Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1990 09 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~----- ------------------------------------------------ GLOCAL EVENTS Odek irk with a co m ma ndi ng lead o ver Kitzmiller and Fai n. Lowell Moural Sr. used all hi s experience to tak e th e holeshot awa y [rom Od ekirk at the sta rt of the second moto. The two riders were foll owed by Rick Nye and Brandon Will iams. Kitzmiller gated poorly and sta rted . his charge from back of th e pack. As th e leading du o ent ered th e stadium for th e first tim e, Od ekirk used a hu ge leap over the tab le top to stea l th e lead from Mo u ral. Will iams too k a faster lin e in th e roc kers to pass N ye for third. On the second lap , Moura l disappeared from th e front of th e pa ck. The ru nni ng o rder was now Od ekirk o ut in front foll ow ed by William s, N ye and Kitzmiller. Kitzmiller qu ickl y moved pa st Ny'- a nd Will iams in th e rockers to take over seco nd place. By thi s tim e Od ekirk had a huge lead that Kitzmiller cou ldn' t overco me. At the fini sh , it was Odekirk taking th e win and th e overa ll. Kitzmiller took second, with Brandon Williams taking th ird for third overa ll. • , I Resuhs Mike Hanley (6x) grabs the holeshot during an Expert class moto at the 7th Annual Langtown MX, held in Bob Langin's backyard in Thousand Oaks, California. third with Guerrero fourth. Sorbo took the lead on the fifth lap on the front strai~ht and held on for the win, Phillipson fmished second with Chang third. In th e fin al big bik e heat race of the day , Sorbo again missed a shift at the start a nd was in third place at th e end of the first lap. Phillipson, back on his CBR600, had the lead. Sorbo passed Chang to move ul? to second pla ce o n the seco nd lap , cha llengi ng Phillipson for th e lead. Phillipson went into tum one too fast and cras hed on the fourth lap, giving Sorbo the lead and even tua l win. Results O PE N G P: 1. Ed So rbo (Yam); 2. T om Hdln' (SU1); .5 . Brt'D1 Chang (Suz): 1, Scou Kiuingn (Suz); 5. J a y J am " (Han) , 750 51ST: l. Eric Phillipson (Ha n); 2. T om Helltt (Suz); 3. Emory Wood (Han); 4. David G uerre ro (Yam): 5. Scou Killinger (Suz). 600 51ST: l. Er ic Phillipwn (H on); 2. Emory wocxt (Hon); 3. Ramuli Van cil (Suz); 4. Jay Ja~ (Han); 5. Derek RlWt'1I (Ya m) . 600 PROD: 1. Eri c Phillipson (Han). 450 51ST: 1. Bob Bohn (Yam); 2. Miuuno ri Mor imOlo (Yam ); 3. Car lo Co ffma n (Sw). NOV : I. Da mon J en nin g1 (Han). ENDUR: I. Team Haw aii Too; 2. Team Co ne.To- Maui: !S. Team Rat Pa trol. Davis slips to L.A.C.R. Night Motocross win By Tony Alessi and Kim Scott PALMDALE, CA, A j UG. J osh Davis overca me a slipping cl u tch and terrible star ts to eme rge the 125cc Be!(in ner winner durin g th e Ca li fornia Racin g Club's (CR C) Fr iday Nig ht point cha se at Los An!(eles Co unty Raceway. Suzuki· mo unted Brent G reer gra bbed th e lead of the first I25cc Beginner mo to wit h Eric Gunther an d N ick Petral ia in tow. Wh ile Greer began p utti ng tim e o n th e field, Josh Davis was wo rking up from a bad star t due to a badl y slipp ing clu tch . At the halfw ay point Davis had ca ug ht th e leader s a nd s uccess l u lly p a ssed both P etra li a a n d Gunther. Once int o second . Davis rode fast and furio us to calc h G reer up E ront. bUI Greer took adva ntage of an o pen track and eSI.~b Iished a n in surmou nta ble lead. Ji m Buntin was o n th e move as well , cha rg ing (rom well ou t of the top 10 [ 0 zap Gunther lor lourth at the finish . Gu nt her hol esh o l the second mo ta with Davis sweepi ng arou nd Josh Stevens , Bun tin and Petralia in th e first tu rn. Gunther gave it his all and co nti nued lap afte r lap to hold 011 th e cha rges of Davis. First· molO win ner G reer was invo lved in a battle lor sixth most of th e mo to wit h Yam ah a rider Matt Clem ins. Gunther man aged to hang o n for the win wh ile Buntin moved by Stevens and sq uirted by Davis o n th e fin al lap. G reer linally go t by Clem ins and was ab le to pass Stevens o n th e fina l lap for fifth. Dav is ma naged the overa ll win, based on his lower po int score. G unther, Buntin an d Gree r all tied with six poi n ts, whh G u nther lak ing th e ru n ner~ u p spo t with hi s seco nd molo win. The Vet Intermediate class provided good raicng th roughout th e ni ght wi th Mark Matteson taki ng th e overa ll win with a pa ir of seconds. Clill Warren handily won th e first mo to wi th Lenn y Baker foll OWing. Baker looked li ke a sure winner in th e second mo to, but cras hed and pa ssed the lead over to Mauleson who held o n to win. Firstmoto winner Warren gat ed poorl y and event ua lly worked up to third. The top-three riders all tied with four points with Mattl eson com ing o ut th e winner. Results 34 80 BEC : l. Sng Muril lo ( Ka w); 2. Clad Cook (Ka w) ; 5. Camnon Da vid~ (Suz); 4. Joe Hicb Jr . (Raw); 5. Ja mn Swang k r (Yam). 80 NO V: 1. J im Sa mara (SUI ): 2. Mi kt w eed (Ka w); 3. ] (,ferny Blaha (S Ul ). 80 INT: 1. Ja y 111(')', (SUI). 125 BEG D-I : I. Jm.h Davis (Kaw ); 2. Er ic C unlhrr (Yam); 3. Jim Buntin (SUI); ... Bren t Greer (Suz); 5. Nick Pe tralia . (Sw ). 125 BEG 0-2: L Catty Ca rlson (Xa w ); 2. Kti th Kau (Suz l: 5. Br~l H ein selman (Ka w) ; 4. Sieve Stancer (Yam) ; 5. T om Md ..aughlin (H a n). 123 NO V: I. Ryan Spurgin (Ho n ); 2. Rich Barton (Ha n ); 5. Ja son Fcx e (Ha n); 4. San Condo n (Hon ): 5. Tony Fenagamo (Hon) . 125 INT : I. j ason Sim mo ns (Kaw ). 125 PRO: I. Kylt 1Lwi, (Ka w) ; 2. Troy Welty (Sw); 3. Jdf Barbaco vi (Yam ). 250 BEG: 1. Mil ey Davi$ (Ho n); 2. Kun Larso n (Ha n ); • 5. Marty u ln; 'I. David Mullm (Suz); 5. Tom Ingl e. 250 NOV: I. Micha el Gil more (Kaw); 2. Frankie Sottile (Sw); 3. Rod Sprinldt (Hon); 4. Robtrt Kuzm im.ld (Yam ); S. Scot t Mumrord (Ya m ). 2SO INT: l. J oel Tok.anly (Kaw); 2. Eddie Davis (Ya m ): ~ . I\ftorlr Ha m mer (Ya m ): 4. Derrie Will is; 5. Rob OrtW (Yam ). . 250 PRO : I. Ton y Su lt k.. 500 BEG: I. Rich ard Martinel (Ya m) ; 2. Jd r Paut d ine (Ho n ): 3. J ohony Ncross (Kaw) : i . Robe rt Bla smi ch (H o n ); 5. Larry Nas rcn (Kaw) . 500 NO V: I. Richi e Sherman (Hon); 2. Mikt Boling (Kaw); , . Toby U Wl"$ (Hon). 500 INT: l. Mike Bla ir (Ho n ); 2. Mikt Doughcrty (ATK ). 500 P RO : 1. Ti m TrICo (Kaw ). rd J R VET BEC : l. Todd Langnese (Suz); 2. 8 radleyChamber~ (SUl ): , . G r~ Rou (Han ): i . Mil t Bla ir (H a n); 5. Alo n Sahar. J R VET NOV : l. Mil t Boli ng ( Ka w) ; 2. David Blomgren (AT K); 3. Dennis FOSler (H a n); 4. Randv Paulwysocki (Yam ): 5. Steve Kirk Jr . (Yam ). JR VET INT: 1. Mil e Dou~ hert y (AT K). JR VET EX: I. Ric h Tr urhinsk i (Yam ). VET BEG : I. Bryan Schri n er (; 2. j ames Miller (Ya m ) 3. Mil e Ha in es (SUl ); 4. J im Bunti n (SUl ); 5. Bob Hau sma n (H o n ). VET NOV : I. Drdn G;1I (Yam ): 2. Davt' (hInman (Ya m ) 0 3. Dan n y Reidt'T (Kaw ); -t Bill Handal (Kaw); 5. Ron Huplrk . ( Ka w) . VET INT : I. M .nk Man non (H on ); 2. unov Bak t r (Kaw ) 3. CIi' W,,,"C"n (H " n ); 4. Chris l,('ikC"r (Yam ); 5. Ku el KramC"1 .. (SUl ). VET EX: I. Jim xndtlooch (H on); 2. Todd Prl cnon (Ho n ) 3. Ken ny Parry (Kaw); -t Mike Webh (SUl ); 5. Rob H I!'aI} . (SUl ). SR BEG : I. lknnis Patterso n ( Ka w) ; 2. Larry Kirsh (Hon ) 3. D.i1 Trubc-y Sr. ( Ka w ). SR EX: I. Slcvt' Dunlap (SUl). WMN SOV: I. Ana Ml'rriu ( Kaw ); 2. Valnir f dK'"dr ( Ka w) WMN INT : I. Ko Halrhil l (Kawr, 2. (" .and y Hal<,lf")' (YOIm ) Puetz crashes, wins Blackhawk RR By Gordon Lunde SOUTH BELOIT, IL, JULY29 Rick Pu etz ended h is weekend with co nflic tin g feelings in AMAlCCS action a t Blackhaw k Farms Ra cewa y. First , the Loves Park , Ill in ois rid er won th e Solo GTU race goi ng away on Saturday . Then on Sunday, Pu etz took his Li gh tspeed Racin /:/ Bob 's .Ya maha City ' TZ 250 to an od d wm in the SlOoo Un li mited Grand Prix event . Mike Hunter go t away to a big ear ly lead , follow ed by Rick Breuer , Ma ll Sheldo n , Dave Doe and Jim Knipp. Knip p, a ho t rider from th e ear ly 1980s, was making h is retu rn to roa d racin g after a th ree· year absence. Puetz got up to fourth o n th e first la p from a poor sta rt. While Knipp and Doe faded on lap three a nd Breuer drop ped ou t. Hunter was pulling away on hi s TZ25 0, a nd look ed u nbea tab le. P u etz, h ow ever, wa s movi ng up q u ickly. Ending lap three, Puetz~ was in second after getting by Sheldon. A series 01 low 1:15 laps pu t Puetz on H un ter four la ps lat er, and an in side pas s en ter ing tu rn o ne moved him into the lead. Behind, the pos itio ns shilted with Gary Lenzm eier getting up to th ird o n his Yamaha FZR lOOO. Mike Golden jumped into fifth and Knip p re~ssed Erickson and Tesch for sixth . Abo ut mIdw ay th rough lap 10, a slight rain began and olficia ls red -flagged the event beca use o[ the many mach ines ru nni ng slicks. It was too lat e for Pu etz, throug h, for as he accelera ted o ut of tum four, the TZ went sideways, th en cau~ht traction and launched him over the right SIde. The rid er and ma ch in e tumbled togeth er but Pu etz gOl lucky and had only a minor ankle injury. Pu etz was declared the winner despite hiS cras h as scoring. due to th e red flag , went ba ck to th e last co mp lete lap in which he was the leader . The other big winner o[ th e weekend was Rick Puetz topped the Unlimited Grand Prix class at Il linois' Blackh awk Farms, novice rider Sam Salaja on his Steve's Tavern o n Bluem ound FZR600. Sa laja claimed victories in Heavyweight and Middleweight Supersport and Middleweight Superbike, and was the runner-up in the combined Expert! No vice Solo GTO event, Results U/L G P EX: 1. Rick Pu~u (Yam); 2. Michad Hunter (Yam ); Gary Lenzmeier (Ya m ); 4. Ma ltMw Sheldon (SUI ); 5. Mikt Go lde n (Yam) . UIL S/S PRT EX: 1. AI Hammer (Yam ). HlW S/S P RT EX: 1. Mauhrw Shelde n (Suz); 2. Bria n French (D ue); 3. Brad ley Frt"Y (SUI). HlW S/S P RT NO V: 1. Samuel Salaj a (Ya m) ; 2. Marc Bruhn (K.a w); 3. Dou g Car lso n {Ka w) ; 4. Mlkr Roui (S UI) ; 5. Mark Hutch eson (Hon) . MIW S/SP RT EX: 1. Mark Tt'5dI (Yam) ; 2. Marl Erickson (Ya m): !S. David Dot: (Yam ); 4. Rohn H~I (Yam); 5. Ri ck 8reun( Yam ). MIW S/S PRT NOV : I. SamuC"1 Sa laja (Ya m ); 2. Jack Kainz (Hon); 3. Russell Ah~n, (Yam) ; 4. Stephen Poh:ui (Ya m ); 5. Mark Hutch eson (Hon). 1...IW S/S P R T EX: I. TroV Storm (Yam); 2. l oh n M~n sch (Yam): 3. Jamo O liver (Yam); 4. Brian Wntp'hal (Yam ): 5. Michad Lower (Yam). LIW S/S PRT NOV: I. Sha wn Rank (Ya m ): 2. Mar k Stiles (Yam ); 3. Jo h n Popk o (Ya m); 4. Dan Miln c:T (Ya m ): 5. Bill y Fehrman (Kaw ). H IW SIBK EX: I. Ma uhew Sheldon (Suz); 2. Jamn Knip p (H o n ); 3. At H ammes (Suz). HIW S/ BK NOV: I. Marc Brohn (Kaw) ; 2. Dav id Cr~~ (SUI ); 3. Doug Ca rlson ( Ka w ): 4. Mik(' Rossi (Suz); 5. Will iam Kubitz (SUl). MIW S/B K EX: I. Ro na ld Pr lr ick (H o n ); 2. Mil(' Colde n (Yam) : !S. Rid Br~un (Ya m ) ; 4. Chris Helland (Due); 5. Steven Ra smussen (Ya m). .M IW S/BK NOV: 1. Sam uel Sa laja (Ya m ); 2. Jack Kain l (Hon); 3. Jamo H ('il man (Ho n ); 4. Ru ~1I Ah~s (Ya m ); 5. Brian Dunkd (Hon). 1...1\ \0' S/BK EX: 1. TroV Siorm (Ya m ): 2. Kevi n Ga u (Ya m) ; 3. l o h n Men sch (Yam ); 4. Mi ch~1 Lown (Ya m) ; 5. Larry Coh ee (Yam ). l/W S/BK NOV : I. Mark Sciln (Ya m ); 2. Da vid Fr«man (Kaw ); ~ . Dan Miln c:T (Ya m ); 4. SICV~ Ha uswirth (Yam ); 5. Rodn['}' Sm illi (Ya m). M / W GP EX: I. M ik~ Go ld~n (Yam) ; 2. Ronald Petri ck (Ho n); 3. David Dot: (Ya m ); 4. Rick Breu t'r (Yam ); 5. Bria n W(,slpha l (Ya m). M /W GP NOV : I. J am o HC"ilma n (Ho n ): 2. Noel KaIiD.'iki (Ya m ); 3. Slephm Po liui (Ya m ); 4. Bria n Dunktl (H o n ): 5. l ohn Krup;t (H on ). Ltw GP EX: 1. Michad H un tn (Ya m ); 2. TroV Sionn (Ya m ); 3. T imo my Sttbold ( Ra w); 4. Kevin Ga u (Ya m); 5. Micbad Lown (Yam). U\\' GP NOV : 1. M ar k Scilts (Yam ); 2. Rodney Smits (Yam ); 3. Shaw n Ra nk (Ya m ); 4. Roberl Rich (Yam); 5. Robr'rt MeiSoier (H o n ). H /W SfTW EX: l. Brian F~ch (Due); 2. Waler r Sakow ski (D ue); 3. Ch ris H dla nd (Due); 4. David KlosltTt1l3n (H -D): 5. David McPa rla nd (Kaw). H /W SITW NO V: I. Milt' Rm , i (Due ); 2. Robt'n Mei!lilr r (H o n); 3. Mauh rw McNall (Ka w); 4. D-dvid Frrnnan ( Ka w ); 5. Robert Scwus. Jr . ( ). L/W SfTW ·EX: l. Chris H dla nd (Due): 2. David McParland ( Ka w) ; 3. Dav(' Bradfor d (S o r); ... TimOlh v Sn-bold (Ka w) . UWSITW NO V: I. R~r tM ('i stn (Hon ); 2. Dav~ Gollon (Ca'S) ; 3. Chuck Heyin g (Kaw); 4. Davr Moo n (Duc): 5. Sco u &rrllella (N orr). . . U.S. TW SPRT EX: I. D-dvid Klos lerman (H ·D »; 2. M,u thr-w \Vjnn ackr-r (H . D). SPTS MN EX: I . Wa lt~r Sakowsk i (Ya m) ; 2. David McPa rla nd (Raw): 3. Chris Rnnin gt on (Yam ). SPTSMN NOV : I. David Frttma n (Kaw) ; 2. O lUck H eying ( Ka w ); 3. Scot t Ri vtn (Ho n ): 4. Stephen Lammers (Yam ): 5. Slevr Ibuswirlh (Yam ). SO LO GTO: I. Cary Ltnzm~ier (Ya m ); 2. Sa mud Sa laja (Yam ): 5. Bradl ey F~y (S uz); 4. Matm('W Shrldon (SUl); 5. Jam n Knipp (H o n). SOLO GTU: I. Rick P U~ll (Yam) ; 2. J a mN; Hei lman (H o n ); 3. Mik(' Go lden (Ya m ); 4. Robert Ddi(' (Ya m ): 5. 8rian n un kel (Hon). .s . Odekirk obliterates Cydeland MX By Michael Rich CHICO, CA, AUG. 10 Petrich Cycles-sponsored Tom Odekir k cam e away wit h a belated birthday pr esent when he took bo th mo tos 01 the Ex pert/[n termedia te class to score the o vera ll win in Friday Nigh t Motocr o ss r acing at Cycleland Speedway. When the lirst mo to ca me to th e line, th ere was some specu la tio n that Odekirk would need a head start due to his recent 30th birthda y. All doubts were put aside, however , when the ga te dropped . Mark Fain took th e hol eshot lollowed closely by Od ekirk and Darrin Kitzmiller. As th e riders approached th e rockers [or the first tim e Odekirk made his move and passed Fain [or the lead. WithIn a lap, Fai n was again under pressure from Kitzmiller. wh o al so found a line arou nd th e former lead er. At the checkered flag , it was PIW: I. Ryan Ha rris (Yam). MIN1: l. 8rian Pi errce (Sw); 2. Scott y Davis (Kaw): 3. Dustin Endirotl ( 125 NO V: 1. Michcte) Rich (Suz): 2. JO&h Gi ffin ( ~w); 3. Sha wn Maninrz (Hon). . 125 JR: I. Rob

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