Hayden (Roo); 2. Dmor Willianu (Hoo); 5. Jdf Jonts (Ya m); 4. OIarlir MMJ.h (Hon ). OPEN: I. Tommy Haydm (Hon) ; %. Dmnr Willianu C Hon); S. J immy Allm (Yam).

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